The Claiming Ch. 03

Note: This is an ongoing story about the claiming of a slave and the ongoing life of her and her Master. I have left them nameless, intentionally. Each chapter carries into the next, so not every one will be intensely erotic. I hope that the story helps others come up with some ideas on new ways to guide their own subs/slaves. Enjoy and I welcome all comments.

He pulled out of the driveway and into the light Saturday morning traffic. She closed her eyes and her mind drifted back over the events of the previous evening.

How could so much have happened in one evening? They had always had a good sex life and she never felt unfulfilled. Now, however, she felt utterly completed and used. She was a slut. Yes, that’s what the man in the movie had called the girl…his little slut. That was what she was, now. Willing to do anything, as long as it pleased her Master.

It suddenly dawned on her that she had no idea where they were going. Yes, He had said they were goingshopping, but where? Certainly He wouldn’t take her to…

Her eyes flashed open and she had to stifle a scream of terror. He was already pulling into the mall parking lot. She felt her juices flowing down her legs, instantly, at the thought of walking through the mall with a collar and cuffs. Certainly He wouldn’t have her do that. Of course He’d remove them before she got out of the car. He had to.

He circled the lot slowly and she again felt fear grip her tightly and twist her insides as He pulled into the row farthest from the mall, in the busiest section of the lot. He turned off the car and came around to her side.

She held her arms up, fully expecting Him to remove the cuffs. He ignored her hands and reached down, fasting a small, leather dog lean to the ring on her collar. She felt Him pull her from the car and begin leading her towards the entrance.

She feel herself drift, again, from her body. Swirls of color filled her mind. Bright oranges, reds, yellows and purples filled her mind as she watched herself guided towards the mall. Slowly she drifted further and further away, all the sounds of the busy lot blended into a muted static. She felt warm in this state…safe. She looked at herself and noticed that she appeared to be drunk, walking naturally, but with an obviously languid air to her gait. Men and women alike were looking at her. Watching as she was walking like a dog.

She was happy in this place, but quite confused by it. Why was this happening? What was causing this to occur? A tumor? Something they hadn’t noticed at her last physical? No. She could’t believe that this place was bad. She felt him stop her and begin to whisper in her ear. His words drifted to her barely audible. It was like she was being pulled from an ocean by a piece of floss. She tried to focus on her Masters words.

Slowly they increased in sound. He was counting backwards, like a hypnotist.

“10, 9, you’re coming back to Me. 8, 7, your arms are starting to feel strong again. 6, 5, you legs are getting strong. 4, 3, your eyes are opening. 2, 1, your whole body is awakening. 0, you’re back with Me.”

She looked at Him, puzzled by what had just happened. He explained that she had “spaced”. He had read about it while learning. The site had described it as “a euphoric state of self-hypnosis induced by an endorphin rush”. Basically, she was high on the adrenaline.

Once certain she was coherent again, He began to lead her by the leash, once more.

They began slowly browsing from store to store and she could feel the eyes of every employee and customer upon her. Examine her cuffs and collar. As they reached one end of the mall, He pulled her to Him and whispered in her ear.

“You have exactly 5 minutes to remove your panties and bring them to me,” he commanded.

Her eyes widened, but she immediately began to move towards the restrooms. She frozen in her tracks. He had guided her to the part of the mall further from them. Surely he hadn’t planned this, she thought, but she knew better.

She glanced around the area looking at the various stores nearby, her heart pounding in her chest, as the seconds ticked by. She was running out of time. She saw a lingerie store across the hall and practically ran to it.

She knew there’d be dressing rooms and she prayed, silently, that they wouldn’t be full. She grabbed the first item she saw and headed for the fitting rooms.

Her heart sank, and she almost screamed when she saw the mob scene around the fitting room. Her mind raced as she knew she was running out of time. Then the answer came to her. She could use that mob scene to her advantage.

She moved rapidly to the back of the store and stepped behind one of the tall racks filled with bathrobes. Carefully she began to wiggle the panties down her hips. Finally they reached the perfect spot and dropped to her ankles.

She glanced around to make sure no one had seen her, as she stepped cautiously out of them. She “accidentally” dropped the garment in her hand, and quickly recovered her own panties as she knelt to pick them back up.

She could feel her juices flowing down her legs as she quickly headed back to her Master and jumped when the anti-theft alarm howled. She turned back to see a young girl rushing towards her. Instantly she offered the garment still clutched in her hand.

The girl took the hanger but looked, accusingly at her other hand. She flushed knowing that she’d have to explain.

“They’re mine,” she said as she lifted her skirt a bit to show that she wore none.

The girl looked at the collar and cuffs, still snuggly in place, smiled known and wounded at her. She left quickly and offered them to her Master.

“I hope I’ve Pleased You, Master,” she whispered as He pulled her to Him.

“You have, My slut,” He replied as He kissed her deep, “Now, let’s walk. I have something to get you, then I’m going toTake you home and fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before, slave.”

She trembled at His words, her body tingling with arousal and anticipation. She followed Him, led by the leash He’d re-attached to her collar, to a small novelty gift shop. He seemed to know where He was going and went right to a small display. He picked up two small velvet collars, one with the word “slave” on it in silver lettering, the other saying “slut”.

They cashed out and He promptly placed both around her throat, right above her collar. He took hold of her lean and guided her back to the car, pausing beside it.

“Strip, slave, you will wear nothing home, but My collars.”

She couldn’t believe her ears, but quickly compiled, hoping to accomplish the task and get into the car before anyone saw. As soon as she was nude He opened her door and shoved her into the passenger seat.


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