I am nervous as I approach your door. The bus was late and I had to run to get here by the appointed hour. I glance at my watch, I did well-I even have a minute or two to cool down and wipe the perspiration away. It wouldn’t do to arrive looking anything less than perfect!
I press the bell and wait, wondering exactly what this evening holds. Before long the door opens and, smiling, you invite me in. You are wearing a very soft, luxurious robe. Obviously you are not yet ready for the dinner party. I begin to suspect that I will be helping you prepare.
As the door closes, you stand there, the smile gone, waiting. I understand, and so very quickly remove all of my clothes, my watch, everything. I place all of it into the box you keep near the door for this purpose, having first removed the large collar. I Then lock the chest and turn to knee before you, head down, offering you the key and collar.
You take them and I hear you hiding the key. I am now totally in yourcontrol, unable to leave. I must await your pleasure and serve you well! Your cool hand raises my head and I stretch my neck up to allow you to place the collar around it. It feels so good, this sign of your ownership of me. I know that until you remove it my only responsibilities are to obey swiftly and completely, and to try to anticipate your needs before you have to vocalize them.
You Raise me up and lead me through the house to your bathroom. With a glance, you indicate that you need a shower, so I start the water, adjusting the temperature to that just-hotter-than-warm setting you prefer. You stand waiting until I come up behind you and hold your robe as you step out of it and into the shower. Now we are both without clothes, but, somehow, you still retain the mastery Here-you are nude, I am naked!
A hand summons me and I go to the far end of the shower and get in. Your back is to me as I take the shampoo and begin to work it into your hair. This is so hard: watchingyou luxury under the shower, rubbing your hair, I cannot avoid getting an erection, but I know I will be punished if it touches you now or if, God forbid!, I should come. Somehow I manage to stand back and continue with your ablutions. I am almost undone, however, when you turn around and hand me the soap. How can I later your torso-y breasts, your pussy-and not get too distracted? I Know you will not allow me to avert or close my eyes: This is one of your tests. I run the soap over you, then follow with my hands, generating a good later, massaging your taut body. I want to beg you to let me stop and yet I want it to continue forever!
Eventually you turn around and I work on your back. This is easier-not a lot, but enough. Then, as you rinse, I get out and stand ready with your towel. I wrap you tightly as you step out of the shower and then add another towel to your hair. You smile at me and then walk to your bedroom. I, of course, follow. It is clear I am to be your “maid” and help you dress and get made up. These are skills you have taught me during my service to you. I know how to brush and fix hair and am adept at putting on your makeup for you. It is still hard (and so am I!) to be so close and in such physical contact with you, but not as bad as in the shower.
Soon you are ready to dress and I help you into the beautiful lingerie and dress you have chosen. Then, kneeing, I put on your shoes and fasten them. Then I stand and you pose for me, letting me get the full effect of what we have wrong.
“Well?” It is the first word either of us has spoken tonight. “Perfection!” I answer. “It is almost time-open the wine”
I nod and go to the kitchen. There I find your instructions for the dinner written out and locate the wine you have chosen for before the meal. I open it and allow it to breathe, knowing that your guests will be here soon-they, too, will make sure they are prompt!
Indeed, within minutes the doorbell rings. I goThrough the living room and see you arranging yourself there to greet your guests. I understand that this means I must get the door and so hasten to do so before you need to ask. I know you would disapprove if I tried to do this in a shy way, trying to hide behind the door, so I stand boldly and open it wide-let passersby see, if there are any! Certainly the two women standing there miss nothing. Nor do they seems too surprised-they are old friends of yours and know to expect the outrageous from you. The taller of the two is a brunette, the other a blonde. Clearly the blonde “belongs” to the brunette.
I usher them into the living room where you welcome them (and I discover that the brunette is Jill and the blonde is Talia) but before I can offer them wine your third guest arrives and I must repeat my performance for Her. This woman is a striking raven-haired woman, slightly older than the others (I later find out her name is Sharon). She smiles and then laughs as she sees me, being so bold as to cares my member as she passes by on her way to the living room.
Now all are here, I serve the wine then stand obviously as everyone goes through the greeting and setting rituals we all develop. Eventually I am sent for the hors d’oeuvres and I spend the next half hour walking around offering them and refilling wine glasses. Other than accepting my offer, I am pretty much ignored for the time being, as a good service should be.
Eventually, the time for the meal arrives and I lead you and your guests to the dining room, helping each of you to sit. Then I begin to serve the meal. It is strange-I feel like an old-fashioned English butler, but I am naked. And whenever I start to get used to it, to feel “normal” someone does something to remind me of my state: A hand cares my buttocks as I pass, someone swats my member, or else just looks at me in a way that says “you are naked and I can look all I want and you are powerless to stop me!”
This continues throughout the main course, but once that is cleared you beckon me to stand beside you.
“Dessert tonight is something very special!” You announced. “If you ladies would adjourn for five minutes to the living room, I will prepare it myself.”
After they leave you have me clear the table completely.
“Lay on the table” You command.
I obey, lying on my back on the cold wood. You take my left foot and move it sideways, then I realize that you are tying it to the leg of the table. Then my right foot is tied to its table leg. As you move up, I understand what you require and spread my arms so you can tie them too. Now I am bound, spread, on the table.
“No matter what, you are not to utter a sound until I give you permission!” You says. “And if you come during dessert, I shall punish you more seriously than I ever have!”
“Yes, Mistress.” I reply, remembering other times that you have had to discipline me and desperately hoping I can avoid your wrath tonight.
You disappear for a moment and then I feel coldness on my body. I cannot see from my supine position, but it is ovious that some kind of cold conclusion is being spread over my body from my nipples to my crotch. My penis is also swathed in something, perhaps cream? Finally a very large strawberry is held in my view.
“Open your mouth,” you instruct, “You are to hold this in your teeth without your lips or tongue touching it.”
I open my mouth and obey, though my jaw will ache if it stays there too long. The smell of it is so delicious, it is hard not to bite down and eat it!
You stand back, admire your creation, and nod. Then you go out to the living room to collect your guests.
As you all return to the dining room there are little gasps and giggles from your guests. I can see them standing around the table, admiring what you have done to me. Then you invite them to begin and everyone picks up a spoon.
At first all I feel is the cold metal of the spoons removing the food from my body, but it is not long before one of the guests bends down and sucks some off my belly. Someone else bends down but this time sucks in one of my nipples with the food and give it a sharp bite before pulling away. Soon there are mouths and tongues all over my body, removing the food and then just tasting my skin. My nipples get very hard as they are sampled again and again.
My cock is very hard by this time, but I remember your instructions and struggle to distract myself. This becomes harder when first one, then two mouths begin to work on my balls, sucking and licking them. I almost lose it completely when the mouths begin to work up my shake, licking off the cream, caressing my skin, sharing with each other the fruits of their labors.
Talia is standing over my head looking at the strawberry in my mouth.
“Go ahead, enjoy it!” You offer.
She bends down as though to kiss me but instead begins to nibble at the strawberry. The juices run out and drip into my mouth. I can taste the sweetness and it is hard not to swallow or moan. When about half of the berry is gone, she bends closer, covering my mouth with hers completely and removes the rest with her tongue. But she does not get back up. Instead her tongue begins to explore the insides of my mouth. Even as she does this, I feel one of the others take the head of my penis into her mouth, having pulled back the foreskin (yes, I am uncircumcised). The urge to ejaculate is overwhelming! I have the greatest difficulty not moaning. I look up and there you are, watching me, looking into my soul through my eyes.
“It is hard, is it not?” You ask.
I almost say “yes”, but catch myself in time. You had not given me permission to speak. So I nod, as much as I am able with your guest exploring my mouth still.
“Aah, very good-you do not forget!” You smile, but I think that your pleasure at my obedience is tempered by your desire to punish me. I began to suspect that you will find an excuse to do that before the night is through.
At last my body is clear and everyone has eaten enough. You invite them all to return to the living room where coffee will shortly be served. As they leave, you until me. My arms and legs ache, but I stand carefully until full feeling returns to my limbs. You reach down and take a strong hold on my cock.
“You are doing well, but the night is yet young. Do not relax just yet, mon cher.” And with that you go to join your guests and I go to the kitchen for the coffee.
As I enter with the coffee, I find the four of you gathered around a card table dealing the cards for poker.
“Tonight’s game is a little different,” You say. “We are not playing for money, but for higher stakes! The game is strip poker and the loser will get to join my slave here in serving us. The winner will, of course, get to direct the action! Let us begin.”
And so, as I keep the coffee coming, the hands roll by. It ispretty obvious that Talia has been “set up”-she is so obviously a bad player that you must have intended for her to lose. Indeed, while the other three of you have barely exposed your unders, she is down to her bra and panties.
When she loses the next hand, you stop her from removing her bra and call me over. You make me knee between her legs with my face almost in her bosom. Then I am commanded to help her lose the bra. I reach around her and fumble, briefly, with the clap, then slowly pull the cups off her breasts. I cannot take my eyes off her large, erect nipples when suddenly someone behind me give me a shove and my face ends up pressed into them. We both turn red and I look at you to see if I am to be punished, but you laugh and I see that I am still safe.
A few hands later everyone is down to bra and panties when the “designated loser” loses her last hand. This time she is ordered to stand and I am once again told to knee before her. This time, however, I amInstructed to remove her panties without using my hands. I lean forward and try to get a grip on the waistband with my teeth. I can smell her sex and start to get hard again. As I slowly try to pull the panties down I get to see her soft, light brown bush. The panties do not want to go over her hips and I have to let go and try again, first on one side then the other. Finally they start to come down and I return to the center front. She opens her legs slightly to allow them to continue down and as I get down just below her cunt I can see that she is really wet-in fact, her juices are starting to trickle down the insides of her thighs. I long to lick them up, but know that I will surely be punished for such impudence!
Having removed her panties, I stand up next to her and we await our fates. After a short discussion, it becomes clear that you are the winner (no surprise there!) and all eyes turn to you for what will happen next.
“I think we will have a little conversation betweenn our two slaves here.” You begin. “We will tie them together in a 69 position and then let them try to make the other come. The first one to come is the loser and will be punished!”
The other two quickly agree and within a few minutes Talia and I are laid down and tied up facing each other, our heads between the others legs. My head is about to exploit-I am to taste her cunt after all! Before we can start, however, the three of you bet on who will win. I am not the favorite, only you choosing me, and that, I suspect, more out of obligation than any real belief I might actually win.
Then the word is given and my mouth quickly moves to cover her pussy. My tongue slides around her soft, wet folds, seeking to find her vagina and cliporis. But her mouth is already sucking on my hard Shaft, her tongue tickling the sensitive head. I will not last long and know I will have to work quickly. Fortunately the recent card game has also turned her on. I can sense that she too is close.I suck and nibble her clip as my nose pushes at her slit. She is responding, getting higher and higher-but so am I. I need to do something more or I will lose!
A little struggle and I manage to pull one of my hands free. Quickly I lick my fingers, getting them wet with saliva and her juices. Then, before anyone can stop me, I thrust my index finger deep into her rectum. From the way she jerks I know she is very close indeed, and the shock has stopped her sucking on my cock. Before she can start again, I began thrusting my finger in and out as I nibble her clip. I can hardly breathe, but that is OK, it will not be long. And, indeed, within a minute or two her thighs clamp onto my head and her body begins to spasm. I don’t stop, even though I have obviously won, until I hear you declare the game over.
“Well, it appears my slave has won.” You say. “However, it could be said that he did so by cheating-no-one said he could use his hands.”
(“No-one said I couldn’t!” I want to say, but I know that would be foolish. You have found your means to punish me now, why make it worse?)
“So, I guess we must punish them both!”
Two dining chairs are set out side by side and Talia and I are both made to stand behind one. You come behind me and force me to bend over the back of the chair, holding me there as the others tie my hands and legs to the chair’s legs. My ass feels very exposed. Looking over I watch as you all tie Talia in the same way.
I see you move in front of us, but the other two assume positions behind and slightly to one side of us. You raise your arms like a conductor and as you bring them down there is a loud swish and we both feel the canes hit our backsides. I bite back my scream, but Talia does not, and gets a second swipe for her failure. They are not being gentle and we will both have welts there soon.
Regain and again you cause us to be hit, on our buttocks, the tops of out thighs, even our backs. I am burning with pain, as I suspect Talia is too, but I am also very turned on (as you knew I would be)!
After what seems like hours but is only about 15 minutes you declare that we have had enough-that we are now ready for our real punishment. Talia blurs out an incredulous “what!” but I know you better than that, though I do not know what specifically you have in mind.
I find out soon enough, however. My ass cheats are forced wide open and hold there as a large dildo is slipped into my mouth. It feels really good, but as I start to react to it, it is removed, now wet, and pushed against my asshole. I clnch my teeth and try to relax, knowing you will not be gentle or slow, and sure enough, I feel the dildo thrust rapidly and deeply into me. You work it in and out hard and fast, each time going deeper, until, with a last, hard thrust, I feel my ass close over it, taking it inside completely.
“See, I told you it was possible!” I hear you say, “You may examine him if you wish.”
I feel a hand on my ass, stroking, pushing, exploring the dildo inside. I cannot help squirming, but a hard slap on my sore ass confesses me to stay still. But, damn!, it feels so good!
As the fingers continue their work, I hear you and the other guest go over to Talia. She has seen what has happened to me and is becoming for it not to happen to her. “Fool” I think, doesn’t she understand that that only guaranteees she will be abused as much or more! And so it proves. Clearly it is a first for her, and she finds it painful and degrading. She is sobbing by the time they finish with her.
Finally we are untied, though the dildos are not removed. It is time for your guests to leave, but Talia’s back will not tolerate clothing, so she is made to go out naked (fortunately it is dark out so she has some cover).
Alone again with you, I come and knee before you, head down.
“You did well tonight, my precise slave!” You say, and I smile at the tenderness in your voice. “You deserve a reward for such service,”
You raise me up and lead me to your bedroom. There, you remove your clothes slowly, strictly, before lying on the bed, your legs off the end, your pussy hanging there open. I kneel between your legs and place my face in your sweet cunt, smelling your sharp, metallic smell, waiting for permission to go further. Your hands reach down and pull me into you, and my tongue begins its ministries on your clip and slit. I suck on it, drinking your juices, nibbling on your soft flesh.
It will be a long time before you come, and I will enjoy every minute of it, my reward! I will spend the night sleeping on the floor beside your bed, and in the morning will get to feed and clothes you before being dismissed. I don’t understand how you see so deeply into my soul, how you understand exactly what I need, that precision mixture of submission, pain and humiliation that so arouses and fulfills me, but I am glad that you do. And that you love me enough togive it to me. I can hardly wait for the next time…
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