The story below is a work of fiction means to satisfy adult fantasy. It contains graphic descriptions that some may find offensive. Please be considered of your reviews. While I appreciate both the bad and good, I am somewhat a novel and this is only my second submission.
Anna had moved to the upscale town with her husband Bill last month and was eager to make some new friends despite her shy Nature. Bill had always been the provider for them so she would keep herself busy by joining various clubs and projects, and is hoping for such an opportunity in their new location.
On the outskirts of town is the brick building that is home to the local ladies club. Its innocent appear masks a dark secret from the outside world. Once a month certain ladies belonging to the organization gather to carry out a sordid game They have practiced for several years now.
One of the group spots a potential new member and then informs the rest of the group; supplying them with photos, and as much information of the potential inductee as they can gather. They invite the unsuspecting victim to their meeting on the pretense of an innocent social gathering; only to subject the victim to hours of sexual torque and deviant behavior. At the end of the session they induct the new member and it becomes the new members turn to locate the next victim.
Anna has been spotted and the wheels are already in motion. She puts the last of the groceries in her cart, and heads down the long aisle towards the checkout counter. Halfway up two ladies stop her and introduce themselves as the two leaders of the ladies society in town. After some casual conversation they invite her to the meeting Friday evening, promising her a good time, and a chance to meet new friends, and she accepts their invitation.
Anna arrives promptly at 6pm wearing a pair of grey slacks, and a sleepless white shirt that reveal her shapedly figure, and conform to the casual theme the ladies mentioned.
One of the ladies named Meg opens the meeting, and after some routine business announcements that they are there to welcome a new member, and she motions Anna to come up to the podium.
Anna makes her way up front and listens as Meg reads some information about her to the group. As she stands there she is unaware of the two women singing up behind her.
At a given signal the two grab her arms pinning them Behind her, and quickly move to gag her to prevent her from screaming.
Anna is stunned, and shocked at the sudden turn of events. She feels hands undoing the buttons of her blouse, while at the same time unzipping and pulling down her slacks. She tries desperately to free herself, but she is completely overpowered.
She feels the added humiliation of her bra and panties being taken off, and the awful realization that she is now totally naked before a group of strangers.
Anna is dragged over to a large padded table in the center of the room, and tied spread eagle on top of it; her naked body on full display to the lustful stars of the others.
Meg then invites all in attendance to gather around the table and partake of the finger foods and sandwiches that have been supplied. To Anna’s shock she is the table. She feels hands roaming over her naked body, and the sensing of a dozen or more tongues licking up various condiments that have been carefully deposited on her nipples, and other sensitive areas; all designed to stimulate their victim.
Once this activity is completed, a more sinister turn of events unfolds as Meg pulls out a large box of strap on dildos, and demonstrates them to the audience now eager for more excitement.
She shows them how the devices are loaded with a sperm like substance and how it can be released to simulate male ejaculation and the women smile with wicked Anticipation. One by one the women stand, strip naked, and march to the front of the room, and strap the dildos in place.
The ladies form a single line in front of Anna, and strap on the cocks as they prepare to fuck her. One by one they approach her and thrust deeply into her aching pussy, sucking and squeezing her breasts, and even biting her nipples before releasing the cum-like substance onto her body.
When they have all finished she is drenched and aching from the assaults; her pussy lips stretched and swollen, and her nipples sore and aching.
The ladies head back to their seats and enjoy some refreshments as they let Anna rest for a bit before continuing onto the next event of the evening. Meg soon stands and introduces Linda, and informs the group that Linda will be demonstrating the proper use of the paddle in discipline.
Anna gasps in horror at the words she hears and prays she is wrong. Some volunteers untie Anna and walk her over to a nearby table; fasten her hands and legs in a manner that exposes her naked ass to the entire group, and giving Linda free access to it.
Linda paces the floor behind Anna as she surveys the victims tender ass cheeks and plots her course of attack. She positions herself so all can see, then picks up the paddle and rubs Annas’ ass cheek firmly as she raises the paddle into the air and take aim. There is rushing sound as the paddle slices the air on its way to its mark, followed by a sharp crack as Anna jolts and moans loudly through her gag; her ass Cheek shaking from the impact.
In the same manner Linda does the opposite ass cheek with similar precision until the helpless Anna trembles; her ass glaring red, and tears streaming down her cheeks from the intense pain now soaring through her body. To make matters worse, the repeated blows have weakened her bladder and she is painfully aware that she is pissing uncontrollably onto the floor, and hears the mocking laughter behind her.
Once she is untied and helped to her feet, Meg reach her towels and orders her to clean up the mess; which she does, as the others wtch her utter humiliation and degradation.
The final event of the evening unfolds as a large mat is laid out and Anna is forced to lie on it face up while her arms and legs are stretched wide and fastened down. Again, the women strip naked and one by one straddle Annas’ face, lowering their psies to her lips and forcing her to lick and suck them to full orgasm, as they verbally abuse her, leaving her face drenched and glistening with their cum and juices.
Near midnight they run a hot bath and Anna is bathed and is now a full fledged member of the sordid group. Meg gives her the charge, stating she has one month to find a new inductee for the group, or the next time they will not be so easy on her.
She wakes the next morning hoping it was a horrible nightmare but one look at her ass in the mirror shows it was all too real, and she heads out to do her errands keeping a watchful eye for the next victim.
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