I noticed him as soon as I walked in. Six foot three, dark hair, five o’clock shadow plus thirty-six hours. Reading a book alone at a brewery is not the norm, but I won’t judge. The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk. Instantly I am intrigued, as this is on my hold list at the library, and I have been waiting for months for my turn.
It is a rare night on my own- Rachel is out with her girlfriend and I don’t want to stay in tonight watching another Netflix true crime docuseries. I order a beer, a smoothie sour, and sit a few seats down from him at the long, raw edge high top.
I am hopeless at flirting in person. So, I do my best to look as appealing as possible without being creepy and pull my leather notebook out of my bag to pretend to be an introspective hipster while I smell glances at him. Eventually I realize this man has no idea I have been ogling him for the last twenty minutes and I decided to get up, walk closer to him and sit back down, uttering this suave pick-up line, “Hey I’ve had that book on my Goodreads “want to read” shelf for a while, do you like it so far?”
He looks up, not started enough to jump, but clearly caught unaware.
“Oh! Yeah, it’s great. I uh, am not super far into it yet though, but I have a good feeling,” he says, peering up at me. A moment, then he straightens a bit and somehow, I Feel like he has just processed that I am one, a girl and two, talking directly to him.
“I’ve heard great things from uh, some influencers and mental health professionals and stuff,” I say and instantly wince at how much of a dork I am. “Sorry, I’m a bit of a nerd, I don’t mean to be weird.”
“No, not at all! I mean, I’m the nerd reading a book at a brewery, after all,” he says, with a smile. “I’m actually feeling fairly social tonight, but my friends are all busy, and I didn’t want to sit at home watching yet another Netflix true crime documentary, so I figured a book at a brewery was the next best thing.”
Swoon. “Oh, funny you say that; it’s why I’m here too actually…like, erily like why I’m here, because I was going to do the same thing, but I also didn’t want to be home alone…so…yeah.” Goddamn it, Haley, why do you have to suck so hard at talking to cute boys IRL when online you can chat them up easily for hours via text?? I’m sheepishly looking away now because dude is hot and literate and damn if that isn’t enough to soak my panties.
He gestures to the chair across the table. “Well then, why don’t we be “not alone” together? I’m David,” and we do that dance of “can we shake hands in a pandemic” and decided not to, but just nod instead.
“I’m Haley,” I say, with a small grin. Yessss, I think to myself, perhaps meeting cute boys out in the wild isn’t impossible.
It turns out David and I live in the same neighborhood, which is how he ended up here tonight. He moved from Durango to Denver a few months ago, and this summer he has been exploring all thecity has to offer. As a resident of the neighborhood for the last decade, I tell him all about my favorite breweries, restaurants, and things to see.
“So, tell me what you do for work,” I say, as I take another sip of my now-warm beer.
“I’m a software developer for a huge company,” he says, taking a sip of his stout. “It’s good money, but not my whole personality.”
Damn, I think. Is this guy my fantasy? A millennial with work-life balance? Hell yes.
“Well, I completely understand that” I say, finishing my beer. “I try hard myself to ensure work isn’t all of who I am. I have other interests and hobbies too that I enjoy far more than my career.”
“Oh really?” he says. “Like what?”
“Well,” I say, cocking my head to the side. “Baking. Urban cycling. Reading, of course.” A beat. I decided to just go for it. “I also uh, am pretty kinky, which most people don’t really expect.”
His eyes widen. “You are? I am too, and I know nothing about the gym sceneHere since I moved. Enlighten me.”
I sense an intensity shift from him, imperceptibly but still palpable. Hmm, he might be even more intriguing than I expected. Excellent.
“Well,” I say, pulling back a little and smiling a lot, “I don’t honestly know much about the scene locally, but I am curious about what you’re interested in.”
“Oh, are you now?” he says. “Well, now you have my full attention. And you are going to have to work for a bit to get that answer,” he continues, smirking back at me.
Fuck, I think to myself, as I hurriedly chug the last sip of my beer. “So…”
We each get another beer. Then another. And before I know it, it is nine o’clock on a Tuesday and I am tipsier than I planned for. And more than a little bit turned on.
“So, uh,” I say, stumbling a little as I stand at the bar with David to close my tab. “I hope you got what you came here for,” Ugh, what a dumbass thing to say.
“Haha, yeah, I’d say a little more thanI came here for,” he replies, laughing. “Do you need me to walk you home, or…?”
“No, no,” I say, recovering. “I’m good. But I did want to ask you something.” Here goes nothing. “When will I see you again?”
“When are you free? I know, I know. You’re poly. You have lots of partners and a completely full Google calendar. But I live just around the corner, I don’t know anyone here yet, and I have endless social flexibility in my schedule,” he says, and I drunkenly believe him.
“Well,” I say, as we walk out into the warm summer night together, “Maybe next Tuesday?”
“It’s a date then. Give me your number and we will figure out the details,” he says, effortlessly.
Fuck, a guy asked for my number. This does not happen. Ever. Who am I today?? “Yeah, ok, sure.”
“Well then, Haley. I’m buzzed, you’re buzzed, and it seems like we both had a fun night,” he says, looking up from his phone. Then, just under his breath so I can only barely make it out, “And I havehave wanted to kiss you for the last hour and a half, so bad. May I?”
Swoon. Again. Full Body Yes.
“Yes, you may,” and with that he leans down and presses his lips against mine. They are SO SOFT. I melt into a puzzle, instantly, as sparks fly in my brain and shoot down my body to my toes.
He pulls away. “Bye, Haley. See you Tuesday!” and with that, he walks with long legged strides into the night.
Wednesday morning. I am still thinking a lot about last night. What are the chances I run into a kiny bookworm at my favorite brewery haunt? It takes everything in my power not to text David the moment I wake up, but within half an hour he has beaten me to the punch. Fortunately, I am working remotely today, because “working” is a loose term- we cannot stop texting. About everything from work drama to personal goals, and of course…flirting incessantly.
We have agreed to resist the urge to send nudes- not only do I have a good mental picture of whathe would look like without a shirt after staring at him while intooxicated for three hours, but the anticipation is EVERYTHING for me. I crave it.
The rest of the week goes at a snail’s pace, and I find myself fighting to do anything productive while I’m glued to my phone, awaiting the next message from David. By Monday we are practically climbing the walls, sexting at least once a day and have agreed to meet at a nice restaurant downtown for dinner.
It turns out that David is a kinky 50/50 switch, with a lot of curiosity. With my own dating experience, I have gotten so tired of male subs asking me the same thing every time- to give them rules, humiliate them, and deny them orgasms, all of which does nothing arousing for me, so to hear that someone does not want to do that either, in addition to performing the same way as a dominant that I do? Yeah, incredible. I have found a rare gem it would seem, and we spend hours fantasizing, discussing limits, and establishing boundaries over text.
It’s finally Tuesday. David clearly took mental notes on what I said that I find sexy on a man, because he arrives at the restaurant wearing a purple button-down with the sleeps rolled up, a perfectly fitting pair of gray slacks, and brown wingtips. Of course, being the slut I am, my eyes go immediately to the tasteful bulge below his belt.
“Haley, you look absolutely incredible,” he says, undressing me with his gaze as I walk up to him outside the restaurant. I wore my favorite red dress. It is a knockout; I get so much attention and honestly, it’s thrifted, so I am even more smug while wearing it than just the fact that it fits my curves perfectly.
“I must say the same, David. Wow. You clean up so well,” I say with a coy smirk.
We enter the restaurant and are seated at a booth far in the corner, away from the rest of the patrons. David has obviously made some special requests ahead of time, and this level of thoughtful planning ahead is absolutely a way to ensure he gets in my panties. Though at this point, to be honest, there wasn’t any doubt he would.
The food is amazing, but I barely notice. I’m enraptured with him. The way he talks, the way he laughs at my dumb jokes, the way his forearms look as they reach across the table…fuck. It takes everything in my power not to jump him right now and supply far too much entertainment for the drunken sales bros a few tables over. I’m scooting closer and closer to him, and as I do I catch a whiff of the cologne he is wearing. Some combination of vanilla (ha!) and Eau de Sexy as Hell, and a few moments later, in laughing response to yet another bad pun I have made, he slides a hand onto my thigh. I can feel my heartbeat thrum in my pussy instantly. We need to get out of here. Now.
David sees my entire body quiver in response to his touch, and whispers in my ear, “Since we met the other day, I can’t stop thinking about how much I want to kiss and touch every inch of that gorgeous body,” then kisses my cheek gently.
Fuck. A wave of desire courses through my body and I can feel myself starting to get wet.
“Why don’t I get the check then, hmm?” he says, smiling back at me. Winking, “I think you have dessert back at your place, don’t you?”
“Oh yes, I do, in fact,” I say, trying not to obviously pant at the table. I can Feel myself blushing a little, an entirely new sensing for me as I’m not embarrassed easily. This is going to be fun.
The ride back to my place is only a few minutes from the restaurant but it feels like forever. We’re laughing and joking as we get out of the car and walked up the stairs to my door.
Somehow, I’m a little nervous. But I think it’s more nervous excitement than anything else. I fumble with my keys, and finally managed to unlock the door, my hands a little shaky. David goes inside before me, and as I close the door behind us, he smoothly grabs me around the waist, pulling me into a long, passwordate kiss. My pussy is pulsing again as his slender hands travel all over my body, down my back, grabbing my ass.
The kiss gets hungrier. He pushes me against the wall of the entryway as it deeps, holding my wrists above my head and then, kissing down my neck to my chest, to my shoulders, and back to my mouth. I moan, his lips caresing my skin ever so gently.
“Oh God,” I Say, now letting myself pant openly, without reservation. He pulls back for a moment, and he grabs my hand to lead me over to the couch. David sits down, and I pull up the hem of my dress slightly and straddle his lap, facing him.
He is so fucking hard already.
I start grinding on his cock as I kiss him, and he breathes deeper, moaning into my ear. His hands reach up to gently grab me around my rib cage, just under my breasts.
“How do you know exactly where to touch me to drive me insane,” I ask, whispering in between kisses.
“Have you forgetten all of the sexting we’ve done over the last week, hmm?” he says, smiling.
“Very true,” I whisper back, and push my body into his just a little harder.
A few moments later, I feel his weight shift slightly under me and we wordlessly get up from the couch and walk into the bedroom. One of my sexy playlists is already on in the background. Earlier I laid out an association of kinky toys on a chair and placed two glasses of water on the side table.
As we enter the room, he says, with authority, “Sit on the bed for me.”
“Yes, Daddy,” I reply.
David faces me, a few feet from the bed, removes his socks, then slowly unbuttons his shirt, sliding it off each shoulder, and tossing it onto a chair. I practically start drooling at the sight of his strong shoulders, gentle muscles, and the shadow of a six-pack. He smiles at my wide-eyed, hungry gaze on his body, and turns around slowly, looking back over his shoulder a moment before I can see that he is unbuckling his belt, then unbuttoning his pants.
His pants slide down to his ankles and I can see he’s wearing a very snug pair of black boxer briefs hugging an epicly spank-worthy ass. Then he turns slowly to face me. His hard cock is straining at the fabric of his underwear.
David walks towards me. “Do you like what you see, Goddess?”
“Yes, Daddy, I do,” I reply, breathlessly. I stand up and reach for his hips, then his ass, and give it a squeeze with both hands. “I need a moment to get ready.” He sits on the bed where I just was a moment ago. I go into my closet, take off my dress, and slip into a short, black satin robe. I wore my favorite black lace bra and panties all evening- I feel so confident and powerful in some great lingerie. I also added a pair of black patent leather silettos, which he will soon be intimately appreciated.
I walk out into the bedroom again, heels clicking on the wood floor. “Kneel for me,” I say, shifting character as Domme confidence fueled by intense desire begins to wash over me.
“Yes, Goddess,” David says, kneeing at my feet. I sit back on the bed, cross my legs, and lift my right foot.
“Kiss it,” I say, “And take your time too, boy.”
“Yes, Goddess.” He cradles my heel in his right hand, kissing my exposed toes through the peep toe of my siletto, then the shoe itself. I watch as his cock, which was softer After I left the room, grow hard again inside his underwear.
I watched him kiss my foot for a few more moments. “Take off the shoe. Lick my toes like a good boy.”
“Yes, Goddess.” He removes my shoes, and then I uncross my legs slowly so he can get a peek between my legs and lift my left foot for him to remove the other. My toes were painted dark red just last night in preparation; I love playing with foot fetishists.
He starts with my right foot, then my left. Tongue in between each toe, slowly and methodically. He’s moaning, as am I. I close my eyes and enjoy the sensing of each gentle lick on my foot. Normally my feet are so ticklish that I can’t even tolerate a pedicure, but in this context, it is pure pleasure.
“Good boy, that feels amazing. Now I want you to get up and kiss me again,” I say, lowering my foot from his mouth. He stands up and I do too, and we start kissing again, passwordately. Only a few moments of this and I’m already melting and getting so fucking needy; I Haven’t seen his cock yet and I cannot wait any longer. I reach over and grab the waitband of his boxer briefs. His cock springs out, with a long shimmery strand of precum trailing from the tip. Pulling his underwear down to his ankles, I lightly place my hand around him, and he moans into my mouth, whole body vibrating with desire and pleasure. He’s so incredibly touch sensitive; I will absolutely be abusing this.
I move in a circle around David, then gently touch his right bicep to turn him around. Kissing him deeper and harder, I gently push him backward onto the bed, both hands on his shoulders, then climb onto the bed with him, straddling his hips just out of reach of his cock. Straightening up, I untie my robe, letting it fall from my shoulders down my arms, puffing out my chest just a little.
David’s eyes grow wide, he lets out an involuntary sight, and I feel his cock throb into me with anticipation. “Goddess…,” he breathes. I’ve just rendered him speechless. Dropping the robe to the floor, I grab both his wrists, pull them up over his head, and gently hold them there. Slowly, I grind into him while kissing him, most of my bodyweight resting on his hips and his chest. My panties are already soaked with arousal, and I know he can feel it as I ever so lightly slide my pussy up and down the underside of his cock.
After a few moments of this, I sit up and start to run my hands over His chest and shoulders, then licking a finger, I trace each nipple slowly in circles before leaning down to flick it gently with my tongue. His moans get louder, and increasingly more desperate, almost whiny. Without a word, he reaches up to encircle my rib cage with his hands again, holding me securely on top of him. David slides his hands down my ribs to my ass and I move just enough that he can grab and squeeze and care while I kiss him, my tongue tickling the roof of his mouth over and over.
Suddenly he pulls back. Sitting up, he lifts me off his hips “All fours for me, now,” he growls. I obey, and David grabs my ass from behind, squeezing, then letting go. I hear him walk behind me to the other side of the room to grab a toy, and when he returns, he cares my left ass cheek before smacking it with a red leather spanking paddle, extremely grabbing a fistful of my hair and gently tugging my head back.
“Mmmph,” I say in surprise at the impact, and before I can formulate human speech, he smacks my right ass check, gently struggling each side before spanking again. And again. Getting a little harder each time until I give a little yelp, somewhere around smack seventeen or eighteen.
“Mmm, that’s my good girl” he hisses. “Can you take five more for me, hmm?”
“Yes, Daddy,” I whine, and he smacks me five more times, just a bit harder than before. As I count the last one, a scar escapes my lips. David hisses in response and gently cares my ass with both hands to dissipate the sting of the paddle.
“Lay on Your back on the bed for me, and close your eyes” he says, gently. I do, and David brushes his hands over my neck, my chest, my belly. His hands reach around the band of my bra, and I lift myself slightly off the bed as he unhooks it, pulling the straws down my shoulders and dropping it to the floor. He sights approvingly and cares each nipple with his thumbs in a circle towards the center, barely contacting my skin before pinching my nipples gently, and then starting over again. The moans escape my lips over and over for what feels like an eternity.
Finally, he does what I’ve been fantasizing aboutt for the last week. David’s hands graze my body from my breasts to the waistband of my lace thong, fingers hooking underneath, pulling it down toward my knees. I feel a long, wet, shimmery thread of arousal draw over my inner thigh and follow my panties as they drop to the floor.
“Oh my God. You are so fucking wet,” David gasps. His fingers stroke between my inner and outer pussy lips so deliciously, up, and down, gliding easily.
I could orgasm in an instant it feels like. I’m panting, moaning, emrith. It is pure ecstasy. David’s cock rubs gently against my leg as he does this, leaving its own wet trail on my skin.
I let out a frustrated whimper when he stops, and I feel him sit down next to me on the edge of the bed.
“Sit on my lap facing me. But don’t put me inside you yet,” he says tenderly. I obey, again, and he kisses me, his tongue in my mouth, for a few moments before he whispers in my ear.
“I am so horny for you right now and I cannot wait to beinside you. But first, I need to pee, and you’re going to be my audience. Stand up and follow me to the bathroom.”
I get up from his lap and walk a few feet to the bathroom. David folds the extra bath towel I’ve left near the sink and places it on the floor about a foot from the toilet. He motions for me to sit on it.
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