The Claiming Ch. 02

She opened her eyes slowly. The dim light did not allow her to see much of her surroundings. She wondered, for a moment, why her arms ached so, and why her anus and rectum felt so stretched and full. Then she remembered. He had claimed her. He no longer had a name. She thought He had once, but that seemed so long ago. No, she thought, He did have a name, but she didn’t feel right calling Him that, not even in her own mind. He was Master, Sir, my Lord, or Daddy. Any of these felt perfectly fine to her, but she could not make herself think of Him as anything else.

He had left her hanging there, in His workroom, after He had used her. She had been so exhausted, mentally and physically, that she had fallen sleep without regard for her uncomfortable position. Although she felt like she’d slept all night, it had really only been an hour. She heard Him enter the room and fought the temptation to turn and look at Him. She knew that would not have been accepted. She felt the soft fur lining of the blindfold sliding down her forehead and over her eyes.


Immediately all her hairs were standing on end. She strained her ears to try and hear what He was doing. She heard a match ignite and then caught the sent of apples beginning to fill the room. He was lighting candles. Almost instinctively she tried to recoil, as her mind caught up with what was about to happen. He was going to drip wax on her. She began to yank at the bonds on her wrists, but it was futile. She was held as securely as ever. She tried to move her legs, only to discover that He had secured the spreader bar to something, immobilizing them as well. The sting, again, came almost before the sound. He had struck her rear with the flat of His hand.

“Be still, slave,” He admonished, “or you won’t be able to sit for a month.”

She tried to control herself. She reminded herself that she was simply here for His enjoyment, and if this is what He wanted, then she should just relaxand accept it. She was still fighting the panic when the first drop splattered against the smooth skin of her round buttocks. She tried to cry out, but the gag muffled it. A second splatter, in a new spot struck moments later, causing her to scream again. She could not believe He was doing this to her. The heat from the wax, as it struck and splattered, combined with the sensing of it cooling and hardening caused waves of erotic pleasure to course through her body.

The drips seemed to be coming faster, now…each landing in a new spot. It was no longer quite as painful, she realized it was shock, more than actual pain, that caused her to scream. She started to relax some. She closed her eyes and focused on the sensings. Her sex was soaking wet, now, and she moved her hips against the air. She felt Him grip her hips and twist her so that she was leaning backward. She drew in her breath, waiting for the next drop, but it never came.

Instead she felt what she could only guess was a pastry brush, painting the warm wax onto her nipples. A soft moan escaped her throat and she longed to feel more. Slowly she felt Him covering her body with the warm wax. Her pleasure felt so great she thought she might explode. Every muscle ached and her skin seemed so hot she thought it could melt the wax again.

She cried out, again, and her whole body shuddered with a minor orgasm, as He brushed the wax over her pussy. She had never imagined that anything could feel so wonderfully intense. Then she felt Him step between her legs…the soft hair from His legs caressing and teasing her thighs. He entered her easily and she drove herself onto Him, wanting every inch of His manhood inside her hungry cunt. He stood very still while she understood and bucked, trying to fulfill her need.

He began moving His hips and she knew He was nearing orgasm. She wanted to cum so badly. He fucked her savagely. Ramming deep into her…driving her back against her restraints. She felt His body began to tense and knew He was going to cum inside her. As the first ribbons of semen splashed inside her, she felt the heat of the wax splatter against her bare stomach and she lost all control. Her body shook violently as wave upon wave of raw pleasure over took it. When the orgasm passed, her mind was numb. She felt her body quiver, occasionally, with the aftershocks.

She felt as if she were a thousand miles away and “watched” as her body was lifted and carried to the bedroom. She felt her body wrapped in the comforter and a straw placed in her mouth. She sipped slightly and the bittersweet taste of grape juice washed over her tongue, bringing her back to herself. She continued to sip, finishing all that He offered.

The blindfold and gag were gone, now, though the collar and cuffs remained. He held her tightly against His chest as she rested on His lap. She felt owned, then. Not just claimed, but completely and totally owned……and loved. She drifted off tosleep, as the exhaustion of the nights events took hold, feeling safe in His arms.

She awoke with the sunrise and, happily, found herself chained to the bed by her collar. Her Master slept soundly beside her, so she remained motionless, so as not to disturb Him. She stared at Him for a long time, in awe of what He’d become to her. He began to stir and wake, so she slide, carefully, from the bed and knelt beside it, hoping He would be pleased by her gesture. He rolled over and smiled

“Good girl”, he commented, and she felt so proud she thought her heart might explode.

He reached up and unlocked the chain with a key that He had retrieved from the floor somewhere, and sent her off to make Him some coffee.

The morning past by as most any other had, with the simple difference that she was not clothed, save for the collar and cuffs. She prepared His breakfast and had it waiting on the table for Him. She had expected Him to come out in shorts and polo shirt, His usualSaturday attire, and was surprised to see Him in jeans, boots, and a black t-shirt. He looked dark and frightening to her, just then, and her body showed her arousal to it. Her nipples became instantly erect and motivation showed on her newly shaken sex.

“We’re going shopping today, so you’d better get dressed”, He instructed, “Make sure it’s something fitting a used slave like yourself. I took the liberty of selecting some panties for you…they’re on the bed.”

She went to the bedroom and found a pair of red, lace, g-string panties, and the matching bra, resting on the bed. She was puzzled, as she put them on, though. Why was He instructing her to wear panties? She had expected that He would, if anything, forbid their use, in an effort to increase her arousal. This had worked just as well, Though.

She was soaked as she pulled them on…aroused by the thought that He would know exactly what she wore under her clothes. She selected a very small, red, one-piece dress that exposed the tops of her breasts and ended just below her rear. She slide red, thigh-high stockings up her legs, to compliment the outfit, smiling as they sat well below the bottom of the dress, and some red pumps. She admitted herself in the mirror. Yes, this would make His cock as hard as a rock. She applied some makeup and went downstairs.

“Shall i knee before you, Master, so that you can remove the collar and cuffs?”, she asked.

Her heart nearly stopped when He informed her that He would not be removing them. She was to wear them all day, in public. He attached the lean to her collar and led her out the door to His car, directing her all the way to the back seat, when she began to sit up front. She felt humiliated and knew the fun was only just starting.


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