Perfect Submission

She walked towards the beautiful home, unsure of what to expect, but even more unsure of what she was even doing there. He had asked her to come, and she could not refuse. Something in his voice touched her deep inside and she couldn’t deny that power. He stood there, tall, dark, strong, and powerful, waiting patiently for his little Ann to arrive. Ann walked up the froth path and entered the house as she had been instructed.

“Strip,” he barked as she crossed the threshold of the house. She was too shocked to comply, so she stood there for a moment. “Strip,” he commanded again. Jerked from her confusion, she began to undress before him. “Quickly, Ann,” he said, “We have much to do this evening.”

Finally, standing naked, shivering before him, she said, “There, are you happy now”.

“I was until you opened your mouth. For that, you will be gagged for the rest of the night.” He stepped forward and shoved a ball gage deep into her mouth, buckling it behind her head beforee she realized what he was doing. “You will be punished for your insurance later.”

She trembled there, standing gagged in His living room, suddenly realizing the impact of her decision to visit him that evening. She wanted to run, but she was paralyzed by fear. She wanted to stay, but she was afraid of what would happen.

“Kneel,” he said forcedly. Ann immediately compiled. Something inside her desperately wanted to run away, but something else inside her wanted nothing more than to stay with Him and obey his every command. On her knees before him, unable to speak, she realized that this was what she had always wanted. Something in side her changed in that moment. She had found her place—kneeling before the man who would become her Master.

He walked towards her, carrying a beautifully wrapped box. Offering it to her, he said, “For you my little Ann. If you choose to accept this gift, it will change your entire life. If you do not choose to accept, you may leave,but know that I will not contact you again.” He presented her the box and watched anxiously as she carefully opened it. He giggled, “you are just like a child on Christmas morning—trying to savor the moment but really wanting to rip the damn thing open. Good grief, Ann, just open the present.” Ann tore open the gift and looked inside. Nestled among the tissue paper was a beautiful sterling silver choker, with an engraved charm that simply said, “His.” If she had been able to speak, she would have been speechless. Her eyes sparkled with tears and she felt both loved and accepted.

“Ann, my sweet.” You needn’t look so shocked. I will always treat you well. Should you choose to accept it, this will be your public collar. If you look deeper into the box, you will find your private collar. I will be the only one you wear this collar for, my dear.” She looked deeper into the box and found a thick, leather and steel collar surrounded by d-rings. It was not beautiful, nor was it comfortableg to see this collar.

“Ann,” he said, “this collar is not meant to scar you. In fact, just the opposite. This collar will prove to you that you will always be mine and that I will always be responsible for your care. Don’t be afraid of the d-rings, those will be used only when you are being trained or punished.”

Ann’s eyes spoke volumes of understanding, and her petrified look faded to one of comfort. At the very bottom of the box was a series of papers. She pulled them out. “A contract, “ he said. “For your protection, and mine.” She nodded.

”I will take out the gag for now, Ann, and leave you alone with the two collars and the contract. You will have exactly 30 minutes to make your decision, “he continued, “at that time, you can choose to leave or stay. This will be the Only opportunity you have to make this decision. Please take your time and consider carefully what I am asking of you.” He removed the ball gag from her pretty mouth and offered her his strong hand.“Rise little one and follow me, you can use my bedroom for privacy while you make your decision.”

He led her down a long hallway and into a beautifully appointed bedroom. The cherry four-poster bed was drenched in rich red fabric. Her feet stepped onto plus golden carpet that threatened to consume her. A beautiful antique secretary’s desk stood in the corner, and Ann walked to the old ladder-backed chair and sat down to begin making her decision. The minutes ticked by as Ann wrestled internally with the decision before her. She read the contract over and over again. She tried on the collars and admitted them in the beveled glass mirror. It just looked right for the collar to encircle her lovely neck. It felt right to want to offer herself to Him. The thought of leaving Him frightened her much more than the thought of Staying. She had made her decision.

She signed the contract, placed the leather collar around her neck, and kneeeled on the floor awaiting the return of her Master. She heard His footsteps on the hardwood hallway floor and her heart leaft. He opened the door, saw her kneeing there, and smiled. “Ah, little Ann, I see you’ve made your decision.”

He walked into the room slowly, smiling the whole time. He picked up the contract, read it over again, noted Ann’s signature and added his own lovely script to the page. “Ann, you have made me very happy tonight,” he said, “We will have a beautiful life together little one. Welcome to your new life.”

He walked to her, and quickly replaced the ball gag. She did not resist, nor did she move. She had read the contract carefully and knew not to move unless instructed. She also knew that she had already incurred a dose of punishment and did not want to add anything to that mistake. Ann stayed there, kneeeled on the floor, eyes downcast waiting for instructions.

“Ann, I see that you have indeed learned something already. This is encouraging. I’m going to place restraints on your wrists andankles now, you will need to get used to walking with these, as you will often be asked to wear them.” He placed soft leather cuffs around her ankles and wrists and locked them in place. He added long, thick, silver chains to the cuffs and helped her to rise from the floor. Clipping a chain lean to a d-ring on her collar, He led her from the room.

Ann stumbled a bit at first, finding it hard to walk with One chain dragging the floor and another pulling her forward. He noticed her struggle and slowed down a bit, allowing Ann to grow comfortable with her new way of walking. He led her back down the hallway and towards the front room. He turned towards the kitchen and pulled her along behind him as he descended the stairs to his basement. He paused in front of a locked door, retrieved a key from his pocket, and unlocked it before leading her inside.

Ann’s eyes grew large as she looked around the room. One wall was completely covered with shelves and hooks holding various instruments of punishment and pleasure. Whips hung neatly in a row and a line of clamps increasing in size and severity gleamed on one of the shelves. There were blindfolds, gags, ropes, chains, spreader bars, and countless other “toys.” One shelf was completely devoted to dildos, and they were arranged in neighbor order from smallest all the way up to horrifyingly large. Directly below that shelf was another. This one held a similar row, but of anal plugs. Her stomach turned as she imagined the pain these items might bring to her virgin asshole. A wall of mirrors hid a well-stocked closet full of various items of clothing, costumes, hosiery, shoes, and accessories. One wall appeared to be empty, but was covered in eye-hooks placed at various intervals. Ann wondered what all of those hooks could be used for. A second mirrored wall concealed a vast Assortment of “furniture” items. Had she thought to look at the ceiling and the floor, she would have found more hooks placed strategically. She was too petrified to look at any one thing for any length of time. Ann had never seen so many things associated with sex before; her heart raced as she began to panic.

Sensing her rising concern, He began to speak. “Ann, this is a very special room. Of course, it is soundproof so we won’t have to worry about disturbing the neighbors. It is in this room where you will be trained and punished. Those will be the only two purposes of this room. Now about the little matter of your smart mouth earlier. I suppose that is the best place to begin your training.”

“Kneel,” he hissed forcedly. As she knelt, he added more chains to her wrist and ankle cuffs secure her tightly to the floor. “I’m going to take out the ball gag now and replace it with another kind of gag.” He removed the ball gag and replaced it with a metal dental-office-looking device that held her mouth wide open. He gently wiped the saliva from her chin, and then walked to the shelves to retrieve the devices he would use to train and punish His little one.

Her eyes grew wide and her pulse quickly as she watched Him gather the items. She didn’t get to watch Him for long, as the first item He retrieved was a blindfold. Quickly, he placed it about her head, instantly rendering her sightless. Suddenly, she darkness engulfed her and she could do nothing but wait., listening for his footsteps to come near her. He left her there in the center of the room, mouth open and eyes blinded, just watching her squirm. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out what He was going to do to her. She kneeled there, mind racing, for five long minutes before she heard His footsteps approach.

“Ann,” He began, “Your first lesson will be to learn your mouth is only to be used for three things. It s first and most basic function is as a place for me to deposit my cum. It will be an honor for you to receive my cum and you will always swallow it. You will always thank me for this gift. Nod if you understand me.”

She nodded obediently and He continued, “The second purpose of your mouth will be to clean and care for my cock. You will be expected to lick my cock clean whenever I feel it has got dirty—either in your body or otherwise. Nod if you understand this duty.”

She nodded and He continued again, “The third purpose is the most simple. You will only use your words to show respect and reverence to Me and those whom I determine as worthy. Any other use of your words will not be tolerated. You may of course offer your opinions and ask questions, but at all times your words and tone must be respectful. This is the use of your mouth you violent earlier this evening. It is this breach that you will now be punished for. Please nod if you understand.”

She nodded yet again and bowed her head in disgrace. She now understand exactly why she had been gagged. She realized her mistake and was willing to accept the punishment he was about to mete. She braced herself and waited for what she indeed deserved. He walked towards her again slowly, considering carefully the words He would say to her.

“Before I allow you to use your mouth for the first two functions, I must cleanse it of the foulness that erupted from it earlier. I will be placing a bar of soap in your mouth. You must keep it there for 10 minutes. If you gag, I will remove it, but your 10 minutes will begin again. I will not allow your filthy mouth to touch my cock until you have completed this task.”

She breathed a sight of relief, thankful that that was all she would endure. Sensing her relief, he continued, “Ann, that is only the beginning little one. You will not get off that easily. In addition to the cleaning, you will receive 10 smokes with my hand. You will count the smokes and thank me After each one. As this is your first spanking, I will be as gentle as I can and still have it be punishment. I don’t want to hurt you, but I do want you to feel pain. Nod if you understand.”

Angain shenodded and He placed an enormous bar of soap in her mouth and walked away. She heard Him set the timer and began to count in her head the number of clicks. Her mind faded as her saliva dried up and she began to gag. “Ann, do you need the soap removed?” she shook her head no, she had already endured something like 300 clicks and she was not willing to start again. She felt vomit rising in the back of her throat, but she remained Still. As she regurgitated into her own mouth, she still did not move. The taste of soap and vomit mixed in her mouth, but she did not move. She concentrated on counting the clicks, and her focus amazed Him. He watched her with a mixture of goal and admission as drool and soapy vomit dribbled down her chin. He beamed with pride, knowing she would indeed be a good submissive.

The timer chimed and He Walked over to her, gently removed the soap and dental gag and gently poured water into her mouth. He cleansed her face with such love that she understand howmuch He would indeed care for her. Although the acidic taste in her mouth, she felt safe. Releasing her bonds from the floor, He gently encouraged her to rise and pulled her across the room. He bent her gently over a leather spanking bench and again secured her wrists and ankles. He removed the blindfold and she saw herself in the mirror, eyes red with tears but glistening with happiness as she lie there prone awaiting the next step.

She watched as He raised His hand. Quickly it swished through the air and made sharp contact with her ass. Shocked, she cried out and whimpered, but she did not remember what He had required of her. He replied to her cry firmly, “Ann, you did not count, nor did you thank me for that smack. I will begin again.”

Recent, His hand swished through the air and landed sharply on her already reddening ass. “One, Sir,” she said, “Thank you, Sir.”

“Very good, Ann,” He said with a touch of pride in His voice. “You are learning quickly, and I am very pleased.” With that comment, he again raised his hand. The spanking and counting continued until she had received ten strong smokes on her bottom. Her ass burned, but she was embarrassed to find herself growing continuously wetter between her legs. He noticed her wetness and again smiled with pleasure and pride. He was pleased with his decision to dominate Ann, and even more pleased that she would submit to Him. He would enjoy training her, teasing her, and loving her as their relationship grow beneath the strength of His dominance.


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