A special story written for a special person in my life.
Chapter 1
“Drug Rehab…how embarrassing..” Beth thought to herself as she clutched her knapsack to chest..And, what made it all the more humiliating was that her mother was right in from of her, checking her daughter in to the 30 day recovery center.
Beth thought this whole situation was being overblown. Yes, she like to take pills and mix them with a few cocktails, but she could stop whenever she wanted…Who was she kidding, she was an addict, you could tell by the dark bags under her eyes, and her cheek bones looked more pronounced as she began losing weight.
Beth looked side to side, fully expecting to see someone she knew who would spread word around town about her “incarceration”. Everyone thought the 27 year old blonde was going on a fantasy island vacation for a month.
The ancient looking orderly lead Beth and her mom to tiny single suite, which looked more like a prison cell to Beth. A Prison cell or a room at the insane asylum that is how Beth felt, like she was being treated as some crazy person, and the pale white beige walls and white bed lines only added to the effect.
Her mom compiled on what a wonderful view of the river Beth would have, but the little pill-popper continued her silent treatment of her mother. Beth knew her mom only wanted the best for her, but that didn’t stop Beth from acting like a child.
Once alone, Beth sank back in her bed, staring up at the ceiling as tears began to well in her eyes..And, she promised herself, she would never end up here again.
The first few days were absolute torture, filled with long boring group therapy where drug addicts would share their stories….These people belonged here, but not Beth, or so she thought. When it was Beth’s turn to speak in therapy, she continued her child like behavior and just said “pass”.
She couldn’t wait to get back to her room and wallow in her own self pity. The food was horrible, the days were long, and the crummy weather only added to her depression.
That was when Di entered her room.
Di was in her early 30’s, and she loved her job at the clinic. She really thought she was making a difference in people’s lives, and she treated her patients in a motherly like fashion.
“Good morning” The lovely redheaded nurse said with her ever present smile. Beth just rolled over, planning to ignore this orderly just as all the others.
Di put down the fresh towels on the dresser and introduced herself to the sad looking blonde girl. “My name is Di, and if you need anything at all, please don’t be afraid to ask.”
Beth peeked over her shoulder and made eye contact with the nurse. There was something about her that reminded her of all the good things about her own mom. She has this aura about her…like a halo was beaming above her head. Of course, Beth didn’t let on. But, Di saw the sadness in the young girl’s eyes and instantly made herself a promise that she would do whatever it takes to help this young lady get well again.
In the following days, Beth began to open up more in therapy, and it was the thought of the bright honest smile on the pretty nurse’s face that gave Beth the courage to speak about her feelings. Beth began to count the minutes before she would see the redhead again, even though she had yet to speak to her. She would just lay in her bed and watch with curious wonder as Di would talk to her like a precious daughter. It made Beth’s tummy twist, she had a very weird feeling. This woman would do anything for her, anything at all…it was almost a submissive urge to give all she had for Beth’s health.
Their relationship really took a turn when on the 5th day, while tidying up Beth’s room, Di accidentally knocked a snow globe off the dresser. The glass orb shattered and it made Beth jump.
Beth didn’t care about the little trinket, but felt as if she acted distressed, Di would give her more attention “Look what you did…ohhhhhhhh you’re so clumsy!” Beth’s words came out harsher than she intended, maybe it was because her body was going thru withdrawal. She was afraid maybe her vocal outburst would push the nurse away, but in her normal saintly fashion, Di came and sat at the foot of Beth’s bed. Resting her hand on the young girl’s knee
“ohhhh, sweetie, I am so sorry, I can see how much that snow globe must have meant to you.” Di know that recovering addicts sometimes put emotional connections to objects that reminded them of a better time in their lives, and she showed geneuine harmse for her.
carelessness “Surely we can make this right.”
Beth was growing brave “That was a gift from my late grandmother….There were only two in existence…and I broke the other one when I was a girl” She didn’t know where this made up story was coming from. She had picked up that globe on her trip to Vegas last year. But, that didn’t stop Beth from working up some crocodile tears.
“I bet your mother was very upset about the other globe breaking” Di spoke softly rubbing the girl’s knee as she made sympathetic eye contact.
“Yes, she gave me time-out and put me in the corner forever” Beth lied.
Di was silent for a few long moments, not even believed the words that were to come out of her mouth “Is that what would make this better? If I went to the corner?” The nurse hid her shock from her own words.
“Well….i guess..umm…what I mean is…what is someone sees?” Beth stammered out, just as shocked as the nurse with what was unfolding.
The nurse felt more comfortable seeing the girls reaction. She gave Beth a soft smile as she stood. Beth watched the red ponytail of the Nurse swway seductively as she walked to the door and closed it. There were lo locks on the door, but Di had been her long enough to know all the tricks of the trade, and wedge the door shut with a chair under the knob.
Not only was Beth’s tummy full of butterflies, but she felt a funny twitch between her legs as Di moved with such graceful submission, cleaning up the mess of broken glass and water on the floor before walking to the far corner of the room.
She planted her little button nose against the crook where the two walls met. “Hands behind my back?” she asked in a humble yet cheerful voice.
“tha…that will be fine” Beth Still spoke appreciatedly, her eyes darting to the beautiful woman in the corner and the door, fully expecting to be caught.
“You just tell me when my punishment is over” Di cooled. She felt the excitement between her legs as well. This was all very crazy, she had never done anything like this, but was eerily calm and truly wanted to make the blonde girl feel better.
Beth instantly wanted to tell relieve the nurse of her punishment. She clenched her bed sheets as she could feel Di’s humiliation..It made Beth feel a sense of power and control in this vulnerable state. She had been checked into rehab by her mother, had her cell phone confident, and was pretty much held prisoner in this place….and here is this woman, submitting herself to be punished like a child for her……needless to say Beth liked the way it made her feel.
Di knew exactly what Beth was going thru, she had never been an addict herself, but has seen enough to know how powerless the young woman Feels. Her eyes focused on the wall, hands folded behind her…She smiled as she felt her nipples rubbing against the plaster wall thru her cotton uniform..
There was no clock in the room, so neither woman knew just how much time passed…And, the only reason Beth allowed Di to leave her corner was “I should be getting along to therapy”
Di smiled warmly as she turned around, bowing her head in a nod as Beth put her feet in into her slippers and picked up her robe and headed for the door. She didn’t look back at the nurse, she couldn’t she felt embarrassed, and she wasn’t the one who was just punished…Her pj pants were dampening with excitement as she made her way down the hall.
Chapter 2
The events that translated were all either woman could think of..And after a day dream filled therapy session, Beth hurried back to her room, hoping the redheaded nurse would grace Bet with her presence.
But, Di didn’t reappear that night. Not that she didn’t want to, but there was a “code red” meaning an out of control patient..Di rushed to help subdue the man, who was obviously going thru withdrawals, and she took an accidentally punch to the mouth which slip her lip…leaving her with a pretty deep cut and cruele.
The next day, Beth was left with a sense of loneliness, but it wasn’t just Di’s no-show .She missed her friends, her job, and most of all her Mom…Part of the rehab was that she wasn’t allowed to speak with anyone not in the facility…and Beth felt awful with the way she treated her mother.
The fidgets were all gone, that part of her recovery was over. Her body no longer depended on the drugs, but in her mind she still needed them. If she had to choose between taking a pill and seeing her mom, it would be a hard decision, and this made Beth feel even worse.
She stared into the framed picture of mother and daughter as she laid in her dark room. “You must really miss her” The voice came form the doorway. It was the nurse, and Beth’s smile was suppressed when she saw the wound on the redhead’s lip…She wanted to ask what happened, but thought better of it.
“Yes, since my dad left, I am all she has, and…well…she is all I have” Beth wiped a tear away with the back of her hand. The bedsprings creaked as Di took a seat on the foot of Beth’s bed.
“only a few more weeks and you two will be together again” the awkward tension About the previous days punishment was oddly absent, both women felt comfort in the others present.
“This is the longest I have ever been away from her…We areVery close….She breastfed me until I was 3” Beth snickered a giggle thru her tears.
“That is beautiful” Di said, subconsciously pushing her own bosom out, which Beth to which Beth took notice. She had a shaped set of breasts…large, thick…motherly..Beth’s eyes were transfixed on them. Di knew she shouldn’t get to close to this girl; it was unethical and could cost her job. But, This girl had a power over her, she couldn’t deny it. A soft sensitive power…and Di couldn’t stop herself as she unbuttoned her white top.
Beth did not speak, she did not really know what was going on…Di scoped her hand into her bra to expose her left breasts which now hung over her bra cup. “Shh…come here sweetie” Di positioned herself at the top of the bed, taking Beth by her blond hair, she guided the girl’s quivering lips to her pencil eraser sized nipple.
Beth resisted only a little, but Di pulled her firmly until the girl’s lips were locked over her nipple…Soft child like gurgles came from Beth’s throat as her eyes fluttered shut. Di softly stroked her blonde hair as she told…It seemed to relieve all the tension from the fight last night that shook the nurse up more than she would like to admit..
Di watched as she young girl fell asleep, still suckling like a baby…Some would think that Di had stolen back some authority over the recovering drug addict, but to the contrary, her submission to the girl grow deeper, and in this moment, she couldn’t think of anything she would do to help this girl.
Chapter 3
Beth felt at peace the rest of the week, but Di was having precious issues. As the nurse walked thru the hallways, she felt like every eye was on her, as if everyone knew how she took advantage of the vulnerable girl. She was trying to help, but she felt like she had stolen something precious that Beth shared with her mother. She avoided Beth’s room for the rest of the week.
Beth felt dejected as the days passed without seeing thenurse. Had she did something wrong? She didn’t ask to be breast fed, she didn’t ask to punish Beth with corner time, it was all Di’s idea!
It was noon on Sunday, which was a free day for the patients and only 3 nurse’s were on duty in the large facility. Beth was singing off to the payphones, she had to call her mom, she needed a friendly voice, as she turned the corner, and she sees Di leaning over a cart near a supply closet.
Beth didn’t know what came over her, but she needed to show Di how much her absents has hurt her. She charged the few steps towards the unknown nurse, pushing her into the tiny broom closet. Di’s back slammed against the metal shelves “How could you…Where have you…what the fuck..” Beth stammered out before SLAP*** her hand connected with the nurse’s cheese. But the Di did not fight back. SLAP…SLAP….SLAP Beth faced the redheaded face three more times until her cheeses were as red as her hair.
Di slumped over, defeated and filled withGuilt, knowing she deserved this, one of Beth’s slapsed up the cut on Di’s lip and crisis blood trickled down her chin. “I’m sorry” was all Di could vocalize.
“You’re sorry?!? YOU’RE SORRY!?!?” in her rage Beth tore open the nurse’s top, buttons flying as Di gasps, her bra covered chest exposed. The girl rained down a furry of slapsed the breasts she had nursed from only days ago. The sharp pains caused Di to slip to her knees.
“NO…STAND UP!” Beth screamed, taking a handful of red hair and pulling the defeated nurse back to her feet. She spun Di around and bent her over dirty mop sink. Not sure what she was going to do next, Di made that decision for her. The nurse hooked her thumbs into her skirt and pulled the white garment to her knees, exposing her pump butt, which was covered in a modest set of white panties.
Di had no idea what she was doing, she had never been into s/m, but this wasn’t supposed to be playful and sexy. She had wronged this girland deserved to be punished.
THUD** the pain was dull and lingered. Beth, in her rush to show dominance over the nurse, misplaced the first spank, and the bone at the palm of her hand collided with Di’s upturned buttock, acting more like a punch than a spank.
Beth really wasn’t to blow; she had never spanked anyone before. And, she didn’t let her first missed strike dissuade her. SPANK…SPANK…SPANK**
She began to build a rhythm, alternative cheats, Di’s ass flesh giggled on one chef like an aftershock as the other was being shacked, and by the time the flesh settled, it was rattled again by another spank. Di could no longer stifle her whimpers as her bum really began to sting. The sound of smokering flesh filled the room, and luckyly the corridor was empty, so they would not be interrupted.
Di was keeping a mental count of punishing blows in her mind, but lost track somewhere near 50.
Both women out of breath, Beth finally collapsed on the floor, shaking her hand which was burning. She broke down in tears, but Di was strangely calm. She was panting heavily, but only because of the physical burden the punishment took on her backside.
Slowly her hands slide her panties to her knees and began to cares her red bum with was hot to the touch.
Di turned around slowly, and sank to her knees on the cold floor, her skirt now bunched up around her ankles. There was Along silence as Beth wept and Di thought…Finally the nurse broke the silence. “There is a straight jacket in the box on the top shelf; we use it for manic patients. You could put me in it before you take me back to your room”
Take her back to my room? Straight jacket? Beth was confused by Di’s words, having no intentions of taking the nurse back with her. But for some reason, Beth got to her feet, standing on her tip-toes; she found the white heavy jacket.
The strange device looked like an octopus of straws and buckles. Beth held it up to the light to get a better understanding of how it worked. The nurse was humbly helpful, instructing Beth how to bind her in it.
Di had put people in straight jackets before, but had never hurt one herself; the thought of wearing it never crossed her mind. But here she was, on her feet her arms wrapped around her body as Beth was behind her, buckling her in tightly.
Di’s chin hung down to her chest as Beth buckled the last stick into place. It was the crotch stick, which dug deep between the naked nurse’s labia and buttcrack. This caused the nurse to wince and moan in a combination of disappoint and overwhelming lust.
“Shall we go back to your room now, Miss?” Di was in a submissive state deeper than ever before. Beth, still silent since the spanking, simply nodded, taking her bound captive be the elbow and leading down the deserted hallway to her room.
Neither woman was worried about being caught, even though it was a possibility. Once in the room, Beth closed the door, and Ditook the initiative to go to the corner. The same one she was in the previous day, and plants her nose to the wall and waits.
Meanwhile, Beth collapses on her bed. Confusion fogs her mind, everything has happened so quickly. All she wanted to do was call her mom, and she assaulted an innocent nurse in a broom closet. But, she can’t deny the wetness between her legs, no matter how hard she tries.
Form her place in the corner. Di’s heart breaks for the girl. She is not concerned about her own throbbing butt or bleeding lip. Her attention is solely on sobs of her new patient/Mistress. She has decided she will devote herself to this young ladies pleasure.
Her heart pound, what she just experienced has lit a fire inside her, and she craves more…she ants to give more of herself to this girl. But, it saddens her that what just happens has made Beth cry.
But then, through the sad sobs, Di can hear something else…soft moans..and Di smiles as she adjusts her feet…as she hears the sounds of her young Mistress masturbating.
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