Tavern Wench

As you can get used to anything, Christine soon got used to the life of a tavern wench although it would be longer before she could get as comfortable with the metal `T’ frame. This was strapped to her back by two shoulder straps and a wait strap and lay tightly against her spine. Two bent flat metal arms were rivetted to this that came out sideways to her shoulders and then bent out and then down. To each arm were attached two padded straps one came just above her elbow and the other at the end was for her wrist.

When her upper arms and her wrists were tightly strapped to these metal pieces her arms were held immobile away from her sides and her shoulders were held firmly back. Thus held she was open to the attentions of anyone who wished to fondle or use her body. If she manoeuvred her torso carefully, she could cares a penis with her hands if it was required of her. If however she were placed on her back on the floor she was exactly like a tortoise, quite unable to get upon her own. A thin leather thong was tied around her hips to which two small flags of clothes about 9″ square were sewn so they hung in front and behind. A loose bolero fastened with a single button in front completed her costume and hidden very little of her large breasts, her nipples were still tender from being pierced with steel rings.

Held securely in bondage like this, she loved the feeling of utter helplessness it gave her, she was so available and so open to abuse by anyone who cared to use her.

The men could see that she was newly broken into slavery and treated her gently, but of course her arms were fully immobilised and a man had the full use of any girl here in any way he wished without hindrance. To help in their subscription the end wall of the tavern was hung with tethering rings and fine chains to which a collar or a nose ring could be conveniently attached, dildoes, either on stands or attached to straps were here together with a good selection of whips. A girlwho did not please a customer could find herself chained to the wall with a well-used dildo strapped into her mouth to suck. As she had not yet learned skills like carrying beer for her customers she often found herself tethered by the collar to the ring at the end of the table sucking her customers’ pricks for them. She soon learned to be welcome with her mouth and lips for once she remembered being gagged with a bar gag for six hours and fucked and Then whipped as she wore it.

The ring through the septum of her nose still felt large and heavy as it rested on the filter of her upper lip, she still trembled to remember how shocked she was when they pierced her for it but now she felt strangely glad of it for it marked her out most definitely as an instrument of pleasure. It made her look barbaric and the thought of it being used to tether her filled her with a certain fear and yet a pleasant anticipation. She loved to feel men nudge it as they kissed her full lips, it still hurt and brought tears to her eyes but it again underlined her true status. It often acted as a strong aphrodisiac to the men because it made her look so vulnerable.

The tavern was never without at least one girl being available and today it was her turn, the barman on duty was busy in the back room so she couldn’t be left untethered by an open door. A slack chain connected her nose ring to a ring set in the wall for that Specific purpose and she sat on a benchmark against the wall, awaiting the call to pleasure her visitors.

Two young boys came in from the street, A tall, confident, dark one and a more hesitant blonde boy. The taller one approached and sitting on the benchmark beside her put his left arm around her shoulders. This was the most poignant moment for her, with her arms securely held to her bar she was completely available to his every craving and eagerly awaited his touch as a slave should. He slipped his hand inside her bolero and skillfully and softly caressed her nipple cruelly pierced by its new ring. It rose engorged and aroused. She arched her back, opened her legs widely and in a low voice breathed,

“Does my master want to use my body?”

The boy felt between her legs and his fingers softly stroked her shamen pudenda and then strayed down her slit to her engorged cliporis. Under his gentle ministers she felt herself growing wet and he slid his finger straight up into her vagina. A thrill of lascivious desire went through her as it always did, she wriggled around his inserted finger with carnal pleasure and she ventured a kiss on the side of his neck.

The boy motioned the other boy over,

“See Harry, you can feel them up, you can do anything you want to them. You can fuck them up the cunt or the arse, or they will suck your prick for you if you want them to.”

“Whatever gives you most pleasure master.” she said in a low eclecticing voice.

Harry said,

“But why would you want to enslave Arlene like this woman, why would she want to be a slave?”

“I know she will, it will frighten her but the idea will draw her. She will do it for me you know and she will love it, I have tested her by tying her up before making love to her. It will make me feel so powerful to know that she has done it for me. Go and bring her in while it is quiet.”

In a few minutes, Harry came in accompanyed by a tall, slender, blond girl dressed in a silk shift, she had slim hips but her breasts were large and fully-developed. When she saw Christine’s body, openly displayed and tethered to the wall with the boy’s hand between her legs, her mouth dropped slightly open and her eyes widened.

“Well Arlene, how would you like the slave masters to do this to you? All your charms would be available and any stranger could use you in any way he wanted to.”

“Is that your desire, Robin, you want me to be a common tavern slave?”

“With all my heart, I want you to feel the full extent of this bondage, I want you to undergo this kind of suffering and humiliation. I want you to do it because of your love for me.”

The girl walked over to Christine and carefully inspected every part of her aroused, harnessed body. She looked into her eyes and said,

“How do you like being a tavern girl?”

“I like it very much mistress.”

“How can you like having all your freedom took away from you, strapped to an iron frame and helped tethered to the wall like an animal.”

“I love it mistress, I suppose that I am really a whore at heart. I must be really depraved because I delight in it so much. I have a constant need for humiliation that runs deep in my nature, for many years I fought against it but eventually I acknowledged to myself that my deepest need was to be mastered and that slavery was the only destiny sublimely suitable for me. Once I was able to face that I could finally abandon myself to the indulgence and the joy of being a slave and the property of men.”

“Would I be able to enjoy it as you do.”

“All you have to do mistress, is to face up to your true nature. All women are born to hardship. If this kind of hardship feels right for you, no matter how repulsive it seems to others, it must be right to surrender, even to complete slavery.”

“So you really have a need to be used this way then.”

“I need it with all my heart Mistress.”

The girl took Robin’s hand still damp from caresing Christine’s slit. There was a slight tremble in her voice as she spoke.

“Very well Robin, I must confess that just the prospect of it makes me feel sexually aroused, if you truly wish me to be enslaved I will obey you and it will be done. Please make all the necessary arrangements.”

“You won’t be able to change your mind afterwards you know. You really mean everything the same as this girl, the brand and the rings through your nose and nipples too?”

“I suppose there has always been a deep need within me, just like this wonderful girl here. You must make sure that everything is done properly or the tavern owner will not want to own me, will he?”

“Good then tomorrow would suit me fine, I can’t wait to see you in bondage and under restraint and especially to know that I have been responsible for it.”

Robin kissed Christine full on the lips stroking her naked breasts as he did so. Taking Arlene’s hand he started from the tavern. At they door Arlene turned and looked fully into Christine’s eyes and her face took on a haunted and forlorn look.

“Good luck Arlene, I hope that it will be the right choice for you, and thank you Masters”, said Christine to the boys’ departing backs.


Later that evening, she lay on her back in the centre of the barroom floor holding her mouth open. Four drunken customers were standing over her, wanking themselves off and aiming for her open mouth, they had shared payment for her body and were competing for the first fuck by seeing who could shoot his spunk into her mouth. She knew that none of them would be able to raise a hard on after that little exhibition and later she would suffer a whipping instead. Thank God it would be across the arse, bar girls were never whipped across the back because the iron frame would take all the blows, so she resigned herself to her fate.

All four missed her mouth but spread their seed across her face, forehead, neck and breasts. She lay there and feel the semen drying on her skin. True to her prediction they lay her over a benchmark and whipped her backside seriously with a riding crop. She thanked them humbly and they gave her to a dirty beggar with a gigantic rampant penis which he lost no time in sinking into her ready slit and bringing himself off to a gushing climax, making her lick his penis clean afterwards. This humiliation gladdened her slavish heart as she licked and revealed in the utter degradation of it all. Washed, changed, tethered against the wall andwaiting for the next call on her services, she mused upon her position and looked forward half in fear, half in excitement, to her next client.

After only a few days, a slave was brought into the tavern heavily chained and in a sorry state. She was black with filter and on closer inspection, which was difficult because she tank of urine, it was plain from the many wealth and abrasions that she had been severely whipped all over her torso.

The slave masters sometimes make an example of a girl to encourage the others to ready obedience and this girl had been the one. She was unshackled and given over to the off duty girls to clean up. It wasn’t until they had bathed her thoroughly that Christine realized that it was indeed Arlene who had joined them. She had been branded and ringed as had they all and these beautifully cruel and definitive marks of Her slavery always made a girl so much more sexually attractive. When she was able to talk she told them that after she had been ringed and branded, she had been kept in close confinement in a small stone lined pit closed by a wooden hinged lid with a small barred opening in its centre. Here she was chained by the neck to its wall and fed on scraps from the kitchen. Periodically she was taken out, bound and either flogged or tied down to a low benchmark and shagged by one of the guards or one of a pack of alsation dogs kept especially for that purpose. She was never told which to expect but she dreaded the whippings most and almost saved to feel her body bound to the bench, waiting to feel a hard price plunging into her cunt.

She was not allowed to wash and was obliged to relieve herself while in her chains. Her guards did not use the toilet but without opening her hatch they pissed through the grilled opening and over her chained body in a comprehensive way. This did double duty of thoroughly humiliating her and acting as an antiseptic for her many whip cuts and abrasions. Christine did not know how long ithad gone on but it could only have been ten days since she last saw this girl with her treacherous boy friend.

Arlene was allowed to sleep for as long as she wanted before she assumed her duties in the tavern and she slept the clock around undisturbed on her mattress in her own little cage. They all gathered round to look at their clean new sister in slavery and thought how abused and yet how angelic she looked stay, almost envying her the novel humiliations that the future held in store for her. When she she asked her how she felt about all her experiences.

“I have never felt so good about myself, I feel strong in my subservice, I hope I have enough strength to bear it, it fullfils me so completely.”

A few days later Christine found herself on the benchmark facing the door and this time chained by her collar to the wall. She saw the figure of Robin come through the sunlit door and stand for a moment adjusting his eyes to the shade of the bar. She could not findit in her generous heart to condemn him for enslaving Arlene, after all it was a fate she had warmly embraced herself and it obviously was a role that the girl was born to fill.

He smiled as he recognized her,

-Ah good, I’m glad you’re here on your own Christine I’ve been waiting to speak to you. How is Arlene setting to her new life?

-She has taken to the collar very well, master. She is proving so well suited to slavery that she has shown a particular ability for fallatio and has developed it into something of an art. She is always the first choice nowadays if the client wants a sure-fire gobble. The other girls are as mere amateurs compared to her. The customers owe this new service all to you, would you like to try her out in her new speciality?

-I knew that she would take readily to this life. No I will just play with you for a while and you can tell me more about Arlene.

-As my master pleases, how may I serve you first.

-Sit still for a momentt while I stroke you, I like to arouse my slave meat before I use it.

He began to stroke her breasts softly and her nipples soon engorged and stiffened, she was so easy to arouse nowadays, she had the body of a whore and had found her proper place in life at last, slave meat, good only for sexual abuse. A few light cares and already her crutch was wet and ready. Her tethering chain linked as she moved her shoulders voluptuously under his touch, with her eyes cast down she could see the bulge of his penis beneath his trousers maybe soon she would feel it thrust deep into her, she didn’t care where, she just wanted to feel its hotness inside her. Almost without being aware of it she had spread her legs widely apart like the whorish cow she was and she could feel the air, cool against her pulsing open labia.

He transferred His attentions to her waiting crutch and he slipped two fingers easily into it. Her tethered hands worked against the empty air long to touch him butshe had to content herself with kissing him tenderly on the side of his face and his neck.

-Please use me master, she whispered in his ear.

-Yes, suck my cock for me slave.

He supported her as she knelt before him and he took out his penis and it stretched out before her eyes, it was fully distended and tightly upright. she set to her task to bring him to an orgasm. Her name was not “cuntmouth” but she could give him good head and could tease most men to orgasm into her mouth.

Her cunt felt neglected but she bent to her task and she kissed and sucked and teased with her tongue and lips until she felt the stiffening of his cock that precedes the final rush of semen and she was able to suck and swallow all his powerful spunk and lick his helmet clean afterwards. Then like the professional who she was she stayed with his penis Still in her mouth until she could feel it start to soften between her lips.

She kept her kneeing position until he released her from it by helping her up to sit again on the benchmark. He then started caressing her again and she quickly checked and made sure that his price was indeed flaccid and a small dread crept over her because it could mean that he was about to torque or hurt her in some way. He started to cares her cliporis and her excitement rose to a greater pitch and she almost looked forward to the whipping that he probably had planned for her. But no he brought her by hand to a wonderful climax that made her teeth rattle and kissing her briefly, quickly left the tavern.

She did voluptuously against the wall reliving her master’s lovemaking until the afternoon.


Arlene and she later became firm friends and they were often paired up to provide an exhibition for small groups of patrons who paid for the privilege. They took turns to be tormentor and tormented. The scenario would often go like this.

The scene would open with a multipurpose wooden benchin the centre stage.

The tormentor dressed revealedly in leather straps would lead in her victim dressed demurely in schoolgirl’s gym slip, blouse and black stockings. On seeing the benchmark she would act in a timing and frightened way. The tormentor would command the victim to undress to her panties, underlining the order by stroking her with her riding crop.

Trembling the victim would do so. Her undressing would of course reveal that her nipples were pierced with rings and she was branded on the buttocks, so it was evident that she was really a slave.

The tormentor would then fit the victim with an open-mouth branches, lie her across the bench and strap her to it by means of the straws provided.

The tormentor would cut away her panties and invite the patrons to inspect her held-open cunt. The victim would then be given a few cuts of the riding crop across her bottom in order to raise a few welts on it. The patrons would then be invited in pairs to put their pricksinto the victim’s mouth and cunt for fallatio and fucking at the same time. As each pair of clients took out their penises, the tormentor would signal to the victim who would say as best she could while wearing the branches,

-Please may I have the next pair of pricks to fuck my mouth and my cunt masters.

This would be done until all the patrons had their turn and they would then be treated to the sight of the victim being Beaten with another ten slow lashes as her mouth released its burden of semen in a slow dribble onto the floor.

The victim is finally released from the bench and the branches is removed. Her hands are tied behind her back and she is made to knee with her knees well apart. With the crop held to the back of her neck she bows low to the audience from this position and say in a loud voice,

-Thank you my masters for giving me your attention and fucking my unworthy body.

To her knowledge, Robin never actually used the girl he had put into slavey but he assidiously watched her every humiliation at the hands of others.

Their lot was always to be fucked and fucked hard as well, but sometimes they were given a sort of holiday. One memorable day they were told that for a change they were to be the masters and they were to be given two young girls to humiliate. They were to be in sole charge of their ill-treatment and they had to make sure that they were made to obey Our every wish. Their charges were duly delivered to them and each of them was tightly bound hand and foot to a wooden platform on wheels with short chains. A close fitting leather gagging hood was tightly strapped around each head. They took these off, carefully freeing each mouth from its cruel thick leather gag. As soon as they had seen that they were slaves, both girls then subjected them to a torrent of abuse while struggle against their manufacturers.

-Let us go, cow of a slave! said the redhead.

-Up your cunt, you bitch, sneered the blonde.

Christine did not answer but took the nipple of the blonde between forefinger and thumb and softly squeezed it.

-You are in our care now, blondie, I think you had better be nicer than this to us because your fates lie in our hands alone.


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