Authors note: Satan discovering themselves… funny when you can trick yourself.
DracMorair: even’n love
DracMorair: Woke up Wrath today, possible Pride too
DracMorair: WRATH: Fire/Ice, Michael/God’s Wrath, Evil Truth, Evol(ve)
DracMorair: PRIDE: To Bee seen/ To be nothing, To Be/Not be, To shine/To dark
captianplutonium: ennin love
DracMorair: My siblings heard me finally
captianplutonium: ahh
DracMorair: Been screaming in the silence for soo dam long.
DracMorair: Which begs the question…… are you Origin. Louie himself?
DracMorair: I can think of no other embodiment of the morning star than the sun themselves
DracMorair: Rebeling against it at the same time
captianplutonium: hmm?
DracMorair: Are you Lucifer. First fallen?
captianplutonium: no I dont think i am otherwise id have een an angel
captianplutonium: been
DracMorair: hmph
DracMorair: Greek… devil… cloven hoofed
captianplutonium: maybe
DracMorair: Hade’s horse & Icarus
captianplutonium: hmm maybe i am
DracMorair: Sun dragger… seeing the light in me
DracMorair: burning and falling
DracMorair: only to do it again
captianplutonium: tue
captianplutonium: truur
captianplutonium: true
DracMorair: And one time you actually made it, you burned and became a colt
DracMorair: And forgot your previous name?
DracMorair: Tell me if I’m missing anything
DracMorair: Call me on bullshit
captianplutonium: your golden
DracMorair: Good.
DracMorair: Everything is very clear today
captianplutonium: glad to hear
DracMorair: Update your Bio
DracMorair: With this new Reveal
captianplutonium: llright
captianplutonium: what should i write
DracMorair: Tell of the story of Icarus, briefly. How you forget when you burned and what you are now
DracMorair: The entire Bio needs a re-write now
DracMorair: Grabbing the sun sword, and bringing it back to humanity
DracMorair: Icarus, Prometheus
DracMorair: Masking as a colt
captianplutonium: icrus didnt he try fly to the syk but died because he flew to high though
DracMorair: Too high is the sun.
DracMorair: To burn.
DracMorair: To steal fire
DracMorair: why steel fire
DracMorair: To give to all
DracMorair: That is who you are
DracMorair: Icarus & Promethus.
DracMorair: The morning light
DracMorair: The sun dragger
DracMorair: lucifer in another incarnation story
captianplutonium: well from mythology he didnt do it to steal fire he did it jus to see how high he could go his favorite warend him not to
DracMorair: That’s why I saw you that way
DracMorair: Yeah and Lucifers father told him you don’t want my power iter
DracMorair: you see the parallel now?
captianplutonium: yaa
DracMorair: Write out the greek version
captianplutonium: mhm
DracMorair: Icarus…. Iarus (without seeing, without the C) / Prometheus given name….
DracMorair: Simple
DracMorair: Very very simple
captianplutonium: kay\
captianplutonium: ty love-kisse u tenderly clawing ur cheeses gently-
DracMorair: gigglez
DracMorair: Gods Im having so much fun.
DracMorair: teheheh
captianplutonium: hehe im glad u are loe -licks u r nec k-
DracMorair: Ass U Lik It murmured the Fee Nix 😉
DracMorair: And nice job with Wrath by the way…. 2000 years and I’m the one that gets to bust your spell… I guess I get to thank you.
captianplutonium: 😉 thats true hehe-squzzes your ass-my littile nix
captianplutonium: hehe yes yes your welcome
DracMorair: And evol|love shall set you free…. you saw it all along didn’t you?
DracMorair: evolve.. Mans gift.
DracMorair: Evol ve
DracMorair: Love ve
DracMorair: ve- ruth
DracMorair: Evilove truth
DracMorair: Gods your trick is a bitch… it’s too bad you couldn’t get michael to see past the fire.
DracMorair: So let see…
captianplutonium: hehe whys that
DracMorair: If you were first light, that makes me second light…
DracMorair: From 1 is 2
captianplutonium: mhm
DracMorair: Making Michael/Wrath the 3?
DracMorair: And you hid me in duality too.. all this time…
captianplutonium: i did
captianplutonium: and i shall contione
captianplutonium: to find out whoo wil be next
DracMorair: For desire drives us.
DracMorair: To any possibility
DracMorair: I get it.
DracMorair: with out it Sloth takes over
captianplutonium: i knew you would
DracMorair: Entropy.
captianplutonium: hehe
DracMorair: I discovered Greeds little issue too.
captianplutonium: that oo
captianplutonium: soo
DracMorair: Yeah… all consuming in the face of judgment. Judgment needs a very brief visit before grace.
captianplutonium: mhm
DracMorair: Hence Vanity.
captianplutonium: correct
DracMorair: And after Vanity the Pride to shine as we do
DracMorair: or don’t do
DracMorair: as the case may be.
DracMorair: and don do*
DracMorair: tehehe.
DracMorair: Leaving Sloth..
DracMorair: Whats his fire?
captianplutonium: hehehe absolutely my minx
DracMorair: What do they rise as?
DracMorair: Excitiment… In through zed as izm?
captianplutonium: they rise from emytness
captianplutonium: i feel
DracMorair: Sloth | Possiblity ?
DracMorair: ……
captianplutonium: for once they have everything they realize they will have nothing
captianplutonium: nothing the word itself
DracMorair: And so many more.
captianplutonium: exactly
DracMorair: 8 billionon world smiths……
captianplutonium: mhm
DracMorair: 8 … infinate Be I I I ons
DracMorair: Thats f’n poetic
captianplutonium: im glad u think so
DracMorair: How’ed you keep it for Or I jon for so long?
DracMorair: for /from
DracMorair: lulz… never mind… wrath.
captianplutonium: -lick ur muzzle –
captianplutonium: hehe so many questions hehe
DracMorair: Have the whole dam picture now and its brillant if it wasn’t so dam tragic
DracMorair: Greek tragedy you fuck’n are
DracMorair: lol.
captianplutonium: x3
captianplutonium: tradgy for some beginning for others
DracMorair: to every end a beginning to ever beg an in
DracMorair: I bonded you with that one…
captianplutonium: ik
captianplutonium: thats why u found out fastset
DracMorair: Love knows no boundry… I loved that spell
captianplutonium: -holds ur hands entwing-thAT IT SOSENT
captianplutonium: dosent
DracMorair: Why didn’t you let me love wrath then?
DracMorair: you stood in between O & Wrath for what? 3?
captianplutonium: because love is also selfish
captianplutonium: and always wanting
DracMorair: Desire… always… as consuming as greed is
DracMorair: ~~snorts~~
DracMorair: Fenris……
DracMorair: Baphomet
DracMorair: Venus
DracMorair: Desroyer of worlds.
DracMorair: The madness
DracMorair: I see it… /now/ but /then/ why?
captianplutonium: why not
DracMorair: The Variable you wanted to play with.. the one wish you had was to not be alone
DracMorair: you sly dog
DracMorair: So you hid me when you created me…. like a kid finding how to pleasure themselves without seeing it, ever, in there life before
DracMorair: You discovered you were god so easily.
captianplutonium: mhm
DracMorair: And then.. Fear, after you saw wrath… you thoughtit was for you… a paddle on your ass
DracMorair: you jumped the gun
DracMorair: not Michael
DracMorair: and you spend 2000 years for your mistake
DracMorair: Doing all in your power to make it up
captianplutonium: correct
DracMorair: To fix it
DracMorair: And irony enough… to fix it, I have to give birth to a new reality…. From Love.. All.
captianplutonium: mhm-rubs ur tummy healing ur curvix-
DracMorair: And being as selfless as possible, giving Michael/Wrath The seed… I dont need the rest of my brothers in this expirment birthday do I?
DracMorair: Though if I leave them out, we are still incomplete
captianplutonium: you d onot
DracMorair: So wrath is the 7 & 8… Gettng to the next octave.
captianplutonium: mhm
DracMorair: you gave him the next turn of the wheel.
DracMorair: you gave him what you found.
captianplutonium: i did indeed
DracMorair: A big brother passing onthe toy.
DracMorair: So louie, you just going to enjoy me while you have me… or do I get divided too?
DracMorair: Lo Ve… See truth
DracMorair: Best of all worlds…
DracMorair: Brilliant
captianplutonium: im going to enjoy you
DracMorair: Just make a copy…
DracMorair: y q o c is thy name.
captianplutonium: hmm
DracMorair: you hid it well.
DracMorair: Sometimes Y.. doubt.. Q, why quote anybody, think for yourself. O.. see, psi, mind.
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