The Meeting Ch. 01

…”Well, welcome to our home. It isn’t much but it’s ours.” Eli’s arm waved in invitation.

Melody stepped inside fully aware that she was crossing a threshold far beyond that of merely entering a home. Tara waited patiently behind her, holding the screen door open as Melody maneuvered her bag inside. Eli set down her suitcase and extended his hand to take the duffel bag from Melody.

She entered the house and took a slow look around as she struggled against the swarm of emotions and thoughts buzzing inside her head. She was more comfortable than when she’d first stepped off the plane but she was still very nervous.

“It’s nice. I really like the way you guys decorated. Very home and comfortable.” Melody smiled quickly, her eyes batting about and daring to only steel quick glances at her hosts.

Tara stood behind her smiling slightly, a look on her face that puzzled Eli. It was the look that there was something on her mind but what it was he couldn’t be sure of.The idea of ​​that made him both excited and anxious.

“Thank you for the compliment Melody,” Tara’s eyes remained locked on the nervous face before her, “Get me a beer Eli.” Tara broke her studying gaze just long enough to catch Eli’s eyes and then she returned to looking at Melody.

Melody could feel the strength of her eyes on her and her cheeks began to warm. Her hands, held at her waist, twisted and wrung with nervous energy. She had truly come to treasure both these wonderful people whom she’d been interacting with for so long. Tara and Eli slowly worked themselves into her mind, her heart, her soul. Each of them so different and unique yet so much the same. She cared deeply for them both.

But she felt a sudden urge to accompany Eli into the other room so as not to be alone with Tara. She He knew that Eli would make no demands of her. Knew too that Tara would. She had grown to crave, perhaps need Tara’s demands. The strong woman pulling from her all that is true. Exposing Melody’s naked soul to her caring eyes and forcing Melody to see her true self. Melody truly believed that Tara had made her a better person through her careful manipulation that could be both harsh and gentle. But now, here in her presence, inside of her home, standing before her and at her mercy, Melody felt a shudder of trepidation. Not because she feared Tara at all, but because she feared herself. Feared Whether she would be able to handle all that she knew Tara would pull from her. Feared not being able to live up to Tara’s expectations. It was all unfounded fear borne of her insecurities and deep desire to please. Melody knew that, but she felt powerless to control it.

Yet, she didn’t move. She didn’t call out to Eli. Her eyes simply batted and darted about. The deeper need to be near Tara overpowering her anxiety.

At the command, Eli looked at Tara. ”Sure Baby. Can I get you something Melody?”

Just as Melody was about to answer Tara spoke, “She’ll wait.” Her eyes again looked to Eli, “So will you. Just one beer for now Eli”

Without another word, he turned and exited the room. Melody became aware of her quickened heart. Her pulse began to race at being alone with this strong and confident woman. A woman who had invaded her mind and pulled from her the inner truth she so craved to share but was unable to simply give. Needing for that truth to be brought out Through careful orchestration. Indeed, Tara had been engaged with Melody as her online dominant for sometimes now. But the relationship they had developed extended far deeper than that. They had grown to be true friends. The give and take, dominance and submission a key part but far from the only part. She trusted Tara completely but knew well that the woman had different plans in store for her. And by coming all this way, by crossing through that front door, Melody had willingly surrendered herself to the mercy of this couple. Placed herself in Tara’s palm. Blanket acceptance of whomatever was in store for her.

Just as Eli’s back disappeared from view, Tara’s fingers rose and gently stroked Melody’s soft blonde hair. The younger girl’s breath came short at the touch. The strange feeling of wanton trepidation spread through her. Her eyes fluttered slightly as Tara smiled warmly and lovingly stroked her hair. Melody was surprised at just how comfortable the touch made her. Just how pleasure it was to her to be the recipient of the care.

But just as she was beginning to breathe normally Tara wrapped her red-nailed fingers into Melody’s hair and firmly pulled her head straight back. Melody gasp slightly at the slow strong pull that came in deep contrast to the loving strokes. Tara held her head back so that her neck was exposed and taught. Mild pain seen from her scalp.

Tara brought her face very close to Melody’s. “Welcome to my home Melody.” Tara’s tone was quiet yet confident. “There is only one rule here and that is that I am in charge. Obeythat rule and you’ll please me very much. Forget that rule and I will be sure you never forget it again.” With that, Tara released her hair. Her stern look again melted into a warm smile.

Melody’s head instinctively fell completed forward, her chin rested on her chest. Tara smiled at her with great satisfaction. The quick simple act immediately brought about her natural state of subservice. Melody felt herself rapidly slipping into that state and had to intentionally stop herself from literally dropping to her knees. Somewhere in the back of her mind she was thanking Tara for knowing her so well and for forcing, indeed allowing, her to be her true self.

Eli returned with the cold beer in hand and felt the emotional change in the air. He noticed Melody’s stance and demeanor and looked to Tara. Her eyes flashed away from Melody and warmly returned Eli’s gaze. An almost quizzical look crossed her face in silent mocking as if to say “what?”

”Sooo…You two getting comfortabletable?” Eli moved to hand Tara her beer.

“Shut up Eli.” Tara stated flatly. Just as Melody had moments before, Eli’s eyes opened wide at the unexpected sharp demand. Then his head too dipped slightly. The subtle sign of subservice just as telling as Melody’s had been. And just as pleasure to Tara.

Tara eyesed them both for a moment enjoying her obvious power. “Both of you get naked. C’mon lets go. Get your clothes off.” She waved her hand to indicate to get on with the task.

Instinctively Melody and Eli glanced at one another. A look that didn’t go unnoticed.

“What the fuck was that?” Tara asked in apparent disbelief. “What’s wrong sweetheart, one simple rule too complicated for you? Huh? The very first thing I tell you to do and you screw it up. What are you looking at him for? Approval?”

Both Melody and Eli stood in uneasy silence. Neither dared to look up from the floor. Melody’s mind silently screamed out in self-admonishment. She was suddenly very sadfor having not made it more than five minutes inside the home before she disappointed Tara. To disappoint Tara truly hurt Melody. It was as akin to sin as Melody believed possible between mortal souls.

Tara stepped up close to Melody. She pressed the sharp point of her fingerprint under her sunken chin. She pressed into the soft skin and forced Melody’s head up. Melody’s eyes darted about Under the heavy disapproving gaze Tara cast upon her. The tip of the nail stinging the tender flesh as Tara pressed it deeper.

“I have high hopes of you being a worthy pet Melody. I do hope you don’t disappoint me. Since we’re just getting to know each other I’m going to forgive that one mistake. But do not make it again. When I tell you to do something, you will do it without hesitation or question. Understand?”

Unable to nod her head against the pressure of the sharp nail, Melody simply batted her lids in acknowledgment. A sorrowful, pleading look on her face.

Tara smiled ather and pulled her nail from under Melody’s chin. Again the head slipped down as Melody fell deeper into subscription. Tara stroked her fingers lovingly across Melody’s soft blushed cheeses as she watched her quickly fumble with the button of her jeans.

“That’s a good girl,” she cooed in approval. She cast a stern sideways glance at Eli who had also begun to undress. A look Eli knew mean she was far more displeased with him and that he would not be forgiven so easily.

It suddenly occurred to Melody she hadn’t even been in the house long enough yet to set her purse down. But here she was striping naked before these two people whom she had just met in person for the first time. Her fingers left the button of her jeans and she dropped her purse to the floor. As she whipped her T-shirt over her head she heard the pop-swish sound of Tara opening her beer. She shook her blonde hair out of the shirt. Melody’s ample bosom strained against the lacy red bra that her fingers now reached to unclasp. Tara smiled at the two thick points jutting out, revealing Melody’s already growing excitement.

Eli was just pulling off his socks and dropping his green boxer-briefs when Tara glanced back over at him. She was again pleased with the two obedient pets before her. Both Eli and Melody quickly fell into their natural state in the presence of her caring albeit stern dominance.

Tara’s gaze turned back to Melody who was just exposing her lower body. Her now freed breasts hung low and her nipples slowly hardened. The shiny silver ring that was threaded through her left nipple slowly rose as the bud of flesh stiffened. Tara watched the adornment in pleased curiosity. Melody snaked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and in one motion pushed both those and her jeans to her ankles.

Tara smiled approvingly as Melody’s prominent bare public shaft was exposed to her gaze. She could see the girl’s pouty labia open slightly as she kicked the pants off her feet. At last she was completely naked. Melody stood nervously rubbing her thighs, tearing her hands, and finally setting them at her sides.

“Oh yes, that’s a very good girl,” Tara’s tone revealed her pleasure at the sight of Melody’s naked form. “Such a pretty girl and so eager to please.” Tara’s hand reached up, her fingers and thumb gently gripping Melody’s fully reddened cheeses. She gazed deep into Melody’s green eyes, her own show with a brighter green than Eli could remember seeing in them. Melody’s gaze darted about only briefly looking into Tara’s eyes before again roaming. But Tara gently nudged her face about until Melody’s eyes settled directly on hers. Their gaze locked. Tara smiled warmly and her gaze assured Melody that she was very pleased. Not just at the sight of her or at her actions but at her presence. Please have her as a trusted friend.

Melody’s chest swelled with emotion and she felt as if she would fling herself into Tara’s arms and sob with the overwhelming joy of it all. Tara saw the wetness welling up in Melody’s shimmering eyes and she couldn’t help but feel a sudden flush of emotion in her own chest. Her own joy obviously showing in her smile and the tenderness of her touch and the warmth of her gaze.

“Ssshhh…” She whispered to Melody. Her hand released Melody’s face and gently ran down and onto her soft cool shoulder, her eyes glancing down and about, searching. Finding what her gaze sought she looked back up at Melody and her free hand pointed to floor, “Hand me those Melody.”

Melody, regaining control of her emotions and now feeling like a curious child, followed the pointing finger to her clumped jeans. Her satiny red panties resting inside them. She smiled at Tara like an excited girl. She had bought the underwear just for her. They were special panties that she picked out with Tara firmly in mind. Melody felt more than a little gleeful in the hopes that Tara was pleased with her choice.

She smiled andHer wide eyes batted back the tears that had only moments before threatened to burst forth. “Yes, ma’am.” Melody knelt low and her fingers reached out and began to pull the panties from her jeans. She paused briefly and glanced back up into Tara’s watchful gaze. Tara’s eyes closed and opened slowly and her head nodded slightly in agreement with Melody’s decision to bring her just the panties.

Melody rose upright again and held the panties before her in her cupped palms as tenderly and carefully as if she was offering Tara a baby bird.

“Thank you Melody.” Tara’s tone warm and friendly as she reached out and took the panties from her. Her hands falling to her sides as the offering was taken. Melody heard Tara giggle slightly and she realized she had unconsciously curtsied ever so slightly. Melody herself almost giggled at the realization and the two looked at one another and smiled.

Tara held the pretty soft panties out before her, stretched open for her inspection. She turned them and admitted the front and back of the bright red criminally sexy underwear. “Very, very nice Melody. I really like these. You did very well.”

“Thank…uh hum…Thank you so much Tara.” Melody’s voice a bit reluctant in coming to her. “I wanted soooo badly for you to like them and be happy with my choice.” Melody felt like a giddy schoolgirl as she stood before Tara and basked in her approval.

“Oh, I like them sweetheart. You did good. I am very pleased.” Tara knowing that last statement would mean so much to Melody. “Hummmm…” Tara hummed as her fingers and thumb rubbed the fabric of the crotch. Melody suddenly noticed the darkness of the fabric there in Tara’s fingers. In just that short time Melody had begun to soak her panties with her excitement.

“Somebody is certainly happy to see me!” Tara’s tone flirty with her own excitement at this discovery in her hands.

Melody’s cheats blazed with her embarrassment and her lips began to stumble into words hermind had not yet decided upon. But before she could speak, Tara held the crotch of her panties gently to her nose. Melody instinctively breathed deep and filled her lungs with her own familiar scent.

She smiled shyly up at Tara who returned a known gaze that warmed Melody and further assured her that this was as right as anything she had ever known. Maybe even more so.

Tara’s eyes peeled away from the now swooning naked girl before her and she looked to Eli. He had been standing, just as naked, observing the scene unfolding before him. Silently watching with luxury fascination yet discreet obedience. Tara’s gaze roamed over his body and Eli became aware of her looking at him. His eyes batted lovingly at her and she smiled ever so slightly. He had felt very uneasy since his lapse in judgment and sincerely hoped Tara wasn’t too angry with him. The subtle curl of her lips giving him at least a temporary sense of security.

As Tara’s eyes fixed on Eli’s crotch she exclaimed, “Well now, it looks like someone is happy to see you too Little M.”

Melody had been so consumed in interaction with Tara that the world around her had grown fuzzy and she had nearly forgotten that Eli was there in the room with them.

She turned and took in the sight of him standing there not much more than an arm’s length away. She had long for this man before her for so long. Lusted over his body and his mind for so many months now. Yearned for his touch time and again. A touch she knew would be so much different from Tara’s but equally explosive. Her relationship with him was built upon a different foundation than that with Tara but it was no less powerful. These two people who were so different yet so much the same in her heart.

And so she gazed upon his nakedness for the first time. Oh she had seen dozens and dozens of pictures of him naked, many of them in some very compromising positions and situations. She knew his body well but those had all been two-dimensional images. And no matter how good the quality of the pictures or how much he and Tara tried to convey the sincerity of their emotions in them, it was simply not the same as seeing him here before her.

Melody realized how deeply attracted to him she was. Something far deeper than the physical. Sure she had often tried to soothe Eli’s own, and in her opinion completely foundationless, insecurity about his appearance. Melody honestly did find him to be a handsome and desirable man. But she had long ago stopped looking at Eli, or Tara for that matter, solely in the physical sense. When she looked upon him there it was all of him that Melody saw.

A part of her felt sorrow for Eli standing there naked, increasingly hard, embarrassed. Her submissive kinship with Eli made her want to run to him and shield his naked body with her own and whisper into his ear that everything would be OK. To just hold him in her understanding arms.

Yet, Melody knew better than to interfere. She knew that all she and Eli were experiencing was being carefully orchestrated by Tara’s knowing and caring mind. She knew too that, like her, Eli craved the subscription, yearned for the humiliation.

“Goodness Eli. Look at you, you’re hard as rock. Look at that precum.” Eli truly was extremely swollen, the head of his engaged member turned shiny and purple and straining for release. A long silky strand of precum seen towards the floor and glittered in the sunlight. Tara was only slightly mocking him as she teased with her words.

Tara looked back to Melody briefly and the two exchanged glances before turning back to Eli whose cheats burned with fiery redness. “I think he is definitely happy to see you Melody.”

”And you too I’m sure Ms. T.” Melody tried to unburden herself from the intense pressure she was beginning to feel and at the same time maybe in some way help Eli in his situation.

Tara glanced at Melody briefly and grunted with a subtle laugh thatsaid she was far less convinced of that than Melody. “Perhaps little one, but I do believe he is quite enamored with the sight of you. Poor baby all hard and lonely over there.”

Tara loved Eli with a depth no words could describe. The two of them having had endured so much together. Their long journey had brought them so many wonderful and even terrible experiences but always they traveled the journey together. Fleetingly in the back of her mind swept the thought of their first uncertain steps into this now comfortable new life they shared. The awakening or perhaps the acknowledging of her strength. The realization of Eli’s most secret needs. And as she gazed upon him in his obviously uneasy position, she smiled inwardly with the knowledge of what was occurring was all borne of their love for one Another.

Eli’s head was cast down and forward slightly. Tara was keenly aware of Eli’s not so accidental hiding of his face behind his long sandy hair. Even Melody had caught onto Eli’s use of his hair to sometimes hide his insecurity. Both ladies smiled at him, each of them seeing him in a completely different yet remarkably similar way.

Eli’s chest heaved with emotion and his face burned with embarrassment. He couldn’t bring himself to look up at either Tara or Melody.

Tara took Melody by the hand and guided her the few steps to the edge of the couch. “Sit down.” Although Tara hadn’t actually seen it, she knew that Eli had glanced up to watch Melody’s naked backside as she moved. Melody slowly turned to face Tara and eased down onto the large brown cushion, her eyes never leaving the strong woman’s that she now so craved. Still some uneasy with her own nakedness, Melody shifted a bit before deciding to sit with her knees pinned together and her hands resting atop her legs.

Tara smiled at her and turned. She reached down and retrieved her beer from the table where she had set it. She eyed Eli as she took a slow soothing pull from the dew covered bottle. She licked her lips and stroke up to the bare man that she loved so deeply.

In her other hand she still held Melody’s more than dry panties. Tara let them dangle from her fingers and she brushed them slowly up Eli’s face. His head rose as the silky fabric slipped up past his chin. His nose followed the scent like an obedient hound. He breathed deep of the aroma, his mind discerning the Sweetness of Melody’s perfume and the saltiness of her sex.


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