The Clan Pt. 05

… He watched her as she slowly rotated while washing her hair, offering an exclusivecing little wiggle for his benefit as she did so. She stood just over five football six inches in her six-inch heels, with the toned body of a curvy little jazz dancer. He had always loved the shape of her ass and her incredibly pert little breasts that had recently been adorned with gold captive bead rings through her puffy thick nipples…

The Clan, Part 5


By the time they’d reached the bedroom. Danny was completely naked and shamelessly rampant. Amber watched as his cute little butt disappeared around the corner into the ensuite.

“Hold on. I want you to take my clothes off.” she said, stopping him in mid stride.

He was attending her in a flash, first removing her silk blouse, Then lace bra and finally her linen skirt. He then folded them neatly and placed them on the dresser while Amber stood in the middle of the bedroom, studying her curvy compact littleframe in Kendra’s dressing mirror. The gym was paying off she noted. Her bush needs a trim though…Danny was soon on his knees at her feet.

“Leave the shoes for now- just the panties. Give them a rinse in cold water and hang them over a towel for me.” she said, beginning to relax.

As he got close to her sex, and reached up to remove her panties, he knew instantly how hot Amber was. The heady warm Scent she exuded was palpable, pushing his heart rate and stiffening his member instantly. Amber grabbed a handful of his hair and viciously pulled his face into her pussy, “Are you going to be an obedient little pet for me Daniel?” she asked, holding his mouth firmly against her vulva, forcing him to breath exclusively through his nose.

He looked up at her, as he breathed deeply several times, eyes filled with complete adoration.

Danny would eagerly do exactly as she asked, she knew perfectly well, “Yes you will Danny boy!” she said tossing his head back, “Panties off.”

As empathic and devoted as he was, she knew he would always find a way to do a little more to indulge her. She had been using him for gratification with Kendra’s consent for a few years now, and they’re play had a certain rhythm and tempo – she knew just how far to take things without his becoming too bratty.

Danny carefully removed her panties, first gently easing them from her hips and keeping the elastic waistband extended, lowered them to her ankles where, with a hand on his shoulder for balance, she stepped out of them carefully avoiding hooking her high heels.

“Off you go, remember cold water, and turning them out well, not like last time!” she barked as he vanished into the bathroom.

Amber walked past him as he busy obliged her request at the bathroom sink, her heels clicking on the mosaic tile floor, and walked into the eight feet square shower stall. She set up her preferred pressure and temperature on the twelve-inch square rain shower head, that extended from the ceiling in the back corner. She stepped under it, luxury in the relaxing warmth. Danny appeared at the opening to the stall waiting permission to enter.

“Camomile shampoo, Danny”

He retrieved it at once. He watched her as she slowly rotated while washing her hair, offering an exclusivecing little wiggle for his benefit as she did so. She stood just over five foot six inches in her six-inch heels, with the toned body of a curvy little jazz dancer. He had always loved the shape of her ass and her incredibly pert little breasts that had recently been adorned with gold captive bead rings through her puffy thick nipples.

After washing and rinsing twice, Amber turned off the water and directed him to enter with a come-hither hand gesture.

“Lay down on the floor, and start stroking that little cock for me.”

He did so at once, as Amber squatted above his mouth, resting her heart shaped ass on the back of her heels, her open butterfly less than a centimetre above his eager lips. Her cent was still heavy from the excitement of the day despite the shower’s rinse. Danny found it intotoxicating and lifting his head off the wet floor, applied a full mouth kiss to the exposed opening to her salmon pink vagina. He began to lightly suckle her pussy opening, and then lick her inner labia in an alternative rhythm, while continuing to stroke his cock.

Amber loved watching him masturbate. He soon had a blindingly fast stroke rate, rapidly building to orgasm. She had consumed two half litre bottles of water on the drive from work, planning on trying something new. Her bladder was very full, causing her minor distraction from the pleasure of Daniel’s oral attention. She had a plan for that.

She let a short little stream of urine spray into his open mouth as he was reaching up to lick her. There was now a greater feeling of urgency to release more. Danny reeled back in shock. Spraying her urine over her perineum and ass.

“Open yOur mouth Daniel!” she barked, “Take what your given like a man!”

He compiled open mouthed, as Amber quickly filled it with her piss and then demand that he swallow twice. “That’s hot little man. Okay enough drinking on the job, clean my ass- and show me that thick load of cum!” she said, moving forward and leaning backwards, granting complete access to her anal button. He eagerly Complied. Within a minute or two, Daniel began to arch his back slightly, his rhythm became frantic and erratic and he soon ejaculated over his bellybutton and torso.

“That’s a good boy Daniel! That’s a nice load. Keep struggling that cock, slowly for me.” she said, standing up.

She repositioned herself above Danny’s hips, a foot on either side, and squatted over his groin. “Keep stroke,” she said, as she began to shower his cum covered cock and balls with squirts of her hot urine.

Amber suddenly felt the fierce grip of Kendra’s right hand grab hold of a huge handful of her wet hair atThe back of her head. She was then lifted body to her feet. Kendra extending her arm, put her face solidly into the corner of the shower stall. “Did you just piss on my husband, Bitch?” it was a loud and shrink voice. Kendra was clearly very upset.

Amber was suddenly in a different place, filled with fear. Clearly, she had crossed some line she was unaware existing. Briefly struggled to get free, she was quickly pinned even more firmly by the taller and much stronger Kendra.

“Don’t you move!” she barked, and then turned to her husband, “Danny, you stand clear.” Kendra pinned both elbows behind Ambers back while pressing her torso into the corner. “Amber, move your feet back. Further. Back I said. FURTHER!”

She was forced into a stress position; her forehead pushed into the corner of the stall with her feet far enough back that she felt as if her body was on a forty-five-degree angle. The pressure on her forehead was tremendous and painful. she was generallyconcerned that in heals, her feet would soon slide out and away causing her to fall face first on the shower floor. Scared, she knew the kind of rage Kendra was capable of.

“Get me the two-inch rigid strap.” said Kendra, turning to Danny, now sounding calm and resolve.

Amber trembled with fear, and whimpered, “Kendra, calm down! Please I’m sorry…”

“Stand up. Face and toes into the wall.” said Kendra. She began pacing back and forth behind her, like a liness who had its prey in a corner not taking her eyes off her for a second. “What on Earth were you thinking? There will be severe consequences young lady.”

“Kendra, I’m sorry. Please. It won’t happen again- ever! I’m sorry…” while Amber, tears sing her eyes, anxiety on the rise.

Danny returned with the strap, handing it to her and then stepping back, went down on one knee, head bowed. With a cylindrical knurled hand grip and a thick leather tab, perhaps eighteen inches long, made of two pieces ofblack cowhide stitched together and a nickel steel strip in between, it was an imposing instrument of discipline.

“Thank you, Danny.” she said then turning to Amber, “How many would you ‘like’ Amber?”

Still shivering, her buttocks and breasts jiggling exclusively, Amber thought carefully before answering. If she said too few a number, it was likely to lead to a many more. “Six please Kendra.” she sounded defeated and penitent.

“Is that what you feel you deserve?” asked Kendra, rubbing the straw gently up and down the curve of her left buttock.

She didn’t wait for a reply, instead placing two very hard strikes on her left buttock followed by two vicious backhanded with the same intensity on her right. She paused there. Amber had absorbed the blows without complaint. Kendra had laid them on top of each other so that a pink chevron shaped welt across her ass presented itself. She paced back, and forth studying Amber’s elegant little frame. She admired her handiworkas it becomes brighter and more defined against Amber’s porcelain skin.

Taking a firm Stance Kendra striped her left side again with much greater force, just below the prior mark. Amber gasped and let out a sorrowful whimper. Taking position for the final blow to the other chef she paused briefly, allowing Amber to recompose, and then stuck a final blow.

Amber was now in tears. Kendra turned on the Shower again, this time with cold water diverted to the handheld unit, that in concert with a gentle mass, provided soothing relief to Ambers singing derriere,

Kendra offered soft words of consolation, “There now little Amber, all is forgiven. It’s okay Darling, its over…”

The cold water quickly soothed the throbbing sting of the straw. Amber soon began to relax, and then felt overcome with a heavy sadness. She was now in need of emotional comfort. This always happened after one of Kendra’s intense sessions. She turned around and placing her arms around her former torqueor, lowered her face into her chest. She had the look of a lost child having finally found her mother.

Amber hugged Kendra and sniffling like a child, listened as Kendra continued to rock her side to side and whispered words of comfort. After care for Amber was always a very emotional experience. Kendra had decided long ago that she must have been a lonely child in a very strict home where she felt constant Need of love and attention. She was not wrong about that.

An hour later, they were enjoying a meal together in the Craig’s dining room as if the incident had never happened. Amber would shift in her seat, occasionally testing the new crueles on her backside with impish delight. Dinner was a Chicken Kiev served with buttered baby potatoes with chives and steamed asparagus. Kendra paired it with a Côtes-du-Rhône blanc. Cooking was one of her superpowers.

The dinner conversation was light. They’d a lot of catching up to do. The Craigs had recently returnedfrom one of their Caribbean Safaris with a couple of wild experiences to record. The three had not been together for nearly a month, which accounted for Amber’s overwrought sexual tension before her earlier arrival. Over the last few years, she had become quite dependant on the married couple to exorcize her demonstrations.

“So, tell me Amber about this man you’ve found that you figure fits my needs so perfectly.” Said Kendra finally unable to avoid the topic any longer.

“He is the product of seventeen centuries of selective breeding by the clan and from the many that have come through the lab, is head and shoulders more select than any I’ve seen.”

“This ‘clan’ of yours has been around that long? That’s fucked up!” said Kendra, “How do you selectively breed a gender exactly?”

“We are an ancient Matriarchal society dating back to the fourth century. We descend from an ancient pagan sect that was very powerful and highly respected in Roman society before the rise of Christianity. It was eventually disabled, and the priestesses were spiritualized away to an out of the way village in a northern part of Italy in what is now Veneto. There they continued to practice their rituals providing readings and rituals for a few influenced patricians who were Christian in name only.

“The original priestesses were virgin, but since the practice of their religion had been outlawed by the Emperor, there could be no more young women of noble birth recruited into the sect so they needed to come up with another way of recruiting new priestesses.”

“Wait a second. Are you saying the Clan is an off shoot of the Vestal Virgins of ancient Rome?” asked Kendra, incredulous.

“The direct descendants of the last Vestals, yes. Rather than recruit new women, they decided collectively that their tradition and position of wealth, retirement benefits and influence would soon be lost. The decision was made to vanish with what possessions and treasure was currently at ther disposal. They vanished from their new accommodation, moving in secret to a new village in a predominantly Celtic valley in the Dolomite Mountains that soon was to be known as the ‘Stronghold’. Now we call it the ‘The Zone of the Interior’.”

“Where in the Dolomites is the village?” asked Daniel.

“Nope, that’s not for people of the commons to ever know. Besides it was destroyed in the seventh century, by Visigoths and then again by the Clan in the eight century, in an effort to erase any evidence of the existence of the Stronghold to prevent forever any attempt to pool its now huge wealth. The settlement was distributed into villas and small hamlets throughout the region. Hence the name Zone of the Interior, although it translates better from the old language as ‘Redomt’ in my opinion.

“Anyway, once established, the Priestesses took a few select slaves, who had proven to be loyal and very protective by nature, as lovers to produce children. The decision was madeto create their own society based on matrixal succession. They developed an economic system not unlike the Japanese keiretsu, Sanwa and Mitsubishi. In the years that followed, slave markets across the boot of Italy and the Byzantine Empire were scoured for the right males to increase the diversity of the growing clan. Within a few generations, a sufficient nucleus had been developed, slavery was abolished, and a long-term economic strategy was being implemented.

“Clan marriages and wealth succession has always been carefully supervised by the six Matriarchs, who are descended from the original six Vestals. Only highly intelligent and successful granddaughters of Matriarchs can succeed them, and only with majority consent of the other reigning five. I met one earlier today- she is absolutely flawless. Harvard law, elite athlete, and the body of a super model.

“This dude I sent you the photo of, Nicholas, is her chosen consort- to be her childbearing partner. You couldn’t do any better than to get knocked up by him. His genome is flawless. His semen is incredibly potential- three times on average more sperm and virtually all of them perfectly formed and extremely motor.” Amber had enthralled Kendra with her brief history of the clan. That was her kind of organization.

Danny sat quietly listening for the entire conversation. He and Kendra decided long ago that he would not be the father of her children. As much as she loved him. She wanted her offspring to have every advantage possible in the world, which means she needed a baby father with superior qualities in every way- including physical size. Danny just didn’t make the cut physically. He loved his wife completely however and would agree to anything that made her happy. They had been trying to get her pregnant for a few years now, but the catalogue of suitable males was very small for the highly discerning Kendra.

“Clan males are selected for a lot of the same traditional male qualitiesthat common folk desire with the exception that they are hyper protected, loyal and different completely to clan women. I’ve noticed they are significantly better endowed than common men as well. They are not afraid of weakness, and by virtue of their intelligence, education and loyalty, make the best council for their partners. They are carefully tested and measured on hundreds of parameters starting in their early teens. Acquiring the best of They are hotly contested by the high-born women of the clan.” Amber let Kendra digest that considerable bite of information.

“He sure looks like the right stuff. If these men are so loyal to their own women, how can I get him between the sheets?” asked Kendra.

“Its highly unlikely that you ever will. Even as a clanswoman, I would have next to no chance of getting to him. I did get to tease semen out of him today during a prenuptial physical exam. That was just an amazing experience if I do say so.” she laughed, “But, I’m pretty sure I can get you a half dozen or so dosses of his frozen semen that was collected today. With that and the right clinic, you could have all the kids you wanted!”

“Well now!” said Kendra, “That sounds like a plan with possibilities…”

End Part 5


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