Power Plays Ch. 14

Many thanks to the wonderful comments I’ve received from people who enjoy these stories. Thank you! Thanks to TexasWriterGuy for editing the final draft of this story and my apologies to Mandy Marie for not having her finish the process that she so painstakingly started with me. I hope you all enjoy this story as much as the last ones.


A warm Caribbean breeze embedded Alayna’s naked body as she watched her two Doms swim to the neary beach. She had been with them less than 24 hours and repeatedly been pushed to the edge of sexual madness before finally being allowed to orgasm.

“If tonight is anything like today has been,” Alayna said as she walked to the edge of the sailboat, “I’ll never be able to get the smile off my face!”

Diving off the sailboat, Alayna swam hard for the beach. It certainly wasn’t because she did not want to get there last. Actually she didn’t want to keep John and Janice waiting. Alayna loved the way the water felt as her nakedbody glided through, her breasts with their sore nipples felt light and free.

As Alayna walked up onto the beach and pushed back her long hair, she noticed both John and Janice had taken bright yellow, water proof duffel bags with them to the beach. She could only imagine what was in them.

“Alayna,” Janice said opening one of the bags, “John’s going to set up the fire and you and I will arrange everything else for spending the night here.”

The warm Caribbean air dried their bodies as they worked. Alayna spread out a large blanket while Janice produced two bottle shaped coolers along with a smaller airtight one.

“Do you like wine?” Janice said holding one of the bottles up to Alayna.

“Oh yes I do Mistress!” Alayna said as she sat on the blanket.

Alayna recognized the brand as a white wine she really enjoyed but couldn’t afford on a regular basis.

“Nothing fancy,” Janice said smiling as she poured the wine into a plastic cup and handed it to Alayna, “We leave the real glasses on the boat.”

Janice sat next to Alayna on the blanket. Soon John had a small fire built and joined them as well. Janice handed John a wine cup after he made himself comfortable. The three of them enjoyed a light dinner of fruits, crackers, cheeses, and sandwiches as they relaxed in silence. Alayna marveled at the colors of the sunset across the crystal water of the ocean.

“Have you heard of Japanese rope bondage?” John asked topping off Alayna’s wine.

“No Master,” Alayna said wondering why so many things were so new to her, “I never have.”

“It uses small, often intricate knots,” John spoke casually while sipping his wine, “And woven silk rope. When done right it can look exciting while being very functional.”

“I would love to try it Master.” Alayna said moving onto her knees.

“Actually,” John said taking Alayna’s hand, “Move over here off the blanket.”

Alayna followed John just off the edge of the blanket and closer to the bags he and Janice had brought to shore. Alayna remained kneeling and watching John intently as he opened the first bag. He produced several coiled pieces of red woven silk ropes. When Alayna saw it she felt butterflies in her stomach.

John had been correct when he mentioned the intricacy of this type of bondage. He took the time explaining how the correct application of the ropes could immobilize a person Without bruising the skin. Alayna enjoyed the contrast of the red rope against her tan skin. John had taken a rope and wrapped it around her thighs just above the knees several times, leaving her knees spread apart. As he did this, Janice retrieved 2 stakes from one of the bags and hammered them into the ground about a foot outside each of Alayna’s knees. John took a section of the rope that was around Alayna’s knees and Pulled it tight before anchoring it to the stake in the ground. Alayna was sure she would be unable to put her knees together until those were removed.

While he began with a new rope which he wrapped twice around her waist, Janice wrapped a rope around Alayna’s right ankle. She watched as John took the ends of the rope around her waist and tied one end to the stakes by her knees.

“Lean forward onto your hands,” He said softly in her ear, “But continue to watch.”

“Thank you Master,” Alayna said placing her hands on the soft sand, “I can see what you mean about the knots and visual detail.” As Alayna leaned forward she could feel the slack being taken out of the rope from her waist to the stakes by her knees. The tension caused her back to arch downward forcing her butt higher into the air. John connected another long rope from her right wrist to the rope around her waist and then down to her left wrist. The ends of the rope extended almost two feet beyond her wrists. John pulled Alayna’s hands gently forward causing her shoulders to sit lower than her hips and the ropes on her wrists to pull at her waist. Her excitem grow as Janice wrapped another rope around her left ankle. Alayna could picture the final outcome of the ropes. John placed two stakes just beyond Alayna’s hands and tied each rope from her wrists anchoring her further into place.

“I have a question to ask,” John said smiling at her as she lifted her head, “When you are in this position normally do you enjoy having your hair pulled?”

“I do enjoy it Master,” Alayna said smiling back at him, “I enjoy it a lot.”

“I want to take a rope and tie it to your ponytail,” He said holding the bright red rope in front of her, “And then attach it to the rope around your wait keeping your back arched.”

“Master,” Alayna said with a little concern, “If you tie it and I don’t like it?”

“I’ll tie it so I can remove it quickly,” He said softly touching her cheek, “Just in case you find it’s not for you.”

“Thank you Master.” Alayna said with a sight of relief.

John carefully gathered her hair behind her head. Alayna lifted her head and held it. Just a minute later it was impossible to lower.

“How does that feel?” John asked returning to Alayna’s view.

“It’s not too uncomfortable,” Alayna replied, “I’m sure I’ll be loving it very soon.”

The three of them chuckled a bit while John and Janice finished up their knot work. Alayna had no idea how long it had taken, but she guessed about half an hour, to complete everything. Two wooden stakes had been placed outside her ankles; the ropes around her ankles were attached to those. With her ankles, knees and wrists staked to the ground Alayna was quite sure she would be unable to move.

“Try to lean forward and back.” Janice said sitting in front of Alayna.

“I can’t move more than an inch in either direction Mistress,” Alayna said, trying to shift forward or back, “I doubt I could even fall on my side if I wanted to!”

“Still comfortable though?” Janice asked as she neatly folded the blanket they had sat on earlierr.

Alayna could tell by the tone of her voice that Janice was generally concerned if Alayna was comfortable or not. She felt even closer to Janice than ever before.

“Yes Mistress,” Alayna said looking up into Janice’s eyes, “I am sure my neck will get sore after a little while but I am very comfortable. I do wish one thing though.”

“And what is that?” Janice asked smiling.

“With all the work that Master and you put into this,” Alayna said softly, “I wish you had a camera.”

“Like this one?” John said holding a large digital camera in front of Alayna’s face.

“Yes Master.” Alayna said smiling widely. “I’d love to see everything, to see how I look like this.” Janice leaned down and kissed Alayna lightly before backing away and moving out of view. John squatted in front of Alayna and took several pictures of her before moving to Alayna’s side, out of her view completely.

When Janice returned she was topless. Janice set two blankets folded into longloose rolls on the sand in front of Alayna while Alayna stared at her lovely breasts.

“I have a surprise for you.” Janice said holding up a pair of red, rubber coated nipple clips with red balls hanging from them. “You may not be able to move but these will swing very nicely.”

“I can’t wait Mistress!” Alayna said unable to contain her excitement.

Janice leaned forward, her breasts almost within reach of Alayna’s mouth, and attached both nipple clips to Alayna’s breasts.

“The red balls are weighed a little,” Janice said touching the sides of Alayna’s face, “I’m sure you can feel the difference.”

Janice lifted the red balls and released them. The two of them swung back and forth tugging on Alayna’s nipples as they did. Alayna moaned loudly enjoying the sensing.

“Just wait,” John said from behind, “When I start fucking you those will be swinging more than you thought possible!”

“Thank you Master!” Alayna’s body shuddered at the thought.

Alayna continued to star at Janice’s breasts. She wanted to taste them, to lick them, to devour them. Janice noticed Alayna’s gaze and began to slowly move from side to side. Alayna’s eyes followed as if hypnotized. When Janice took her hands, and cupped her breasts, Alayna unconsciously licked her lips. Janice lifted and pushed her breasts together watching Alayna’s eyes and face react to her movements.

“Would you like them in your mouth?” Janice asked, sensitively squeezing her breasts as Alayna watched intently.

“Yes Mistress,” Alayna said swallowing hard, “Very much so.”

Janice put her right breast against Alayna’s lips. Alayna’s tongue shot out of her mouth and began to lick circles around Janice’s hardening nipple.

“Mmmmmm,” Janice exhausted deeply, “That feels wonderful my dear.”

Alayna sucked, softly pinching the nipple between her teeth. She heard Janice coo softly and sucked harder. Alayna could see John out the corner of her eye with his camera happily snapping away. Janice switched to her other breast which Alayna gladly accepted. Janice’s hand moved over the side of Alayna’s face to the back of her head and grasped her ponytail.

“What a talented tongue you have.” Janice said tugging Alayna’s ponytail causing Alayna’s head to arch back further. Alayna sucked harder on Janice’s breast as the excitement of her bondage sent chills throughout her body. She continued to suck hard, rubbing her tongue against Janice’s nipple. “Mmmmmm, you are wonderful with your mouth sweetie.” Janice moaned caressing Alayna’s rolling jaws. Alayna smiled but kept sucking. “John, time to change spots,” Janice said pulling her breast away.

John stepped in front of Alayna and helped Janice to her feet. Alayna looked up and saw that John had removed his shorts. He stood tanned, toned, and rock hard in front of her. Alayna salivated as she stared at his massive cock. John took one of the rolled blankets and placed it on the ground in front of Alayna’s wrists. He folded it over once before kneeing on it.

“Now that’s the face of a determined woman.” John said kneeing before Alayna’s face. “Are you determined?” He asked keeping his cock just out of Alayna’s reach.

“I am Master!” Alayna replied brimming with wanton desire.

John moved his cock closer. Alayna pushed her tongue as far as she could and touched tip. John’s precum coated the tip of her tongue. Alayna strained forward against the ropes holding her, desperately trying to get more. John inched his cock forward. Alayna swirled her tongue around the head of John’s cock before surrounding it with her lips and sucking on it. She tasted more precum in her mouth and moaned softly.

“Want more?” John asked softly. Alayna whimpered a bit, from trying to nod, and pulling her hair against the ropes. “Are you OK?” John asked pulling back his cock.

“Yes Master,” Alayna said desperately, “I just have to remember not to nod when I answer a question.”

“Do you want your hair untied?” He said moving a hand behind her head to check the pressure of the rope.

“Oh God NO!” Alayna cried. “I don’t know what it is but I just feel so different. I don’t want you to change anything about how I’m tied, please, I’ll be careful.”

“Let me show you something.” John said leaning back onto his heels.

John held the digital camera to Alayna so she could see the pictures he took. She had expected them to be graphic or at least leaning towards deeply pornographic. Instead Alayna found them provocative and erotic. John slowly browsed through the pictures showing Alayna her bound body from different angles. She had never imagined how alluring she could look. Even the pictures sucking Janice’s breasts and John’s cock were tasteful and inviting.

“Do you like them?” John asked, displaying the last one.

“Oh you have no idea,” Alayna said looking at close-up of her lips wrapped around the tip of John’s cock, “How exciting I think they are, they’re amazing Master.” Alayna could feel John’s smile. “I never knew I could look beautiful like this.”

“Well I’m going to take a few more before we start to have some real fun tonight.” John said handing the camera back to Janice. Before Alayna could comment, John’s cock was rubbing against her lips again. Alayna parted open her lips to take John inside. Alayna had never wanted a cock More. The combination of being immobilized by the ropes and having two people she was so attracted to teasing her like this was driving Alayna wild. She assumed most men would have just buried their cocks into her, or maybe she just hoped John would. John on the other hand obviously wanted to take his time. Finally he inserted his 10″ cock slowly into her. Alayna felt the ridge of his head and every discrete bump and vein of John’s cock as it slid into her mouth. She opened her throat as best she could to take in his entire length. John’s cock made it to the back of her mouth and justa little further before he couldn’t push in any further. Alayna sucked hard on his cock until she could feel the insides of her cheeks touching the sides of it.

John slowly removed his cock from her mouth slipping it back in several more times. Alayna could see his cock glisten with her saliva when he withdraw it fully. John lifted his cock with his left hand and pressed his balls against Alayna’s lips. Alayna licked and sucked each ball taking them into her mouth one at a time. She enjoyed the salty taste. John’s cock rested against Alayna’s right cheek and over her right eye as she swirled his swollen balls in her mouth. John pulled his balls from Alayna’s mouth and coated her lips with another layer of precum. Even as John pulled his cock back Alayna was licking her lips.

“Oh now that was a great picture.” Janice said handing the camera to John.

“Yes it certainly is,” John said turning it for Alayna to see, “What do you think?”

Alayna looked at the picture.It was her face with her eyes closed straining forward for John’s cock. A line of precum hung from her bottom lip to the tip of John’s cock as she licked her upper lip.

“Oh I love it,” Alayna said wide eyed, “Will I get to have any of these pictures?”

“Definitely my dear.” John said moving to his feet and backing away. “Just a couple more pictures Alayna.”

Just as Alayna was About to ask what more they could take pictures of she saw Janice moving in front of her. She had finally removed her bathing suit bottoms. Instead of seeing what she was expecting Alayna saw something unexpected. Janice had slipped on a flesh colored 6″ strapon. The color of the strapon almost matched her body perfectly. To add to the effect that Janice had a cock the strapon was held in place with clear plastic straps. Even the thin stripe of hair Janice had above her clip lined up perfectly with her cock and the latex balls hung right where they would on a man.

Janice placed the second loalone rolled blanket on top of the one where John had been before and adjusted it until her cock was positioned in front of Alayna’s mouth. Alayna opened her mouth and greedily sucked on Janice’s cock, swirling her tongue around the head and along the shake just as she would if it were real. The thin stripe of Janice’s public hair ticked Alayna’s nose when Janice easily pushed the tip into Alayna’s throat. Janice began to thrust the cock into Alayna’s mouth and throat. Just as Janice had promised, the weighted nipple clips began to sway back and forth. Alayna’s eyes rolled back as the incredible pleasure and pain overcame her. “Just wait,” John said from behind, “When I start fucking you those will be swinging more than you thought possible!”

“Picture time’s over.” John announced, starting, them.

Watching Janice fuck Alayna’s mouth had been more than enough to make John forget all about the camera and aiming. The last 4 pictures he took were of the sand a foot in front of him. John positioned himself between Alayna’s bound ankles and pointed his cock at her sopping wet pussy. “Someone’s been enjoying this.” He said looking at Janice’s jiggling breasts. “Oh I knew that,” Janice said with a smirk, “She’s sucking on me so hard I’m having a hard time pulling back out!”

“I can get her to stop sucking.” John said with a wide smile

John pressed the head of his cock between Alayna’s swollen pussy lips. She gasped deeply. Not because it hurt but because she had completely forgotten he was there. John slip his cock in slowly and easily as Alayna moaned deeper and deeper. When John was inside her as far as he could go Alayna let out a deep guttural moan and then sucked Janice’s cock back into her mouth. John and Janice smiled at each other and then slowly began to move back and forth. As John filled Alayna’s pussy Janice slide her cock out of Alayna’s mouth. The two moved in unison in and out of Alayna’s body. With the two of them moving back and forth,the weights on Alayna’s nipple clips swung back and forth. It took all of Alayna’s concentration to be able to breathe in as Janice pulled her cock out. Alayna’s body shook with an orgasm but John and Janice continued. Not only did they continue but they increased their pace.

Alayna’s nipples screamed as the weights began to swing up so far they bounced off Alayna’s breasts before swinging back. Before the weights simply swung back and forth like a pendulum but now they were swinging, then falling down, tugging sharply. Although the pain, Alayna loved the tugging sensing and orgasmed twice more before John and Janice stopped.

As the sky darkened Alayna breathed deeply. John’s massive cock pulling out of her pussy gave her an incredible feeling of emptiness. Combine that with Janice pulling out of her mouth and it was worse. Alayna needed the break though.

Janice helped Alayna drink some of the wine. It tasted wonderful to her. She could feel her pussy driving down her tighs. For the first time she wished that her ponytail wasn’t tied into her other bonds, her neck ached from being bent up and she really wanted to stretch it.

“How are you doing?” Janice asked softly pulling the plastic cup from Alayna’s lips.

“I feel amazing,” Alayna replied still catching her breath, “I ache all over but I’d hate it if you stopped so soon!” “Glad to hear it.” John told, kneeing in front of Alayna.

The fire light reflected off his fat, wet, hanging cock. Alayna trembled at the thought of his cock in her mouth again. When he moved forward she parted her lips, waiting to taste herself on him. Instead she felt Janice’s cock slip inside her sore pussy.

“It’s not much after that beast is it?” Janice asked placing her hands on Alayna’s lower back.

“It still feels nice Mistress.” Alayna replied.

“I think you’ll like this better.” Janice said pulling out of Alayna’s pussy.

Alayna felt the pressure of Janice’s cock against herasshole. Janice slide her strapon easily inside Alayna’s ass and began sliding it in and out. Once again the nipple clips swung back and forth. Alayna groaned and shrieked. “Have your nipples had enough?” John asked reaching for one of the clips.

“No,” Alayna said desperately, “Not yet!”


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