I sat on a small wooden bench, fidgeting, waiting, very uncomfortable with what I was doing. I had gotten here early, to get my bearings, and had spent some time walking around to get used to my surroundings. I had to agree with the Dom that had asked for our first meeting to take place here, that it was a lovely spot. The pier itself was a quarter of a mile out into the beautiful blue water. A restaurant sat halfway in between each end and was quite nice, from what I could see by looking into the windows, but, unfortunately was closed at the time. The diners would have a lovely view of the boats swinging in the water beside the restaurant, waiting for owners to take them out on a pleasure cruise. Quite a shade they were closed I thought, since I could have used a drink to calm my nerves. I had been commanded that I not drink at all. Sometimes I obeyed commands, sometimes I didn’t, depending on my mood at the time.
The entire place had a calm, relaxed feeling about it. Pullingmy car over the hill, when I had first arrived,my eyes were met with a lovely cul-de-sac. A large, lighted fountain commanded center stage, and was glorious in the deeping night. Ample parking had been provided for those who wished to fish from the pier, stroll along it’s length, or to simply sit as I was doing, and watch the water, and others.
There were people millioning around, intent on what they were doing, but not so Many that one would be distracted from an intimate conversation. The entire area was policed frequently, so I felt quite safe, which I am sure is what this Dom intended. Still, I was nervous. I had glanced at my watch so many times, even it was getting tired of it, and it’s tiny hands seemed to refuse to move. He had said 9:15PM and it was almost that time now. Each time a vehicle had pulled in and stopped close to me, I had tried to appear engrossed in the scenery, and completely at ease. I didn’t want to appear new to this, nor did I want him to think I was really waiting on him, just merely enjoying the water. If he showed up, great, if not, great, was what I was trying to portray.
At exactly 9:15, I heard a car stop behind me, and was so keyed up by then, that I had to turn and look. My heart stopped. It was him, all 6’7″ of him. We had talked extensively online, and then progressed to the telephone, and had exchanged pictures. My God, he intimidated me! He had made me say and do things over the telephone that I never dreamed I would even do in person. This meeting was more or less to decide if he would take me into training, and I was fast becoming a nervous wreck. If he could have that much control over me on the phone, what kind of control could he exert in person? I was about to find out!
He moved swiftly to my side, gave me a friendly hug, and sat down. I was looking everywhere but at him, as he began a rather mundane line of conversation. As he talked, I began to relax and even to flirt a little. He fascinated me, and II wanted him to do something, anything to break the sexual tension I was feeling. His arm had naturally fallen over the back of the bench as we talked, and I had turned to face him, with my legs crossed like an Indian, my outer sweater pulled open between us, to shield us from the wind. He stopped speaking, as if he had read my mind, and his hand moved from the bench to the back of my head. He said, “I told you that on our first meeting, I was going to TAKE your mouth” “Yes, Sir”, I replied, you did say that. As his hand in my hair slowly tightened, forcing my face closer to his, he breathed, “I am going to TAKE your mouth with mine NOW, any objects?” I started to shake my head no, but his grip tightened, twisting my hair viciously, causing me to whimper under my breath. “Don’t move, girl, Just say, “Yes, Sir, please.” Over my now racing heart, I barely hear myself whisper, “Yes, Sir, please”, before his mouth covered mine. His kiss was long and deep as if he wished to devour me. I was completely caught up in it, in his strength, his password. Abruptly my mouth was released, but not my hair. His eyes were like fires burning into me as he slowly turned my head, giving himself full access to my neck and shoulders. I feel the wetness of his mouth first, raining soft kisses along my neck, making a trail with his hot tongue, then his teeth as he tried to ravage my flesh. My entire body had caught fire, and I was as helpless as I would have been if completely bound!
Abruptly he released me completely! The look on my face as I turned to gaze up at him, had to be that of a wounded animal. To be so completely taken outside oneself by so little, then abandoned, was not something I was used to. He spoke of how things would be with my training, each step making me hotter than the previous one. He seemed to know instinctively what I would refuse, or at least hesitate to do, and zero in on those that made most uncomfortable, telling me those would be the first things requireed. Since I am still so new at all this, and am completely untrained, there’s not much I will agree to without hesitation, so his task wasn’t hard. But as he talked, his hands sought and found my nipples, and provided a lot of positive reformation.
I had been commanded to wear loose clothing, including shorts, and had compiled. His long, supplement fingers had no trouble finding the edges of the shorts and snaking upward Until they encountered my shaken mound. Slipping his fingers inside me, and finding me completely wet, he ordered me into his car. I didn’t even hesitate!
He had parked across lines that left us facing most of the action of passerby’s as they strolled onto the pier from various places in the cul-de-sac. He could monitor easily anyone in our victory. We climbed into the car, and got comfortable in the front seat. I felt safe enough here to push my luck a little and began to say what I would and would not do. That didn’t last long. He let me play a little andseemed to enjoy it himself, before commanding me to “Come here”. I hesitated, and heard only one word, “NOW!” He had spoken strongly enough to make me jerk my head in the direction of his voice. I saw the fire leap from his eyes, and knew it was time to move, no questions asked. “I want you on your knees, as far as you can spread them, and I want you to lean over and kiss me”, he said. It may Not seem like much to you, but I am so afraid of rejection, that I was scared to death that he would not return the kiss. “NOW!” I kissed him, tenatively at first, then with growing abandon, as he took control of my mouth. As the kiss ended and he pulled back from me, his eyes stayed locked to mine. I felt his hand sliding up my thigh, and inside the leg of my shorts, and dropped my eyes, automatically. His Other hand on the small of my back jerked against me a tiny bit, just enough to cause my body to arch towards him, and to make me to look at him. “Oh, no”, he said, “You look at me while I finger fuck you”. “That’s what you want, isn’t it?” “To be my little slut for tonight?” “To be my good girl, and have me train you?” I couldn’t say a word with his fingers plunging inside me that way, bringing me so close to orgasm. I couldn’t even think. “ANSWER ME, NOW!!”
Oh God, I had to make my lips move, to give voice to what was playing in my head, before I displeased him totally. “Yyes, Ssirr”, I stammered, “that’s what I want most”. He wasn’t going to let me off that easy, and I knew it. “Tell me, NOW”. I was almost in tears, but managed to whisper, “What this slut wants, is the privilege to call you Master, Sir. “To be at your beck and call. “To try and satisfy you in every way you demand” “I desire to be your slut, Master, and yours alone.” He had not stopped the assault on my pussy, and now had three fingers inside me, stretching me, making me moan, partly in pleasure, partly in pain.”Are you willing to suffer pain for me, little one?”, he asked, with a half smile on hisface. “Yes, Sir, as much as I can”, I barely breathed. I feel his fingers being withdrawn and whimpered like the animal in heat this man had made me. “Then fuck this for me, NOW”, he grew harshly, as he jammed four fingers deeply inside me. My head fell back and I moaned from the pit of my stomach, as his hand stretched my pussy walls beyond what I thought I could tolerate. “Ride it for me, like a good girl, he whispered into my neck, and look at me NOW!” I wanted to please him more than I wanted the pain to stop, and began to fuck the fingers rotating inside me, as I leveled my head to gaze into his unforgiving eyes. “Faster..harder..NOW, my slut, NOW” With what little part of my brain still worked, I was thinking, Oh God, I am so close, I can’t take it. I have to cum. Again, he seemed to read my mind. “Oh, no you don’t..Don’t you dare!!”, he commanded. You have to ask first. Without hesitation, I babbled, “Please, Master, please let your girl cum.” His hesitation was brief, beforee he whispered, “Cum for me, pet..Cum hard” I felt as if every part of my body was exploding as I relaxed clenched muscles and let the sensings fill my body. He kept pumping his hand into me until I completely finished and fell exhausted over him. Pulling his hand from my drenched pussy, he slid his fingers one at a time over my dry lips. I knew my licking them clean would please him, and I cleaned them completely, one by one. He then surprised me by slipping all four fingers into my mouth at once and demanding that I suck them for him. I did the best I could before he slipped them from my mouth, and down to his bulging crotch.
He began to speak softly. “I usually do not allow new submissives to look at my cock, or touch it, and they are never allowed to give me head, but you have been such a good girl, that I am going to let you have a look.” I was enthralled as he pulled his shorts aside, and presented me with his beautiful cock. It was very smooth, and looked almost satiny,with large glorious veins emphasizing it’s strength. I must have licked my lips without realizing it, as his hand stroked the entire length of it because he asked if I wanted to touch it. I had no voice to answer, so I simply nodded my yes. “Are you zoning out on me, pet?”, I heard from what seemed a distance. Again, I nodded, or at least I think I did. “Then you can touch it”. It was exactly as it looked, the outer skin soft, satiny, the shake as hard and strong as anything I have ever seen. And the head, oh God, the head. All I wanted to do was wrap my lips around that wonderful head. I was awestruck. I had never wanted to please someone so desperately, and in the process, please myself. Without prompting, I whispered, “Can I please taste it, just a little, please?” “If that is what you truly desire, my pet, then yes, you can taste.” I began with tiny licks along the shake, then a wet semi-sucking kiss around the head, trying to not overstep my boundaries. I couldn’t resist, even ifit means punishment, and hardened the tip of my tongue and slipped it into the tiny hole at the tip of his cock, tasting the pre-cum I found there. That was my undoing! I admit it, I begged to be allowed the privilege to go down on this Dom, although I had never particularly enjoyed that activity before. Permission was granted and I enjoyed myself to the utmost. The feel of that velvety cock in my mouth was just one step this side of heaven. I licked, and sucked until my heart was full, then I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I refused to stop. The tap came again, along with his words, “I’m about to cum. “My heart sang on hearing those words and I increased my tempo just slightly, not enough to cause a change in rhythm, just enough to make him go over the edge. One last time he warned me that he was about to cum, before I felt him erupt into my mouth. I hadn’t planned to swallow, since I had never tried that before, and didn’t want to be embarrassed if I couldn’t. But I wanted this tobe really good for him, and decided to try. I held his hot seed in my mouth. It was thick and slippery and should have been easy to swallow, but there was so much of it. I did swallow, but gagged a little, just at the end. I felt so bad, but he reassurered me that for a first effort, I had done quite well.
Seems this story should end on a happy note. Maybe with the Dom taking the sub for his own, and they living happily ever after. I like stories like that, but real life is sometimes different. Because of the inner struggle this sub is, and has been going through, she lost the Dom. My impatience, impudence, brattiness, and all out attacks when I didn’t get things exactly my way is what caused me to lose what I most wanted. Yes, maybe he should have understood the struggle and looked over some of it, and at least tried to train me before letting me go. Maybe I should have been more submissive, more patient, letting him have the opportunity to train me. But none of that happened, andnow it seems that it never will.
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