III: Home at last
[This story has contained oral, anal, vagina, Mf, Mff, ff, betrayal, revenge, retribution, D/s, bondage, a trip to Chicago and a road trip to Los Angeles. This chapter adds some exploration of other aspects of this D/s relationship. If any of these aspects will or have bothered you, you probably should be reading something else. It is not intended to be a stroke story, but please, don’t let that inhibit you. ]
Morning found me awake alone in my bed, the sun up and warming the master bedroom and the soft sounds of Janice and Carla in the kitchen. I got up and headed in their direction. When I opened the door I smelled coffee.
Janice and Carla and I were finally home after a trip to Chicago. It could have been a disaster and turned out quite differently than originally planned. Carla was, at the beginning of our trip, living in Chicago and working at the hotel where Janice, my wife, and I stayed. At the end of our stay I had become anovice Dominant and both Janice and Carla had chosen to be my subs.
We arrived back at home and after setting in just a bit I had the ladies sleep in what was now Carla’s room and I stayed in the master suite. I told them that today would be an exploration of different aspects of our newly structured relationships.
As I entered the kitchen Janice saw or heard me first. She turned from the stove top and said, “Good morning Nick. Did you sleep well?”
“Yes. Beginning today I wish to be greeted with kisses.”
Both came directly to me and kissed me hello. Neither was wearing clothes.
“Do you want the kisses from us nude or could we be dressed?” Janice asked.
“On a work day it can be clothed. Other days I prefer nudity.”
“Understood, Honey. What would you like for breakfast?”
“I would like a lightly toasted bagel, some butter, a cup of black coffee and I would like all that out by the pool, please.”
“If you go out by the pool and sit downwe will bring it to you, Honey.”
“Thank you.”
Out by the pool I sat near the table and within a couple minutes they brought my breakfast. They stood near me after putting the bagel, butter and coffee on the table.
“Would you like to join me for breakfast?”
“Yes, Nick.”
“Unless I tell you differently some morning I want you to always have breakfast with me so we can discuss the day. Get your food and come back here, please.”
They were back quickly and sat at the table with me. I noticed that Carla had brought a pad and two pens with her breakfast.
“Why the pad?”
“If you are going to discuss the day I want to take notes so I don’t forget what you tell me.”
“No notes for the tasks I give you. You will remember the tasks I give you. There will be things I will want lists of and, since you have a pad, we will begin with one of the lists. Since you know the area and where to shop, Janice I am sending you shopping. We need the house stocked with food. This week I would like salmon for dinner at least once, chicken once, Mexican food once, shrimp at least once. I don’t want a salad every night with dinner but often. Go to Trader Joes and get some lo-cal lunch salads for both of you, enough for the week. You know what veggies I like. Get some. Make sure we have diet sodas on hand, and the flavored waters I like. Get enough that you can have some too.”
“What about me?” Carla asked.
“You will be staying here and we will be exploring.”
“Yes. Exploring you. Now finish your breakfast Janice and get to your tasks. Leave the dishes here on the table. I’m sure Carla can handle them this morning.”
“Yes, Nick.”
“Oh yes. Janice, when You dress wear either a skirt or a dress. No heels over an inch and a half, no nylons, no panties, and do wear a bra.”
“Yes, Nick.”
She took her last bite and left the table. She got two steps away and I said, “Please don’t leave without offring me a kiss.”
She offered and I accepted her kiss. As she stepped away I added, “Ever.”
Janice hesitated, smiled and left. Carla was finished eating and so was I.
“Please take our breakfast into the kitchen and put the dishes in the dishwasher. Then come back here.”
She stood, gathered the dirty dishes and turned to leave. She stopped and offered me a kiss. I accepted and Then she went to the kitchen. I went into the pool house and found what I needed. I was sitting at the table again with various items on the table when Carla came back.
“Carla, I need to know things about you that I don’t know and that I don’t think you know either. So, we will explore and both learn. Do you trust me?”
“Yes Nick.”
“In my reading I have discovered that for Many the experience of pain leads to heightened experiences that are sexual. I know that your life experience of orgasmic sexual pleasure has been limited to the few days we have been together. Would you like more of that?”
“Yes… if it pleases you.”
“It pleases me. Now, things I am going to do will hurt. They will not hurt you. I need to know how much pain you can take, how sensitive your body is in certain areas. I will give you some words that will help me and protect you. If you say “yellow” at any time you are saying that the pain is too intense and I need to hesitate or slow down. If you say “Red” it is too much and I will stop. Our exploration for today will be over. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I think so. If the pain is too intense and I say yellow you will hesitate, give me time to breathe, before recovering whatever it is. If I say Red we are done and you will stop whatever we were doing for the rest of the day.”
“That is correct.”
“I get to say how much I can take.”
“And that is what I need to know. How much can you take?”
“I understand, Honey.”
Slowly I lifted my right hand to her breast and pinched her nipple. I increased the pRestoration until she whimpered. She did not pull back or use either word. I picked up a small plastic clothes pin from the table and attached it to her other nipple.
I released my finger pressure from the pin slowly and Carla drew in a breath as the pain increased. When my fingers were off the pin her eyes were closed and her breath was shallow. I released my pinch of her other nipple and attached another clothes pin to that nipple.
And she took a gasp of breath and held it as the pain increased. I waited a few seconds and said, “Good. Carla you are doing really well.”
She was standing beside the table and directly in front of me. I inserted a finger into her slit.
“Carla, you are wet. Can you feel how wet you are?”
“Yes, Honey. I am wet.”
“Please get on your knees.”
She opened her eyes and knelt in front of me. Each movement made the clothes pins move and changed the pain in her nipples. She winced a couple times on her way to the deck. I stoodand inserted my cock in her mouth.
“Carla, please get me hard so I can fuck you.”
She took my cock in and began to suck and lick it. Every movement shook the clothes pins. She did not stop. As I got harder I remembered that with my cock in her mouth it would be hard for her to say either word. I pulled out. Carla leaned forward to recapture my cock.
“Stop. Carla takes this blue ball in Your left hand. There will be times when you cannot speak. Dropping the ball will be the signal for me to stop and find out if we are at yellow or red. Understand?”
“Yes, Honey.”
She took the ball in her hand and leaned forward taking my cock back into her mouth. I watched the clock on the pool house wall. She sucked me for five minutes and I was quite hard. I said, “Stop.”
I helped her to her feet and one at a time I released the pins. That proved to momentarily increase the pain as the blood rushed back into her nipples. I kissed them and massed her breasts for a minute.
“You did very well.”
Carla watched as I took some string and two large metal washers and tied the string ends to the clothes pins with the washers resting on the string between the pins. The string was just about the length of the space between her nipples.
She watched as I lifted the pins and attached the first to her right nipple. She winced but only shut her eyes for a second. I held the washers in One hand and used the other to attach the second pin to her other nipple. Again she turned and continued to watch. I slowly lowered the washers until the string held them instead of me. The weight pulled on her nipples and she closed her eyes.
“Open your eyes Carla.”
I sat down and said, “Put my cock in your pussy and fuck me, please.”
Her eyes went wide and she hesitated for a moment. Then slowly she opened her legs and walked over my lap until she had her pussy over my cock. She used her hands to align my cock to her pussy and she lowered herself onto me. Every movement moved the washers on the string sending waves of pain into her nipples.
“Very good Carla. Now fuck me. I want to cum in your pussy. You do want me to cum in your pussy, don’t you?”
“Yes, Honey.” Her voice quivered. She rose up and lowered herself. She did it again.
“Oh yes, Carla that feels very good.”
Regain and again she lifted her body and sat back down on my shake. She stopped thinking about the pain and refocused on giving me pleasure. Her motions became smoother and she moaned instead of whimpering. I relaxed and let myself cum. As I came I said, “Cum with me Carla. Cum with me.”
Her body shuddered and she moaned a deep, low moan as her body reached a climax. I held her to me as she shuddered. When the peak passed I released the pins and she relaxed into my arms.
For a while I just held her in my lap. My cock relaxed and slipped out of her. She rested her head on my shoulder. When I sensed she was back near normal I asked, “Can you tell me about what just happened?”
“I’ll try, Honey. At first I wanted to say Red, but I didn’t want to disappoint you. When you hung those weights on the string I decided I would show you I could take it. It hurt ever so badly… and when I lowered myself onto your cock I got confused.”
“It hurt to move, but your cock felt good inside me. I wanted to have you cum inside me, and it hurt. I found I could focus on your cock and the pain just made me feel everything more intensely. When I felt you cum I exploded!”
“Would you want me to do that again some time?”
“Yes! I cannot believe it but yes! The intensity is incredible.”
“Lets go inside. I don’t want you to get sun burnt.”
Inside the house I had Carla explore all the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen. We talked about what she liked to cook and how living with two women in the same house and the same kitchen could be a problem. She told me how she and her sister had worked it out when she lived with her in Chicago. It was understood that the house and the kitchen were her sister’s and that she was just staying there, temporarily.
I let her know that she wasn’t staying here temporarily, she lived here.
“I’m happy that you feel that way and I have some questions. When we got here yesterday your friend Paul was here. You introduced me as Carla with no explanation as to who I am and why I’m here. It made me wonder how I will explain how I can live in a mansion, who you and Janice are in my life.”
“I have been wondering about those questions too. I want Janice in the conversation before any decisions are made. So let’s wait until she is home.”
“OK, Nick.”
“Has anyone ever tied you up?”
“No… Maybe when I was little a brother or a cousin might have.”
“In my reading it seems that bondage is used frequently as a reformation of power and control. Sometimes in the reading I got the feeling that it is also a part of reinforcing the gift of trust. As a part of our exploration I would like us to explore that area.”
“As you wish.”
“Come into the master suite, please.”
In the master suite I had Carla lay on her back on the bed. I went to the garage and brought back a fifty foot length of rope and a knife. I cut the rope into lengths about six feet long. I tied her arms to the posts at the head of the bed, her arms stretched out completely.
“How does that feel?”
“When you tied the first rope it was OK. When the second one pulled tight I realized I am helpless. I am no longer capable of protecting myself. I didn’t think I needed to until you tightened the second rope and took the possibility away. I feel very vulnerable.”
“I think that is what the articles talked about, that Feeling of no longer is your body yours, no longer yours to give, it is now mine by force.”
“Just being tied makes the energy different between us.”
“Please spread your legs for me.”
She did as I asked. Her eyes followed my every move. When I picked up another length of rope her eyes widened and I saw a moment of fear. When I was a boy scout they didn’t teach us the knots I needed for this. I wanted her restrained but not in such a way as to get rope burns or any other injury. I tied the rope just above her ankle, wrapping around her leg five or six wraps before securing the knot. I made sure it was snug but not too tight. When I pulled her other leg towards the opposite bottom corner I felt a little resistance. Our eyes met and I said, “Take a deep breath and relax. This is an exploration. I am here to love you and protect you, not hurt you.”
“I trust you. I feel totally helpless. No matter what happens I depend on you for my very life.”
“You are not totally helpless, yet.”
Her eyes flashed and she lifted her head to watch me even closer. I got a dark blue hand towel from the bathroom, folded it once lengthwise and drawn it over her eyes. I tucked the ends under her head.
“Carla, can you see anything?”
“Take a deep breath and relax. I’ll be back in a minute.”
I walked quietly out to the table by the pool and brought back some clothes pins. Looking at Carla when I walked back into the bedroom I could see she was tense.
I waited. Her breathing became more relaxed. Without Touching the bed I clipped one pin to her nipple. It surprised her. She yelped and then held her mouth closed. I waited. I knew she was anticipating a clip to her other nipple. I used one hand to pinch her outer pussy lip and attached a clothes pin to it. As I released my finger pressure on it she moaned.
“Are you OK?”
“I can take it, Nick.”
“Good. I’m proud of you.”
Another clothes pin attached to her other nipple. Again she took a deep breath and relaxed as she let it out. I waited.
There was one clothes pin left. It seemed like it belonged on her other pussy lip. I had another thought. I went to Janice’s chest of drawers and found her toys. I picked a vibrator and brought it to the bed. I slid it along Carla’s slit, wetting it with her juices. I pushed it into her until it was all the way in.
“Do not move your legs. I am going to until they.”
I untied them and she didn’t move at all. I pulled the vibe out far enough to turn it on and then pushed it back in. I closed her legs together, the vibe was in and was staying in. Four wraps of the rope around her thighs and four wraps around her ankles assured the vibe stayed in place and that Carla didn’t thrash around very much.
“Oh Nick, I’m vibrating. It feels like my hips are vibrating and I can feel an orgasm coming.”
“Do not cum. You cannot cum just because you want to. Do not cum.”
“My pussy wants to cum!”
“That is my pussy. It can cum when I say so. Do not cum.”
I watched and when I thought she was very, very close I pushed between her legs and shut off the vibrator.
“No! Please don’t stop! I’m so close. Please Nick, let me cum!”
I walked out of the room and stayed near by a few minutes. Carla calmed down and looked like she was about to go to sleep. I walked back to her and turned the vibe back on.
“Thank you Honey! Thank you.”
The hum filled the room with its noise. Carla shifted her hips attempting to maximize the effects of the vibrator inside her. I watched. When she was panting and moaning, about to orgasm I shut off the vibrator again.
“Oh Fuck! Nick, I’m so close! Please let me cum! I’m begging you!”
My finger touched the button and the hummmm filled the room.
“Thank you, Honey! Thank you! Oh I am so close.”
My hands lifted her feet. I climbed on the bed and when her feet were high in the air I pulled the vibrator out of her pussy and dropped it on the bed.
“Oh God! No! I need to cum!”
As quick as that I shoved my cock inside her and slammed in as quickly as possible.
“Cum now, Carla! Cum now!”
Her entire body tensed and then shuddered. She screamed my name and went limp. She passed out! I pulled out of her, untied her legs and arms, took off the clothes pins, and cuddled her until she came back.
“What did you do to me?”
“I explored you.”
“I didn’t know that I could feel things that strongly. I thought I would die.”
“You didn’t die.”
“I love you, Nick.”
“Yes, I know. I love you too. When Janice comes home I want you to help me explore her.”
“I will.”
“Good. Right now let’s shower and put our toys away.”
In the shower we played with each other’s bodies and kissed with gentleness and with password. We got out, Carla dried me and then herself. She put the ropes and clothes pins under the bed. The front door opened and Janice was back. She had taken the van and had parked in the driveway. Our home is private enough that the risk of being seen, even in the driveway, is minimal. I took Carla by the handand we walked out to the van, grabbed bags of groceries and carried them inside.
Janice was putting things away when we brought the rest into the kitchen. She looked at Carla as she put her bags on the island.
“Carla, what happened to your nipple?”
Carla looked at her chest and said, “Nick loved me.”
We both smiled. When everything was put away I asked Janice if she needed Some time to just sit or if she was ready for her adventure.
She needed to pee and change, she said. Change into nude, I instructed. Five minutes later she was back in the kitchen without her clothes.
“Do you know about safe words?” I asked.
“No.” (I had another reason to hate Mike)
“Carla can you explain safe words?”
She did, making sure that Janice Understood.
“Do you know that pain and bondage are a part of many relationships like ours?”
“No. I know Mike liked to hurt me.”
“This is different. This has the intention of enhancing your experienceence of being a sub and your experience of sex as well.”
“If you say so.”
“I am going to hurt you. I won’t hurt you. The mark you saw on Carla’s nipple was temporary. It’s gone now. The exploration we are on is to find out how you handle pain. You have safe words and if you need to use them use them.”
“Did Carla use them?”
“Neither will I.”
“This is not a contest. I want to know about how your body responds to both pain and pleasure.”
“Let’s go to the bedroom.”
They walked before me. Carla stood off to the side. I had Janice stand right in front of me.
“Carla we will be doing things in about the same order as I did with you. Will you give me the first toy I used with you, please?”
She knelt and reached under the bed. She handed me two clothes pins. I pinched Janice’s nipple and attached the first pin.
“Ow! That really hurts! Damn!”
“Janice. Take a deep breath and relax into the pain it will decreasee.”
She did take a deep breath. As she let it out she saw the other clothes pin. Her eyes went wide and she started to lift her hand.
“You don’t need your hands. Take another deep breath.”
She took a deep breath and held it, knowing the pain that was coming. She held her eyes closed. My fingers slowly released the clothes pin onto her nipple. She winced but did not speak or let her breath out.
“Breathe Sweetheart. Breathe.”
She let it out and keep her eyes closed. I sat on the edge of the bed and motioned to Carla. She leaned over and took my cock in her mouth. I began to swell and motioned Carla back beside us.
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