I was taking classes for the 10th, 11th & 12th students. In class 10th there was
A student (Let’s call him Rohit) who was almost 6ft, dark skin, always managed to
Get himself into trouble someway or the other. You can see him outside of class
For not submitting assignments, doing his homework or he did something in class
That irritated the teachers, almost everyday. His English was good & always
Preferred to write essays in his own words unlike other students who memorized
Whole parts of the book & wrote it in their exams. He was made to sit on the
Left hand side of the teacher so behind him was the door, to the left the
Teacher & beyond were the boys which made him cut off from the rest of the
The event that made me take a second look at him was, once I saw him kneeing in
The middle of the play ground with other two boys& they can be seen from the
Principle’s office. This guy was laughing & having so much of fun in the mid day
Sun. I was thinking to myself what could ever make him so different. Was he a
Person with a twisted attitude or was it just youthful carelessness.
I was sitting in the cafe which was divided between teachers & students only by
A canvas with the school emblem on it. Rohit was there cracking his jokes &
Having his fun as usual. His gang of friends were talking & there was a word
Uttered that suddenly made me curious to follow their topic of discussion. It
Was me. He was describing my breasts to his friends with so much poetry that the
Other students were just listening to him. He then went on to share his interest
In Lesbians, when I heard this it did not anger me, it wouldn’t have angered any
Woman or made her feel guiltyof being a woman, she’d rather be proud. I say
This because I have heard other boys & men speak of a woman that it first makes
Me feel guilty then the anger inside me rises with the frustration of inability
To do anything.
I went home that evening & spoke about this to my sister Aarti. At first her
Face showed displeasure but when I told her what I actually felt she wanted to
Know more about what he said. I told her the complete story. She smiled. She
Knew the boy as she was doing her 12th in the same school. She started to slowly
Make friends with him & she was completely bowed over by his attitude
(Carefree), his thoughts (Never degraded women & let down men), his philosophy
(He smokes a considerable amount of Marijuana), the rebel in him (He defied
Authority, treated them as if that never existed). I come home one day & find
Rohit in my house, my sister told me that she brought him over to just spend some
Time. Little did I realize that it would change my course forever.
He was sitting in the sofa with Aarti & generally talking. I changed came back
& noticed that he had a very hairy chest. I love men with hairy chest. I just
Wanted to reach out & grab him, rip his shirt apart & lie naked on his chest. It
Was so frustrating to digest the fact that I cannot do anything. I masturbated
That night thinking of his hairy chest with my breasts & nipples all over it.
After that my attitude towards him changed totally. In class, I make sure he
Gets to see a lot of my breasts. My God! I just couldn’t take the thoughts of
Him away from my mind. Evey time I think of him my hands automatically start
Squeezing my breasts then I start to unhook my blouse buttons & squeeze my
Breasts through my bra, all the while imagining his description of my breasts,
Eventually removing the bra too & teasing my nipples by which time my vagina is
Wet. I run the tips of my fingers along my stomach stopping to circle my navel
Then my hand goes underneath my petticoat then run my finger along the initial
Pubic hair & start rubbing the lips which sends shock wave through my body. I
Then remove all clothes from me & wet my finger by sucking them nice. I rub
Them on the lips 7 slowly parting them & slowly inserting one finger after
Another &start to finger fuck my self till I get an awesome orgasm. Rohit was
Always around me (School & Home, Thanks to my sister). The urge to have his
Penis inside me was getting ever so strong.
One day Rohit came home & asked for Aarti but as my sister wasn’t home he came
In started rolling his Marijuana & talking to me generally about the country
People & other issues which he always disliked. I was in no mood for these
Conversations but just wanted him to be inside me. I sat next to him on the sofa
& started to seduce him. It seemed to be working because he was using my breasts
As punching bags. I slowly started to kiss him & strip him off his clothes one
By one. I took his penis & started giving a blowjob. I licked it good & slowly
Took it & guided it into my waiting wet vagina. It was heaven to know a nice
Dark meat is slipping i & out of my vagina. I wrapped my legs tight around him
So that he could get all the way inside me. I t was a rythemic pump where he
Took his rime & screwed me hard. He turned me over & made me knee on all fours
Then came behind me & started to spank my buttocks.It was a singing sweet
Pain. He then started to pump into me very fast, I thought he was about to
Release his sex fluid into me. He tactically took it out; leaving me desperate
To want him more. Then slowly inserted his penis into my ass & started pumping,
At one point took me to ecstasy & that one large humongous jerk sent me through
A million orgasms. He emptied is load into my anal canal.
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