Reluctant Submission Ch. 12

The whole mansion was a hive of activity. The slaves were rushing about, preparing food, serving drinks for the guests. Fern was serving drinks in the main locke. They had put her and the other slaves serving in maid outfits. Fern felt quite uncomfortable every time she had to bend over as she was fully aware that her ass was on display.

Isobel walked into the room with Klein and they sat down on a large leather sofa with some of the guests. People were milling about, mingling, chatting. Fern strained to hear what they were saying as she topped up the guests glasses.

“When will the show start?” A pretty young woman asked, she looked as if she had just barely turned 18.

“Soon Monika. Soon,” Klein put his hand on her knee. “You’re just like your sister. Impatient.”

Monika giggled. “You promise I can see her, that I can play with her?”

Isobel told. “If you want to be a Domme you must be patient.”

“But can I though? You know, have her to myself? I’ve been training for at least a week now…”

“Yeah but that was with a sissy little doormat slave I paired you with because it was your first time. This one is different.” Isobel took a sip of her red wine. Isobel didn’t like the fact that this evening was happening, let alone that her bratty little sister wanted a piece of Felix as well. Isobel clearly doubted she could handle Felix. Maybe it will be best just to throw her into the deep end Isobel thought to herself. She looked at her watch. It had been 20 minutes since Felix had blacked out. They had her strapped to the table, her arms above her head and her legs spread wide open. Isobel snapped back into reality as her sister tugged on her arm. Everyone was getting up to leave.

“Hurry up its starting!” Monika sounded so excited. She had waited so long to visit the mansion and try out being a Mistress for real and she had heard all about Felix and she might actually get to control her! She had been bragging to her friendsfor weeks.

“Where’s Faith? Is she starting it already?” Isobel said as they all made their way to the exhibition room.

“Yeah, she’s there already! She’s starting it early! This is going to be amazing….seeing it all live…..Klein told me she’s gonna be whipped and then….” Monika’s words trailed off as they entered the room. Everyone began to take their seats, chatting away as if They were about to watch a tennis match.

“Go and sit with everyone else in the galleries, I’ll call you when it’s time for you to come down.” Isobel stood next to Klein and her sister Faith. All the other Dominants and guests peered down at them and the naked slave. Felix was blind folded. Isobel couldn’t take her eyes of her. She wasn’t even awake yet. Faith began to speak to the audience.

“Welcome ladies and gentlemen…” Faiths voice was calm and confident; she oozed confidence and self-assurance. “We welcome you to a very special evening of entertainment. The slut you seelying on the table here is called Felix……yes THE Felix…..she’s been sedated and completely restrained to this table, for your pleasure. She’s a dirty little whose needs to be punished…..shall we wake her up?” Faith smiled wickedly. Everyone began clapping and shouting. Isobel looked around nervously. Worried about what will happen when she wakes up. The German doctor stepped into the room tapping a need tipped syringe.

“What is he going to do with that?” Isobel whispered to Faith.

“It’s naloxone, wakes people up when they’ve been sedated.” Faith said matter of factly with no emotion. The Doctor made sure she was tightly restrained and then injected her in the arm. Everyone lean forward in their chairs for the next few minutes. Waiting for signs of life. Suddenly Felix’s chest began to heaven. Her fists tightened and flexed, her head moved to the side. Faith took the blind fold off. Felix’s eyes stung against the harsh white light. She tried to move her arms and legs. This felt familiar she thought. Fuck was she back downstairs in the cells? Felix shook the whole table violently as she screamed. The audience gasped, fascinated. Felix looked round quickly at her restraints then her angry, hate filled eyes settled on Faith.

“You bitch, YOU FUCKING BITCH!” She pulled against her bonds. Felix grew and seen.

“Don’t Worry she’s completely tied down.” Faith moved around her. The audience laughed nervously. Monika was transfixed. Then Felix noticed the audience staring down at her.

“Shit.” So many eyes were on her. What the fuck was going on? She felt fear rip through her body. Faith showed Felix the ball gag. “You can shove that up your fucking ass!” Felix spat.

“Hmmm, I’m going to leave you ungagged… so I can hear you properly when you’re begging for mercy.”

“I fucking wont! I’ll never submit to you…and fuck all of them too!” Felix screamed.

“Are you going to shut up?” Faith taunted.

“Fuckoff you cunt.” Felix grew.

“Be quiet slave.” Isobel said to her quietly. Felix was only making it worse for herself. Felix looked at Isobel quietly, breathing heavily. Felix could feel heat building between her legs. Christ not now! Felix thought to herself, cursing her body for betraying her. Faith became pissed off that Felix obeyed Isobel but not her.

“Let’s beat this bitch.” Faith said under breath as she retrieved a long leather whip. Felix stared at it, her pussy juices were really flowing now. If Faith whipped her now she was afraid she would come right then and there, but Faith didn’t know what a pain slut she was. Felix’s breathing became ragged.

“How many shall I give her?” Faith looked up at all the faces. Some shouted 10, 15…then Monika shouted out.

“Give the bitch 30!” She giggled.

“Hey fuck you!” Felix shouted back. She didn’t want to take 30, she wasn’t sure if she could handle it right now.

“30 lashes for you my slut.” Faithraised her arm to deliver the first blow across Felix’s Breasts. Felix cried out as it bit into her skin and pulled against her restraints. Faith rained down blow after blow all over her body including her pussy. Felix’s cries began to turn to moans; she could feel her orgasm rising inside her.



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