My Cute Little Goth Girl Ch. 01

How does one come to explain the nature of a girl who’s only 19? Some may say she’s a little wild, she’d definitely like to know a whole lot about the world, she should always be happy. But something was long in Delair’s heart, she felt the need to explore things, but to her all the exploration was never enough. How can I explain her for you? We’ll go by looks first and move on from there. Dela (as her friends referred to her) was a somewhat slender girl who stood about, maybe 5′? She was a tiny little thing, with slightly small B cup breasts, big enough for a handful, and definitely not an eye sore, but they definitely weren’t back breaking. She had a small bulge of maybe 2 lbs of fat on her stomach, and a small, round, ample bottom. I wasn’t kidding when I said this girl was tiny. Naturally blond, a mash of blue and purple streaks to clash into it, and beautiful navy blue eyes would just about top it all off. But to describe the artwork on this girl’s body, it was the thing thatfirst caught my eye and I’ll never forget it to this day. The small white roses that decorated her wrists and the back of her neck, symmetrical crosses on each breasts, tiny black wings on her shoulder blades, and what seemed like a name tattooed across the small of her back I would later come to realize was a small set, 2 stars and a moon in the middle.

Dela was standing in the middle of the mall, a stunning sight in a small spaghetti Strap shirt and long baggy pants, with silver chains hanging from a belt loop to a D ring quite near the back of her knees. She was one of those ‘typical goth’ looking girls, and here I was, not the most handsome man in the world, standing in my black slacks and a green dress shirt, after I’d just gotten off of work at the office. I’m sure now you’re pining for a description of me aren’t you? Fine, fine you’ve worked it out of me, so here goes, I’m about 5’11 or 6′, shaggy black (naturally a brunette) hair tied back into a pony tail given my previousus years in college, I’d also fallen into that ‘typical goth’ category. Oh and I’m a little bit fit (in other words kind of skinny but enough muscle to support my demeanor), but not overwhelmingly so, with broad shoulders, and dark brown eyes. I’d gone to college for network administration, and ‘a lot of the other computer stuff us nerdy kids do’. I was getting paid pretty high dollar from the company I was working for, in a Supervisory position no less. Oh and I was only 26. I don’t know how I got that job, but without it I really probably wouldn’t be where I am today… and now I’m reminiscing let’s continue shall we?

I walked past her as her puzzle little 5’3 boyfriend was sitting in the chair across from the one she was standing behind.

“I FUCKING HATE YOU!” and the normal break up obscenities as she walked away from him towards the open path, heading towards what looked like the bookstore.

I followed her, I couldn’t help it, I wanted to meet her. I watched her, asI picked up a magazine, not bothering with which one, flipped it open and stared on. She’d snuggled herself into an empty corner table and throw her book bag on the table pulling out what could have possibly been one of the best books I’ve read in my life (unfortunately I won’t mention a title because I really don’t feel like having anyone sue the real writer of this tale… LOL! it’s a BDSM book of which I totally adore…), which I only got to after we met, but I’ll continue. She pulled on the little book tab and popped it open onto what I’m guessing was the story she was on or one that she just admired, I never asked her about it, so I’m not sure. As she was reading a blush came upon her face, and to make things a little more revealing about this naughty little girl, her left hand had completely disappeared. To my complete Surprise as I came closer to see, she had found a way to hide it in her pants enough to be masturbating right there in the store!!! Oh god, I was fucking amazing,as I watched a small lump appears and then disappear right behind the clothes. The expression on her face, that’s what finally got me, her face was gawking down at the book as she held back from moaning and completely red. She was practicing a little self humiliation and because of it, I seemed to be as well. I hid to try and gain composition as I walked back to put the magazine down, and making sure to take my time, when she was Finally ‘done’. I walked over towards her and put my hand on her shoulder. “Do you normally do that in such a public area?”

Her face went pale as she looked over shoulder, ripping her hand from her pants, which I’d had no idea she still had down there.

“I’m sorry, Sir, I’ll remove myself from the store” looking completely bummed.

“No, No, No, Dear, I don’t work here, I just wanted to catch your attention before someone who did.”

“Oh well, fucking thanks, I don’t need your god damn help though.” She said as she stood up shoving the book backinto her bag and turning on her heel, her nose stuck up as she went to walk away.

“Sit.” I commanded. She did just that and almost immediately, as my hand met her shoulder again.

“What’s this book, little one?”

“Um… um… ————–” She stuttered almost astounded that my voice was so calm, but so demanding.

“Well it sounds perfect. Would you mind if I borrowed it? I’ll give you my number, you can call it right now just to check, and I assure you you’ll get it right back.” I couldn’t believe the things that were coming out of my mouth as I’d only done the Dom thing with a few ex girlfriends, and this young strange girl was so quick to adhere to my commands.

“Um… s..sure…” she pulled it back out and I gave her my card, as she handed me the book and I walked away.

That night I’d read the beautiful stories filled within, but I can’t tell you how tight my pants were for those next 4 days. Glenda called. Her normal bullshit, I couldn’t fucking take it anymore, I hung up on her after a screaming match which lasted 15 whole minutes and then I just told her…

“No more of your stupid fucking bullshit, don’t expect me to call you ever, and don’t you ever fucking call me you stupid whore.”

Glenda was the most annoying bitch in the world. I still don’t know how that one lasted over 6 months without me sending her straight to the damned nut house. Oh and to make things worse she’d been cheating on me over the last 5, so she never wanted sex anyways. I opened the book back up after work, I couldn’t take it anymore, I was so god damned horny I pulled out my cock and started fucking myself. At least my right hand was always faithful, bi (LOL), but faithful none the less… it always did what I wanted to anyway. As I was reading this story and jerking myself off I kept putting Dela in the girls place. I kept calling her my little slut, in the back of my head. And I blew all over my god damned pressed pants. So I pulled my pants off and throw them over my shoulder into the hamper. Turning around in my computer chair I stared at my blank bed. My phone’s ring tone was going off and I started randomly humming the tune, when I realized I needed to answer that.

“Glenda I told you not to fucking call me so you assume it means call me after work so you can harass me some more?!?” I was highly pissed, I didn’t both looking at the number first.

“Um… he…hello, Conner?” It was a sweet little 19 year old voice, and I immediately recognized it, but to pretend keeps the mind playing going doesn’t it?

“I’m sorry who is this?”

“Um, well I don’t think… um you even asked m…my that day, but I’m Dela, the girl you sort of stole the book from?” She said nervously.

“Oh yea, well if you want it you can drop by my house. I don’t plan on going out the rest of the day so it’s the only chance you really have at getting it back today.” and I cited the address to her.

She pulled up in a small black Nissan Sentra. A small knock, and I had already dressed in my day clothes, which was an old black band t-shirt and some jeans,

“Come on in, I’ll be right there.”

As I walked into the room she’d just sat down on my couch, wearing a red and black velvet corset, and dressy looking skirt, it’d took her hours to look like that, what with her hair in Claudia curls and her nails freshly scenting the room, obviously just painted, make up warning light, but god it was fucking greous. She sort of smiled as she looked around. I walked over and reached my hand out.

“Conner Dayleonh Macky” I smiled as she returned,

“Delair Kiten”, still looking nervous.

I handed her the book, and expected her to leave shortly thereafter, but she sat there looking around. It wasn’t the greatest looking apartment, but it was very much in my taste. “Can I do something else for you little one?”

Her nervouss seemed a little shaken at my sudden voice in what was only aboutt 2 minutes of silence, still I stir her pretty well. “S…Sir, I was wondering… w…w…w…w…w…w…w… where you… watching me?”

I had to laugh as I walked into the kitchen and pulled down two glasses, looking back in the mirrored wall in front of me to catch a glimpse at her response to it. I poured out some water for her, and as for my drink, cola of course. I walked back into the room and handed her the glass sitting down in a chair that was near to the couch, I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.

“Darling… sweetheart, you must not know how glogeous you really are.” I told and lifted the glass to my lips taking a sip and setting it down on the table between us. “So how long have you been into the lifestyle, or are you just a fan of the books?” But the silence rang out as she stared at the floor. I repeated my question with a little more authority in my voice.

“Well… I’ve… been reading about it since I was probably… 16?” She took a sip of water and then brought it down so that her hands met as she gripped it tightly. “But I’ve barely dabbled into… true play… and I can’t say… well… I can… it complete turns me on, and I’m drawn to it like a moth to the light… I suppose you could say.”

A smile met my mouth as she was looking down into her glass now smoking from the ice melting within, I took another sip. “Stand up for me, I want you to slip that skirt off for me and show me the panties you’re wearing underneath”, and she stood, but was hesitant to move forward as she’d managed to get so far as to hook her thumbs into the long black skirts hem, before eyeing me again.

“I won’t ask twice.” I announced to her. The skirt fell to a pool at her feet. To my surprise and suddenly laughter, it was pink, this pink lacy pair of ‘boy shorts’, which seemed like some twisted fantasy she must have had matched those panties. Her face was red, but I moved forward none-the-less. Walking behind her to pull the strings of her corset until they were loose enough for it to slip right off. She pulled it up over her head and as I pressed my hand into her shoulder forcing her to her knees, I knew I’d found my little slut. I’d been dying to get into it more, and she was my release. Walking in front of her, looking down into her beautiful cleavage, her face was almost a cherry red now, a good difference from her milky white skin. Her pink underwear I admit was the most amusing part.

“Do you want me to train you?” She looked up at me and it was as though her eyes lit up. I sat down.

“We’ll see how you take to punishment first…”


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