The Triskele Consort Ch. 03

The High Lord Tr’skel did not permit the use of portals to enter his citadel, so the next morning Tel made the long ride to his uncle’s massive fortune with me seated facing him on the saddle. I was wearing my most modest leather dress, the one with the mid-length skirt and open back, my bosom and arms completely covered, although the skirt was around my wait, my mound pressed tightly against the base of my Master’s cock, His magnificent shake stretching the hot wet tightness within me, his cockhead deep in my belly. I squeezed and relaxed my vagina slowly on him, milking his cock with my body, trying my best to make him lose control and climax for his little pet, while he smiled at me affectionately.

He occasionally spurred the horse-thing from its gently bobbing canter into a run, so my bottom bounced against the leather seat beneath me to make me squeal and pant with delight as I came for him instead, my arms wrapped round his chest. I would then rest my head against theleather of his riding jacket for a while, singing softly, before beginning to wriggle against him again, contracting my inner muscles tightly on his still steel hard cockshaft, looking up into his eyes as our little ‘travelling game’ began again.

We eventually found ourselves on a long straight road lined on either side with ancient trees, that had long since grown into each other to enclose the road so that it ran like a foreboding tunnel to a ridge line in the distance. My Master spurred the horse-thing into a gallop, making my hips jolt against him, my nubbin grinding against the base of his cock as my pussy contracted and relaxed radically on his wonderful thick shake. I came over and over again until I felt him begin to throb and pump inside me, screaming for joy for him as he finally groaned with delight for me, our mutual orgasm Continuing until Tel reined the horse-beast in just as we reached the ridge.

We savoured the afterglow together, kissing slowly and tenderly, until my Master lifted me from his cock at last and turned me to face forwards, my thighs gripped under the front part of the saddle. He fastened his breeches, but left the skirt of my dress pulled up at the back so my bare bottom pressed against his crotch. He then made the horse-thing walk on over the ridge and down the open road towards the citadel which now loosed before us, our journey almost over. Tel guided the horse-beast skillfully through the ‘dragon’s teeth’, massive obstacles of stone designed to prevent the movement of siege engines close to the citadel walls, shaped like the teeth of a dragon of course, to the huge gate, which stood open.

“Kind of makes the obstacles redundant if the gate is open!” I said.

“Tr’skel’s citadel was fortified at the time of the Great Cataclysm. Neither side could have breached its walls in a hundred years.” Tel’estar replied. “It stands as it was then as an eternal monument to The Fallen, and as reminder to us all of how close we came to extinction!”

We passed under the gigantic stone Triskele that surmounted the gate as we rode into the citadel itself. Demons of all kinds were engaged in the work and life of the city. Some recognised and saluted the High estar as he urged the horsey-thing up the wide cobbled main thoroughfare, the ground rising beneath us as the beast began to pant from the exertion . We passed through more gates into what looked like residential areas, then a huge military barracks complex and finally into the high keep where Tr’skel and his family resided. I noticed that much of the citadel appeared unoccupied, the emplacements for ballistae and similar machines of war empty and obviously having been disused for centuries, some of the outbuildings overgrown with various plant life, and remarked upon this to Tel.

“As I have mentioned more than once,” he answered patiently, like a teacher to a student, “the Demon population has never recovered from the devastation of the Great Cataclysm. The citadel emptied after the War, as the land needed to be worked, the towns and cities rebuilt. Had Tr’skel not secured the means of rebuilding our civilization within the citadel, Demon-kind may well have persisted even after peace was finally secured!”

“And yet the rumour persists that Tr’skel started the war?” I asked. “He seems to have been a sort of Noah, preserving your society while the rest of you did your best to destroy yourselves!”

Tel dismounted then helped me down, as usual lifting me like I was weightless, setting me on my sandalled feet before a female Fire-demon who I immediately recognized as the Lady Arya’infer. Although her spectacular nudity, she embraced Tel’estar warmly, then turned to me, smiling widely.

“This must be Linzi, the Pleasure imp!” she said. I held out my hand, but she pulled me into a friendly embrace, hugging me tightly. “You are melded with my dearest niece, my sister’s daughter. You are family to me, Linzi!” she said.

“Thank you, my lady.” was all I could think of to say!

“Tr’skel has asked Linzi to be his Honorary Consort for the festival.” Tel said to Arya. “Where may we find him?”

“Has he indeed?” Arya replied. “Whatever is he scheming now?” she said, looking at me and grinning! “You’ll find him in the Great Hall, Tel. Linzi, I hope you will look favourably on Our request that you assist us with the festival, and that we will see much more of each other over the next few weeks.” She then left us to find her mate for ourselves.

“That wasn’t very reassuring!” I said to Tel as we entered the high keep.

“I’m sure there is nothing to be concerned about.” he replied. “My aunt Arya has a slightly sadistic sense of humour!”

We found Our way into the Great Hall through a stout wooden door that opened into a wide passageway floored with flagstones. A second door on the other side of the passageway, opposite the door through which we had entered it, led into a grand circular hall with a set of huge doors at the far end, each one embossed with the Triskele. Life size statistics of various types of Demons, all in armour and bearing arms, set on marble plinths two metres high, were positioned against the walls. The majority of the statistics flanked doors of similar design to the one through which we had passed. Apart from Tel and myself, the huge space seemed to be vacant.

“Looks like we’re alone in here!” I said.

“Look up.” Tel replied.

I did as my Master said and gasped insurprise. Above us, hanging inverted from a crossbeam in the vaulted ceiling, I could see what looked like a huge bat! Its wings were folded around it, as if it were sleep. Suddenly, a huge, booming voice shouted my name as the bat spread its wings and dropped from the ceiling.

“Welcome, Linzi’estar! Pleasure imp!” the bat called to me, before it settled to the floor, then stood up, its wings folding around its body. As I looked more closely, I could see that what I had thought was a bat was in fact a man, an ebony skinned, bald headed man whose face radiated such authority and strength of character, his eyes such deep wisdom and intelligence, that Tel’estar seemed like a teenage boy by comparison. He strode forwards on clawed feet, his folded wings now resembling a long leather garment of some kind drawn around the broad shoulders of his muscle upper body. I instinctively knelt before him, assuming the uncuffed pose that I hadn’t used in well over a year.

“Tel! How are you, my boy?” he said, as the two embedded warmly.

“As well as can be expected!” Tel replied, with uncharacteristic jocularity, indicating that the two were old friends as well as relatives by marriage. “Yourself?”

“When you’ve lived as long as I have, you don’t let minor aches and pains both you!” he replied, laughing. “So, the Pleasure imp needed an escort?” he asked, looking down at me.

“It’s an honour to meet you at last, High Lord Tr’skel.” Isaid. “I am very grateful for your support with the Council last year.”

“Off your knees, girl!” he exclaimed. “You are most definitely NOT here for that! Let me look at you properly.” He reached out his hand to me and helped me to my feet.

“Very impish indeed!” he said, “although I have a feeling that you’re a little wear of hearing that.” Tr’skel said, smiling.

“I’ve gotten used to it, my lord!” I replied, smiling back. “I’m curious as to how you feel my ‘impishness’ can be of service to you and your festival, though.”

“Tel, I wonder if Linzi and I might speak in private?” Tr’skel asked. “We will talk after the evening meal.”

“Of course.” Tel’estar replied, winding at me. “I’ll go see how my cousins are.”

Tel left through the door we had entered by. The Bat-demon led me to another exit on the far side of the hall. We ascended a stone staircase to an observation post near the top of the keep. Southwards the view was of the obstacle covered approachto the citadel through which Tel and I had come earlier. To the north, circled the farmland that kept the populace supplied with produce, were a range of high mountains that looked impossible, explaining how the citadel would have been impregnable during the Great Cataclysm. What was recognized an athletics stadium occupied a large area near the citadel walls on that side. Tr’skel broke the silence.

“Please tell me honestly, little Linzi, what exactly do you know of me?” he asked.

“Seriously, my lord?” I replied.

“Of course.” he said. “What have you heard about the High Lord of ‘Domination’?”

“Well, that, for a start!” I answered, although Tel assures me that you are in fact the High Lord of Discipline.”

“That is correct,” he said, “please continue.”

“That you held a festival devoted to discipline every five years,” I said, “not unlike the Olympic Games in the Hu-man Realm, but with spanking and bondage as events!”

At this he laughed!” “Notcompletely inaccurate!” he said. “But you have not mentioned the thing that actually concerns you, have you, Pleasure imp?” His tone grew serious at this and he suddenly began to regard me with a piercing intensity, almost daring me to ask the question I was nervous about asking.

“Gyn seems to believe that you are responsible for the Great Cataclysm.” I said, immediately regretting it!

“That rumour is completely without foundation.” he stated simply. “But it fulfills the purpose for which I started it.”

“You spread the rumour?” I asked, dumbfounded!

“My son, Tar’skel, is an historian and archivest. You will meet him later.” the High Lord continued. “He works in the keep’s archives, where the only remaining records of the time before the Great Cataclysm have been carefully stored for centuries. Those records explain the true reasons for the war that almost destroyed Demon-kind, reasons that the High Lords have decided it is better that Demon-kind remains ignorantof for the time being.”

“Why is that, my lord?” I inquired. “Surely understanding the past is the key to not repeating its mistakes!”

Tr’skel regards me intently, his piercing star almost unnerving me. Finally he spoke.

“I have invited you to fulfill an important role in the festival, one I feel your unique origin makes you perfect for.” he said. “I intend that you accept my request. To ensure that you do, I must trust that you can be made aware of certain…sensitive information in regard of how this festival came to be and why it is so important for Demon-kind!”

“My lord,” I replied, “please be assured that anything you tell me will remain a secret between us.”

He smiled. “Well, you will be privvy to information that is already known to the High Lords,” he said, “including your Master.”

I blushed when he referred to my relationship with Tel’estar! “I hadn’t realized that it was that obvious, my lord! Who else knows?”

He grinned. “I did notKnow for certain myself until you confirmed it for me just then.” he replied. “So the Master-slave bond DOES exist between you both, despite your meld with the Lady Gyn?”

“Yes, my lord,” I replied, “but we do not understand why.”

“You are unique, little Pleasure imp!” he replied, laughing softly. “And I have no doubt that Tel cherished you while the old laws applied to you both, as the law required of a caring Master.”

“He did, my lord.” I answered.

“He also saved you from the cruel actions of Lal’estel,” he continued, “enhancing the bond between you still further.”

“My lady Gyn assisted him in that regard, my lord.” I pointed out.

“Not in the way that she believed she did.” Tr’skel responded. “You stand before me in your extremely provocative imp form thanks to the High Lord Tel’estar. But that is a matter for another time.”

If he didn’t want to explain, I had no way of making him, so I continued our previous conversation.

“I believe wewere discussing the origins of the festival, my lord.” I said, smiling.

“Indeed.” he replied, smiling back. “Let me begin by asking you a question. Have you ever wondered why there are fully humanoid demonstrations with demonic powers and those, such as myself, with non-human attributes?”

“I have, my lord.” I replied. “But I have always taken it that there was some form of evolutionary explanation, that in the past, various demons had adapted themselves as their environment required.”

“The evolutionary explanation is far simpler than that.” Tr’skel replied. “The humanoid demons evolved in the Hu-man Realm.”

My mouth dropped open! “So there are two separate Demon species altogether, rather than variations on just one?”

“Yes.” he replied. “You have doubtless been told Our creation myth, of how the High Lords called the Demon Realm into being?”

“I have, yes.” I replied.

“In fact, the humanoid demonstrations opened a portal from their world to this one several millennia ago.” he continued. “As their lesser brethren on Earth began to hunt them to extinction, they took refuge here. They were not universally welcomed.”

“Lesser brethren?” I asked, already knowing the answer!

“Hu-man beings.” Tr’skel responded. “Originally the offspring of non-melded demon parents, their numbers increased exponentially while the population of demons remained low. Eventually hu-man dropped di-mon off planet Earth altogether.”

“Di-mon?” I asked.

“What the original humanoid demonstrations called themselves.” Tr’skel replied. “They used their powers to place themselves in ascendancy on this world, eventually using their nomenclature to describe all of us! The pronunciation has changed over time.”

“An original inhabitants fought back, of course.” I said.

“An accommodation was reached.” Tr’skel continued. “It was eventually discovered that both species were highly compatible, so inter-species interaction, and mating, became commonplace amongthe more enlightened on both sides.”

I was quiet. Tr’skel’s reference to parenthood, something that being melded with a she-Demon means I could now never experience, had upset me.

“Have I said something to upset you. Linzi?” he asked.

“It’s nothing, my lord.” I replied, “Please, continue.”

He studied me intently for a moment before speaking again.

“In time a High Council was formed, consisting of representatives of both species.” he said. “It achieved little. Division became entrenched, resentment of humanoid demonstrations and the manner in which they had taken control of this world grow, driven by opportunity and bigtry as much as geneuine grievance.”

“And war was the result?” I asked.

“Yes.” he replied, his face becoming grim. “The Great Cataclysm. A war that almost destroyed this world. A conflict that must never happen again!”

“But Demon-kind overcame those problems, my lord, didn’t it?” I asked. “Your law against demon harming demon and thediscovery of immortality have made this world a utopia! And of course, the wise rule of the High Lords!”

He smiled at me, a smile that I was finding increasing disarming! The lust-snake deep in my belly had begun to flex its coils, my vaginal walls began to feel the spasms of pleasure that inevitably broke my control over my wanton impish nature! I fight to keep myself from moaning as our conversation continued.

“Demon-kind in general is completely unaware of the history of this world before the Great Cataclysm.” Tr’skel said, continuing. “For the time being, I ensure that this state of blissful ignorance continues, although the records have been preserved for the future, when our society matures beyond all forms of prejudice, jealousy and resentment.”

“Seems to have gotten there already, in my humble opinion, my lord.” I answered, my breathy little gasps of arousal beginning to punctuate my speech. Tr’skel paid them no heed and continued speaking.

“Youare very young, little Linzi,” he replied, “and possess the optimism and naivety of youth. You have also deliberately limited your exposure to the Demon Realm outside of the city in which you reside. You have heard of the croc, Hyena-demons?”

“Yes my lord, they were the ones who killed the Lord Tel’estar’s father and my beloved’s mate, Tor.

“The croc hate humanoid demonstrations with a fervor beyond reason.” Tr’skel continued. “They could easily be considered to have started the war in the first place, although they did very little overtly. They formed alliances, set demon against demon, instigated suspicion and distrust.”

“Is that why I’ve never met any, my lord?” I inquired.

“The croc did not accept the rule of the High Lords after the Great Cataclysm.” he replied. “They live in self-imposed exile in the lands far to the east of here, and remains a threat to all that we have built since the war!”

“WHAT?” I exclaimed. “Sorry, my lord, but that is a shock to me! Neiter Tel’estar nor Gyn have ever mentioned this to me.”

“The kelar, whom the croc hate above all other humanoid demonstrations, took on the task of patrolling the frontier to the east to defend us against them.” Tr’skel said. “The kelar hate the croc almost as much in return. We maintain a network of fortifications between ourselves and the Hyena-demons.”

“What about the law against demon harming demon?” I asked.

“The kelar do not accept the rule of the High Lords, so our laws do not apply to them.” Tr’skel explained. “They refused immortality so that they could continue their insane blood feud with humanoid Demonkind!”

“What about the kelar?” I asked “Wasn’t Tor a kelar, by the way?”

“The kelar have willingly taken up the fight against the croc, despite the dangers involved.” Tr’skel answered. “Indeed, the Wrath-demons are among the few who can outmatch croc ferocity in combat! And yes, Tor was indeed a kelar. However, there have only been infrequent skirmishes throughout the years, the croc having no effective weapons against the powers of Fire or Lightning-demons, who are also involved in defending the frontier.”

“How come I’ve never heard about this before, my lord?” I asked, still reeling!

“The conflict in the east has been effectively forgetten, given how little it impacts on life in general in our realm.” he replied. “But, have you ever Actually inquired about such things? As I’ve already said, you have restricted your exposure to the wider Demon Realm, for reasons which I find completely understandable, given your struggle to control your impish nature.”

“I do try to be disciplined, my lord. I control my wanton nature as much as I can!” I answered, as indignantly as I could manage, given the effect his presence was having on me!

“You can barely control your nature right now, can you, Pleasure imp?” he said, sympathetically.

I groaned softly as I squeezed my belly tightly, the lust-snake’s tail now caressingand tormenting my sex lips with delightful pulses of pleasure!

“I apologise, my lord. My lewd behavior has given you insult.” I said.

“No apology is required, Linzi.” the High Lord of Discipline replied, smiling. “You are a Pleasure imp, and your interest in this ancient religious is deeply flattering! Your self-control is already quite admirable, but I can help you strengthen it considerably, through the development of the greatest form of submission, self-discipline.”


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