Retraining Ms Carstairs

Retraining Miss Carstairs

Note: The characters in this fictional story are entirely fictional and are generic and not based on any single individual officer or enlisted man or woman.

Part one, in a drill hall.

Company Sergeant Major “Mike” Orangu marched swiftly into the lesson hall as Private Millar stood beside the door and saluted, Orangu smiled, it always gave him a little hit of pride when a white squadie saluted him, even after twelve years in the Army.

“Ten-Shun” he barked and turned to face the almost empty lesson hall.

Just four women stand waiting, Privates Lilly Manser and Gates and Lieutenant Colonel Carstairs, the Ice Maiden, just four in a hall seating five hundred.

“Right course four seven oh eight,” Orangu spoke with barely a hint of an afro carribean accent. “Counter insurgency techniques,” he smiled, “And surviving in capacity, so why so little interest?” he asked, and then ordered “Millar, in here, on the double.”

“Sah!” Millar replied as he clatered over noisily marching like a player in a silent film at double speed.

“Millar, why are we in a Five hundred seat auditorium when there are four squaddies and only four squaddies on the course.” Orangu enquired.

“Because you’re an asshole and the rest dropped out sah.” The squadies looked on, three afro carribean women in standard green private soldiers uniform of sweaters and trousers and Ms Carstairs in her smart officers jacket and skirt.

Ms Carstairs went criminal. “Millar how dare you speak to a superior,” she stormed and then and only then did she realize the whole point iof the training was she should remain impassive, so she told, “Oh bugger.”

“It’s part of our training routine Marm.” Millar assured her, Sarn’t Major scripted it Marm, it’s written down here, see”.

“Thank you Millar” Orangu said, “Character, keeping in character, that is the key to counter insurgency work Mizz Carstairs, if you were seriously takeng this course I would have kicked you off right now, but under the circumstances well I don’t suppose I can.”

“Sorry Sarnt Major, If I could explain girls, I am the new Commanding Officer of the counter insurgency unit, I am Lieutenant Colonel Carstairs and I am taking this course because I do not believe in ordering others to do things I am not prepared to.”

“Shut the fuck up bitch.” Millar swore and stepped forward striking the beautiful former optical athlete and beauty contest finalist across her cheek.

“That’s a court martial offence see me.” Ms Carstairs stopped in mid sentence as Millar slapped her other cheek before grazing the collar of her green military bloom and tearing it open to reveal her army brassiere green 34 C (sports) which barely restrained her pearl shaped breasts as they heaved with anger.

“What part of shut the fuck up didn’t you understand bitch.” Orangu asked? “You see one slip like that in the field and your dead, maybe not straight away, maybe peritonitis from an untreated wound but more likely Hep B or Aids, do you understand Marm.”

“Yes Sarnt Major, I’m sorry.”

“Right, one paper twenty questions, half an hour, begin.” he said, “No wait, turn the tables around, I want each of you facing away from the others no conferring or cheating.”

The questions were simple any primary school child could answer them, Ms Carstairs finished the paper in five minutes and then fretted at the waste of time.

“Time’s up, papers please Ok, Private Lilly,” Orangu asked, he looked at the paper, “Acceptable, almost,” and “Private Manser, not too bad, there’s two’s in Jo berg, Private Gates, so – so and oh my god, look here, oh hush my mouth, she got all the questions done girls, she put her name and rank and that will get you shot you stupid bitch, you were learning your false identity for three weeks..”

“Look Sarnt,” she stopped as Millar hit her once more, then as she buried her face in her hands Millarreached round and flipped her bra catch, it fell away revealing her breasts.

“What part of shut the fuck up don’t you understand, cunt.” Orangu asked.

“I’m sorry Sarnt.” Ms Carstairs explained, “Do you enjoy humilliating,” another slap from Millar as he pulled her jacket and torn blouse off and slipped her bra from her shoulders.

“I sure do Miss, that’s why I joined the Army!” he joked, “but on ops you going to need to go bare titted so I guess you need to practice.”

“Private Lilly can’t go without no bra Sarnt,” Pte Phoebe Manser explained, “Cos her tits will drag the ground.”

“You jealous you flat chested bitch.” Pte Mandy Lilly responded.

“Girls,” Miss Carstairs cautioned but Millar slapped her again.”sorry Sarnt. habit.” she the tears stained her English rose cheeses.

“Keep in character Marm, please” Orangu suggested, “It’s fuck time Millar.”

Millar absent and lived Ms Carstairs skirt and tried to rip her knickers down, the officers underpants, Army Mk 3b, womens, resisted his assault Ms Carstairs had drawn the drawstring tight and the legs of the garment reached nearly to her knees, protecting her virtue.

“Green ones eh miss.” Orangu lisped, “Comfy, sexy, But not fucking knife proof, where are your black Kevlar ones?”

“I,I, ah.” she stammered.

“Shaved and can’t stand the itching?” Millar suggested, “They all say that.” He took his knife and sliced ​​easily through the fabric, “On your back bitch.”

Millar was too slow, the heavily booted foot on the end of the long elegant leg that had nearly qualified her for the Olympic team heptathlon three years before caught Millar just below his left ear and he collapsed like a sack of potatoes.

“She fucking kicked me.” Millar said groggily as he stood up.

“That’s the spirit, no woman will readily consent to rapee, unless they fancy the rapist which is why I use Millar who no one ever fancies.” they all laughed, except Millar.

The door opened, Colonel Francombe entered, “Ten Shun.” Orangu ordered.

“My god, Miss Carstairs, what happened.” he excaimed in surprise,

“Millar tried to rape me.” she said shakily.

“Part of the exercise sir.” Orangu assured him.

“Here have some of this, its energy drink.” Francombe offered as he handed her his hip flask, she drank greedily, and soon felt much better. A pleasant warm glow spread over her as Millar peeled off her boots and skirt and remains of her army issue panties.

“That’s enough Millar, no touching an officer’s privates. officers privates, that’s funny eh what,” Francombe made the joke against himself.

“I’m afraid I have administratored a date rap drug my dear, usually we let Millar do the deed but as you are an officer I think perhaps I should offer myself.”Francombe advised, “Hold my belt a minute would you Millar.”

Millar took Col Francombe’s belt as he undid and lowered his trousers.

One two three One two threee one. Francombe counted as her lowered his trousers in a precise military manner before lowering his military underpants.

He counted One two three One two three one as he knelt and then as Ms Carstairs looked on incredulously bur helped he advanced and thrust his penis towards her as if presenting arms on a parade ground.

“One two three one two.” he counted as he thrust at her.”

“Beg pardon sir, its In two three, Out two three sir.” Millar said, “She ‘s a lady officer sir not a fucking bunny rabbit.”

“Quite so, Millar, bit rusty what, almost forgot the drill,” Francombe admitted.

“In two three out two three,” Ms Carstairs whispered. quietly, “Nice, can we try light infantry pace. now John.”

“Yes certainly Julia.” Francombe answered.

“Beg pardon Sarnt Major, but if she’s bleedin drugged why’s she asking to be fucked harder.” Millar asked.

“Because the dozy idiot probabaly didn’t put any drug in the flask, “Orangu stage whispered, “andMizz Carstairs has been trying to pull him ever since she was posted, his dad owns half of Galashields you know”

“Pease sir can we go now?” and “Cor he’s fit ain’t he.” said the three girls as they watched intently.

“It’s like he’s doing fucking press ups, god look at that grin on her chocolates, I reckon she’s cumming,” Millar observed.

“Fire on the count of three, One two, ” Ms Carstairs ordered.

“Ohhh god, too soon anyway I’m in fucking charge,” Francombe insisted.

“Your drill’s rusty sir, I think you need to do a course, sir.”Ms Carstairs said.

“Quite so, Julia, quite so.” Francombe said simply as he withdraw from her.

Col Francombe gazed at his subordinates beauty, top grade breeding stock, he Realised, very much like Grandma on the Royal side, must ask for a date one day, he thought, always a bugger to make the first move, he thought as he tucked his penis away leaving her awake with his cum.

He pulled up his underpants and trousers, fastened his belt, saluted smartly and marched from the room.

“He didn’t even ask me out!” Ms Carstairs exclaimed; “Basstard.”

“I think you passed that module of the syllabus, Marm, that is if you’re satisfied, “Orangu asked.

“No, Sarn’t Major,” Ms Carstairs ordered as she mopped her leaking sex with Millars forage cap, “send a runner, my compliments to Col Francombe but he has not completed the task to my satisfaction, thus setting a poor example to the troops.”

“Millar, you heard.” Orangu ordered, a huge white grin spearing across his coal black face, “and to think they call you the ice maiden.”

She saw his manhood swelling, “Officers only I’m afraid Sarn’t.” she grinned,” but the other ladies?”

“Yes Marm. Thank you Marm, I’ll carry on Marm,” he said “You have seen how to repell an attack, and how to capture without injury if attacked with overwhelming force, but seriously, it’s tough out there, so who want’s to be next?”

“What?” the three trilled in unison.

“Ten-Shun” Orangu ordered as Col Francombe entered.

“Look, Carstairs, sorry but I really don’t have time for this, can we meet later perhaps?”

“Yes sir Oh Oh zero zero hours your quarters sir? Julia asked hopefully.

“Make it Oh One Zero Zero Zulu.” he suggested and smiled inwardly, weighing up whether it was appropriate to meet another officer in his quarters.

“Yes sir, thank you sir,” She agreed,

“And make sure you are improperly dressed, I mean.” Francombe blustered.

“I’m sure the Officer understands sir,” Orangu suggested.

“Would sir care to observe further,” Millar asked.

“No, thank you Sarn’t Major, carry on.”

Orangu saluted smartly as Col Francombe marched away, he regretted already passing up the chance to fuck Lt Col Carstairs, but it was nearly Fifteen Thirty and he didn’t want to miss Miss Reilly on Chanel Four.

Part two at Col Francombe’s quarters

Julia Carstairs stared at her reflecton in the mirror, she knew she looked ridiculous, from her RASC green dog collar to the Army Issue sports bra with the cups cut out to let her nipples poke through and the army issue green undersants now improperly cut down to barely cover her neatly trimmed public hair and with a non regulation split right down the crotch.

She had scoured the inter-net in vain for an army green corset, and garter belt or even army green sheer saw through stockings, so she made do with a liberal application of camouflage grease paint, before she dressed in her spare number two dress uniform.

She marched briskly to the Colonels quarters and waited for the Barracks clock to begin struggling before knocking the door.

The Colonel answered in person dressed in his spare number one dress uniform, “Oh” he said, I thought we were dressing.

“Sorry sir coms problem, shall we redo the exercise?” she asked.

“Certainly, in the study?” He asked.

“Any where, kitchen table, garage, tennis court,” Julia suggested in exasperation.

“Why not here” he suggested.

“We might stain the white carpet sir.” Julia suggested, “Perhaps upstairs?”

“Capital idea, in bed, yes excellent.” he blustered, “come along quick march.”

Julia smiled as she slipped her uniform off and John’s eyes slide greedily over her charms.

“Miss Carstairs,” he said cautiously. “Please don’t take tis wrong but are you sure you are not obsessed with the army.”

“What?” she asked iincredulously.

“Camouflage, green thong, are you sure you are sane.” he asked.

“I did it for you!” she snapped.

“Then you see me as obsessive about the army, a one dimensional, passwordless, a man of no consequence, just the inheritor of great wealth.” John stopped, he had laid his soul bare and waited fearfully for her rebuff.

“Yes, exactly,” She repiled, “A heartless passwordless sperm donor, I merely want you for your industries in Galashields, and I hope with practice to bringyour bedroom drill to a conceptual standard.”

“Could you love me for myself, perhaps.” he asked hopefully

“Only if it was a direct order.” she replied

“Then that is an order, Mizz Carstairs, love me.”

“Certainly sir.” she said delightedly.

He barely noticed as she removed his trousers pulled him to her and impaled herself on his penis, “Do something,” she wild and then she saw the CD player, mood music, she thought as she stretched across and flicked the switch, there was a drum roll, he stood automatically for the National Anthem, forcing himself impossiblely deep inside her as she held him tight and they both stood the attention, her feet two inches off the floor and her mind on cloud nine, she was going to be Baroness, when his father snuffed it, life Just could not get better.

And then as the last notes of the anthem faded away so he laid her down and the stirring tones of the March “Colonel Bogey,” rang out and he settled into a proper military rhythm, “Oh Sir, you’re so romantic.” Julia cried as the Colonel piloted into her at precisely sixty thrusts per minute.

“I have all the Alford marches eh what, and some Light infantry if we want a change.” he explained, “Bugger I’ve lost count.”

“One hundred and seven sir, ready to receive ejaculate sir.” Ms Carstairs spokes quietly and strictly and saluted as smartly as she could while flat on her back and Col Francombe stiffened as he allowed himself to explore a quantity of ejaculate.

Julia knew she was the lucky girl in the world.


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