My Life with Jasmine Pt. 03: Trading Up

My Life with Jasmine 3: Trading Up

I didn’t recognize the number, but I needed a distraction.

“Hello? This is Jasmine.”

Jasmine was the cause of my misery. I was tempted to hang up. “Yes?”

“Would you do me a really big favor?”


“Lisa loaned you to me, remember?”

I surprised. Now what? “Yes, Ma’am.”

“Ma’am?” She laughed. “So formal. Will you come over?”

All I needed was for her to complain to Lisa. “Yes, Miss Jasmine.”

“Thank you! You’re a dear. I will text my address.”

Jasmine wore the same tied shirt she wore at Lisa’s, and a pair of short shorts. Her hair was up, and her feet were bare. She hugged me, enveloping me in her warmth and perfume.

“Thank you for coming!” She hooked her arm in mine and led me to her couch. She sat, and pulled me down next to her. Then she crossed her long, tan legs and rubbed one against me. “Lisa told me that you are a terrific housekeeper.”

Great. So, in addition to Lisa’s apartment, I had to clean Jasmine’s house.

“If you’d help me out, I’d be really grateful.”

At least she was nicer than Lisa. “Yes, Miss Jasmine.”

“You are so sweet. And if you do good work, I’ll give you a reward.”

Oh, God!

I guess she saw my face, because she laughed. “No, silly, nothing mean. I’m not Lisa.”

This was dangerous territory.

You are in my home. No one, including Lisa, will ever know what happens here.”

It was like she could read my mind. “Uh-“

Her voice turned cold. “If you don’t believe me, you may leave.”

I did not want to make her mad! But what if-

“Do you really think I’m a liar?”

I decided to trust my instincts. “No, Miss Jasmine.”

Good.” She leaned over and gave me a long, slow kiss. “Will you stay?” she whispered. Her lips nearly touched my ear.

Just like last time, I was torn between desire and shame. “Y-yes, Miss Jasmine.”

She nipped my ear, sending shivers down my body. “The cleaning supplies are in the closet in the kitchen.”

When I was done, I found her working at her computer in the bedroom she had converted into her office.

“Miss Jasmine,” I said quietly.

“Yes, Dear?”

“I’ve finished.”

“So soon! Let’s have a look.” She stood, took my hand and led me on an inspection. “Very good,” she said when we were again in her living room. She sat on the couch, but when I started to sit, she indicated that I was to stand.

“You did an excellent job, so you shall have your reward.” She leaned back, and slowly, crossed her legs. She flexed her elevated foot.

I swallowed, and abused my eyes.

Jasminesmiled. “You may look.”

I stared, mesmerized, at her gently swinging foot.

“Sweetie, it’s ok. Enjoy yourself.” She arched her leg out. She pointed her toes and almost touched me. That was too much. I dropped to my knees, and Jasmine’s foot and painted toes became my world. Eventually, she crossed her legs the other way, and encouraged me to continue. “That’s enough,” she finally said. She uncrossed her legs and put her feet flat on the floor. “Sit beside me.”

I had to hunt over to hide my arousal.

Jasmine chuckled. “Relax. I know you’re excited. It’s ok.”

Yes, Miss Jasmine, H-how did you…”

“You remember the other evening at Lisa’s? Your desire for my feet was obvious.” She stood up and reached for my hand. “Now, we need to deal with something else that you desire.” She led me into her bedroom. “Would you like to undress me?”

Yes. No. I wanted to hide in shame. But, as always, my arousal betrayed me. “Yes, Miss Jasmine.”

“Then you may do anything you like!”

I untied Jasmine’s shirt and hung it in her closet. She was not wearing a bra. She had said I could do what I wanted, and what I waned was to kiss her breasts. When I lowered my mouth to a nipple, she encouraged me by stroking my head.

“I do have shorts,” she said after a bit.

But that means…

“Now, please.”

“Yes, Miss Jasmine.” I knelt and pulled her shorts down. Her thong bulged. Again, I abused my eyes.

“Sweetie,” Jasmine said gently, “Remove my thong, and look at me.”

I wanted to look. I was ashamed to look.

“I expect to be obeyed.”

She must have enjoyed my kissing; she was erect. In spite of myself, I stared. Unconsciously, I licked my lips.

Jasmine nodded. “We need to talk.” She sat on her bed, and motioned for me to sit next to her. Her erection stood up between her tighs.

“Sweetheart, you are submissive. Don’t you agree that you need a beautiful woman to control you?”

I looked down.

Answer me.”

“Y-yes, Miss Jasmine. That’s why I’m with Li- Mistress Lisa.”

“We’ll discuss Lisa in a bit. Right now, we are talking about you. Your foot fetish is typical for a submissive. It is nothing to be ashamed of. And you also have an oral fixation.”

“I don’t- what is that?”

“It means you get pleasure from putting things in your mouth. Your submission compels you to give sexual pleasure to your dominant partner. Your oral fixation associates that pleasure with your mouth.”

“I guess.”

“You guess? Do you enjoy performing cunnilingus?”


“But… it isn’t as satisfying as you wish it was, is it?”

“How did you know that?” I looked at Jasmine in surprise.

Her hand on my arm was gentle. She smiled. “I know a lot about you. Lisa made you take me into your mouth to humiliate you. But you enjoyed it. Not the humiliation. I mean sucking my cock.”


“It’s ok.”

“I am not-“

“Enjoying what you did does not make you gay.”


“Are you attracted to men?”


“Are you certain? Wouldn’t you like a dominant, strong man to take you into his arms, kiss you, then force you to your knees to serve him?” She tilted my head, and stared into my eyes.

“I do not like men!”

She smiled. “Of course, you don’t. Are you attracted to me? I have male genitalia.”

“I… No. Yes. I don’t know!” I put my head in my hands.

“Shh. I know you’re upset and confused. Let me help.”

I shook my head.

“Please?” Her voice was soft. She gently stroked my head.


“Thank you. Look at me.”


“Now, please.”

I raised my head. Her face was an inch from mine.

You are attracted to dominant femininity. I am a woman with external genitalia. Many transexual woman abhor their sex organizations, but I cherish mine.”

That… made sense.

“When you perform cunnilingus, you lick the object of your sexual desire. But I fill your mouth. You worship me! I reward your worship with my flood. You swallow to afford your submission to me. None of that makes you gay. All it means is that you are attracted to a dominant transexual woman.”

“Oh!” My confusion, shame, and guilt faded. I nearly sobbed with relief. “Thank you, Miss Jasmine! Thank you, so much.”

“You’re welcome.” She rumpled my hair, and kissed my cheek. “Now that you understand your feelings, would you like to have me in your mouth again?”

The thought filled me with desire. “Yes, I wold.”

“If you do a good job, I’ll make you scream with pleasure.”

Instantly, my fear returned. “I don’t want you to fuck my ass!”

What? Oh, Sweetie! I only said that to make Lisa happy. If we ever have anal intercourse, it will only be if you agree to it. Your ass is safe… unless you earn yourself a spanking.”

She stood and stretched. She was nude, erect, and glorious. She laughed at my admiration. She bent over me, grabbed a pillow, and tossed it on the floor in front of her. “I don’t want you distracted by your knees. Undress for me.”

“Yes, Miss Jasmine.” I keep myself in shape. There is nothing wrong with my body.

Jasmine agreed. “You are scrumptious. Now, remember, you are not doing this to give Lisa a show. Nor to arouse yourself. Your only purpose is to satisfy me. Am I understood?”

“Yes, Miss Jasmine.”

“Then get to it.”

This time I worshipped her cock with passion. Jasmine was my Goddess, and my tongue prayed for her pleasure. She dominated my mouth. I existed only to serve her. At one point she grabbed my hand and placed it on her ass. I rubbed it, then with a flash of inspiration, I slipped a finger between her buttocks.

I had been bobbing my head up and down on her erection. Now she gripped my head with strong hands, and began to piston her hips. I synchronized my finger with her thrusts, which made them deeper and faster. It was hard not to gag, but when she forced my nose against her stomach, I was ready. I massed her with my tongue while I swallowed her thick, salty emissions.

“Damn, Sweetie!” She eased herself out of my mouth, “That was great.”

“It was?”

“You really know how to suck a girl’s cock!”

Thank you, Miss Jasmine.”

She chuckled. “So… you like my she-beef?”

Yes, Miss Jasmine.”

“No more torque? No more doubts?”

“Lick me clean.”

“Lick me clean.”

I licked her semi-hard cock clean. Then I licked my lips, to make sure I had consumed every drop.

“Did I taste good?”

“Uh, not really.” Jasmine’s cum had a sharp, salty taste.

“I didn’t?” Her tone was condescending.

“I don’t care how you taste. I like swallowing what you give me.” I kissed her now limp cock. “Thank you for lettering me pleasure you.”

Jasmine laughed. “You’re welcome. Now, go wash your face and gargle. Then get back here and wash my cock.”

I obeyed. When she was clean and dry, I kissed her again.

You are sweet! Get in bed.”

I was too aroused to think about Lisa, or anything else.

Jasmine unpinned her hair, and shook it out. “On your back,” she commanded. Then she got on top of me. She pushed my legs apart, and positioned herself between them. The reality was even better than my fantasy! My erection throbbed against her. She chuckled, as her hair enveloped my face.

“Is this the position you want so bad?”

“Yes, Miss Jasmine! Thank you!” I put my arms around her.

“You’re welcome.” She kissed me. “Aren’t we a perfect match? I’m dominant. You’re submissive. I need cock worship. You enjoy it.”

Match? But I’m wit Lisa.”

With her? Really? How often do you have sex with her?” Jasmine propped herself up on an elbow and gazed at me. “How often does she get on top of you?”


“Lisa exploits you. She knows how you feel about her, but she makes you watch while she has sex. She enjoys your suffering.”


“Why do you think she refuses to let you have sexual relief? She wants you so desperate to cum you won’t think about what she is doing to you.”


“But what? When you’ve had enough of her abuse, she’ll just find someone else.”

“But, she-“

“Sweetie, it’s time for you to trade up. I won’t lie- I have my dalliances. But I won’t rub your nose in them. I will control your orgasms, but as long as you please me, I promise you’ll get to cum more often. I want you to be happy in my service.”

“Y-your service? I don’t understand.”

“I told you; you’re trading up.”

“I don’t know what that means.”

“You’re moving in with me. You will cook, clean, run my errands, and serve as my lady’s maid, just like you did for Lisa. You will also give me oral sex whenever I want, and I’m going to want a lot. In exchange, I will provide you with the domination you need. I will not neglect you. I will not put you under my bed while I screw someone else. I will give you pleenty of opportunities to worship my feet and my shoes. And when I decide you deserve an orgasm, you will scream.”

Oh, God! “That sounds wonderful. But… what about Lisa?”

“What about her?”

“How do I… break up with her?”

“Once you’re out of your apartment, she won’t be able to find you.”

“But what if she does? What if she comes here?”

“Then I will deal with her. I take care of my possessions.”


“So… would you like to belong to me?”

Now that I understand why I was attracted to Jasmine, I relished my feelings. And Everything she said was true; I wanted a woman who would control me, but not exploit me. Jasmine could be that woman. “I will serve you with all my heart.”

Wonderful! Speaking of my possessions, I owe you a scream.”

“W-what are you going to do?”

“You are about to find out.”

I thought Jasmine had kissed me before, but those kisses were like pecks on the cheek compared to what she did now. I became so hard I ached.

“Sweetie,” she said when she broke the kiss, “If you squirt, you’re going to lick it up. That’s going to turn me on, and I’ll feed you another load.”

Of course, I will swallow your load. But please don’t make me eat my own cum.”

“Oh? I’ll have to remember that.”


“It’s up to you. You’re going to spend a lot of time in intimate contact with me; I suggest you develop sexual discipline. Explode without my permission, and I promise, your mouth will be busy.”

Jasmine reached past me and grabbed something I could not see because her breasts were covering my face. Then she squirmed around until she sat on my chest, facing away from me. “You may put your hands on me, but do not cum until I say that you can.”

(Later, I learned that she had donned a pair of custom-made mass gloves. All I knew was that when she began to stroke me, I thought I was going to pass out.)

“Not withoutut permission, Sweetie,” she reminded me as her skilled fingers made me squirm.

“Oh, God! Please, Miss Jasmine!”

“Of course, not. We’re just getting started.”

Jasmine brought me to the very edge of release, but withheld her permission. She did this over and over and over. I begged. I nearly cried. Finally, as she predicted, I started screaming, “Please, Miss Jasmine! Please?”

“Now, Sweetie, we can’t have all of this noise,” she said cheerfully. “So…” suddenly she was sitting on my face. I could not see anything. My screams were muffled by her curvaceous buttocks.

That should calm you down.”

“Mmmmmph! Mmmph!”

“What? I can’t understand you.”

“Aww waa ta cmmm!”

“Did you say you want to cum?”

“Yaaa! Pweeee!

“Since you won’t speak clearly, do something useful with your tongue. If Ilike what I feelmaybe I’ll give you what you want.”

Maybe Jasmine didn’t realize it, but Lisa wanted Annilingus almost as much as cunnilingus. Jasmine was fastidious, so I got to it. She slapped my tigh. “God damn, Sweetie. Guess you really want to cum!”

“Yaaaa,” was the best I could manage.

“All right,” she laughed. “I’ll give you a countdown. Ten…. Seven… Oh! I like that. Keep doing that… Five… one…… Now!”

When I next became aware, she was cleaning me.

“Did you enjoy yourself?”

“Miss Jasmine, that was the best orgasm I’ve ever had!”

“Even with your tongue in my ass?”

“I’ll do anything for you!”

Anything?” Her voice was condescending. “Guess I’ll have to put that to the test. Let’s get you moved in!”


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