It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer we abandoned the gang bangs, and I didn’t know what I was going to do with myself. Of course, there were other amusements. Threesomes were more discrete, and still lots of fun. I also had my lovely one on one time with three, close to perfect, partners: David, Amy, and Nari. If Amy and Nari had got on better, or if even one of them had been more fond of guys, things might have been different. As it was, I felt something of a void. And I yearned for my voids to be filled, ideally deep.
It was Nari who had first alerted me to the problem. She was waiting for me outside a talk being given by a visiting Professor, a Nobel Laureate, no less. As the mixture of academic staff, grad students, and keen seniors like me, left I managed to briefly chat with the speaker, before he was whisked away by the Faculty Dean.
Nari caught my eye, it was hard not to have your gaze drawn to her alluring Korean-American looks. Initially she had a twinkle in her eye, and a grin on her flawless face. “Is that… is he… you know, the one…?”
“Hush, not here, someone might hear. But, yeah. That’s him.”
Nari clapped her hands in delight. “Oh, that’s precise, you’re such a slut, Emily.”
Looking round me, my cheeks burning, I again implemented my friend to be more discrete.
Nari collected herself, and now her features adopted a more serious demeanor. “I wanted to talk to you, to warn you.”
Something in her tone caused an emptyness to suddenly appear in my stomach. “Why? What’s going on?”
“Well, it’s nothing definitive. Certainly nothing mentioning you by name. But there is a rumor going around. About a student… a student and… well, sex parties. I’m sorry, Em, I thought you should know.”
I felt as if the ground was opening up beneath me. Someone had talked. How this had got back to college was anyone’s guess, but the danger of exposure suddenly felt very real to me.
Nari hugged me. “Sorryto be the bearer of bad news, but… well maybe you can do something. Or perhaps David, he knows all the guys, right?”
I nodded, my heart pounding and tears beginning to form. Nari tried to be reassuring. “It’s OK, Em. How about I take you home.”
I let her drive me back, silently looking out the window the whole trip. Thinking that anyone we passed was looking at me, talking about me. It was a truly awful feeling.
Nari dropped me off. She’d offered to stay, but I explained that David would be back in twenty minutes. I waited, desperately wanting his advice, his help.
He knew immediately that something was wrong. We’d lived under the same roof for years now, and shared a lot in that time. When I explained, his face darkened. I knew he took vetting very seriously and also that he would feel responsible. “OK, leave it with me, Em, I’ll sort it out. Please don’t worry.”
I gave him a hug. I like to think of myself as an independent woman, but – in that moment– I needed a friend and was grateful to have one. “Thanks. But… David… this has been… well it’s too much. Do you think…?”
“That we should stop? Yeah, maybe that would be wise. I guess it’s inevitable, given…”
I looked at the rug disconsolately. “Given the number of people involved, you mean? I get it. You said it was getting out of hand, too difficult to control. I guess you were right. I should have listened.”
I felt foolish. I felt like I’d let my appetite get the better of me, ignoring my friend’s counsel. David put a consoling arm around me. “Hey, no point worrying about that, I went along with it, it’s on both of us. Let’s just sort it out, OK?”
I nodded, and David was suddenly business-like. “Good. Listen, I’m going to text Amy. Nothing kinky, I just thought the three of us could maybe eat together. And, if she looks after you, I can make some calls, maybe pay some people a visit.” His tone was grim when he spoke the last sentence.
“Thanks, that would be nice.” I realized I had been yearning for Amy’s presence.
She was there in fifteen and — as was her custom, at least around me — took charge. “Go find the fucker who talked, David, I’ll take care of Emily.”
And she did, in the way that — with the benefit of years of hindsight — no one else had ever done before.
— — —
David had made some calls, the last was to his partner in crime, Rian. I heard just the end of it. “Yeah, pretty sure. What the guy said checks out. Pretty sure it’s him… OK… I agree…. See you there.”
He told us that he was going out and left, clearly on a mission. Amy and I watched TV, my head in her lap, as she stroked my hair. We’d seen one episode of a new show, and had started a second, when David returned, Rian in train.
“Well, Emily, I don’t think you’ll have any more problems. The rumor will die down, now that the source has been reminded of the consequences of continuingto brag in public.”
My mind went back over a year, to a previous night, and what had happened to another asshole, Jeff. “Did you…” I was scanning David’s hands for signs of trauma.
“Hurt him? No. He’d done nothing to harm you physically. Just not able to keep his stupid mouth shut. In retrospect, you were probably the single most exciting thing that has ever happened to him.”
“So, what did you do? Does he have a wife?” I thought with sudden shame that I probably ought to know this fact myself. I’d been plagued with pangs of guilt about married men of late, something that I had never given a moment’s thought to at the beginning. Personal growth, maybe, and yet another reason to call a halt to the gang bangs, I reflected.
I realized that David was talking and refocused my thoughts on him. “No, never married. But he does have a father who’s still alive… and a Pentecostal Minister.”
Rian chimed in. “You should have seen his face, white as a sheet when David mentioned his Dad’s church getting a detailed letter.”
David kissed my forehead. “I’m sorry, I was in two minds about him if I’m honest. But he had a good reference. He won’t say another word. Without a spring, the rumor lake will dry up. He swore on his Mother’s grave that he’d mentioned neither names nor locations to anyone.”
I was grateful, but had also reached a decision. “Thanks, but I think I’m done. You know my personality. I always crave more. This will happen again. The only way I see to avoid that, is to stop.”
David smiled. “It was always your choice, princess. If you say stop, we stop.”
An agitated Rian spoke up. “Wait, you don’t mean… do you…”
It was good to laugh again, and Rian’s face was enough to make anyone chuckle. “Not you, dumbass. I’m not giving up on threesomes, just no more big groups, and no new people, got it?”
Rian nodded, looking relieved. Amy stood. “Well, drama over. I need the bathroom.”
As she strode out,she stroked the front of Rian’s pants. “You’ll always have me, sweetie.”
She turned at me as she left the room. The fact that Rian was besotted with my lesbian friend was known to all of us, and Amy could be a terrible tease.
— — —-
David had been right. The talk died down, with no new salacious details, conversations moved on to the next drama. I was lucky, the college quarterback had come out as gay, and people were interested in nothing else for a while.
I wondered whether I had overreacted, panicked even. Stopping the group sessions had felt like the right thing to do at the time. It was the right thing to do, of course. But, as the weeks passed, I began to feel a familiar restlessness, familiar cravings plaguing me.
David picked up on my mood. I’m not good at dissembling. In fact I can be a terribly grouchy bitch. Which is why, he told me, one Saturday afternoon, that he had decided to do something about my problem. “Well, when I say ‘I,’ I mean ‘us’ really.”
David put two fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly. We had been sitting in the kitchen, and the door to the adjoining garage opened. In walked Rian, dressed as ever in jeans and a T, today an old Pearl Jam one. But I only had eyes for his companion.
Amy swayed into the room, on impossiblely high heels, and with her flowing ponytail mirroring her sinuous movements. Her lithe frame was totally encased in a shiny, black catsuit. It had a red zipper up the front, which was currently sitting somewhere around her navel, the inner curves of her perfect, mid-sized breasts on glorious display.
The outfit was new, but I immediately understand it’s meaning. Mistress Amy was holding court, and — for tonight — we were all her creativity, me Especially. I could feel the gusset of my panties getting sticky.
— — —
Amy grinned the slightly predatory grin that she reserved for situations like this. Moving to the table, she put a finger under my chin, and applied pressure until she had raised me to a standing position. Amy was only two inches taller than me, but, her in heels and me in flats, she was an imposing figure. “Such a pretty Summer dress. But too short to be classy, much like its owner.”
Bending, Amy kissed me, leaving traces of her scarlet gloss on my lips. Then she slapped my face, lightly, but enough to still sting. “Into the garage with you, get out of that slutty dress, and change into what you find there.”
I hesitated to comply, knowing full well the implications, and received a harder slap on my other chef, one which took my breath away. My face was tingling, and my heart beat quickening, as the shock raced through my nerves. “Sorry, mistress.”
An onlooker might have thought my friend cruel, sadistic even, but my head needed to be in the right space for what I knew was to come. Amy knew that as well as I did. I felt a warmth rising in me, a warmh of anticipation, and a yearning to submit to her. I knew that there were places that only Amy could take me to, I just had to let her have total control.
I walked into the darkened room, a single spotlight falling on, what I assumed was, Rian’s latest creation. It was simple compared to many, and recognized a gym benchmark, maybe originally one for doing reclined chest presses, to judge by its angle. But the horizontal section had been extended to form an open ‘Y,’ and a vertical plate had been bolted to the back rest. The presence of leather belts made the intended orientation of my body even more clear. On my spread knees, both holes exposed, and leaning forwards at forty five degrees. Though the plate, at face level, was currently a mystery to me.
I guess I took too long taking in the contraption, as I felt Amy lift my dress and her palm crack on an ass cheek. “Stop gawping and undress, bitch!”
While — as always happened in these circumstances — Amy was the focusof my attention, I saw that David and Rian were striping. I wondered just how many times the pair had fucked me. A harder slap on my other butt chef put a stop to these thoughts, and had my eyes watering. Liquid was also beginning to flow inside another part of my body.
I unbuttoned the front of my dress, and eased it off my shoulders, now standing in just my panties and Keds. My modest breasts didn’t necessarily a bra. I was expecting something more complex, but Rian handed me a simple leather collar, with a metal ring at the front. I fastened it around my neck.
Amy moved in front of me and proceeded to pinch each nipple, digging her nails into my tender flesh. I squirmed and danced on the spot, receiving another face slap for not staying still. Then she went back to torturing my hardening nipples. Tears were now flowing down my face, but my mind was embracing the role. I was Amy’s plaything and I craved pleasure her. I also craved the intensity of the pain I knew was coming, and its transmission into shuddering, overwhelming pleasure.
Amy now pulled down hard on my breasts, guiding me onto my knees. Not for the first time, I appreciated the new flooring that David had laid. Amy glanced at the two guys, and they took her place in front of me, one to either side. I reached up and grasped David’s root, only for Amy to slap my hand away. “No touching. You’re Not in control missy. Rian…”
Rian walked behind me and also knelt, gripping my wrists, and pinning my arms to my sides. I opened my mouth, as I knew was expected of me. David held the back of my head and positioned himself. His face turned away from Amy, he turned once, and I tried not to giggle. He was really not helping my focus.
But if I thought that David was going to go easy on me, I was mistaken. He lunged forward and I took half of his considerable length in one go. I wasn’t prepared and pulled back, for once gagging.
“Tighter,” Amy instructed Rian. I felt his fistsclose on me more firmly. Bending down to whisper in my ear, she said, “stay still and take it, or I’ll find the crop.”
In a more soothing tone, she added, “you need to be properly prepared.”
The thought ‘prepared for what?’ sprang into my head. ‘Something bigger than David? Oh, shit, shit, shit!’ But I said nothing.
Amy grabbed my hair and tilted my head roughly. The technician in me also noted that she had arranged my throat at precisely the right angle. That was sweet of her.
I was more than used to accommodating David and, the second time, he slide easily past his previous depth and slithered into my now relaxed and accommodating throat.
Amy had stood up again. “You can hold on now, if you like. Rian, move!”
Rian released me and I lifted my arms to hold David’s thighs lightly, riding with him as he thrust backwards and forwards, enjoying my esophagus being radically distended, feeling so intensely full. Feeling used for David’s pleasure, but also cherished. I heard the twin cracks before pain exploded in both of my ass cheats simulatedly.
Paddles, and both Amy and Rian wielding them. Before the thought had passed out of my head, the second set of blows landed, and I heard Amy say, “faster and harder,” to David.
My eyes had been closed, but now I looked up at David, flinching as they hit me hard again. Tears streamed as he upped his pace, thumbing into my lips. Another two singing blows, and another. The burning flooded my nervous system, rivulets of molten iron surging towards my throbbing clip and dripping pussy.
Twice more they each landed the paddles on me and I began to think it was too much. Then Amy, with her preternatural insight, at least when it came to my capabilities, said “stop.”
David halted, half in and half out of me. “Not you, you can go harder. You know she can take it, gets off on it, the dirty little slut.”
Amy knelt next to me, “isn’t that right, slut?” Four inches of DavidStill in me, I nodded in a limited fashion.
Amy patted my cheek, “good slut.” She looked up at David and he slid all the way in, then out again, picking up a brisk rhythm. Through blurry eyes, I could see him screw up his face as the sensings of my flesh dragging on his began to get the better of him.
Amy disappeared from my view, and I felt her gloved hands cares my traumatized ass, soothing my throbbing flesh. David seemed lost in a realm of pleasure, using my throat so hard and fast. I started to feel twitches in his shake as he rammed it into me. Then I started and bucked as Amy spanked me hard. Then again, then again, then the second chef a final time.
Despite my blocked mouth, I screamed and waited. The humming of my muffled cries seemed to drive David crazy. This was too much, much too much. I needed to stop. But it’s hard to think which part of your body to signal with while being roughly face-fucked. I was lost, totally lost. I was going to give up consciousness, just slip away.
And then blessed relief. My panties ripped down, and Amy’s fingers, three I thought, deep in my wet, engorged opening. Now deeper and thrusting, as her other fingers found my clip. No one could make my feelings surge as quickly as she did.
The aching pain of my ageed butt. The intensity with which David face-fucked me. And now the sweet age of Amy’s expert digital stimulation. All blended, each stimulus buttressing the next, soaring up with celerity, until gravity took hold, and I was left hanging for an instant, before hurtling downwards in release. David roaring as he flooded my stomach with his juices. Amy, now just focusing on my clip, while she spanked me over and over again with her other hand. And my body feeling each fiber tension and release, tense and release, as liquid fountained from me onto the floor.
David slithered out, looking up, I saw that he had cum as hard as I had. I fell forward on to my hands, panting heavily, panties still around my knees. Then I heard Amy again. “Rian, now, before she comes down fully, fuck her hard, don’t let her orgasm die.”
Rian’s hands were on my wait and his curved cock slide in so deep and easily, my tunnel slick with self-secretions. Rian was smaller than David, but he had an urgency to his fucking which compensated, and his banana like shape created different sensings. Good sensings.
Amy had been right — sometimes I hated her for that — and it felt more like Ryan was extending my previous climax than building towards a second. Amy crouched by my face, and stroked a chef, as I began to moan and yelp anew. “Good little bitch, cum for Amy now.”
Then she looked back at Rian. “Harder, Rian. Imagine it’s me.”
It was an open secret how much Rian lusted after Amy. I muttered, “bitch,” under my breath and got a tweaked nipple for my pains. And Rian proved the truth of her words, by plowing me like a man possessed. I thought, a little bitterly, that this was probably not the first time that I’d been fucked by a guy wishing it was my more womanly friend instead. Still, Rian was certainly getting the job done. As I closed my eyes, the last image I saw was Amy grinning almost manically.
Then I felt her shift, and fingers once more frantically rubbing my cliporis, while Rian fucked me as if he would never fuck again. I waited like a baby, gushing further fluids onto David’s vinyl tiles, as Rian squirted his own deep into my vagina, and Amy laughed triumphantly.
— — —-
I felt like the room was spinning. I closed my eyes and gulped for air, trying to come to terms with the euphoric excitations that had hurtled headlong through me, leaving me trembling. But I still had presence of mind enough to know more was to come. So Amy’s voice was unsurprising, though it seemed to echo dully in my ears, as if it came from far away. “Her throat and pussy are warmed up, David, are you ready yet?”
I heard a grunted reply, and, opening my eyes, saw that David was indeed more than ready. Amy spoke again. “Over there, I’d like some fun as well before we start for real.”
‘For real?’ I was already rag-like from my two intense climaxes. What the fuck was for real?
David and Rian lifted me, I could feel the latter was post coitally quivering, much like me. They carried me to the side of the room, and to a plain, horizontal benchmark. It had restraints, most furniture in the garage was so equipped, but they didn’t both with these. Instead, after they lay me down, and removed my panties fully, Amy pulled a flap from her crotch, it had been attached via poppers, and straddled my face. “Lick, bitch, while David stretches that tight ass of yours.”
I didn’t need Amy’s instruction, I was already added to her heavenly taste and smell. As I extended my eager tongue, she lowered herself, her labia resting on my face. Her heady aroma filled my senses. I reached up and foundher clip, massaging it as I probed Amy orally.
David lifted and parted my legs, and I heard a squelching sound, followed by a general amount of lube dripping onto me. David rubbed it around my asshole and pushed some inside. I squeezed my anal muscles, urging them to soften, to be ready, all the time pushing my tongue into Amy. Another squelch and I assumed that he was now lubricating himself.
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