Secret Smiles and Three Little Words Pt. 22

Chapter 24*

“So I have some good news,” Alex smiled, it was so bright and big it made Gavin smile.

She was actually aglow, Gavin could see that she had good news long before she said anything. It was actually a department of what she had been for some time now. Now that she was no longer working on the wall.

“What’s that?” he asked as he sat his fork down. He wanted to give her his undivided attention.

“Well you have been on me for weeks to get back to art,” she said picking up her wine glass and taking a small sip. He nodded.

Ever since the Expo, she had not touched any of her sketchbooks or paintings. Gavin had converted the guest room to a studio for her, but all her supplies had sat untouched. He had converted it to motivate her to work as it had been two months since she did any. She had fallen into a melancholy mood because she couldn’t find any inspiration. It was as if the wall had drained it from her.

“I want you to do what makes you happy,” he corrected her. “I know your art does that.”

“I know,” she smiled. “You make me happy as well! Does that mean I can just do you?”

“I think we have been doing that, haven’t we?” he chuckled with and arched eyebrow.

“Not nearly enough in my book!” she smiled bashfully.

“You are going to wear my ass out!” he laughed. She looked to her plate with a blush. “So, your news?” He prodded gently seeing her embarrassment.

“I got the maternity leave thing for the south side school!” she said proudly. He nodded and forced a smile for her benefit.

“You don’t look happy,” she pointed out, not being fooled.

“No, I’m happy that you’re happy but…,” he surprised.

“But?” she pushed.

“I’m not real wild about you having to go to the south side!” he told her picking up his wine glass and taking a drink with a shrug of his broad shoulders. “There are some rough neighborhoods down there! There were three drive by shootings just this weekend.”

She dropped her head and frowned. She knew he would not like it.

“Look,” he smiled reading her. “I love that you are going to teach art, I really do, but it’s the neighborhoods that I’m worried about!”

“I know,” she nodded. “But these kids…I loved working with them for that one day I subbed…now I get the opportunity to do that until Christmas!”

She knew he was going to be worried, he did that all the time with her. His overprotective nature sometimes getting in their way of their continued growth both sexually and emotionally.

“I get it,” he nodded. “Doesn’t mean I’m not going to worry.”

“I get it,” she said with twisted lips.

At least he didn’t outright forbid it. If he did then the fight would be on. They rarely fight anymore, thankfully. He was just always on her positively to move back to art. She knew she was in a funk, but she couldn’t come out of it. He thought the art would do it but she just wasn’t motivated to do that anymore.

“Can we address that car of yours now?” he asked her with a frown.

“There is nothing wrong with the rabbit,” she warned him. This had the makings of a fight. He kept spoiling her, clothes, shoes and jewelry. He doted on her constantly, normally she didn’t mind. But he had been on her to buy a new car.

Her car was almost twenty years old and on its last leg but she just couldn’t afford a new one right now. She had spent the bulk of her money from the paintings and the wall paying off her monumental student loan debt. What was left, paid back Lena, who had initially refused, but after constant pressure accepted half of what Alex was offering for payment of back rent. Now that she was debt free, she wanted to stay that way. A car payment just put her back to struggle.

“The oil slick under it says otherwise!” he countered. “I’m surprised Greenpeace isn’t here about another oil disaster because of the sheer amount of oil that thing puts out!”

“Hey!” shelaughed defensively.

“I’m just saying,” he shrugged.

“I’m doing my best,” she said shaking her head. “I’ve saved up some money, now with this gig I should be able to save up some more. I don’t want a payment or anything because I don’t know where or when my next paycheck is going to come.”

“I told you I would take care of it,” he said with a deep exhale. How many times was he going to let her argument her way out of it before he just lost it and went ballistic? He couldn’t explain it himself.

He was doing is very best to keep this from becoming a massive argument. He was trying to balance being a Dom and being a boyfriend. He didn’t know why he was doing that but he was trying for her. She never asked, but he just felt he should do it.

“I’m not much on charity,” she said firmly.

“It’s not fucking charity!” Gavin grew his temperature rising. “I want to help you out!”

“I know,” she frowned, she had to derail his temperature, she didn’t want an argument. “But I want to do this on my own! I’ve always done everything on my own!”

“That’s bullshit,” he said tossing his napkin on the table.

“What is?”

“That you won’t let me help you,” he said angrily.

“This isn’t like a set of clothes,” she pointed out. “Or some shoes! We are talking thousands of dollars! I wouldn’t be comfortable with that!”

“You know,” he started slowly. “I don’t know why I let you refuse me the way you do, or why I accept the way you talk to me the way you do. I have never let a sub do that!”

“It’s because you love me,” she smiled, trying to take some of the anger from him with her innocent smile.

“That’s why I should just buy the fucking car and suffer with your pouting afterwards!” he said picking up his fork and going back to dinner.

She didn’t point out to him that he didn’t make a denial of her statement. That was as close as she could get him to saying the words. Saying them for him and having him not deny it./p>

“Can I at least have my mechanic look at the piece of shit?” he asked her angrily.

“I could live with that,” she smiled knowing that was going to happen with or without her consent.

Alex moved into the living room after putting the dinner dishes into the dish washer, as Gavin flipped through the channels on TV. When she walked in he shut the TV off and set the remote on the table next to him.

“Can’t find anything to watch?” she smiled at him.

“No,” he shrugged. “Just not in the mood for basketball tonight, seems like the only thing on.”

She nodded as she stood there as he looked her over. She had on a white v-neck tee that was nearly see through. She had tightly seen through. She had tightly driven him crazy when she wore them. They formed tightly around her ass and hips, giving him a visual that would cause him to hold his breath when she was around in them.

He crossed his legs, and watched her standing there.

“Can I help you? Sir?” she smiled as she felt him undressing her from the couch.

“Yes,” he nodded. “Entertain me.”

“How?” she asked as she lowered her eyes and felt herself hold her breath.

“Take your clothes off,” he said in a tone that means not to question or hesitate. “Slowly.”

She started with her button on her pants, slowly pulling the edge until the button popped loose. She then tugged the t-shirt over her head slowly. It pulled free from her free flowing hair as she shook her head to get it loose afterward. She dropped it near her as her eyes locked on his. He never took his eyes off her, nor did it look like he blinked.

She smiled as her face flushed with warmth, her body began to show its early signs of arousal as her breathing increased. She pulled the zipper of the pants down slowly Before running her hands up her hips and then letting her fingers divide between her pants and onto her skin. She eased the tight jean material down, shimmying her hips to help them loose from thepants. This simple action caused him to groan softly in pleasure which made her smile.

Slowly she stepped out of the material, using her foot to kick the jeans from her. She stood there a moment in only her bra and panties to let him look at her. He nodded his approval with a smile.

She reached around her and undid the bra, releasing her breasts from their enclosure. She let the bra slide down her arms before catching it with her hand and she let it fall to the t-shirt at her feet.

She stood there a moment, again pausing to let him look at her, stopping after each article of clothing was removed to allow him a moment to see her, now that more of her skin was revealed to him. She ran her hands over her stomach, up to her breasts and around the nipple, which hardened immediately. They hardened due to the cooling of the room, and the excitement building in her.

It was the way he was looking at her. Devouring her from a distance, his eyes drinking her in from headto toe and back again. His little satisfied smile on his face letting her know he was pleased in both the tempo she was using and what she was revealing to him.

She turned around to show him what he desired most of all, her ass. She looked over her shoulder and watched him swallow hard. This brought her secret smile out, she loved teasing him this way. Driving him mad with lust was a good thing for her because it usually ended up with a good hard fuck. Something that always made her cum hard, the way he took her when he was fired up, which was always roughly.

Gently sliding her fingers into the underwear she eased the thong down until it was around her ankles. She followed the panties down until she was bent at the waist, causing him to again let out a deep breath in a slow hiss. She smiled as she drew out the response she was looking for.

Running her hands from her ankles up her calves, to her tights across her buttocks giving them a slight pull to show him her analplug that she was wearing most of the day now, the sight of which, made him close his eyes briefly.

She left herself turned to him, leaving her backside in full view of his eyes, leaving her looking over her shoulder at him waiting for his next command.

“You look absolutely stunning,” he whispered.

“Thank you, Sir,” she said back with her smile.

“Come here,” he said softly. She immediately obeyed walking slowly to him while he sat on the couch.

“Lay down, there on the table,” he said stopping her from coming all the way to him.

“The coffee table?” she asked him looking at it.

“Yes,” he said firmly.

She sat down on the edge carefully, the table was a struggle wood, but she still felt like it was going to break under her. Once she was fully sat she pulled her legs up and carefully positioned herself in the center and gently laid back.

“Play with yourself,” he said softly, once she was fully laid back and looked to him.


“Masturbate for me,” he confirmed. She looked at him as he face flushed in embarrassment. “It’s a simple request, nothing that should wind up getting you a consequence for hesitation.” He pointed out.

“I’m sorry Sir,” she gasped. “I’ve never done that!”

“Masturbated?” he asked.

“No, I’ve done that! Just never in front of anyone!” She could feel her face burning with embarrassment.

Gavin sat there staring at her, his head propped up by his hand which was propped up by his elbow on the back of the couch. She realized she was still hesitating and soon that would anger him.

She slowly brought her hand up and realized it was shaking a little and she couldn’t explain why. Perhaps it was because this was the most intimate of intimates! Something you do that you never tell anyone about! A forbidden pleasure that most people denied doing even though most people did it.

She let her fingers slip slowly over her public hair strip gently. She turned her eyes away from him, embarrassed as her fingers hit the top of her clip. Her fingers lightly rubbed there to begin with. She closed her eyes as her body responded to the situation. Her body warmed, her breathing increased.

Gently rubbing in a circle on her clip at first, as she let her body respond with goosebumps as it was pleased by her own touch. She slowly turned her head to look at him and found his eyes focused on her, staring through her possible, as he was enranced in what she was doing. He hadn’t moved a muscle.

She watched him as she gently moved down and slowly let her fingers dip into her. The heat from her sex washed over her fingers and she held her breath until she was firmly planted in her body up to her knuckle.

“Move your leg so I can watch,” he said interrupting her silence.

She dropped her leg closest to him down and that gave him full view of her hand as her middle finger was into her sex.

“Continue,” he whispered.

She slowly began to thrust her middle finger in and out of her. Her body blossomed with heat as she went. Her body responding to her touch in a positive way pushing the embarrassment from her.

She gently went at her sex, thrusting her wet finger in and out in a steady pace, her hips lifting slightly to meet her hand. Her soft breathing becomes heavier as she pushed herself closer to orgasm.

As it built inside of her, she began to lift her hips faster to her hand. Her free hand moved up to her nipples and gently tugged on them, pulling them hard for his eyes. She looked over at him and he was still motionless as he watched her.

The only thing that told her he was pleased was his secret smile, it was on his face as she protected herself. The sound of her wet sex beginning to be heard by the two of them, explaining without words her excitement.

Her little yelps of excitement brought out a bigger smile on him, when she was brought slowly to climax like she was doing now, she didn’t moan. Shemade these little noises not quite a moan, not quite a yelp, but a pleasant ‘yip’. Something she was unaware she did until he pointed them out. She was embarrassed the first time she caught herself doing it but he assured her he loved it.

Her ‘yips’ brought her eyes opened as she looked to him and saw that he was pleased, this egged her on to go faster with her hand, letting a second finger slide in as Her ring finger joined her middle finger inside of her. Now her palm rested on her clip and that brought a second wave of pleasure to her, now she felt penetrated with her two fingers and her palm brushed her clip at the same time.

Her hips increased their pace as she went, they gently rose off the table causing her back to arch as her head bent backward as she let her orgasm build. She wanted to cum but she wanted to keep her little show going for him as he was most definitely pleased with what she was doing. She could see it on his face.

Now as her body urged herhand faster she had to keep it clearly from going too fast. She looked to him one more time, she left her head turned to him as her face reddened and her body shook as she held her breath until her orgasm hit forcing her to cry out softly as her cum leaked around her fingers. Her muscles in her stomach rippling with satisfaction as her orgasm claimed her.

Her body released with its pleasure and the arch in her back Disappeared as she laid flat on the table once again. Her fingers slowing as the squish of liquid filled the room as her cum slicked fingers pushed it out of her sex. Her breast heaved as her breathing caused them to rise and fall as her excitement faded as she pulled her fingers out.

She held them up and they glistened with cum in the light. She looked to him and saw him staring at them with a smile.

“Continue,” he told her. “I want more.”

“More?” she smiled as she gently put her fingers back into herself causing the one word question to come outin a gasp.

“Always,” he said as he watched her.

She continued to work herself, her body didn’t take much to bring to another orgasm. Her body twisting as she came, her not so subtle cry in bliss surprised her. As was the copious amount of cum that came with it. She lifted her hips up as her orgasm forced every muscle in her body to contract at once, like a fist tightening then slowly releasing a crumple piece of paper, her body collapsed on the table with a thud.

She looked to him and he gave her a wink of approval.

“More?” she asked him under ragged breath.

“More,” he commanded. “But now I want you on the floor, ass facing me…up in the air.”

She eased from the coffee table and faced the window away from him, she bent at the waist and laid her face on the soft plus carpet of the floor. Now she was open to him, her glistening sex parted just slightly revealing her wetness to him.

The ruby ​​colored anal plug end glistened in the lamp. Her firmCheeks spread just slightly so he could see it fully. Reaching between her legs she eased her fingers back inside of her making herself whimper slightly.

Her hand was wet from her last orgasm, he could see it glisten. He watched her fingers plumge in and out of herself now. No longer taking it slowly, no longer hold back by her inhibitions of masturbating in front of someone. Now it was only about Her pleasure, both what she was doing to herself, then the pleasure she was giving him by her show.

Her third orgasm washed from her, around her fingers to drip slightly onto the floor beneath her. Her gasp held back by her biting of her lip. As she fingered herself in this position, the anal plug moved with her fingers bringing the sensings up a notch. The toy moving with her thrusts, slightly gyrating the toy in her ass causing her a second pleasant point. She could feel the toy through her soft, thin walls inside her sex and that turned her on another one hundred degreesshe felt.

“I want your fingers,” he told her when she looked back at him from her face down position on the carpet. “Careful to not wipe any of your delicious cum from your fingers.”

She pulled her fingers out and held them up as she sat up, she turned staying on her knees and walked on them to him, splitting his legs to knee between them. He took her cum coated hand in his.

She watched him stare at Her fingers, slowly he lowered his mouth on her ring finger and gently suckled it. His lips holding the entire finger in his mouth as he used his tongue inside to wipe the finger off.

He slowly sucked the finger as he pulled it gently from his lips, nipping the end as he let it go from his mouth bringing a smile from her. He looked to the middle finger and slowly inserted it into his hot mouth causing her to hold her breath as he Suckled it gently the way he had just done her ring finger. Pulling off all her cum from the digit before pulling it slowly from his mouth.

His tongue slowly licked in between her fingers, gathering any cum that he might have missed from them. His tongue moving to her palm licking there as well which made her giggle slightly as it ticckle for some reason. This brought a smile to his face.

He continued to suckle her fingers with his mouth as his free hand slide down between them and found her wet sex causing her to jump slightly with Sensitivity. His larger fingers disappearing in her had her gasping as she closed her eyes at his gentle intrusion.

He began a long, deep thrust of his own fingers in her now, fucking her gently with his hand, all the while sucking on her fingers repeatedly, starting with her index, moving to her pinky as he sucked each one, while thrusting in her causing her to grunt under his manipulations.

Her orgasm took control of her body, and forced her to rise on her knees as her body went rigid. Her mouth hung open as her soft scream of pleasure wouldn’t come out until her cumwashed from her body. When the liquid oozed out of her so did her whimper of pleasure as her body released its command of her muscles and she collapsed on her heels.

She used her free hand to take hold of him, to steady herself as her head spun in a pleasant dizzy twirl from her orgasm.


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