The Claiming

Elise typed on the computer with rapt concentration until the ring of the phone interrupted her thoughts. She glanced at the caller id display. Her fingers frozen above the keys, as her heart began pumping hard in her chest. She stared at the ringing phone, torn between the inexplicable desire to hear his voice again, and the fear that if she did, she’d be drawn into a dark world in which she did not belong.

She didn’t realize that she had been holding her breath; until the ringing ceased and she was able to take a deep breathe. She continued to star at the silent phone until the red message light illuminated. She picked up the receiver and pushed the message button. Fear and excitement bubbled in the pit of her stomach as his stern voice rang through her body. No greeting, no deference to civilization, just a phone number delivered in a quick business-like cadence.

There was no mistake the intention. It was a command.

She shook off the electric effect, and resumed typing.

She lay in bed trying to concentrate on the pages of her paperback. But even the hunt for a serial killer couldn’t fully capture her intention. Why had he called again? She had told him, right in front of David that she was no longer interested in seeing him. On their very first meeting, he had told her that all she had to do was say no and she would never hear from him again. Yet here, several months later… the phone rang sending a jolt of panic through her. David reached for the phone. Elise stared at the pages of her book, as David said hello. The seconds ticked slowly, she felt them in the put of her stomach. She knew who it was. David hung up.

“No one there.” his words were curt. The meaning made very clear to her. She pretended to be only half listening.

“Must be a wrong number.” she murmured trying to sound uninterested.

David settled back, and resumed watching the old western he’d seen at least a couple hundred times before. She felt the tensionin his body, know that he was concentrating as much on his old movie, as she was on her book. Finally, she put down the book, and turned off her light, preferring the cover of dark. What the hell was going on? First, today at work, and again tonight? What could he possibly want? She silently promised David that she would handle this for once and for all tomorrow.

The morning was filled with meetings. She tried to concentrate, but her thoughts were on the phone call that she would make later that afternoon. She rehearsed different scenarios in her mind. It occurred to her that this was ludicrous. She had told him months ago that she was back with her husband. That seemed to end it. But a few months later, she received another call. Elise was flattered, but a little nervous. She once again had explained that she wasn’t Interested in seeing him again. Had he heard something in her voice? Could he sense her inner conflict? Impossible. She barely knew him. While they spoke on the phone many times, she had only seen him once. That one intensity encounter somehow had connected them for nearly a year now. He still invaded her fansies, and now once again, he invaded her reality. David had been unusually quiet this morning. She was able to secretly check the caller id to confirm what she already knew. She had escaped the number from the list, cursing the asshole for the pang of guilt she felt. It didn’t Feel right keeping this secret from David. But it was not something she was able to talk to him about. But their relationship was not at the point where suspicions and secrets couldn’t drive a wedding between them. But she had to choose, she’d choose her secret, rather than endure David suspicions.

She had told David about the encounter. She explained the curiosity that drove her to explore a dark fantasy she had harbored since she was a child. Although, she didn’t tell him how it left her wanting more. David was jealous, of course. But he had embarked on a great many sexual excursions during their marriage, which among other problems had caused their breakup. Since they had been back together, they had tried a little role-playing. But, she just couldn’t see David in the role of a stern “Master”. Although, David had some very dominant characteristics, they were the very aspects that had caused so much trouble in their relationship. The attempts ended in frustration and resentment.

But if she didn’t put a stop to this quickly, she would see David’s dominant side in a very unpleasant way.

Finally, alone in her office, she replayed that message, writing down the number this time. It took three attempts before she could dial the number correctly. Every nervous was on edge as she waited for an answer. Instead of his voice, an electronic voice informed her call was ‘forwarded a message system’. She hung up. He never answered his phone. Instead, he had always called her back when she left a message. She didn’t want to talk to his answering system. She didn’t want him to call her. She wanted the call to be on her terms. She wasn’t his slave awaiting the attention of her ‘Master’. The game had to be over now. She decided that if she didn’t reach him by the end of the week, she would leave a message… a very pointed one.

He smiled as the display lit on his cell phone. ‘Adjunct Systems’, his sweet Elise. He had seldom met a woman who was so naturally submissive. And so in need of training. His other slaves were entertaining, but something about this woman struck him in a way that no other had. Damn, the bitch! Her husband would never know her as well as he did. In just one session, he had reached into her soul. A place that he was quite certain no one else had gone. She was his. She would always be his. He could hear it in her voice when she told him that she could not see him again. It was time that she understood her place.

He waited as the sun ebbed from the sky. As usual she was working later than her co-workers. The parking lot was nearly empty. He parked in the usual spot, hidden in the gathering shadows. Finally she emerged from the building. She walked towards her car, while searching her pursuit for her eyes. He chuckled. She was not meant for this life. She always seemed just slightly out of step. The only time that he had ever seen her in her true element was when she was enangled in his bonds.

“Hello, slave.” Her head jerked up, her eyes wide.

She recognized him, of course. How could she forget her one true master? He watched as she pulled herself together. Hesitantly, came to meet him in the shadows.

“Hello, Alec.”

He arched his browser. “It’s Alec now is it?”

Even in the dark, he could feel her blush. She said nothing as she stood nervously before him.

“You called.” he stepped forward, grasped by the shudder of desire that passed though her. Good to see he still had that effect on her.

“Yes. Actually, I was calling you back.”

“I hope thatI didn’t cause you any trouble.”

“No.” she shifted her eyes away from him. He let the lie pass.

His body so close to hers made her slightly dizzy. How was it that he could still to this to her, she wondered. She felt as if he had her bound in place with only his steely gaze.

“Come with me, just for a drink.” it sounded like a request, but his eyes told her different.

“I can’t. I have to get home…” her answer held no conviction. He waited while she battled with herself. Perhaps it would be better to discuss this over a drink. She looked around the parking lot. Only a few cars were left. She didn’t want anyone she worked with to spot her standing in the dark talking with a man who was obviously not her husband.

“Okay, but I can’t stay long.” He smiled and opened the door for her. He watched her pull her long legs into the car, then closed the door. The sound thud of the door made her feel as if she were locked inside. A tingling feeling rose in the pitof her stomach as he slip in beside her. Her mind screamed that this was not a good idea. But she ignored it, chatissing herself for being paranoid.

She searched in vain for something light to say, as he pulled from the parking lot. But it was as if she were intoxicated by his presence. Her thoughts flashed through her mind in an incoherent jumble. Was this the inevitable confusion of dark fantasy crashing into harsh reality?

He drove silently. She had no idea where he was taking her, but their relationship precluded her asking. What relationship! A one night stand does not define a relationship. She glanced at him beside her. Yes, it does. Though, an inexplicable one.

He pulled up to a small neighborhood bar. It was dark inside, lots of wood and dark leather. A serious drinker’s establishment, where the darkness gave one privacy. She felt his hand press against the small of her back as he guided her to an empty table. The crowd was thin, as was expected for a week night. The candle on the table, glimmered catching his hard eyes in it’s light. She felt a shiver pass through her. Alec ordered their drinks from the sintily clad cocktail waitress, without asking her what she wanted. The waitress flirted dutifully and left to fetch their drinks. She found herself sitting, demurely waiting for him to speak. She shook off the role that she had automatically settled into.

“D you come here often?” Lame! God how can I be so lame!

“No.” he answered, and gazed apprisedly across the table. She shifted restlessly in her chair, saved when the drinks arrived. She distracted herself by sipping her drink, winning at the bitterness. She never had a taste for alcohol, but hoped the caustic liquor would fortify her strength.

“I want you to do something for me.” she looked up at him, eyes wide.

“Go to the ladies from and remove your panties. Then come back and set them on the table.” She stared in shock. He waited, fully expecting her toobey. She sipped her drink again trying to sift through her panicked thoughts for a coherent response. Peeking at him over her glass, she saw that his expression was stern.

“Don’t make me wait.” he said, an edge creeping into his voice.

Without a word, she rose from the table and left to find the ladies room. Actually, she felt relieved in getting away from the table. She found the ladies room, and locked herself into a stall. She had no intention of complying. This was insane! She sat down, and tried to calm herself.

A few minutes later the restroom door opened.

“Miss?” a female voice called. Elise hesitated.


“The gentleman asked me to check on you.” What! I can’t believe this!

“I’m fine.” she answered.

“He told me that you have something to give me, and that I was to take it back to the table.” Elise sat in humiliated silence.

“He told me to wait until you gave it to me.” Angrily, Elise reached up under her skirt and pulledHer panties down her legs. She emerged from the stall to see the cocktail waitress waiting with a strange smile on her face.

“Here.” Elise said as she dropped the silky fabric into the girls hands. “Tell him I’ll be out in a minute.”

The girl smile cattily, adjusted her tight black dress and left. Elise stared at herself in the mirror. OK, he can have my damned panties. Let it be my farewell gift. She strode out of the bathroom. The scattered patrons watched her cross the room.

She stood before him staring down in an angry scowl.

“Please take me back to my car.”

He met her angry eyes with amusement. Her palms itched with the desire to slap the look off his face. Her hands curled into fists as she waited for his response.

“We haven’t finished our drink.” he reached for her glass and handed it to her. “I was just teasing you, really.” She stood above him, her fingers wrapped tightly around the glass. He smiled. “Really.”

She gave a sarcastic smilyle of her own, knocked back the contents of the glass, and thrust it back at him. “There, we’re done. Now take me back to my car.” Without waiting for an answer she strode out the door into the warm night. The car was locked. She angrily paced back and forth waiting for him to come out. Minutes passed, the suddenly the summer heat seemed to enclose around her. She felt dizzy and weak. She leaned against the car. The strong drink must have gotten the better of her. Never drink on an angry stromach! She giggled at her own joke, her knees weakening beneath her. Elise hadn’t noticed him until he had her pinned to the car. He reached up under her skirt and caresed the soft folds between her legs.

“Still shavled. Good girl.” his hot breathe was thick in her ears. She moaned as his finger thrust inside her.

“Please, don’t…” she cried. He removed his hand to deliver a wet slap across her cheek.

“I didn’t give you permission to speak. He worked his hand inside, impaling her like a hand puppet. Elise found herself falling into him. He found her hand and pressed into her sopping wet cunt, pushing her back against the car. The world swirled in her eyes. “Play with you pussy.” She slide her slippery fingers over her clip, the sensing was like electric sparks.

The glow of the neon bar sign swirled in her eyes, as she slide her fingers, inside her pussy. Suddenly her hand was pulled away, and she was shoved onto the hood of the car. He pinned her thigh wide apart.

“I didn’t tell you to stop.”

“Since you can’t seem to follow simple direction, maybe I should let your audience assist you..” The two men stood nearby, mesmerized by the sight of her gaping cunt glowing in the red neon light.

“No, please…” she cried.

“You certainly have forgotten your place, slut.” He turned to the two men. “Would you like to play with this insolent bitch?”

He released her legs and stepped away. Elise rolled over and tried to climb across the hoodaway from the men. One laughed and grabbed her ankle. She kicked and fought as they dragged her back across the glossy black metal, her skirt bunching up around her waist. There hands pinched and pulled at her pussy. Fingers invaded every hole. One of the men, pressed his mouth against her and bit her ripe cunt like a juicy peach. A hand clamped down over her mouth blocking her cry. It was not until her struggled ceased that he called the men off.

Alec grabbed a handful of auburn hair and hauled her off of the car, and stuffed her barely consciousness body into the passenger seat. She pretty heard a metallic rating sound, but didn’t associate it with the handscuffs that enclosed her wrists, as she slipped from consciousness.

When she opened her eyes, the room was spinning. She tried to grip the edge of the chair, but she found her arms were immobile. Through an intoxicated haze, she could see Alec lounging on the bed. She drifted in and out of consciousness, until a slap aCross her face brought her back into a strange, surreal world. She tried, but she couldn’t make sense of the strange sensings, as he untied her from the chair and dumped her onto the bed. She felt hands moving over her naked body. She tried to sit up, but her body would not obey.

“Welcome back, slave.” his voice echoed in her ears. She felt as if he were surrounding her. She tried to see him, but only caught fragmented glimpses. She felt a tug on her leg, and barely registered something tight around her ankle.


“Quiet, Slave” Her head rolled, and the image of a woman with wide staring eyes flashed across her view. Her dark eyes… Intense. Hungry. Suddenly a line of fire ignored across her naked belly. A blue flame of pain obliterated her vision. The crop rushed down like a fuse speeding towards ignition. A far away scream sliced ​​through her.

Her head rolled back and forth. Like a movie, the woman stood with her hand buried between her legs, her glistening red lips parted in ecstasy. She felt those lips pressed against her. At once she was lost in the soft wet sweetness. Again fire traced a vicious trail across her belly. The scream now vibrated between their lips, sending electricity to the core of her. The lips retired and a low sultry laugh echoed.

Fingers entered her pushing and stretching, reaching down to the core of her. Elisa pressed herself against them, wanting them to fill her emptiness. Pressure against her lips. Something hard and smooth forced itself between her lips drawing them tight. Recognition flickered in her eyes, as he cinched the leather strap tightly around her head. But his face… those eyes meet hers with hard desire. Melting her as the intruder thrust deep inside her.

Alec sat back in a chair, mesmerized by the primitive password displayed before him. His new treasure spread before him, the pale flesh undulating against this dark temptress. Carla was always happy to help him break in a new prize. He reached stroked himself as he settled in for the show. Carla was working her way up his slave’s trembling body, kissing softly, then biting deeply into the smooth flesh. His slave arched her back thrusting her soft full breasts high as Carla bit into a perfect pink nipple. His excitement grow as the muffled screams rose from behind the gag. Carla slowly slide her dark body down over the bound girl. Teasing wet tongue caresing the shy folds exposed so harshly. Please, please, ohhh, please… the tongue slowly tracing the swollen slit. A mouth covered her aching cunt, kissing her so deeply she felt as her entire body melting into that hungry mouth. Her hips undulating, returning the kiss with the soft sweet lips between her legs. Alec explored as the impassioned lover’s kiss climaxed and his slave bucked uncontrollably under Carla’s inescapable mouth.

“Bad girl, I did not give you permission to cum.” his breath ticked her ear. “Now you have to be punished. “How shall we punwas her?”

Carla smiled evilly, “I prefer the strap.”

The words penetrated Elise’s orgasmic euphoria. She started to struggle against the ropes that held her spread open and vulnerable.

“May I find myself a comfortable seat, Sir?”

“You may.” Elise felt the hard rubber being pulled from her lips. She gasped the cool air. Carla position herself over the panting girl. She lowered herself, trapping the girls head between her legs, covering the gaping mouth with her wet cunt.

“You will lick her, slave. If you’re tongue stops pleasing her for even a second, you will receive five more lashes. Elise tasted Carla’s sweet juices as they saw into her mouth. Her tongue found the soft smooth skin covering her mouth. Sweetly, tenderly, she suckled the swollen clip protruding between her lips. A soft moan filled the air.

“She will make an excellent slave, sir.” Carla gasped as ground into the eager mouth trapped beneath. Alec watched while Carla slide back and forth over this slave.

“Hmmmm, come on lick my ass.” she moaned. With that Alec brought a wide leather down on the tender skin between her legs. The scream was muffled completely in the fold of Carla’s supple ass. “That’s better. Hmmm, I make a great gag.”

Carla reaching down and caressed the angry red welt rising on the girls mound.

“Hmmm, that’s right, deeper.” moaning as Elise tongue wriggled into the tight opening to taste the musky, bitterness inside.

“Better, hold on, this could be a rough ride.” Carla smiled Alec, wriggled against the face until the tongue was over her clip, and the girls nose was tickling her ass. She grasped the erect nipples in front of her and pulled up cruelly. “Reigns” she laughed.

Elise moaned into the slick folds as she suckled like a thirsty kitten, quenching herself by lapping up the warm nectar.

Alec drew back the strap and brought it down hard across the quivering belly. The red imprint of the strap rose immediately inthe white flesh. Carla eyes were wild with desire, as the slaves cries vibrated against her clip.

“Where’s your tongue, slave?” Alec said, “If you’re screaming, you must not be licking. That’s five more.”

Alec brought the straw down again and again sparing nothing. Carla’s eyes sparkled in ecstasy as she watched the leather land. The poor girl screamed and bucked beneath her, but her tongue kept busy. She ground harder and faster as the straw brutally detailed the girl’s flesh in a tapestry of red. Alec continued, quickening the pace as he watched Carla began to peak. Each blow brought her closer to orgasm. He swung over and over until the screams were Carla’s as she climaxed. Her raven curls flying around her, she rode the slave to orgasm. He quickly reached for his knife and sliced ​​the ropes that bound his slave’s legs, and plunged into her hot red cunt. His fingers caught Clara silent tresses, wronged her forward attacking her mouth as she waited in orgasm, kissing herdeeply shot his cum over the reddened belly of his slave.


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