The Triskele Consort Ch. 05

“That’s a wonderful ability, Lita,” I said, as I watched tiny bolts of forked lightning arc across the female Lightning-demon’s sex lips, “and no doubt highly pleasurable for a nice hard cock!”

“For skilled tongues too, Consort!” Lita’sig, the Lightning-demon between whose open thighs I was kneeing, replied, grinning wickedly.

I leaned forwards and extended my tongue tip, gently struggling it against Lita’s plump and glistening inner labia. A delicious tingling began in the tip of my tongue, that spread through the organ as I continued to slowly cares the she-sig’s pussy lips. Kal was almost panting as he watched Lita’s demonstration, his breeches bulging tightly in the front. I reluctantly lifted my head away at last, the serpent’s tongue flicking against the back of my throat as my pussy muscles clamped tightly.

“And I love your little lightning bolt tattoos,” I added, as I traced the inked lightning flashes on her outer labia with my fingernail, “but the crowd won’t be able to see you…stimulate a partner that way.”

“Yes, Consort,” she replied, smiling, “but now you know why the tattoos are there!”

I made a note under Lita’s name on my list, the last of the Tributes to be assessed, smiling at Kal as I did.

“I have some apparatus that needs testing, Kal,” I said, “you seem ready to assist me after this morning’s final batch of Assessments!”

“You have no idea how ready I am, Linzi!” he replied, grinning.

Several days had passed since my first evening in Lara’s ‘dungeon’ with Felis. My Master had yet to return and Gyn had still not made contact with me. I had made little progress in my efforts to control the serpent, over a dozen unseen Tributes by now having participated in my humiliation at the end of each night, Sometimes in pairs. I had however managed to successfully walk the length of the balance beam, my Leopard-demon girlfriend having proved herself an excellent teacher. It also helped that my sense of balance had been enhanced by my demonic transformation, so while walking the balance beam was difficult, it was by no means impossible for me. However, none of these matters was on my mind as I led Kal to the ‘test chamber’, where a piece of equipment I had requested had been set up.

“This seems simple enough.” Kal said, as he inspected the stout post fixed to a rectangular metal base, pushing down on the wooden cross beam mounted on top of the post. “Lots of binding points.” he continued, lifting and tugging at the metal rings fitted to the apparatus.

“It’s the binding points we’re testing, Kal.” I replied, as I stepped out of my tiny red leather shorts and dropping them on my already disclosed matching short sleepless jerkin. “I have no doubts that the High Lord’s carpenters did what I asked properly, but we Need to ensure the rings and cleans are in the right places!”

I held out my wrists so that Kal could buckle stout leather cuffs around them, before he knelt down and strapped matching ones around my ankles. I bent forwards from the wait so that my collar bones rested on the horizontal part of the bar, extending my arms so that Kal could secure my cuffs to it by binding the metal rings attached to the cuffs to the ones that were set into the wood for that purpose. Spreading my feet wide apart, my assistant then secured my ankles to cleans on the metal platform in the same manner.

“So,” Kal asked, “what do I do next?”

“Whatever you want to do, of course!” I replied, smiling at him wickedly. “I plan to have several of these installed, for the training of our submissives. There will also be a few available for use by the festival goers.”

My assistant grinned sexually and unlaced his breeches, giving me a crotch level view of his wonderfully long, thick cock as he removed his clothes, its purple flushed head bobbing softly as he stripped. The heavy gold ring around the base of his shaft made an wonderfully erotic contrast to the dark brownze skin of the veined stem. He moved closer, so the tip of the successful mushroom-like cockhead was brushing my lips. He gripped his shake lightly, rubbing my lips slowly so that clear fluid from the little orifice in his glans spread over them, as I moaned softly, looking up into his eyes.

“Slip the tip of your tongue out and press your lips tight around it.” he instructed.

He lightly guided the crown of his cock slowly over the little protrusion formed by the sensitive tip of my tongue, teasing me as he rubbed his frenulum against my tongue tip, letting his precum flow softly onto my upper lip. The warm liquid then ran onto my pursued lower lip as he pressed the little opening in his plum against the very end of my tongue, grunting softly with pleasure. I had chosen my assistant well!

“Open that luscious mouth wide and push your tongue out, Linzi.” he said. “Let me see that tongue stud!”

My lips stretched tightly as I compiled, my tongue stuck out as faras it could comfortably go. I maintained eye contact with the handsome young Bat-demon, impressed at how readily he had taken control of me and deeply aroused, my pussy already contracting and relaxing strongly as the serpent caresed the little whirlpool between my bum cheats with its slender tail. Resting the broad head of his cock on the little platinum ball fixed into my tongue, Kal began to move his hips slowly back and forth, the glans sliding along my outstretched tongue over the stud, only occasionally pushing between my lips, as his fluid continued to flow steadily, a tiny trickling sensing beginning at the back of my throat that intensified the sensing of the caressing of the lust-snake’s tongue!

I groaned helpedlessly as the gorgeous crown of Kal’s cock teased my mouth and throat so deliciously, the sensing of being so completely in his control deeping my desire for him. My moans of pleasure stabilized his own lust, as he began to deepen his slow thrusts, his cockhead beginning to push against the back of my throat as I made soft gagging sounds, his plum beginning to slide down my throat on each thrust now as I closed my lips around his shake, wriggling my tongue stud against the underside of his cockstem as he slide it in and out of my open, eager mouth, warm saliva beginning to drool from my lips down my chin.

Kal’s cockshaft now spinoned his glans deep into my throat, the thick stem straining my mouth open wider as his cock ring finally pressed against my lips. My throat moved radically as I swallowed on his magnificent manhood, my nostrils flaring as air snorted softly through them. He thrust in my throat slowly, the gold ring occasionally clinging lightly against my teeth, until at last he groaned deeply and slide his cock from my mouth, singing at my sexy gasp as the crown slipped from my lips. I looked up at him hungrily, grinning widely as he regard me, breathing heavily now. “You still haven’t taken my bottom, Kal!” I said softly. He smiled and moved around behind me.

“I was planning to wait until our next flight together for that, Linzi, but your ass stirrs me far to deeply to resist!” he said softly, as his thumbs spread my bottom cheese apart gently.

I wriggled my bottom for him and pushed up onto my tiptoes, my ankles straining against the cuffs as I did. His tongue tip flicked lightly against the little ring of muscle, making it tense and relax delightfully as the serpent’s tail began to push against my sphincter from within, bringing a moan from deep in my throat as I pushed my bum against his lips. Warm air caresed the tight little opening to my bottom as he blew softly upon it, before I felt the slippery tip of his glans rubbing and pressing against the little dark whirlpool, my sphincter relaxing to admit him as he slowly pushed the crown of his wonderful manhood within my bottom. I squealed with pleasure as the wonderfully intense stretching sensing became a deep satisfied popping feeling as his glans slid fully inside me.

“I never dreamed that working with the Pleasure imp would be like this!” Kal said from behind me.

“Well, I’m loving every moment of having a Bat-demon assistant, especially the moments like these!” I replied.

He gripped my hips as he began to carefully push his cockhead deeper into my bottom, letting me get accustomed to its girl, pausing if I gasped a little too intensely, pushing deeper at my little sexy grunts of pleasure. At last, the thick gold cockring pressed against my stretched anal ring as the narrowing of the passage deep inside squeezed on his swollen glans. I saw joyfully as I rubbed my ass cheeks against his steel hard abdominal muscles, hearing him grunt softly as his cock arched harder within me. The lust-snake’s coils were already contracting strongly within my vaginal walls, so I released myself to its control and let the Pleasure imp do as she wished. I tightened my bottom muscles on Kal’s full length and rubbed my bum harder against his belly as I lifted as high on my toes as the ankle cuffs allowed while arching my back deeply. He gasped aloud and gripped my hips harder, his cock ring pressing harder against my open bumhole as he ground his crotch against my ass.

I moaned louder as the sphere of pleasure in my belly began to swell as I began to squeeze and relax my pussy and bottom slowly and roughly, feeling Kal’s wonderfully thick and hard cock throb as I did so. I then felt his cockshaft begin to piston in and out of my bottom, my wrists pulling against the rings in my cuffs, his thrusts pushing my body forwards as his lower abdomen pounded against my bottom. The stout wooden crossbeam held firm as his hips moved faster, his thrusts harder and more urgent, my squeals and gasps of delight growing louder as my pleasure grow, the delicious spasms in my vaginal walls beginning to deepen into the involuntary contractions of orgasm as I felt Kal’s cock begin to throb deepply, then pump over and over, his groans of satisfaction sweet music to my ears as I cried out in ecstatic delight as he lifted my hips and rammed his cock fully into my bottom, making me clamp my lower body tightly on his cockshaft as my toes left the stone floor.

He held me suspended on his still rock hard cock as it continued to fill my bottom in long throbbing pulses, my cries of joy gradually subsiding into sights and moans of satisfaction until Kal finally placed me down gently and eased his manhood from within me. He untied the rings, but left the cuffs on my wrists and ankles as he wrapped his wings around me and hugged me close to him. I kissed his chest, singing softly, as I wrapped my arms around him, loving the warmth of his wings enfolding me.

“I have a feeling that we’ll be friends long after the festival ends, Kal!” I said, looking up at him and smiling.

“I was hoping you would say something like that, my lady!” he replied, smiling back.

I got dressed and left Kal in the chamber, planning to meet him at the reflectiony for lunch once a discrete interval had passed. I hadn’t properly fastened my jerkin when I’d put it back on, the toggle beneath my bosom hanging loose, so I had turned and faced the wall to fasten it properly when I suddenly heard Tr’skel’s voice behind me!

“A busy morning, Linzi?” he asked, with the knowing tone in his voice that I’d learned to recognize!

I turned around, my open toggle forgotten, more of my breasts on display than I would have preferred under the circumstances, and replied as disabled as I could manage.

“Yes, my lord. Kal and I have completed the assessments, and we have been inspecting some of the new equipment for the festival.”

“And where is that hard-working assistant of yours?” he inquired, with the cheeky grin that made it clear that, however many centuries he may have lived, he remained young and roguish at heart! “I thought we three might share the afternoon meal.”

“Oh, I sent him on an errand, my lord,” I answered, “he will join us when he’s done. I’m sure he’ll be delighted with your invitation.”

“Really?” he replied, grinning widely now! “I was under the impression that he is in that chamber that you have just exited from.”

Being so deliciously trapped by this almost irresistably handsome and charismatic Bat-demon, my breasts already partially exposed, was far too arousing for comfort! The serpent’s tongue was caresing the back of my throat so sweetly that I would soon be unable to speak. I risked becoming more brazen still, in the hope of unsettling him and giving myself a chance to compose myself.

“My lord Tr’skel, you aren’t SPYING on me, are you?” I asked, looking him in the eyes as I slowly secured the toggle of my jerkin under my breasts. “That wouldn’t be at all polite!”

“I have eyes EVERYWHERE, Pleasure imp!” he replied inscrutably. “Nothing of any significance occurs in my citadel without my being informed of it, or in the Demon Realm for that matter.”

He had just countered my attempt to unsettle him by further unsettling me, unbelievably making him sexier than ever to me! I had no choice but to retort even more forcibly!

“Don’t tell me, you were the Spymaster for the Demon Realm too!” I said, smiling as impishly as only a lesser Demon of my classification possible can.

He leaned close before whispering softly in my ear. “I still am.”

I moaned softly as my knees buckled, ready to yield to whatever he might want of me! He gripped my shoulders firmly to prevent me from collapses to the stone floor.

“I think it is time we ate, Linzi.” he said, smiling. “You appear to be weak from hunger.”

“Can we please pretend that it is the need for FOOD that has made me weak, my lord?” I entered him, fighting the lust-snake’s writings within me as I steadied myself.

“Agreed.” he replied. He turned to Kal, who in the meantime had left the chamber and almost walked into us, but who was now rooted to the spot! “Linzi and I have an appointment with the Lady Arya, young Kal’skel. She will see you later.”

“Yes, my lord, of course!” the handsome young Bat-demon answered before turning on his heel and leaving, almost running down the corridor in the opposite direction to us.

“I do believe he would have flown away if he could!” Tr’skel said, chuckling, as he watched Kal leave.

I was still flushed with lust, breathing in low gasps, when we entered the chambers of the High Lord and his Lady. Arya hugged me and helped me to a chair at the dining table, then slapped Tr’skel sharply on the shoulder.

“I TOLD you not to tease the poor young girl!” she said. “Look at the state she is in!”

“What did I do?” he said, trying hard to not laugh!

“Do not play the innocent with me!” she replied. “High lord of mischief, more like!”

“It’s all right, my Lady Arya.” I said. “As a Pleasure imp, I have an uncanny abilityfor getting myself for getting myself into such situations! It’s as much my fault as it is Tr’skel’s.”

“He can’t resist toying with you, now that he knows you are attracted to him!” Arya answered. “At his age, he should be ashamed of himself!”

“It was some unintentional.” Tr’skel explained. “We were initially discussing inviting her assistant Kal’skel to dine with us.”

“That would be handsome young Kal, with the broad shoulders?” Arya inquired.

“The same.” I replied. “I fear the High Lord believes Kal is…enjoying being my assistant too much to focus on his duties.”

“On the contrary, the young demon is doing an excellent job with, I mean for, you!” Tr’skel insisted. “Please tell him that I said so, and that we three will share a meal very soon!”

With Arya sitting across the table from me, I was able to force the serpent into quiescence and enjoy a delicious lunch with the High Lord and his Lady. Tr’skel kept the conversation away from my work wit the Sexual Tributes, instead detailing the various other events that would be involved. I was particularly excited by the concerns that would take place, in which demon musicians would be playing some of the Hu-man Realm’s finest classical music!

“Tel told me recently that some demon musicians have been perfecting their art over millennia.” I said, getting a little wistful as I thought of my sweet Master.

“Do you miss him a lot, Linzi?” Arya asked. “I don’t mean to pry, but the nature of your bond with him does intrigue me a little.”

“It confused me at first.” I admitted. “Once the slave laws were struck out, I truly thought that we would just be friends, like I am with other demonstrations.”

“Like young Kal?” Tr’skel asked, with a teasing grin.

“I am WARNING you, Tr’skel!” Arya said, laughing softly as slapped him on the shoulder again.

I ignored him.

“Anyway, the Master-slave bond is still there, regardless.” I continued. “In my heart and in hisbut also deep in my belly. A feeling of being owned by him.”

“Fascinating!” Arya said. “Forgive me, Linzi, but infers were among the few Demon classes that advocated slavery in times past. I’ve always struggled to understand how the slaves must have felt about it!”

“The High infer actually opposed the repeat of the Slave Laws.” Tr’skel added.

“Really?” I asked. “Dispite there being no actual slaves except me, and Demonkind having voted to repeat them?”

“The vote was not unanimous.” Tr’skel replied. “Kara argued that the laws should be amended instead of repeated, to legally protect those who might choose a life of slavery volunteer. She argued that if an estar could become a slave owner, then maybe the laws were necessary after all.”

“So, the estar were opposed to slavery?” I asked.

“Very much so.” Tr’skel answered, smiling. “It is indeed ironic that Tar’estar’s son has ended up as a slave owner! Tel counterargued that the legal status of slave should no longer exist, that demonstrates who choose to live as slaves should always do so as free citizens in law.”

“Tel does not OWN Linzi!” Arya interjected. “Her submission to him is completely volunteer. Lara explained it to me.”

“Tel’s feelings for Linzi are FAR more complicated than that, believe me.” Tr’skel stated baldly. “You should ask him at the evening meal tonight.”

Arya slapped him on the supposedr yet again, grinning! “As if he’d tell me!” she said. “stars keep everything secret, while at least one skel appears to have become a blabbermouth!”

“Enough disrespect, woman!” he said, laughing. “You are nagging the High Lord of Discipline, remember!”

“Master is here?” I asked, almost squealing with delight before getting annoyed! “I thought we were past him not telling me stuff!”

“Oh damn!” he said. “He wanted to surprise you!”

“The High Lord of Discipline will get more discipline than he can handle if he calls me ‘woman’ like that again!” she said, grinning wickedly.

I took that as my cue to leave the table! “I have some more arrangement to assess.” I said. “I’ll let you two flirt in private!”

Instead of heading back to the barracks to meet Kal, I instead made my way to the accommodation block for the Martial Disciplines and stealthily entered the training arena. My Master was addressing the Tributes.

“The primary aim of the Combat Discipline,” Tel’estar said, as he balanced a sword on the tip of his finger, “is to use speed, focused strength, personal character and, above all, martial skill to disarm your opponent.”

He called an assistant forward as he let the sword fall from his finger, catching the hilt in his hand. The two exchanged sword strokes with the same type of short sword, the edges blunt and the tip safely rounded, moving slowly so the trainee combatants could follow the combat, until Tel struck the sword from his opponent’s hand with a twisting and flicking motion, the blade spinning to the ground several metres away. Felis’bel stood among the group, her hands claped behind her back, watching the new instructor intently, almost as if she had never met him before. Tel finally acknowledged her presence.

“If I am not mistaken, we have a descendant of one of Demonkind’s greatest warriors among us!” he exclaimed. “I am sure you will do the legendary Korbis’bel proud, Felis!” he continued, smiling, as Felis’s mouth and my own fall open in the same instant!


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