Stone Circle

It wasn’t a beginning or an end. It just was. There was him and there was her. They were together. They had always been together, and they would always be together. They could think of their lives no other way. Their lives were completely intertwined. They DEPENDED on each other. Life in Scotland was not easy, but they loved it. They were children of the glen, children of the mist. They had each other to depend on, to have faith in, and to love. There was no dominance, no struggle. The struggle that they had were with the elements, just to survive, and preserve their humanity and love. Love was the only thing that made it possible. It was the only thing that made it worthwhile to survive.

She sat outside waiting for her man to return. He always came back. She sat outside listening to the rain hitting the that roof. The cold air flowed through the house and put a film of moisture on the inside of their world. It was the world where they made love, and held each other throughthe long cold nights. This was the place that they made together. She took comfort in knowing that they would always be together. They would always have each other.

She looked right and left, and waited for any sign that he was going to return. She walked over to her garden, and prepared to till the soil. She was trying to stay busy, and to pass the time. She was trying to do ANYTHING to make him come home faster. She needed him in her arms holding her, and letting her know that being alone was always temporary. It was never something that would last. She needed to know that she was his, and he was hers… forever.

She turned to the glen, and she saw him in a slight trot coming to her. From a thousand yards away she could see the huge smile on his face, and he was running to be with her. He couldn’t wait another day to be back with her. The pack on the pony was full, and that means to her that he would stay for a long time. She could also see, as he approached, his hunt had been successful. There would be a lot of food to eat. There would be a lot of time under the animal skins. The highland cattle in the field would survive another winter without being slaughtered. It made her happy to love him. She knew that he loved her, and that he was running to her even through the rain, through the mud. His desire for her had not died. Through all the years that they had been together, they still loved each other. He still ran home to be with her.

Another time and place

he woke. It was morning, and she was still sleep. He slowly, quietly moved out of bed, and stood there. he watched Her sleep. She is so amazingly beautiful. The vision of her face, her body, her soul was in beautiful slumber like a fairy tale. She seemed to be waiting for a prince to come and wake her. Wake her to be the living breathing Goddess that she was to him. He couldn’t stop staring at her. The moment was just too perfect. His life had been so changed by being with her. He felt so good to be Hers, Her property, and she had taken him places that he never thought that he could go. She had shown him things that he never knew he could experience, and loved him more than anyone ever had. He loved her and he worshipped Her. She was his Goddess. Nothing less.

The coffee started to brew, and he felt over his shacked body. The pink ruffled panties still on, and his collar around his neck. It was a sign of her ownership of him. It was a sign of his submission, and his duty to her. He was her service and her pet always. He couldn’t help but think just how natural all of this was… all of it. How could someone that was at one time so macho, so manly, become so much more of a man and so much better of a man under the power of a strong and dominant woman that loved him more than life. He obeyed her regardless of if she was awake, or sleep… Her orders always stood. The orders and expectations were a labor of love. He prepared her things that she would need to getready in the morning. The shower things, the towels, they all had to be properly placed and put where they belong for easy access to please Her. He cleaned the bed and breakfast room. This was a trip that they always wanted to take. It was a trip to Scotland. A trip to where they both feel that at one time they belonged, and to him it was very important that it go without a hit.

He sat on the floor at the foot of the bed, and waited for her to wake. He thought about how much he loved her, and how much he felt for her. He would always think that this was a dream to be with this Goddess. It was almost just too much to bear. The feelings that he felt were so powerful that sometimes he would just break down and cry for no reason. This love had captured him. He was totally broken to her will, and she knew that she owned him. She pushed his buttons of pleasure, pain, humiliation, and anything that she wanted to do, in order to please herself, him, or just out of the curiosity thatcomes with dominance. Dominant is what She is, and submissive is what he is. It was their beautiful loving relationship.

The past

He ran into her arms and closed them around her. They squeezed until they fell laughing into the wet grass. They rolled around holding each other. She pinned him down looking into his eyes. She stared at him, and forced him to stare back. It seemed like it was a vision of Things to come. She was on top of him. He laughed and rolled her over, picked her up, and took her inside. He gently placed her on the roll of hay and skins. The fire was burning so bright and in the half light of late afternoon he saw in her eyes the flicker of flame and lust.

“I missed you woman…” was all he said.

“And I you, man.” was all she said.

He slowly took off her clothes and touched her. Her body responded to his touch, and her eyes closed, her mouth opened, her skin was on fire, and her mind was finally in tune with his. He felt his lust grow within him. His eyes burned a green flame, and the flame was reflected by the fire. His love was finally here, his woman with him, and he means to protect her forever. The process was slow, and clothes came off one at a time, replaced by kisses in the cool Highland air. He touched her over and over again. He gently and slowly ran his fingers up and down her amazingly tight and soft body. His password mounted and he wanted to enjoy the moment, and the feeling of being naked with her. She was just looking into his eyes, her love for him so strong, and so complete. Both of them felt a completeness that they didn’t know how they lived without when they were apart. It was a completeness that answered all questions, quelled all doubts, and destroyed all fear.

She couldn’t take it anymore. Her password was building to a fever pitch. She leaves on top of him like a cat, and pushed him inside her. His eyes got so wide, so clear. He loved her and her aggressive side. She didn’t care that a good lass didn’t take control of intercourse. She wanted him inside her, needed him inside her, and she knew that he would not resist. She smiled down at him, and he smiled back. Slowly they kissed with his hands on her hips. She moved back and forth, up and down, so slowly. Both of them were silent. They were staring into each others eyes, and touching each others soul through a small strip of flesh between them.

The Rhythm picked up, and she throw her head back slightly. Her password was starting to build. Her body was starting to heat up and becomes one with the part of him that was inside her. His eyes were so open, so clear, and so passwordate. He helped her with her rhythm. His hands on her hips he was looking up at her. He had a look of lust that was usually only imagined in the most romantic stories. The fire light shone on them as they made love, and the sun dipped below a mountain.

Sometime after

She finally awoke. It seemed like a million years that she had been sleeping, and that he waited for her. In reality it was only about a half hour. She rolled over, stretched, opened an eye, and looked at him for a moment. No emotion apparent on her face. He was kneeing next to the bed with an expressionless look on his face. Her service waited for an order, dressed exactly how she had left him the night before. She stared at him for a moment, and then spoke.

“Pet, I love you.”

“My Mistress, I love you more than words can express.” he said fighting back a tear.

She reached over and picked up a black leather leash, and moved one finger to tell him to come to her. She attached the leash to him, and forced his head between her legs. She kept a very tight grip on the leash at all times. Her eyes watched him, monitored him, and he opened his mouth and put out his tongue but did not begin. She saw the coffee beside her, and picked it up. She took a sip, set it down, and said very calmly, very deliberately.

“Begin pet.”

He did. Helicked her very slowly at first. He concentrated on doing it the way he was taught. He did it the way that she wanted it, and he was very in tune with her body, her mind, and her soul. A simple moan one way or the other would tell him all he needed to know about his progress. A look from her was like a book explaining what he did right and wrong. Her touch was like a rapper with her soul. Feeding him information on how he could please her better. He picked up the pace slightly. His tongue began to get tired, but it didn’t matter, and he didn’t slow down. Nothing mattered except her. Her pleasure, her desire, and her will was all that mattered to him. They are his entire being, and his entire reason for living. His tongue darted in and out of Her, moving up and down, side to side, batting her cliporis, and her moans were telling him that he was doing an adequate job. The mornings were always long. She liked them long. She liked to have him between her legs, feeling his head betweenher tights for at least an hour right away in the morning. Her will, and control over him was complete. There was no struggle, and no fight against her in him.

After some time she pulled on the leash just a little tighter. He didn’t know how or why she decided when it was time for her to cum. He just obeyed. She pulled on the leash and dug her fingerprintnails into his head almost to the point of breaking the skin. He knew that it was time to pick up the pace, and prepare for her to buck like a horse that had never had never been saddled.

Then it happened. The moment that he lives for happened. She started to cum. Her eyes ablaze, her body on fire, and her soul showed in her eyes. She moved so passwordately that she seemed to not even be touching the bed, and he just struggled to keep pace with her password. He strained and struggled to drink every last drop of her love.

Time before

The morning air came into the croft with a chill that made them hold each other just alittle bit tighter. The cool, wet air penetrated the furs, and the fire had long gone out. But the fire between them was still there. It was always there. She rose and went to the bowl for water. He was right behind her, holding her, and engulfing her with his blanket held like a cloak. He was wrapping it around her like a predator capturing it’s prey. She laughed and turned inside to face him. They were standing face to face, and their naked bodies touching each other. Eye to eye.

They went back to the bed.

“Lass I have to go fight. Our family members are being killed.” Her heart sank in her chest, and her mind now went from that Heavenly place to a place that was Hellish. Her love for him knew no bounds, and she knew that he was right. His place in the clan was as a warrior. It was a part of him that she loved, feared, and resented… sometimes.

“Come back to me… please promise… somehow you will come back to me?” Their eyes locked for a moment of silence. The world seemed to be still for a moment. They were in their own universe for that moment.

“I will lass I promise. Somehow I will come back to you.” He said softly but clearly to her.

They embedded and both wept slow and silent tears in each other’s arms.

“But today let’s go out, be together, and enjoy such a beautiful summer day. You are my beautiful lass.” He smiled and stared her in the eye, and she smiled back. They started to dress. The air started to get warmer as it moved in through the open passage to the outside. The animals needed tending, and there were so many things that needed to be done, but today they would have to wait. Today was their day to be together. She dressed in her highland clothes. Her wrap around dress was held by her tartan around her shoulder. He put on His kilt and his loose horsehair shirt that she had made for him. They started out for the stone circle.

The sun was beaming so bright it was blinding, and the chill of the late morningair was starting to give way to a misty cool breeze. The mountains were all around them, protecting them. There was nothing to fear here. They were in clan lands. It was the safest place on Earth. They knew every human within fifty miles and fear was never an emotion that was felt walking in these hills. That was the true beauty of Scotland. Life without fear was not normal for people. The grass was still a little wet between The stones had always been there, and they would always be there. In the stones was a profound sense of spirit and oneness with the Earth that could not be put into words, and it could not be described. Description would merely tarnish the value of what they stood for. They simply were. Just like the stones, Their love simply was. They were happy, free, loving each other. There were no conditions between them. It was just total and complete love for each other. They got to the top of the hill, and both stopped for a moment. They observed the thing greater than themselves. The stones stood as a reminder of how we are simply passing through this world. We are not truly a part of the world. We must live our lives as if it’s just a day, and not contemplate our importance too much. We simply live for love, and the happiness that we can find in each other.

They went to the center, danced and played like children. They ate, drank ale, and held each other all through the day. The watched the clouds race by in a frenzy of shapes and sizes. The country air seemed to just flow into them and they glowed with the power of the Scottish countryside. They were children of this land. As magical and precise as anything that God ever created.

Another time

She composed herself for a moment. Pushed him away, and sat up in bed. She pulled him to her with the leash, drank her coffee, and stroked hishair with her beautiful fingers. This silent moment lasted for a very long time. The only sound was the liquid finding its way down her throat, and the subtle thumb of Her replacing the cup on the night table from time to time. He felt completely at home. His head lay on her chest, completely under her protection. He was her property, and her pet. This is the thing that had been missing from his life for so long. It was The thing that he had desired for so long, but could never find. It was the thing that had almost driven him insane when he thought that he might not ever find it. Now he was here with her and her pet… at last. He knew a happiness that could not be put into words.

“Pet, I hope that things are in order today because I really don’t want to have to do any remedial training. I have something special planned for us.” She said very calmly and deliberately.

“It is my Mistress.” He replied looking up at her and smiling through his eyeshes. Her fingers were calmmly stroking his nipple. It was a torturously sublime feeling for him, and something that made Her feel more powerful if that was possible. She pushed him on the floor and he went to all fours. She sat on his back and he crawled to the bathroom where everything was set up. There was a towel, bathing supplies, and everything all ready to be used. She got off of him, took off his leash, and gave him a wave of her finger to tell him to take off his panties. She slowly walked into the shower and he crawled in after her. She tossed him down some soap, and he started washing her feet. He was slowly working his way up her body. He carefully washed her feet, her legs, and her tighs. When he got to her temple he stopped.

“Good boy… you may proceed…” She said with a smile. She was happy that the training had taken, and that he was obeying her. He Continued to wash slowly moving up to his feet. He brushed against her breast with his arm. *SLAP*… in the face. The pain and sting of itShocked and surprised him.

“You don’t touch those without MY permission… you know that… even by accident… now no more disobedience.” She said very sternly, holding his chin in her hand tightly.

“Yes my Mistress…” he replied looking away, ashamed.

The shower was beautiful, and he got washed just by being in there with her. When she decided it was enough She walked out and he crawled behind her. He had her towel in his mouth ready to dry her the way that she liked. He patted Her dry, and soon She was motioning for him to get back on his knees to take Her back out of the bedroom. He dressed her the way that she liked, and she told him what to wear, which included a chatity belt under the clothes. She walked out the door, and he walked behind her… always behind.

The ride was short and silent. This was the day that they both had looked forward to for so long. He knew where they were going, and she was driving on pure instinct. The roads curved and wound aound through the beautiful Scottish countryside. The trees and flowers were in full bloom. The air was sweet with the smell of life, and the sky was a bright blue with the warm sun shining in through an open window. It was almost too perfect, and too much like the day long ago. In a part of both of their souls they remembered that day very clearly.

The old circle

They talked. They just talked about everything. They talked about what they would do when he returned. They talked about how much they loved each other. He told her tales of things that he had done while he was gone. He told her of things that he had seen so far away. How nothing could compare to the feeling of coming home to be in her arms, and feel her breath on his skin. They were bonded together, body and soul, forever.

They went over and traced the carvings on the rocks, and watched the animals play. The meaning had long since gone from the day. It was a day to just be together. It was the perfect summerday, and the perfect Highland day. The wind blew a constant breeze through the standing stones. They were so alone on the hilltop. They took off their clothes under a stone, and lay next to each other for a long time. They stared into each other’s eyes.

The new circle

They arrived at the circle. He jumped out of the car, and raced around to open her door. She smiled at him, and they walked hand in hand up to the circle. They sat there under a stone. They talked, they were silent, and they just felt the world around them moving as it should. She told him that she loved him so much, and that this was a time for both of them. The conversation flowed freely, and they chased each other around like children. The grass was so green, and the wind was blowing a quiet ‘welcome home’ to both of them. There was not another person for miles, and the entire scene seemed so strangely familiar. Neither of them could put their finger on exactly what it was, but they knew that they had beenhere before. There was so much love between them. It was only a few hours before he was a sub to her. Now he’s her man, her lover, and friend. He was her partner though life. The relationship that they have is so beautiful and amazing. It might be so hard for other people to understand it, but they understand it perfectly. They would not want to live any other way.


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