Two very different people. With a number of major caveats in which they were inexorably alike in so many ways.
First caveat, their innovativeness. Hers was discovered, honed, and practiced. It became for her a celebration of life which she drew great succession from. Her innovative gift likewise fed into another of their similar likenesses.
This was the need for sharing. Through her work, she shared her Gift to others. Some appreciated and recognized her nuanced spiritual feel for the world. Others remained like pigs in the trough, unable to see. (This metaphor is unfair to the pig who is a highly intelligent animal.)
His innovative aided him as he travelled through life, always a life preserver in times both good and bad. In fact, he just glided along. In times of great stress when he was in the military, his cohorts would always play a joke on him. They would approach him, grab his wrist, and ask, “does he have a pulse.”? In fact his pulse was elsewhere, and that gave him distance from that which was none other than always superficial. Capable of great insight, nonetheless his intuition remained some unpracticed. Among several other reasons, that is why she took the lead. Leading him. Guiding him.
His need for sharing came from a sense of being a good teacher. Grasping a full understanding of things, he loved to share with others for their benefit.
Both of them She was highly sensitive creativity, and a little twisted. She was both his teacher and mentor. He wished to show his vulnerability to her, and was always striving to understand her needs as she defined them. She kept that information close to her vest, as she liked to see him search for her intimate sense of self.
Neither were clingy or whiny. They were a little disparate of age, and that bothered him more than her. His respect for her became something he wanted to convey to her badly.
Somehow these two came together.
Now it may not look like much. A pileof thin purple rope. Fishing mooring for a boat? No. instead, he found himself naked, tied to the front bedpost of her bed, with that very rope. Each time she restrained him she had something different in mind. It took her a good twenty minutes to get this time just right. What was she getting right?
First, the bondage. The rope was looped around his neck, really the only juncture she was able to use to Restrain him. She had to make it so there wasn’t a lot of pain there, which took some doing. A lot of doing. Rest assured, there was significant pain there. Just not enough to completely distract him from his duty to her.
Next there was the matter of the lead. For this evenings pleasure, she gave him somewhere between 3 and 4 feet of lead. He had no idea at the beginning what his duty was.
But it became quickly apparent. He was just able to get his head upon the bed, using his hands as supports on the carpet.
The tug of war then ensured between the pressure on hisneck and what was within two inches of his mouth, her voluptous bosom. She pushed out her breast to him encouraging him to suffer that final inch. After twisting, pushing, and not falling back, a combination of the three, in about four minutes, he finally was able to unleash a tongue upon her inviting nipple. She held it there for him, and he tongued, sucked, and even managed to gently graze his teeth over her breast. Over and over. All the While she could see the heavy exercise, a painful balancing act, required by him to keep up charming her bosom. She eventually moved well over to him so he could successfully ‘struggle’ to please her other breast.
Unbeknownst to him she was greatly aroused watching him struggle, with his head and neck painfully straining as he laboured, She preceded to bring her fingers and hand down below to finish her own erotic pleasure. She began arching her hips off the bed, and soon, she was overcome with several heavenly gyrations. This knocked him back on the floor, and as he lay there, he heard the crescendo of her pleasure.
After a brief interlude, she untied him and invited him up on the bed. She turned away from him, and he cuddled behind her, spooning as they slept.
The next two days he choose to wear a mock turtleneck to work. He was happy about that.
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