I was coming out of an English class when I got a message that filled me with a swirl of conflicting emotions.
Benjamin: In your treehouse fantasy, there were two men. Would you want to experience that aspect of the fantasy, if we could find someone that was trustworthy?
I found a bench and mulled over the text for a bit. There was a murky pool of guilt inside me, that I couldn’t see the bottom of. Why would I want another man included when my needs were already fulfilled by Benjamin?
Even though he had been the one to bring it up, I was worried that Ben might judge me or get jealous. I had a jealous streak myself and I didn’t think it was the worst trait in a partner but it’s an unpredictable emotion that could make people behave in unexpected ways.
The idea of two men sharing and using me was hot, but I was afraid that I might not be able to grap the price of such an experience until it was too late. Then I pictured what that scene might aI had some concept that this instinct was based on a warped view of myself, but I still felt ashamed of even considering that there would be another man willing to join this perverse scene with me in it. I was suddenly holding back tears over a hypothetical question and I quickly walked to the neary library, trying to empty my mind until I reached my destination.
I focused straight ahead as I walked past all of the most commonly used parts of the library. Eventually I reached what I thought of as the heart of the library, even though in reality it was more of a poorly planned dark corner of books that were rarely if ever needed. Everything was a bit dusty here and the titles around me were not particularly interesting, but there was a rectangle of space wherere you couldn’t see anything but bookshelves.
I sat down in that little safe place and quietly cried. I wasn’t in grief or despair, so once the tears finally stopped, I felt a little silly. It was just a question after all, but I guess the problem was that I didn’t know the answer even though it was about my own desires.
I heard footsteps nearby, so I quickly got to my feet. I didn’t want to have to assure a concern stranger that I was fine. I made sure my cheeks were dry and prepared to awkwardly shuffle past them.
I was surprised when Ben rounded the neary corner. He was wearing a simple dress shirt, slacks and a pair of striking black and silver horn rimmed glasses. He had mentioned something about going to the optometrist and while I guess I should have been sorry that he needed them, they sure looked good on him. “I really like the glasses,” I whispered. A raspy quality to my voice betrayed my attempts to hide my emotional struggle.
“Thank you. I think ILike them too, but I’m still getting used to them. Anyway, I saw you come back here and wanted to make sure you were okay,” He said softly. I smiled and nodded before pulling him into a hug. I wanted to be close and I was also finding eye contact a little difficult at the moment.
“I’m sorry if you were worried. My insecurities just get the better of me sometimes and this is a good place to hide until I remember how to act like a normal human again.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, still holding me to his chest gently. His heartbeat was calm and steady against my ear, as I stared unfocused at a row of books.
“About how to act like a normal human being?” I quipped. “Oh I’d love some points.”
“I think you’re doing fine,” He said as he began to trace a small circle on my back. “My concern is what was making you feel insecure,” He nudged. I took a deep breath, afraid that my thoughts would sound stupid out loud, but knowing it would hurt until I got themout.
I did my best to walk Benjamin through my earlier introduction and lay out every fear, so they couldn’t fester. He listened, physically reassuring me through the process until it seemed like I had said what I needed to.
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your fantasy and while obviously the twin part is best left in the imagination, I’m open to sharing you for a scene. As far as your sex appeal, I assume you that finding another man that would enjoy having his way with you would not be as difficult as you imagine.” As he said this, Ben slip his hands down to fondle my ass under my short skirt. “The difficulty will be in finding the right person, but I do have a couple of potential people in mind if you really want this.”
I realized that I was afraid to admit that I wanted to live the fantasy, but I wouldn’t feel so conflicted if I didn’t want it. Not being interested would have made the question extremely simple
So even though it created a bottommless pit in my stomach, I had an answer. “I think I do want it,” I whispered.
“It probably won’t come together right away and you can always change your mind. Just remember I suggested it because I want to make your fans come true. You don’t have to feel guilty.” His fingers continued to dance at the edges of my panties.
I said, “thank you Ben,” nuzzling his collarbone.
With gentle force he pinned me against a bookshelf and kissed me ravenously.
Breath hot on my neck, he pursued,” a professor found you back here, playing with your sweet little cunt. You could get in a lot of trouble, unless you can satisfy the professor’s dark desires.”
Suddenly breathless and flushed, my mind scrambled to find a response to the echo of something I had written. I liked that my writing had stuck with him. I enjoyed him using it against me even more.
“What would you have of me, Sir?” I asked, lust clear in my voice. One of Ben’s hands dipped under the front of my skirt and I shifted awkwardly trying to allow him between my thick thighs. He pushed the gusset of my panties aside and his touch was electric.
“I’d like to have all of you,” he grew, sinking one and then two fingers inside me. “But I wasn’t prepared.” The heal of his palm ground against my clip deliciously while he slowly fingered me. “I do have an idea though. For now I’ll settle for Your mouth and then I’ll take your number. Sometimes soon I’ll call you to my office and have you more thoroughly.”
I was trying to stay quiet but felt on the verge of madness from his assault on my body and mind. He was staring at me hungrily behind his new glasses and they helped to sell his professor persona.
“Will you come when I call for you sweetheart?” He asked, as if he already knew I’d do anything he wanted.
“Yes, sir,” I panted.
“Good girl,” he said as he wiped his hand on the inside of my skirt. I bit down, hard on my lip as I realized my pussy would be deniedfurther stimulation.
“On your knees for me,” he quietly commanded as he took a step back and unzipped.
Fear of being caught surged through me, but I knelt. Grasping his cock at the base, I painted the length with wide tongue strokes. My lips slide to my hand in one fluid movement before I began to bob gently.
Benjamin was silent, which was probably for the best under the circumstances. However, I noticed his breathing began to change and his fingers lacened into my hair. This was promising. Maybe I was able of giving him a satisfied blowjob after all.
While I stroked with one hand, I spent some time focusing on the sensitive tip. As my tongue danced over delicate flesh, Ben’s grip in my hair slowly became a bit more harsh. My head was gently pulled forwards until I was forced to contains his entire length.
He let out a very quiet, low groan as he spilled heat down my throat. I sucked him clean before withdrawing and looking up with aroused pride.
Ben had a crooked smile as he helped me to my feet.
“How was that professor?” I asked softly.
“You did a wonderful job, but it’s only made me hunger more for our next meeting.” His words were slow and sultry, accompanied by a heavy lidded gaze.
We took a moment to make sure our clothes were in their proper placement. Ben winded at me before taking my hand and leading me back out of the library. I was convinced that everyone who we passed somehow know, making me flush and probably look suspicious.
It seemed that the “professor” was gone for now, but I wondered if he really would surprise me again.
The cafeteria was relatively quiet but some of Ben’s friends were there chatting. I didn’t know them very well yet, but they had been a welcoming group so far. Several of the regular cafeteria group were also in the D&D group and Ben brought up that I might want to join their game.
“Great timing,” said Peter, a lanky guy with buzzed brown hair. “Lucas’ campaignagn is wrapping up soon and Ben is running the next one.” Lucas, who had almost black wavy hair and a well groomed bear, smiled serenely.
“You could come be a fly on the wall for one of my games to get a feel for our table,” Lucas offered.
“Oh thank you. I think I’ll do that,” I was grateful that I’d get a preview before having to play. I had tried D&D a few years ago and the people hadn’t been a good fit, but I was interested in the game. Everyone seemed eager to tell me about their characters and the campaign so I’d have some idea of what was happening when I sat in.
I could tell this was a good group because they all sort of hypered up each other’s characters and role playing. Of course, I especially liked hearing about Ben’s half-elf rogue. I couldn’t help picturing the dark, dream Ben, having his way with me at dagger point.
Meeting Vic
A couple of weeks later I sat on the big green couch in Ben’s living room, flipping through his copy of the players handbook. One of the more clearly Tolkien inspired Led Zeppelin songs played on a laptop at the kitchen table while Ben finished preparing potato salad to chill for later. It had been a pleasantly lazy afternoon but I grew a little anxious in anticipation of the group arrival.
Since Ben was in the rare position of having a house to himself, he always hosted. Tonight was intended to be the climax and finale to their current campaign and all had agreed to stay until the early morning hours if necessary.
While I didn’t have the pressure of needing to play yet, I was still a little nervous about spending the whole night as a respectful observer. Ben had told me about some of the events of the campaign but I had accepted that I was mostly going to be lost.
Katie and Sam were the first to arrive, a couple who I didn’t have much of an impression of yet since they seemed pretty quiet. Lucas arrived with Peter and Cassidy, completing the party. They all settled at the table andset up their little areas. I paid attention to what each of them brought to the game.
I’d seen DMs with impressive collections of maps and minis, but Lucas seemed to have a more minimalist set up. Wet erase seemed to be his preferred tool. Katie, Sam, and Cassidy had custom character sheets and character art. Peter used a tablet and phone, while Ben had a tabbed three-ring binder.
Of course everyone wanted to show off their dice and I admired the array of sparkly acrylic and sleep metal in Lucas’ case. Ben’s set had a smokey swirl with flecks of silver and blood red.
Even though I only had a loose idea of what had led up to this point in the story, I found myself quickly immersed in Lucas’ descriptions. My eyes often bounced between him and Ben. The performance of the campaigns arch villain had a Particularly strong effect on me, that I tried to ignore.
Ben and I were left feeling strangely charged after the long session. I wasn’t sure if I should admit how pentup I was feeling after watching Ben roleplay as the lovable rogue, Vic. I definitely wasn’t going to admit that I’d been aroused by Lucas in the role of dungeon master.
“Have you ever thought about Vic’s life outside of what you got to play in the campaign?”
“Quite a bit actually. Vic is a really fun character, that I can imagine getting into some pretty wild situations. Plus there are some Things that just don’t make the best group gameplay.” Ben had that almost frantic energy of excitement to talk about something, but not being sure where to start.
“Did Vic ever have any kind of a love interest or romantic plot in your mind?” I sort of hoped I wasn’t about to hear a detailed description of someone who was the complete opposite of me, but it was all just fantasy anyway.
“I don’t think he would be opposed to committing if he found the right person, but I imagine him really enjoying the hunt for a new fling. Always charming his way into the beds of the most beautif people of any city or village where he stayed the night.’
“That’s pretty cocky,” I giggled
“Oh yes, he’s VERY cocky, but he also has good instincts for spotting people that will be receptive to his advances and how they might best… serve each other. If someone clearly isn’t interested, it doesn’t sting his ego and he doesn’t count it as a failure to charm, it just wasn’t possible. There are plenty of folk that WANT to have their pants charmed off and he’s very good at that.” Ben’s grin was positively cheshire and I found myself almost mirroring it from his infected enthusiasm.
“So he spots beautiful, horny people and lays on the compliments until things escalate?’ I asked, curious how much thought he had put into this specific area.
“Sometimes,” Ben answered with an amused smile that hinted at more than the single word. “Let’s play through a scenario.”
I nervously sat up a little straighter. “What do you have in mind?’
“Classic fantasy tavern, Vic just got an ale at the bar and now he’s scanning the crowd. For this you don’t need a character, just try to imagine a medieval fantasy version of yourself. Maybe some sort of appreciation enjoying a night after work or the daughter of a wealthy merchant slumming it for the night? He suggested.
“I guess appreciation is fine… Oh, could I be a WIZARD’s appreciation?” I asked, suddenly excited at the prospect.
“Well I have a pretty good guess about what kind of character you’re going to make for my campaign,” he chucked warmly. ‘Yes, of course. You’re a wizard’s appreciation unwinding at the local tavern. What have you been doing thus far?
“Oh goodness, what would I be doing?” I pondered aloud briefly. “I suppose I would have gotten myself a drink, Maybe… a glass of mead. Then I’d find an empty table and casually flip through a notebook to disguise my people watching habit. From the way that you’ve described Vic, he would have caught my eye, but I would be trying very hard not to get caught staring.”
Okay good, so Vic sees you sitting alone and catches your eyes flick over to him and then back to your notes a couple of times. After evaluating his options, he strolls over to your table. “Would you care for a little company, miss?
“That might be a nice change,” I joked while fidgeting with my notebook. “My name is Claire,’ I offered
“I’m Vic, he responded with a slow smile and Ben’s hand clapped mine with gentle pressure. He locked on the couch and I imagined Vic perfectly at home on a wooden tavern benchmark. “Do you spend a lot of evenings alone in this tavern?” He asks with a tinge of surprise.
“I guess I have been lately,” I admit, easily imagine it being true for an alternate version of myself. Vic nodded, unabashedly looking me over as he seemed to formulate a thought.
“So you feel a little lonely and bored with your life…” My eyes immediately go wide, unsure where he’s going with this. “Oh sorry, I can be a little blunt, please stop or correct me if I offend.”
“No, it’s alright. Go on”
“So you come here and try to surrounding yourself with interesting people,” he continued, watching my reactions closely. ‘You’re too shy to approach anyone, so you just keep to yourself and hope someone will bring a little colour to your life.” There was a moment of silent eye contact before Ben went to the kitchen and retrieved a bottle of dry cider, a stand in for Vic’s ale.
Resettling, he took a swig before continuing, “Of course you’re here for the people and since you’ve been critically ignored, you people watch”
I look downward, feeling a little exposed, despite having literally told Ben that’s what I would be doing.
“But that’s just the obvious parts.’ He said, lifting my chin with one finger. “Do you even know what you want out of those illusive interactions? Do little scenarios about these strangers play out in your head while you sip your mead and go home alone?”
This”Well I need some way to pass the time and it’s hard not to wonder about lives outside of your own experience.” I explained, trying to play it safe.
Vic nodded, a hint of mischief in his expression. “Of course, so you see someone like me at the bar and you innocently entertain yourself by imagining me telling you stories from my adventures. The beautiful and strange places I’ve traveled. Maybe you might like a story with intrigue, like the time I joined a cult in order to steal a powerful artifact. That story does involve dispatch and death though, which I wonder if you would have glossed over in your version.”
“You do look like a man who would be quite capable of both,” I responded with uncharacteristic boldness. Immediately my heart raced and more urgently I asked, “Who did you seduce?”
Vic gave a cocky smile “The cult leader’s daughter. She was the weakest link and the quickest route to convincing them of my loyalty. She also liked the idea of me having power over her, so she did everything she could to help me become her fathers right hand.”
He caught me biting my lip and chuckled into his drink. “Are your musings all far away adventures, or do you ever dare wonder what it would be like if one of Your interesting strangers took a carnal interest in you?” His voice was low and gaze intensity.
“Sometimes,” I whispered.
He finished off his drink and locked eyes with me. “It’s gotten a bit warm in here, care to get a little fresh air with me?’
Vic/Ben took my hand and led me to the back door. The night air cooled my skin and energized me, like submerging in a refreshing pool. I smiled up at the treehouse before closing my eyes for a moment. It wasn’t too hard to imagine the long, narrow porch was an alley.
I looked at Vic, feeling a bit skittish suddenly.”Is this where the naive appreciation gets overpowered by the charming stranger?”
He pulled me close, so I had to look up at his face. “Is that what you imagined when you saw me?” His eyes seemed shadowed with dark intent.
“I…” Yes, that’s exactly what I had been thinking about.
He was slow and careful about it, but being guided backward felt a bit perilous regardless. My ass hit something first and I ended up perched on something like a counter. Vic’s arms came up to cage me in and he was cast in dark shadow by the moonlight. My mind shifted features that I couldn’t see, how he had appeared in my dream. I panted with fear and excitement.
“Will I find you dripping with need under this little skirt?” His hands were already on my knees. I gasped as he pulled them apart, pushing his hips forward to keep them spread. He laughed when his searching fingers pushed my underwear aside and found exactly what he had expected.
“How many times have you looked at some stger and hoped they would do something like this to you?” He taunted as he plugged his fingers roughly. I could only whimper. I couldn’t possibly answer for myself or how badly I wanted this.
When Ben pulled a familiar metallic packet from his pocket, It broke the illusion for a moment but I knew I would have been panicking soon without it. “Sorry. Magic item,” Vic chuckled.
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