Teach Your Masters Well Ch. 01

It was the first week in October. The afternoon air was pleasant. It would become quite cold, as soon as the sun set. It had been an early fall. Joan was glad to have the hot tub. Allen did not make enough money, to afford such luxury. Lisa bought it when she moved in.

They had lived on a limited budget, since they had bought the old farm on the edge of the city. Lisa paid rent for her apartment, and bought all of the food. Last month, Lisa had even paid, all of the utility bills.

Before Lisa came into their lives, they had seriously considered selling the farm. Neither of them, had understood how much time, and money, it would take, just to do the upkeep on the old farm. Joan loved the farm. Mostly, she loved the solitude, and peace, that came with it.

Joan slipped into the hot tub. She relaxed almost immediately. The hot swirling water relaxed her body. It did not relax her mind. Everything had changed, since Lisa had entered their life. Besides the money, that came with her, there was an air of sensitivity about her. The air charged with sexual tension, whenever she was around.

Before Lisa, Joan had never been attracted to women. She did not want to be attracted to Lisa, but she was. The tension of the day, was soothed away by the hot water. As her body relaxed, her mind became more active. She knew she didn’t have long to be by herself. Lisa would be home soon. Allen would not be home, until tomorrow night. Allen’s job helped with the finances. It was a real drag for Joan.

Allen was gone from Tuesday morning, through Thursday night. He worked in town Mondays, and Fridays and came home after work. Allen slept in their bed, only Friday through Monday nights. The other nights, she slept alone. The company rented an apartment for Allen, in each of the towns he worked in. Joan hoped, he was also, sleeping alone on those nights. Allen was tired a lot. Their sex life had become seldom, and sporadic.

They had been having more sex, since Lisa had arrived. Maybe, she thought, it was Lisa’s youth, that sparked up the house. Allen had just turned thirty, and Joan was not far behind him. Lisa would be nineteen this weekend. Whatever it was, the house was charged with sex. So was Joan.

She knew that Allen felt the sexual energy, also. On the nights that they were alone in the house, Allen was too tired for sex. When Lisa was in the house, he came to bed excited. The sex they had, with her in the house, was usually password, and full. Joan had mixed feelings about it. She loved the sex, when it was good.

Joan let her mind wander, as her hand moved to between her legs. Her hand slipped under the skimpy bathing suit bottom. Joan’s other hand went to her bare breasts.

She had begun masturbation early. Her fansasies were always heterosexual, up until now. Her fansasies were always quite tame, up until now. Joan’s password began to rise, as her hand worked. The thought flashed through her mind, The little bitch, will be home soon.

Something about Lisa, made Joan want to slap her. Joan’s underlying anger did not raise her ire. It raised her password.

Joan had seen pictures of bondage, and discipline. They had not raised any password in her, at the time. Right now the pictures came to her mind. She was becoming aroused. In her mind, Joan could see herself abusing Lisa.

Thinking About slapping Lisa, aroused her. Thinking of pushing her onto her knees, brought more password. Joan became engrossed with the scene, she had created in her mind. The fantasy had evolved, over the weeks, from just abuse of Lisa, to total domination of her.

Joan’s hands were moving faster, as she pictured herself standing over Lisa, who was kneeling before her. Joan could almost feel the whip in her hand. The words, like blows, coming from her mouth.

“You fucking little bitch. You slut. Whore.”

As Joan’s orgasm began, she shook with pleasure. In her fantasy, she began to slap Lisa. With each wave of pleasure, she envisioned herself slapping her. As her orgasm came to fullness, Joan pictured herself, giving Lisa to Allen. Allen was kissing her, while he fucked Lisa. Joan shuddered, shook, and moaned aloud, as her orgasm took her over.

Joan relaxed into her after glow. She found herself blushing deeply at the fantasy she had just finished. She was confused by the fantasy. Lisa was actually quite nice. She had no bad house habits, except her seeming disregard for nudity.

She was forever walking around the house with little on. She often walked in, for morning coffee, with her robe open, and no clothes on under it. She never wore anything, in the hot tub.

Joan could see, Allen was fascinated by her casual nudity. Neither of them seemed to be flirting, or leering at Each other. Joan was thankful for that. Joan, for the millionth time, promised herself, she would not use that fantasy again. As she did, she knew this promise would not be kept, anybetter than the others had.

Joan’s mind slowly became as calm, as her body was. Joan’s calmness ended in an instant, as she heard Lisa’s car pull into the driveway. She became alert. At the same time, her vagina flushed with wetness.

When she heard the car door close, she became totally, sexually, excited. Joan was blushing red when Lisa entered the back yard. Lisa carried a long black case With her. Lisa sat the case aside, then went up to the hot tub and began to disrobe.

Lisa had a light easy air about her, as she took off her clothes. When the outer layers were off, Lisa walked to the bar, and poured two drinks. As she walked away from Joan, her pert ass was barely covered, with a thin wisp of clothes. Lisa returned to the hot tub, sat the drinks down, and finished disrobing. Joan’s heart began beat faster, as Lisa became barer.

Lisa was quite pretty. Not really beautiful. More like cute. Her body was well developed, but was not large. With her clothes on,she seemed almost girlish. With her clothes off, she was fully a woman. Joan was wet, and aroused, as Lisa stepped into the tub. Lisa took a drink over to Joan, and handed it to her, with a light kiss.

Lisa sat close to Joan.

“I’m so excited. Tomorrow we’ll celebrate my birthday. I just ended my week in school. I feel like the party starts now. We’ll have so much fun. I’ve arranged it all. We’ll have dinner, and dancing into the night. I’ve reserved a suite for us, so we don’t have to drive after home afterwards. I wish Allen were going to be here tonight, so we could all start the party now. We’ll have to party alone. I’ve ordered the caterer . There will be no cooking tonight.”

Joan was not sure what angered her, about Lisa, right now. She wanted, more than anything, to slap her. Just the thought, sent waves of pleasure through her. Joan had to resist the impulse to masturbate. Lisa seemed unaware of the sexual tension in Joan.

Lisa urged Joan to drink, whilebabbling on about the party. Joan relaxed with the drink. Lisa brought the bottle to the hot tub. Joan’s vagina flushed with wetness, again, as she watched Lisa walk to the bar, and back.

Lisa poured the next drink.

“A birthday kiss.”

Lisa kissed Joan actively, without password. Joan and Lisa, were both quite loose, when they left the tub. Lisa picked up the case she had brought. She sat it to the table, that was between the long padded bench that Lisa sat on, and the chair that Joan was sitting on. Lisa poured more drinks.

“For my birthday, I’ve bought you both gifts. You have been so nice to me, since I rented the apartment.

They drank awhile, Lisa retrieved snacks from the refrigerator. They ate and drank in silence. Joan was a little tipsy when Lisa spoke.

“I can’t wait any longer. I have to give you your first gift now. It’s for you, but I’m sure that you will share it with Allen.”

Lisa pushed the case over to Joan, then lay down on her stomach, on the long padded bench.

“Open it now. I can’t wait any longer.”

Joan took the case and inspected it. It looked like a flute case, but was longer. The case had ornate leather work on it. All of the hardware was gold. There was a small golden lock on the latch.

Lisa took a chain, from around her neck, and throw it to Joan. The chain had a little golden key on it. Joan used the key, then sat the key and lock aside.

Joan flushed with embarrassment, and excitement, as she saw the contents of the case. There were three whips mounted in the lid. In the main case, was an association of restraints. In the back of the case was a compartment that had two dildos. One was larger than the other.

Joan was first excited, then she became angry.

“You were invited into our living room. You Lisa had begun to masturbate. As she lay on her stomach, her hands were hidden from view. Her naked ass was rocking. Lisa’s eyes werehalf closed.

“You are right, I am a brazen little bitch.”

Joan tried not to react, but found her anger, and her password, rising.

Lisa looked over at Joan, with an impish smile.

“I flirted with Allen, before he lift for work. It was not the first time.”

Joan was furious.

“You fucking little bitch. I should evict you.”

Lisa smiled.

“And lost the money? I have lots of it. You don’t have to evict me, to make me mind. You can just beat my ass. I have it coming.”

Joan now felt manipulated. She had no intention of giving in to Lisa’s suggestion.

“I was so horny, I couldn’t help my self. I haven’t had any relief, since I’ve gotten here.”

Joan was seeing, but did not know what to do about it. She had just made up her mind to leave, when Lisa spoke.

“I’ll do it again. If you don’t stop me. Allen won’t be able to stop himself, if I keep it up.”

Joan’s anger over rode any decisions, she had made to her self. Joan anger flared, as she released the middle whip from its holder. The whip was a springy, leather clad, fiberglass whip. It felt good in Joan’s hand.

Joan’s vagina flushed with arousal, as she closed her hand on the whip. Joan walked up to Lisa, and slashed her across her naked upturned ass. Joan began to beat Lisa, as she cursed at her.

“You fucking whore. You low class slut. I’ll beat you bloody, if you ever fuck with my husband again.”

Lisa was crying.

“I’m sorry. Please I’ll be good. I’ve been so bad.”

Lisa was in full heat as she cried, and plead. Her hand was working furiously, as she began to climax. Lisa shrieked out her orgasm, as Joan continued to use the whip.

As Lisa’s password subsided, she began to cry, and beg.

“Please don’t be mad at me. I was so hot. The whip is the only thing that calms me. Thank you for helping me.”

Lisa’s tears, brought a new emotion to Joan. Joan now feel sorry for Lisa. She wanted to comfort her. Joan sat beside Lisa and began to pet her.

“It’s all right. I’m sure you are sorry.”

“I am sorry. Let me make it up to you.”

Lisa pushed Joan onto her back.

“I’m sure that using the whip excited you. I could see it in your eyes. I know you’re hot.”

Lisa began to pull the wet bathing suit bottom off of Joan’s wide hips.

Joan began to resistant.

“No. Please. I’m alright. We can’t do this.”

Lisa’s impish smile returned.

“You can stop me. You’re bigger than I am. I’m just a little girl. You do not want to stop me.”

Lisa had removed Joan’s only piece of clothing. Lisa sat next to Joan, and began to stroke her wet open vagina.

“You’re excited. You’re hot right Now. You need to make someone, get you off.”

Lisa continued to raise Joan’s password. She spoke in a tiny voice.

“Don’t make me do it.”

Joan could no longer fight her lust. Joan took a hold of Lisa’s hair, and slapped her. Joan flushed with password. Joan slapped her again.

“You’ll make it up to me. Right now.”

Joan was smiling, as she pushed Lisa’s head between her legs. Joan’s password came from the slap. Her pleasure came from the power she held over Lisa.

Lisa struggled and plead.

“Please don’t make me do it. It is so bad.”

Joan spoke with glee.

“You’ll do it, because you are so bad.”

Lisa continued to struggle, as Joan pushed Lisa’s head into her open vagina. Joan was using Lisa’s face, to masturbate with. Lisa was still struggling, and crying. Lisa’s tears inflamed Joan.

Joan pulled Lisa’s head up, and slapped her face again. Joan felt spasms of pleasure, flow out from her vagina, to fill her body, with delicious shifts of pleasure. Joan commanded.

“Get your little slut mouth working, or I’ll beat your ass again. Next time, I’ll use the big whip.”

Joan pushed Lisa’s head back down to her punishment. Lisa began to suck her off with energy. Joan began to climax. As the waves of pleasureBegin, Joan pulled Lisa up, and slapped her, then pushed her head back down to her open wet cunt. Joan’s orgasm was so powerful, she almost went into a swoon.

Lisa licked Joan clean. She then got a pillow. She put it under Joan’s head. Lisa began to rub Joan with smooth, slick body oil. Lisa rubbed Joan down, without any sexual over tones. When she was done, she sat on the edge of the bench, next to Joan’s hips.

“If there’s anything I can do for you, just make me do it.”

“I will. Don’t doubt it. And, if you look at my husband again, I’ll plant you in the field.”

Lisa bowed her head, as she replied.

“Yes mistress.”

Joan did not want Lisa to see her blush. She issued a command.

“Get me a drink, and a robe for both of us.”

“Yes mistress.”

Lisa rose to her duties.

Joan stayed slightly tipsy the rest of the afternoon. Without the alcohol, she would begin to think about what she was doing. Joan was totally aroused on many levels. She ordered Lisa around. Joan used Lisa like a domestic maid.

The sun had set, and the sky was dark, when Lisa spoke.

“Ma’am, the caterer will be here at seven. I’ve ordered a formal meal. You must wear your best dress. We are going shopping tomorrow. We’ll be wearing all new clothes for the party. May I help you dress for dinner?”

“I am sure you will.”

Lisa spent the early evening, doing Joan’s hair, and nails. Lisa helped Joan in, and out, of several dresses before deciding on one. Joan was dressed, and ready. Lisa spoke, as she left Joan in the living room, with a drink.

“I’ll dress especially for you tonight. This will be a girl’s only, sleep over party. We’ll share it with no one else.”

Joan Found herself alone. She began to berate herself for her indiscretions. She became first mad at her self , then sad. Joan got up and put some music on, and took a big drink. She said to her self, It happened, and it’s not over yet. As they say, just enjoy it,and cry in the morning.

Joan got into the music. She let her body flow, to the beat of the music. She paused, now and then, to take a drink. She smiled, as she said to her self, I’ll claim that I was drunk, and didn’t know what I was doing. Joan swwayed, and danced, to the music. As her mind relaxed, her body became alive, with password. Joan had never been as aroused, like she was now.

Lisa arrived into the room, with her head bowed.

“If my mistress is not pleased with my dress, I will change it.”

Joan received a flush of sexual energy, as she heard Lisa’s submissiveness. Joan looked up, and spoke with a stern voice.

“Get over here, and pose for me. I want to see how the dress moves.”

Lisa had on a plain, one-piece dress, that had large buttons down the front to the waist. It was cinched around the waist with a leather belt, of modest width. The white dress, had short sleeps with puffy shoulders. The dress flared from the waist. It was cut short. Joan could see that Lisa wore no bra under the thin fabric.

Lisa wore rose red, silk stockings. Her heels were buckled into her ankles. They were not radical either in height or slenderness. Lisa’s hair shone from brushing, and professional treatments at the salon. The hair on the sides of her face was pulled back, and clipped with a simple decorative clap. Her hair moved freely, and never covered her face. Lisa had lip-gloss on, and no other makeup.

Lisa turned, and posed for Joan, always moving to the beat of the music. Joan looked her over. She was pleased with the effect. Joan commanded sternly.

“Come over here.”

Lisa stood before Joan, with her head bowed, and her hands clapped behind her back. Joan spoke with disdain.

“If you are going to dress like a slut, do it right.”

Joan walked over to a small table, and retrieved a pair of scissors from the drawer. Joan walked back to Lisa, and cut the top three buttons from her dress. The dress was now open to just below her rib cage.

“I’m sure that the caterer will love to see your tits.”

“Please mistress, don’t make me do that. It would embarrass me too much.”

Joan smiled.

“It will amuse me. If I hear any more sniveling, you’ll answer the door stripped to the wait.” Lisa’s lip was quivering, and tears were welling up in her eyes.

“Yes mistress.”

Joan ordered Lisa to set the table, and light the candles. When the caterer arrived, Lisa answered the door. She flirted with the server, and flashed her tits for him. Joan, and Lisa, were laughing at his embarrassment, as he left.

The dinner was light, and happy. It was an elegant meal, very well prepared. Lisa served Joan throughout the meal. Lisa kept Joan’s wine glass filled.

During the meal Lisa remarked.

“We just got finished reading a Russian novel, in lit class. It was set in the early 1800’s. It’s about a Russian girl, who was an indentured service. In old Russia, that was the same as a slave. A high class Russian woman owned the girl. She used the girl, cruelly. The girl wanted to be pure, and chaste. The Russian lady loved to abuse the girl. She made the girl do everything, that she hated to do. It excited me so. No one has slaves anymore. I think it would be easier to be a slave. You would not have to take responsibility, for anything.

“It might be nice, if Your mistress was nice. But what if she was cruel, like the Russian lady?”

“That would depend. If she were cruel, and made the girl do things, the girl did not like to do, but found pleasure in, that it would be okay. It would be excited also.” If the lady were just mean, and tortured the girl, that would not be fun, or exciting.”

“What if the lady got really excited when she slapped the girl, or beat her?”

Lisa spoke, with a coy smile.

“The girl would probably share in the lady’s excitement.”

Throughout the meal, Lisa had continued to unbutton her dress. By the timethe meal was done, Lisa’s dress no longer covered her body. It flashed her body, with each movement. Lisa walked up to Joan with a bowed head, and stood next to her.

“A slave usually has to serve her mistress nude, unless the mistress wants her in a costume. I’ll clear the table. Then, I’ll serve you in the den, as soon as I’ve finished with the menial tasks, a slave must perform.”

Joan smiled at Lisa, as she unbuckled the belt at Lisa’s wait. The dress was now held together by only one button, that had been under the belt.

“Get that dress off. You’ll serve me naked. I will keep the belt. You know that slaves are not allowed to wear clothes. I’ll attend to your disobedience later.”

Lisa took off the dress, and stood naked in her shoes, and stockings, before Joan.

Joan slapped her.

“The shoes also. I wear shoes. You do not.”

Lisa was on the edge of tears, as she unbuckled, and removed, her shoes.

“Clean this mess up, then get your dirty little ass in the den. I’m bored, and tense. You will serve me. You’ll take care of both of my problems.”

Joan stood up, and used the belt, twice, on Lisa’s ass, then left the room. As she left the room, she heard Lisa says.

“Yes mistress.”

Joan could hardly contain herself. She had never been so excited, ever. Joan sat down on the couch, then slide forward on the seat. Her dress slid up, as she did so. Joan reached under the elastic of her panties, and began to masturbate.


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