Grabbing a suitcase in each hand, Brad glad mutinously at his dad before trudging up the driveway in pursuit. Bloody parents, it’s not like he wanted to be here, what was the rush anyway, the old bat wouldn’t be going anywhere soon.
Letting his cases fall on the top step he stood sulkily, waiting for someone to say something. Instead the woman standing there gave him an assessment look, her eyes scanning him from head to toe, a small frown appearing on her face as she did so.
Stuck up cow, Brad thought as he returned the favour with the insolence of youth. He was tempted to let his gaze linger on her tits, even better looking now he was up close, but figured that would be pushing it a little. Even so, as his eyes drifted over them he felt his cock twitch in his pants, yeah he’d still do her, even if she was a bit past it and thought she was better than him. He’d have her screaming in no time he reckoned, all lacened up and snobby like that, she’d probably never done it any way but missionary position with the lights off.
Raising his gaze back up to her face, she caught his eye before staring blatantly at his crotch with a knowing look. Brad blushed slightly as her lingering star made his cock harden even more, damn it two could play at this game. Very obviously, he lowered his eyes to her cleavage, watching as the nipples hardened into two little points, so she wasn’t totally immune to him either. This could be fun.
The sound of his dad clearing his throat interrupted Brads daydreams and he jumped as his dad grabbed him by both shoulders and thrust him in front.
“As my son seems to be lacking in manners, let me introduce you. Brad, meet Miss Lily, a good friend of mine. Miss Lily, meet my son, Brad.”
Staring behind the woman, Brad tried to see where Miss Lily was hiding, blushing again as the woman held out a hand, shit, she was Miss Lily?
Stuttering a hello, Brad reached out to shake her hand, his palm warm and clammy against her soft but firm grip. She held him for longer than he was comfortable with, staring deep into his eyes as she did so and he squirmed uncomfortable under her examination. Finally she seemed to see what she was looking for and released him abruptly, the unexpected surprise of the action almost causing him to fall back down the stairs.
She nodded at him dismissively before turning back to his father.
“He’ll do I suppose,” she said somewhat rudely, “Show him to his room and then meet me in the study. We can talk while he unpacks.”
Pirouetting gracefully on her high heels, she strode off into the darkness of the house, her shoes clicking against the parquet, wood flooring.
Bemused Brad stared up in confusion, he’d never heard anyone speak to his father in that way before, and she was totally Not what he’d expected. Miss Lily. An old friend indeed, she can’t have been much older than his father!
He wondered if he should press for more informationtion, but the mood his dad had been in all day he decided it would be wiser to keep his mouth zipped and do as he was told. Bending he grasped the handles of his cases, lifting them and looking expectedly at his father.
Without a word his dad lifted the remaining cases and made his way into the house, Brad following closely behind.
The entrance hall smelled of poison and not the damp musty cent he usually associated with old houses. The floor gleamed beneath his feet, the different colours in the wood making a complicated pattern and he dread to think how many hours were put into poisoning this each day. In fact even contemplating how much cleaning was involved in keeping a house this size was enough to make his head spin. He hoped the dreaded Miss Lily wasn’t expecting him to help out with that. If she was then she had Another think coming, he wasn’t here to be her slave.
The staircase began in the middle of the hall and led up to swooping balconies that stretchedover the length of the hall like a film set or something out of a horror movie. Brad shuddered, maybe all that late night TV hadn’t been such a good idea. Watching the portraits on the walls carefully, he waited for eyes to start following him as he passed, then kicked himself for acting like such a kid. It was just a big old house, it wasn’t even that creepy, although the clean thing, that was a bit scary but better than cobwebs and dust flying through dimly lit rooms he guessed.
Turning left at the top of the stairs, his dad walked to a sturdy looking wooden door, tucked away at the end of the walkway. In comparison to the laborate decoration of the rest of the house, this door was plain unvarnished wood, reinforced with iron strips and and rivets. On a hook next to the door hung a large, old fashioned iron key on a ring the size of his fist and Brad looked around nervously, noting that none of the other doors seemed to have locks on them.
Reaching up, his dad used the key to unlock the door before hanging it back on the hook and disappearing into the gloom beyond. Sneaking a look around, Brad reassurered himself that no one was watching before pocketing the key and following his dad. He didn’t fancy the idea of being accidentally trapped if someone decided to lock up after him.
The steps here were cold stone and the walls bare brick, lacking the fancy artwork of the lower floors. Brad guessed this must be the servants quarters and wondered why he’d been placed up here when there seemed, from his brief glances on the way up, to be plenty of empty rooms on the first floor that he could have used.
Oh well, it didn’t really matter, he supposed, and at least up here he’d be able to play his music as loud as he liked without having to listen to any complaints. The walls seemed thick enough to be reasonably soundproof if he keep the windows closed, and the windows themselves were double glazed, unusual in an old house but done in such a way as toStill be in keeping with the rest of the building. None of those white plastic frames here, he thought.
Finally reaching the top of the winding staircase he emerged into a large open space, thankfully, he noted, well equipped with electrical sockets for his laptop and other gadgets. No TV but he could watch it on his computer if he wanted, and that was another benefit, up here he could lock the door and watch porn and no one would be able to hear. Not like at home where sound travelled through the thin walls as if they weren’t even there.
The floor here was stone again, cold and uncarpeted, although there was a large fluffy rug in the centre of the room. There was a single bed in the corner, pushed up against the bare brick walls, and Brad realized he would have to be careful for the first few days until he got used to it here, otherwise he’d be waking up and taking huge chunks of skin from his forearms or worse every time he rolled over in his sleep.
Against the opposite wall was a large wooden desk and beside that a wardrobe that was as wide as the bed was long. In front of that was the pile of bags that his dad had dropped extremely on the floor.
“Right then,” his dad said clearing his throat nervously, “I guess I’d better leave you here to unpack and go down to speak with Miss Lily. I trust you can behave yourself for that long?”
Intrigued by the way the mere mention of Miss Lily seemed to send his dad into a tizzy, Brad didn’t answer. Now this was interesting, he smiled to himself, perhaps he would have to have a little chat with his dad when he got back, find out how ‘good’ a friend Miss Lily was, the dirty old perve.
“I’ll be fine,” he replied quickly, starting to take things out of cases, willing him to leave now so that he could discuss this new development with Pete. Maybe Pete’s mum knew something about the mysterious Miss Lily. Brad was sure his own mother wouldn’t have let him come here if there was any funny business going on but perhaps she’d had the same idea as him, that Miss Lily was a little old spinster. He was sure his mother wouldn’t approve of his dad spending time alone with the woman if she knew what she really looked like and the effect she had on him.
And perhaps, he thought, I can use this to my advantage. A few choice words at the right time and surely his mum would demand he come straight home. Hmm, the possibilities.
For the moment though, he needed to unpack and get Pete on the phone. No point jumping in without having all the facts, that would just make him look like an idiot.
Pulling his clothes from his bag he began to put things away, not worrying particularly where they went, after all, with any luck he wouldn’t be staying long.
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