Chapter One
Coming home to an empty house is a peaceful calm that I welcome. The hustle and bustle of Corporate Banking, the constant demand of percentages, quotas, deadlines and averages make my head reel with tension. Especially, after fifteen- years of slowly climbing up the corporate ladder doing the same thing day after day with a smile on my face. With the absolutes of numbers in the finance world it mentally exhausts me. Friday’s seems to be the only reason that gets me thru a work week. The motivation of the upcoming weekend and the anticipation of what’s to come, lights my insides to continue to live this redundant routine that has become my career.
Kicking off my heels and tossing my keys on the hall table in the foyer, I pad up the stairs. Taking out the hair clip that holds my long curly hair in a neighbor bun on the back of my head; I run my fingernails through it to loosen the bun, letting my curls fall past my bra line.
Feeling the tension loosen as I walk into my bathroom, I turn on the water in my garden tub. To soak away the week’s tightening edge is all I want to do. I make sure the plug is sealed as I regulate the temperature of the water.
Catching my reflection in the vanity mirror, pausing to take in the image. I’m wearing my soft brown blazer with a cream colored, U-neck lined blouse. The dark brown stoned necklace that falls between the swell of my breasts matches the deep walnut front pleated pants. Besides the occasional robbery attempt or power outage at my job, the same redundancy facts and figures fill my days of the week. Much like my job, my work attire is just as bland as my weekly schedule. Shedding off my work clothes, I walk into the bedroom to get things ready for the evening’s events.
A couple days prior I had gotten my weekly phone call from Byron confirming our ‘appointment’ for tonight. A smile grows across my face as I walk over to my queen-sized armoire that is as wide as my bed with its dark stained, solid wood doors that have a Chinese inspired red and black tapestry design, framed by a modern trim. The huge dragon like claw feet raising it up off the floor are the only other detail to this large piece of furniture. Stretching up on my tip toes, I reach behind the paw of my red Chinese Tiger status, that is majestically laying on his side, watching over my bedroom, and grap the key to unlock my armoire. The key itself is art, black lacquer coated, the Chinese Dragon that is the bow of the key, holds the shoulder and stem in his claws like a spear that went into the lock. A Chinese tied tassel dangles from the twisted tail which is why I chose this piece. As I open the doors of the armoire, I see the dark stain continuing into the inside.
What should I go with tonight? Glancing over my inventory hanging up neatly on the doors are her paddles, floggers, ropes, restraints, cuffs and canes. The drawers are full of various feathers, lubes, blindfolds, oils, gags,clamps and tape. Hanging on velvet lined hangers are a variety of various costumes that put me into the character of Mistress Nadia; the leather giving me a sense of empowerment to her control.
In, reality, true power lies in the heels; the feeling of that added height and towering in six-inch platform heels at a solid six-footstance does wonders for a look of strength and authority. The way they accentuate the muscles in my calves and the length of my thighs. My ultimate prized pair is my thigh high leather boots with the open toe that laces all the way up in the back. The thick heels and platform base only strengthened my urge to give the painful pleasure to my Pet. Back in my dancing days these would have been my prized pair.
I return to my bath, sliding my feet in first, then lowering my body into the steaming water. I feel the bite of the heat as it tingles at my flesh. I lay back letting the water press its warmth to my skin. My body begins to relax, the feelof the heat meeting the warmth between my thick lips that lay between my thighs. Unconsciously, I slide my fingers between them brushing against the sensitive folds over my clip. The anticipation of the night’s session makes my skin come alive. The promise of bringing pleasure to my Pet sends surges of arousal under my flesh. Pushing between the inner lips my fingers follow the sensitive trail, then press thru the tight entrance of my pleasure zone. It tightens up around my digits as I hit that spot that sends ships through my entire body, waking up my senses under my skin all the way to my toes.
I must get one orgasm out of me before my Pet arrives, only to make him work harder to get the next one from me. I turn slightly, throwing one of my legs over the side and tilt my hips towards the jets on the side of the tub. The force of the water pressing against my clip with the slightest movement, sends me closer and closer to the edge. Soon my body tenses and jerks as I feel thewater being pushed out as my muscles tighten and pulse with climatic tremors. The water waves as my body shudders against the uncontrollable surges my body feels. The jets don’t show any mercy on my sensitive clip. Sliding back in the water my body slowly relaxes. I close my eyes and try to put myself in the right frame of mind for what’s to follow.
Feeling Mistress Nadia coming from behind her curtain of restraint in the dark corner of my mind, she take the reigns easily and I allow her to willingly. Wrapped in a towel, she goes back to the armoire, pulling out a fishnet body suit and black corset with lace that frames the body. Mistress Nadia chooses a pair of wide bottom panties out of her panty drawer.
She touches the fitted leather pants that hang towards the back of the armoire. She wore them a few scenes back with Byron. The vision of him peeling them off her as commanded excites her as she remembers him kissing her thighs as they were pulled down to her ankles. She had set her weight on his broad shoulders as he ever so carefully had taken her heels off to finish his task at hand. Most of her garments don’t make it past the first time wearing them; they tend to get ripped off or torn in a moment of bliss. These pants, Byron took special care Not to damage though, he loved the way they felt covering her muscular legs.
Snapping out of her memory, my heart takes an extra beat. Draping everything across the bed I sit in front of the open armoire as I put on my Mango Body Butter. Scanning the selection of toys that hangs on the doors. I take a deep breath feeling the excitement building.
Wonder what he’s going to want to play with tonight? Last month, got very intense and he let Mistress Nadia push the envelope a little with his pain threshold, which is high to begin with. His manhood got hard as a rock when she gripped his sack as she was taunting him, so Mistress Nadia is going to take it to the next level tonight. The soft velvet rope hanging up hasn’t had a really good use, until tonight.
Letting the lotion soak in, I lift the comforter at the foot of the bed up and pull out the square frame and the feet for it, from under the bed. Placing the feet in their usual spots on the floor, I sit the square frame firmly in the stand. Byron took iron pipes and connected them with L-pipe joints he’d designed to fit his tall status. Months ago, his skillful knowledge of welding came in rather handy. He made the large square frame and the stable foot to hold it in place, when he realized how much he enjoyed being tied up. Byron welded D-rings with chains to fasten wrist and ankle restraints at Each corner; letting them dangle until it’s ready to use. The sound of the longer ankle chains click like music to Mistress Nadia’s ears. She feels the heat begin to rise under my skin with the cold steel sliding between her fingerprints.
Watching the clock, I only have a short time before that familiar knock will sound up the stairs. Very carefully I put my feet in the fishnet suit and pulls it evenly up my legs, very mindfully making sure to not snag my nails on the threads. She pulls the arms up and fastens them to the body suit. Mistress Nadia glances in the mirror making sure it is smooth and evenly stretched against my thick frame, before slipping the wide bottom panties on and snapping the satin corset with lace accents around my torso.
I walk over to just stand in front of the full-length mirror feeling the dominance starting to take over me. The reflection staring back at me is not my own, just in the way she stands with a sense of empowerment. The reflection is the polar-opposite of the woman that walks into work every morning promptly at 7:30 a.m. She grabs my brush and starts to pull my long hair back into a high ponytail, slicking it back smooth and tight; braiding the length of it till it swings down past her corset, my auburn tempers shimmering in the light.
The eyes, it’s all in the eyes. My hazel green gaze only enhances once she frames them with a dark smokey shadow, applying the cat like curves at the end with my eyeliner. The deep red lip gloss makes the dark lip liner pop. The dark eye shadow is also the polar- opposite of the simple light color I use for the work environment. Mistress Nadia loves to make an impression and leave traces of her presence on her pets.
A couple of squeezes of the body glitter bulb makes my skin come alive under the lights. A mist of Mistress Nadia’s favorite perform and the transformation is almost complete. Making a quick run to the kitchen to grab the bottle of Moscato that has been chilling in the fridge and two glasses, I take them upstairs. Placing them next to the chain locke in the corner of the room. The last and final step, the careful selection of heels. With Byron, he is a boot kind of pet. So, the thigh high boots are the natural choice, lacing up the boots is a task all itself, but they will be well worth it. There are perks to having been an ex-dancer; you learn how to quickly lace up your boots.
Almost like clockwork the rhythmic tap on my Front door echoes up the stairs. Right on time as usual. I grab her black satin robe and put it on slowly, then take a head to toe glance in the mirror. The reflection looking back at me is not my own. She has taken over and Bronwyn just takes a backseat to her strength. Standing there, she’s waiting to see how long it will take him for the next announcement of his arrival. Testing his patience, she waits a few minutes to make him sweat. A louder rapping on the door vibrates through the house. Oh, so he’s really ready for some pain tonight and it makes her smile. At the last scene, she made him wait and he knocked on my door four times, softly before she answered the door and he was puzzled for it. So, the urgency in his banging on my door just lets me further know what he is wanting from her.
I heavy foot it down the stairs to where he can hear me coming before I even get halfway down the steps. He hits the door hard rattle the windows on either side of the door. The sound of her heels against the wood flooring as I walk to the door puts the fire behind my eyes and her in my soul as I open the door quickly and stand there with her arms crossed under her breasts.
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