The Meeting Ch. 01

The night was dark, and the house was warm. Sandra turned well in bed. She wore little, thanks to the heat, just a pair of panties and a thin t-shit, and she was tired enough to fall asleep easily, yet still sleep euped her. She knew what the cause. Tomorrow was the day. After all their long years of erotic email, cyber sex, phone sex and often times being the only friend that each had, she and Master were Finally going to meet. She had the entire weekend off, and couldn’t wait for him to arrive. She wanted to be well rested, as she expected the weekend to be… exhausting. Yet she was so appreciated about his eminent arrival that no matter what she did, she knew sleep was an imperfectivity.

Indeed, as she lay there, covers and sheets thrown aside, a thin sheet of sweat breaking out over her body that had nothing to do with the heat. It had been so long since she had felt a man touch her in both password AND love, an so long with just his words, in print or his voice, fulfilling her and yet taunting her into ever greater and greater levels of need. At the thought of the sound of his voice, his imagined touch on her body, a thrill that was damn near paralytic, a pulse originating from the growing heat between her legs and spreading to the tips of her fingers made her heart beat so fast she had to catch her breath.

With a slight moan that originated from the same place as that pulse, her right hand touched her shoulder and slowly snaked it’s way downward. As her hand passed her nipple, she stopped to care it through the thin wound material of the t-shirt, She caressed it ever so gently and then pinched it twice, softly an then firmly, gasping slightly, her hand continued its way downward. As she reached the pantyline, her hand slipped beneath it, eagerly, tangling in the soft public hair as her fingers slipped across the slick lower lips of her womanhood. Finding herself already wet she slipped two fingers gingerly in, slowly this first time but deep.

Gasping suddenly she went in again, faster just as deep. And again. And again, imagining the entire time that his voice was urging her on, that his voice was there in her ear, soft yet commanding, commanding her onward, to pleasure herself for his pleasure. Moaning out loud now, louder and louder, her hips bucking with her fingers, she feel her face grow flush and her breathing shallow as climax neared. A she was so close, moaning his name to herself, a sound frozen her in place, hand half inside her and slick, nearly dripping with the moisture of her unspent love. It was a knock at the front door.

Emotions warred within her, announcement bordering on rage that this should ruin her orgasm when she was so close fight with humiliation and embarrassment, that one of her neighbors must have heard her fervent moaning, he gasps that were so near cries of longing. Puling her fingers free, she cleaned them on a towel that was laying on the floor by the bed and quickly pulled on a bathrobe, coving herself and walked swiftly, if a little unsteadily to the door to answer whatever complains concerns or curiosity that her neighbors may have waiting for her there.

As she got to the door and tried to see out the small window to the side. But the outside was dark and she saw only a shadowy figure. Trying to imagine which prying neighbor this might be, she opened the door onto the heat and the night and whomever This was waiting for her.

At first, the shadows hid the figure outside the door, the darkness outside being so much greater than the darkness inside, Yet something about his person made her stop and not speak, open the door wide. She caught the strong scent, clove cigarettes and rose oil, and her pulse quicklyned as the man stepped forward, revealing the face she knew as well as her own despite never having seen his face in real life.

As Master stepped forward, the both stopped, just looking into each other’s eyes, she saw something in his eyes that to her another revelation. Just as she had caught his scent, the rose oil he always wore the exotic scent of his French cigarettes, the almost imperceptible scent of the leather he wore, she knew he had caught her scent as well. The strong scent of her sex, so close to climax moments before, emanating from her most secret of places and remaining still on her hand, grow only stronger the more she observed him. The look in his eyes, which she could not mistake and the darkly growing bulge in his pants, evidence even in the darkness and under the black clothes he wore, only served to fuel her lust and make her heat and the scent it produced grow stronger by the second.

As her drew closer, still wordlessly, to embrace her, she let her robe fall open revealing to his blazing eyes, the near nakedness of her lower body, concealed only by a thin pair of cotton panties with a growing spot of dampness and her upper body as well, her magnificent breasts swelling hugely with her heavy breathing and the twin mounds of her erect nipples so tight against the thin, hurt shirt that she wore that she may as well have been bare. As he embraced her, his arms going around her, under the robe he slide it off her shoulders and let it fall silently to the ground and then embedded her, feeling her shiver in spine of the heat.

No words were necessary as his lips found hers and his hands slide up the back of her shirt to gently cares the bare sensitive skin of her back. His lips were everything she had imagined and more, somehow being soft enough to seem to fall into and yet firm enough to support her should she fall. As his tongue firmly part her lips, exploring and claiming every sensing of her as his own, she nearly melted into his arms and is it began a subtle dance and cares with her own tongue it felt as if she was less a person, and more an extension of his being, his desire, his pure sparkling lust.

Pressed so close to him, she could easily feel his powerfull bulge and she almost reeled, the almost orgasm of only moments ago finding it’s continuing, not in the intimacy of his imagined voice, but in the overwhelming reality of his presence and the undeniable presence of his cock bulging and pressing to her moist heat.

As her lust pulsed and sparked, she pulled away and frenziedly brought her shirt over her head and then did the same to his, pressing her perfect breasts and almost painfully erect nipples hard against his firm and hairy chest, seeking to merge with him in any way she could. Yet as he pulled her head back gently to look into his eyes, she saw that he had a different and entirely more magnificent manner of merge in mind. He slowly lowered himself, his lips and tongue finding her nipples. Her head flung back almost of it’s own according; a gasp that flowed smoothly into a moan escaped her lips as his teeth carethed her nipple, drawn into his mouth by his hungry lips.

Standing up, he placed his arms around her, his hands on her ass and lifted her. She quickly claped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist for support, realizing to late how this pressed the bulge in his black slacks even more firmly into her moist womanhood, against her swollen clip. He walked slowly to the couch, each step pressing him into her again and again, and drawing her closer and closer to orgasm, with out even penetrating her wet womanhood.

He carried her across the room, gasping, writing in his grapp and into her room. Laying her on the bed she had just abandoned he grasped the elastic band of her panties, her slide them off her quickly in one Swift motion, pulling her legs high. Instead of letting them fall he placed her legs on his shoulders and slowly began to kiss down the inside of her legs. The tender kiss of his lips, and the maddening brush of his Beard worked its way slowly up her legs, to her inner tigh, until it reached the juncture and the source of her blazing sexual heat. Placing his lips to the slick warm lips of her womanhood, he breathed out hot air that felt as millions of tiny fingers struggling her password to the boiling point.

Slowly he stood, her legs still on his shoulders and gazed deep in her eyes, he slowly slip his engaged member into her tight and dripping cunt. It was too much. The sensing of being filled, being owned, of being slowly spread and claimed by this member, so much larger than she had ever dreamed it would be, fitting her as perfectly as if it had been made for her. This coming as it did on the heels of her bringing herself to the very cusp of orgasm moments before his arrival and the seeming eternity of rising to that cusp, of teasing her beyond tolerance, it was all to much. The orgasm rocked her, a tidal wave of pleasure that washed away any possible hope she had of restraining herself. A loud gasp that flowed easily into a moan, a long low moan of his name that lasted for what seemed like and eternity.

The orgasm flowed on and on, fading only slowly. As it did, she found herself in tears and unable to speak, Her body quaked uncontrollable, and she was fearful, yet his strong arms enclosed her, held her tight. He held her body and soul together with the strength of his arms, just as surely as he had shattered it only moments before with the strength of his lust.

Slowly she returned to herself, and returned his embrace and discovered him still hard, still throbbing for release that only she could give him, which she felt she surely owed him, and that, more than anything, she longed to surrender to him.

Slowly she pressed him backward onto the bed and climbed on top of him. So full of password and so wet was that password that he slip into her easily as she settled her tight cunt slowly upon his throbbing erect cock. Deeper and deeper he went, until she felt that she was accidentally going to be split in half, but the dominance of that massive member and knowing that it was for the sake of this pleasure that that member was inflicting, she would surely welcome that end.

Finally, in the moment she felt she could handle no more she felt he hilt of his mighty sword, She paused just a moment, flexing the muscles deep inside her, which caused him to gasp and moan. She saw he was propped up on the pillows and looking into her eyes. Slowly she rose, to the point where jus his head remained in her and then fell, spearing herself yet again, the pain of this invited violence, this penetration of body and soul outdone only by the pleasure of the same, until the two became one, a long continuous blaze of ecstasy that she dared not even attempt to gauge. Again and again she rose and fell, bouncing on him, spearing herself, pleasure herself with the size and throbbing firmness of his cock, barely noticing that his moans and gasps matched in time with his own. She paused only a moment, reeling in shock and ecstasy as he began to buck his hips in time with her bouncing, easily double the force with which they came together, thrusting, pounding in what felt like a bruising brutal spanking and the hardest most euphoric sex she could imagine, rolled into one.

Faster and faster, she bounced and he bucked, her magnificent breasts bouncing in his face, until one hand came up to grapp and cares, to squeeze and pinch the nipple of her breast till she cried out, both for mercy and for more, The fire in her was simply too much. The orgasm immanent. Yet she knew she must wait for his say. He had given her with an orgasm, free of permission but she must not abuse this gift, or she would suffer his displeasure.

Barely able to speak for her own gasping and moaning, she spoke only three words, a cry that echoed in the small room, “Master, Please, Master!”

Speaking his first word of the night and saying More in that one word than any other man could have said in an evening of conversation and wooing, he gave his assent by crying her name “Sandra!”

With ths one word, his hands went to her hips and pull them down onto him and held them there. As he thrusted upward once more he released his scalding hot narrow into the bud of her flower, filling her with his liquid hot essence. At the same moment she moaned his name and let go of the floodgates of her password, which she had been trying so desperately to maintain, in a wave of password that dwarfed the first, an orgasm like none she’d ever known. She felt him pumping deep into her, giving her with the nectar of his godhood, and she felt her pussy convulse again and again, in orgasm after orgasm as she milked his mighty cock of all the milk of life he had to give her. Hours it seemed to go on, days, and yet but a handful of moments later she collapsed onto of him, he still inside her, and kissing her tenderly, the soft kiss that can only be shared by two who have given all they have to give, of body and soul, of love and lust and having nothing left but this need to feel the intimacy of another’s lips, to remind them that they’re still real. Into each others arms they collapsed, holding each other into the night, as she was finally able to sleep and get the rest she would certainly need for what would come on the new day.


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