Chapter 30
It took Alex over an hour just to get Livy off the cold tile of the bathroom. The crying didn’t stop but she was able to guide her to guest bedroom and into bed. She tucked her in and kissed her like she was a small child.
Alex got in on the other side and gently stroked the side of her sister’s face. The woman was an absolute mess. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy from her tears. Her face red from all the muscles scanning from the physical pain that comes with the utter desolation of pain.
“I’m so sorry,” Livy finally was able to say when her voice could be used for something other than the soft waiting her tears brought on. Her voice was rough and scratchy from them.
“There is absolutely no reason to apologize,” Alex said firmly. “I love you, I’m here for you. No matter what your decision is, I will stand by your side and give you whatever you need!”
“My decision is…I’m getting a dividend!” Livy repeated what her final words were in the bathroom.
“Ok, baby,” Alex said with as much strength as she could bestow on her sister. “Then that is what we will do, we will get you a dividend.”
“Is it the right decision?” Livy asked her.
“I don’t know,” Alex said softly. “I can’t answer for you, only you will be able to tell yourself if it is the right thing to do!”
She stroked her sister’s face constantly trying to comfort her. There were no words in the English language that would make the pain go away. She wished there were. She would use them all on Livy.
“I can tell you, you deserve happiness! I can tell you, it won’t always be this pain! I can tell you, that I love you! But I can’t tell you if this is right or wrong,” Alex smiled gently putting her hand on her sisters chest. “Only this can.”
“I want happiness,” Livy whispered. “I want the fairy tale that I keep telling Nora is true.”
“Life is not the fairy tale we see in our shows,” Alex cautioned. “There are real life monsters and villains out there, we need to prepare ourselves and her for that as well!”
“There are real life laughs as well,” Livy smiled touching Alex’s face. “One is here in this bed, the other is probably with my daughter caring for her, with the same love he shows you with!”
“My Gavin is what men should aspire to be,” Alex smiled with a nod. “But even he is not perfect. He is only perfect…for me.”
“What the hell is that?” Livy asked her eyes staring at Alex’s throat. Alex touched where Livy’s eyes were locked. She felt the chaser. She had forgotten it was on. She smiled sheepishly. This was her collar, the one she was supposed to wear at parties to show she was owned, but there is no way she could tell her sister that!
“This is another Christmas gift,” Alex smiled as she touched it with her sister. “The man is just going to spoil me rotten!”
This caused Livy to laugh with Alex, the final release of the pain for the night.
“Do you think the stones are real?” Livy asked her in disbelief.
“I know my Gavin,” Alex nodded. “It’s real.”
“Holy shit!” Livy gasped which made Alex laugh as Livy rarely swore.
“I had the same response,” Alex giggled.
Once Livy had finally fallen wait, exhaust from her pain filled night finally taking over. Alex watched her sister sleep for a few moments. She felt so sorry for her sister, she wanted to drive to Pennsylvania and beat the shit out of Don, but that wasn’t going to happen.
She then thought the worst of worsts, what if Gavin left her? The thought snuck into her mind and caused as much damage as it could before she was able to push it out. If she thought that was a possibility, then it would poison the relationship. When she first entered this relationship, Gavin told her he would earn her trust. At the time she thought that meant sexually, now looking back, it means she would have to trust him with everything.
Easing out of bed to not wake her sister, she quietly closed the door to the bedroom and went to the master bedroom where Gavin was. She quietly opened the door hoping Nora was asleep, she found them both sleep. She closed the door and leaned against it for a moment. Looking at Gavin as he held her niece protectedly by his side.
A small smile crept across her face as she touched the necklace, she reached back and removed it. Finding the box for it she put it up and looked at it for a few seconds. It was a dream, all of this must be some elaborate, fantastic magical dream. One she hoped she never woke up from.
She eased into her side of the bed and Gavin opened his eyes, he looked to Nora then back to Alex. Shuffling closer to them she draped her arm over Gavin and he did the same with her forming a bridge of protection over Nora.
“How is she?” Gavin whispered.
“She has decided on the big ‘D’,” Alex frowned.
“Well that is unfortunate, but really, it’s the only logical decision,” Gavin whispered. “She forgive him once, this is not something that is forgivable in my opinion.”
“I agree,” Alex said with a small tear. Gavin caught it before it fell.
“Giving you doubts on marriage?” Gavin asked her.
“On marriage? Yes. On you? Absolutely not,” Alex admitted firmly.
“I love you,” Gavin told her and the words melted her. “I only need you.”
“What about a little one like this?” Alex smiled with a nod towards Nora.
“One or two,” he smiled. “As long as we buy a lock for the bedroom door!”
This made her giggle in remembranace of the panic she felt that Nora almost caught them in the middle of their sinning.
“You are so good with her,” Alex lauded.
“I want one,” he smiled. “Not right away, but soon.”
“I want to give you one,” she smiled. “Boy or a girl?”
“I don’t care,” he said kissing Nora’s head as she mumbled in her sleep. “Healthy, happy, and looks like you, that are my only requirements.”
“I wanthim to look like you,” Alex countered.
“Him?” Gavin smiled.
“Him,” she said firmly. She wanted the dream. The full dream. Gavin, her and a son.
Alex woke the next morning but Gavin had changed positions. He was no longer on his side of the bed, he was behind her and Nora was sprayed out on his side. Nearly sideways in the bed. She felt him against her backside and smiled. It brought back the memories of how close she was to please him completely.
She reached out and stroked Nora’s hair softly.
“You are going to wake her,” Gavin’s warm voice said from behind her.
“Nothing can make you forget about your problems like looking at an innocent child,” Alex told him.
“Agreed,” Gavin said nuzzling her neck. She rubbed her backside in a tease against his groin. “Hey now!” he warned.
“Sorry Sir,” she smiled. “I was just stretching!” He kissed her from the side.
“How do we help her?” Alex asked him. “Livy is going to need a lot ofhelp.”
“With whatever she needs,” he turned her head with his fingers. “I want you to listen to me, this is not up for debate, or refusal…if she needs something you take care of it, I don’t care the cost.”
“Gavin,” Alex closed her eyes. “I can’t spend your money like that!”
“You need to stop thinking of it that way,” Gavin told her. “She needs lawsers, she needs a place to live. She needs a do over in life. That won’t be easy emotionally, the last thing she needs is to worry about how to pay for it.”
“But it’s your money,” Alex argued softly.
“And I can spend it how I see fit,” Gavin said firmly. “I have the means, so take care of her. This is not up for debate, Little One.”
Gavin was pulling a jacket on Nora as she smiled and hoped excitedly.
“Where are you two going?” Livy’s voice stopped her from hoping.
“Uncle Gavin is taking me to the Aquarium!” Nora yelled.
“He is?” Livy forced a smile.
“Chicago has a greatt aquarium,” Gavin told her. “Thought you and Alex could do some retail therapy, maybe a nice lunch.”
“You don’t have to Gavin!” Livy gasped. “You have your work!”
“I have taken the day off,” Gavin told her.
“A day off?” Livy asked.
She was surprised as Alex had mentioned he didn’t have off days with the type of physical he was. He only had days he may not work, for him to take an off day would take some sort of miracle.
“Yeah, it’s a first for me,” Gavin nodded. “Alex has been hounding me to do some days off.”
“C’mon Uncle Gavin!” Nora pulled.
“Gotta go,” Gavin winded. “The boss said it’s time!”
Sitting in the food area of Shedd Aquarium, Gavin realized just how out of shape he was. He could barely keep up with the “Energizer Bunny” who seemed to run from tank to tank. The only time he got her to sit down was during the dolphin show they went to, and that was only when she wasn’t jumping up and down in front of her seat.
They were planning their next move, they had seen all of the aquarium and now were debating a trip to the Adler Planetarium or the Field Museum. She was debating in her head after he gave her the choices.
“Uncle Gavin,” Nora said after wiping her mouth off with her hand that had him grimacing and touching up her face with a napkin.
“Yes,” he smiled with a shake of his head.
“Are my mom and dad going to get a dividend?” she asked and he frowned that she would even know to ask the question.
“Where did you hear that?” Gavin asked her, concerned that he heard he and Alex last night.
“I heard Grandma and Aunt Krista talking about it,” Nora said looking at him. “What is it?”
“Um,” Gavin stalled as his brain argued with itself whether he should address the question.
He let out a deep sight. Perhaps it would be better for him to discuss it with her, that way she got the unclouded truth. Not the truth according to the religious zealots in Pennsylvania. Not the sad truth from Livy who probably couldn’t get through it without collapsing in a fit of tears, understandably.
“A dividend is where a couple who are married, says they don’t want to be married anymore. They decided to live separately,” Gavin explained carefully watching the little girl’s response.
“So they don’t live in the same house?” Nora asked.
“That’s part of it,” Gavin agreed.
“My mom and dad don’t live together anymore,” Nora pointed out. “So they are dividendd?”
“No,” Gavin struggled. “It’s more about going to court and telling a judge that you don’t want to live together anymore. Then the judge decides who gets what. Who gets the house, the car, any money they have.”
He was trying to explain it in a way that she would understand. But how do you explain to a six year old something most adults don’t understand.
“Most of the time,” Gavin continued. “Everything gets divided in the middle and everybody gets half.”
“What will happento me?” Nora asked, the quiver of fear in her voice was impossible to miss.
“You will stay with your mom, most of the time, then visit your dad too,” Gavin assured her.
“Where will we live?” Nora asked.
“I don’t know,” Gavin shrugged. “You and your mommy will have to find someplace new to live, I guess.”
“And daddy will live with his new girlfriend?” Nora asked.
This felt like a kick in the groin to Gavin, it made his stomach turn. How is this little girl supposed to deal with that knowledge? He suppressed the growl that was dying to get out of him.
“I don’t know what your dad will do,” Gavin told her.
She stalled at her Dipping Dots ice cream with her spoon for a few moments and Gavin hoped she wouldn’t ask any more questions.
“Are they getting a dividend because of me?” The question crushed his heart before it was fully out of her innocent lips.
“Look at me,” Gavin commanded as he moved to knee on the floor in front of her. “Listen very carefully to what I’m about to tell you.” He picked up her hand and put it on his chest. “Do you know how the police know when you are lying to them?” She shook her head.
“They put a machine on you that measures your heartbeat,” Gavin told her. He continued to hold her tiny hand to her chest. “Can you feel my heartbeat?” She nodded with a smile.
“If you lie, your heartbeat speeds up,” he told her. “You breathing speeds up. Do you understand?” She nodded.
“Then know what I’m about to tell you is the truth,” Gavin said firmly. “My heart won’t let me lie to you, you will be able to tell…y parents getting a dividend has nothing to do with you. It is not your fault, it is theirs. I can’t explain it, other than to say, Sometimes…people decided they don’t love one another anymore. They begin to fight a lot. They stop talking to one another, they stop doing things together.”
“When that happens, they get a dividend,” Gavin said strongly, holding her hand toHis chest. “It never has anything to do with the children they have. You are just caught in the middle. They both love you, very much! But they can’t stay together and be happy. So they decide to live apart, be happy and love you.”
“This is not your fault,” Gavin repeated. “This is your parent’s fault. Your mom and dad’s. No one else. They made the decisions to get them to this point.”
“Do you understand me?” Gavin asked her. She nodded, her tears hovering on the edge of her eyes. “Am I lying to you?” She looked to him and smiled. She shook her head. “It didn’t speed up, did it?” She shook her head. “I swear to you, this had nothing to do with you.”
Chapter 31*
“Oh my gosh!” Nora gushed as Alex came out of the bedroom. The white dress was flowing from her body like a wedding gown. She wanted to run to her Aunt but Livy stopped her.
“Not with your grimy hands!” Livy laughed. “You will put hand prints on her.”
“You look beautiful,” Nora smiled as she hoped on her knees on the couch.
Alex turned a full turn, she left the back of her dress to them.
“Too much?” She asked her sister.
“I think it is the most drop dead gorgeous dress I have ever seen!” Livy said with a shake of her head.
Alex looked at the mirrored wall. The white dress was a halter top type. It opened down the front, revealing her belly button. The Two sides of the silk dress held together with soft lace. The back was completely open, her skin showing all the way down to about a half inch above her hips.
The diamond and sapphire shouter was already on, she touched it with a smile. Her collar, the one of ownership. Gavin came out in is tuxedo and Livy whistled at him while Nora tried to whistle like her mother.
“Thank you ladies,” Gavin bowed at them. He looked to Alex who smiled at him. He scanned her from head to toe and shook his head in disbelief.
“Uncle Gavin,” Nora said drawing his eyes from Alex. “What do you think of Aunt Alex? Isn’t she gorgeous?”
“I think,” Gavin began slowly looking back at her. “That God has put an Angel here to keep me company! And gorgeous doesn’t begin to describe her.”
This made Nora laugh as she covered her mouth in happiness.
“Now,” Alex smiled at them. “You guys enjoy the New Year.” Alex said kissing them both while they sat on the couch.
“Happy New Year,” Gavin said kissing Nora on the head and then Livy on the cheese.
“You guys have fun!” Livy said with a tinge of jealousy. “See you next year!”
The couple laughed over their shoulders as they left the condo.
“They look like they were going to get married!” Nora smiled.
“Oh,” Livy smiled pulling her daughter on her lap. “I can’t wait to see that dress!” Referring to the wedding gown.
“Aunt Alex looked just like a prince with her necklace!” Nora raved.
“She did,” Livy agreed.
“That must mean Gavin is Prince Charming!” Nora looked up at her mother.
“He absolutely is,” Livy whispered kissing her daughter’s nose.
“Are there any more?” Nora asked.
“I’m sure there is!” Livy assured her.
“I love you mommy,” Nora said softly kissing her mother’s cheese. “We will be fine on our own!”
Livy looked to her.
“I know you and daddy will get a dividend,” Nora said softly as her mother began to tear up. “But I will always love you, and as long as you always love me, we don’t need anything else!”
“I will love you all the way to my last breath!” Livy said strongly. “Together, we will be just fine!”
Nora put a strong hug around her mother’s neck and held her as her mother held her tiny body tightly in her arms.
“Me and you, mommy,” Nora whispered. “Me and you!”
Alex and Gavin arrived at Madelyn’s party with smiles on. They had teased each other all the way over.
“Oh my!’ Madelyn raved as soon as she saw her. Alex did a quick turn giving her the full view. “Shall I get thechair and the whip right now?” She asked Gavin who furrowed his browser in confusion.
“You are going to be fighting off the animals with her looking like that!” Madelyn gushed.
“Oh,” Gavin laughed as Alex Shook her head with a blush.
“Now,” Madelyn smiled looping her arms around both Alex and Gavin. “I want you on your best behavior tonight!”
She said This looking at Gavin.
“Why would I not be?” Gavin scoffed.
“Royce is here,” Madelyn told him.
“Why would I care?” Gavin asked her, his tone said everything as both women looked at him.
“The last time you two were in my house, you would have killed him,” Madelyn pointed out.
“I promise to behave!” Gavin said with his hand up in a mock swearing in.
“That’s all I’m asking,” Madelyn told him.
Standing in the doorway to the grand ballroom, Alex looked around and found Kelly who waved. She waved back just as some men called Gavin over.
“Go on your way for now,” Gavin said kissing her neck, just under her ear. “I will go mine, but I don’t want you away from me tonight.”
“Yes Sir,” she smiled. “I won’t be long.”
She walked over and picked up a glass of champione as she went. Arriving where Kelly, Lauren and Janna stood.
“Don’t think for one second, that just because we like you, doesn’t mean we won’t find some room and jack that necklace off you!” Lauren threatened with a broad smile.
“No shit!” Janna laughed shaking her head as she stared at it.
Kelly slipped her hand into Alex’s and held it.
“It’s absolutely stunning!” Kelly gushed touching it. “Between that dress, your body, and that necklace, there isn’t a tongue that isn’t on the floor, or panties that aren’t wet!”
“For those of you wearing panties,” Alex teased, just before taking a sip of champione, which caused the girls to cache at her allusion that she wasn’t wearing any.
“How is it going?” Janna asked her.
“I want to thank you guys so much!”Alex said to them. “You guys really helped me out!”
“So the advice we gave you helped?” Janna asked.
“Immensely!” Alex assured her.
“Hand over the necklace and we will call it even!” Lauren laughed getting a closer look.
“Or Gavin for a night!” Kelly teased.
“No,” Alex said to Lauren. “And hell no!” Alex laughed to Kelly.
“Did you see Beth?” Kelly asked carefully.
“No! Is she here?” Alex smiled. Kelly tilted her head and Alex looked to where she was pointing. Alex had to do a double take, it barely looked like her.
Gone was the long flowing locks of raven hair that Alex admitted so much. Elizabeth had cut her hair very short, and the makeup she normally wore lightly was Now much heavier. She had lost the regular look that Alex loved so much. She was very thin still, not gaining any weight back from her flu.
Royce stood off the side, a lean hooked to her collar as she stood there looking defeated while she looked to the floor. While Royce laughed and joked with the men around him having a grand time it appeared. She talked and joked with no one. Standing alone in a crowded room.
“What’s with the fucking lean?” Alex grew, thinking of the sheer amount of disrespect that included. She had seen it before, but not on someone like Elizabeth.
“Some Dom’s do that,” Janna frowned. “You don’t normally see that with an accomplished sub at a party such as this, but it’s done.”
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