The Treehouse Ch. 03

Our separate lives were a little busy for a few weeks but we managed to squeeze in a couple of coffees, a lunch, and loads of flirty texts. One night I was laying in bed staring at the dim glow of my phone when I realized I still didn’t know anything about Benjamin’s writing. I mean I didn’t expect him to have full length novels lying around, but it had been how he identified himself to me. My little smut story had been instrumental in how we greeted so quickly, so it only seemed fair that I get to read something he penned soon.

I wondered for a moment if he ever wrote anything dirty. With his appetites it seemed possible and I was already getting a little flustered about the idea, but I tried not to get my hopes up. He might have really dry academic tastes when it came to writing, which would be impressive but much less exciting.

I figured he might not have anything that he’s excited to share with me, but he would probably appreciate me showing interest. Honestly I feela little guilty that I hadn’t asked about it sooner, so I sent him a text before I overthought myself into insomnia.

Claire: I’ve been curious what kind of writing you do

His response came swiftly, and I smiled at my luck as I snuggled into my pillow.

Benjamin: Self indulgent dabbling mostly

Benjamin: Fan-fic, D&D campaigns, erotica, whatever catches my fancy.

Delight bubbled up in my chest.

Claire: I’d love to read some <3

Benjamin: Would you mind waiting until the next time you come over?

Benjamin: You could indulge a fantasy of mine 😉

It was a little disappointing that I’d have to wait, but I was so curious what this fantasy could be. I bit my lip in lustful anticipation as I stared at the message.

Claire: I hope I can come over soon then 😉

That night I dreamed about the treehouse. It was dark and I was lost in the woods. Running with weak limbs and eyes that wouldn’t stay open. I was being chased by a dream versionof Ben. His slightly longer hair was pulled back in a loose braid, from the too sharp planes of his face. His dark clothes evoked fantasy rogue, as did the glaming silver blade in his hand.

I was breathless, terrified, aroused. The treehouse appeared and I was inside, crawling across the floor. He grabbed my ankle and in a blur, I was on my back. His imposing form filled my vision, Emerald eyes flashed wickedly as he lifted my chin with the knife point.

“You don’t have to get hurt,” he said.

The dream began to fade and I tried fruitlessly to give into it and let the scene play out. Soon it became clear that I was awake and not about to be ravaged, but I was desperately horny. I rolled out of bed and grabbed two toys out of my drawer, before stumbling back under the covers.

My fingers moved to tease my pussy. A gentle stroke of my labia, swirling motions on my clip and a few plunges into my wet cunt. Just when my body had started to catch up to my mind, I grabbed the dildo and pushed the head into my entrance.

I closed my eyes, picturing the dangerous dream Ben and sunk the silicane deep. It was almost too much, just a tinge of pain and exactly what I wanted. I gushed as I forced a few more thrusts into my tight hole. I held the toy deep as I reached for the vibrator and turned it on. It hummed as I teased my clip mercilessly for a few feverish moments before cumming with a series of shudders.

The rest of the day was pretty mundane. After getting cleaned up and ready, I had a couple of classes. There was time to eat lunch in the cafeteria and I was able to spend some of that time chatting with Benjamin and some of his friends, before we both had more classes.

We did realize that we both had the weekend free again and agreed I would come over on Saturday and probably Staying until Monday. Staying over for a whole weekend was new. It was certainly a nice treatment to look forward to at the end of the week. I still had no idea whathis fantasy could be that related to his writing, but I love a good surprise.

I was on my way to class when I felt a buzz in my pocket and fished the phone out.

Benjamin: I found myself wanting to introduce you as my girlfriend.

Benjamin: Would you like to be my girlfriend?

A warm comfortable spread through me at the confirmation that we were at the same place emotionally. Not wanting to worry him unnecessarily, I replied immediately.

Claire: I would love to be your girlfriend <3

Claire: Can’t wait to spend the weekend at my boyfriend’s house <3

Benjamin: I’m looking forward to it as well <3

Similar unabashedly sappy messages carried me through the next couple of days of tedium, with a bit more of a spring in my step.

I was wearing a pale blue babydoll mini dress with white tights, when Ben came to pick me up on Saturday afternoon. His white shirt had a simple collar, but just enough volume in the sleepe that you might feel tempted tocall it a poet’s shirt. The slim cut black pants and vest contrasted in color and structure. He looked at me with a knowing twinkle in his eyes and I made no effort to conceal my appreciated gawking.

Benjamin pulled me in for a kiss and I let my fingertips grab the corduroy at one hip, before traveling up to cares the small of his back. He smelled slightly woodsy, with a hint of citrus and I barely contained the urge to rub my face against that soft white shirt and submerge myself in his scent.

After realizing that I had gotten lost in thought staring in his eyes, I broke the tension with a giggle. “Maybe we should get to your place before we do something we shouldn’t in public,” I joked. He flicked a glance down to my neckline, with a powerful grin before leaning close to my ear.

“What a naughty little minx. Are you thinking about having your way with me on the doorstep?” he teased. Blood heated my face but I smiled back as we walked out to the car.

“Would you be comfortable with trying some rope tonight?” He asked as he drove. A thrill surged through me and I fought to think it through. There’s always a risk that someone is patiently deceiving you, but I didn’t believe Benjamin was doing that. If something worried me, I’d have to trust myself to speak up and I believed Ben would stop if I asked.

“Yes” I said, after long enough that it felt a little jarring to break the silence. “I’ve been hoping we could try ropes soon, “I added honestly. The corner of his mouth curled slightly and I took in his profile with amorous fixation. It sounded like he had something planned for tonight and I couldn’t guess what it would be. It was like the surprise of a birthday present with the added thrill of sex and a little danger.

The cute little yellow house was more familiar now, but that didn’t make me feel any less salacious about having a kinky weekend with my boyfriend behind its white-picket facade. I found myself standing up a little straimer at the some what logical, but very real pride I feel about my new sexual explorations.

“Would you like some lunch? I put something together earlier.” He said as he walked into the kitchen.

“Yes, thank you.” I replied, sitting down at the dining table and admiring the vase full of fresh flowers. He quickly served us each some pasta salad and brought a little glass storage container of pomegranate seeds to the table to share. I happily mumbled my appreciation between bites.

I aimed for a playful tone when I asked,” So Ben, are you going to tell me about this fantasy of yours?” He grinned, with a hint of a flush softening his smug demeanor.

“Well…” He started, “I’ve always wanted to watch a beautiful woman read something that I wrote and hopefully get turned on by it.” He trailed off with a distracting smile that made my heart flutter, but I could tell he had something else up his billion sleep.

“I’m excited to read whatever it is you’ve decided to share with me,’ I said grinning back with a playful squint, ‘but why do you look so mischievous?” He chuckled and popped a few more pomegranate seeds in his mouth before answering,

‘I may have something a bit more theatrical planned if you are up for it.

“Theatrical?” I asked, with a tilt of my head. He placed his chin in his palm, leaning against the table as he continued to grin at my curiosity. “Well there’s no script, but there is a semblance of costumes and props.”

“Really? I questioned, getting more excited but also trying to keep my expectations low. He nodded and rose from his chair.

“Why don’t I go get your costume first and see how long it takes you to catch on.” I feel a hint of my favorite kind of anticipation forming in my stomach as I watched him Disappear down the hallway. I sat on the edge of my seat, barely resisting the urge to follow him.

He returned with an armful of off-white fabric and I thought for a moment that it might be a weddingng dress, but I couldn’t see any structure to it. He laid it over a chair along with a bundle of green leaves cord, and gestured for me to stand. “Would you be so kind as to undress for me?” I flushed and struggled with the instinct to shrink in upon myself. Instead, I said

“Yes, Sir,” and followed his request. Soon I was standing completely nude in front of a handsomely dressed Benjamin.

Ben gave me a tender kiss before drawing the soft fabric over one of my shoulders and reaching for the cord. He spread the clothes so it covered my chest and back and wrapped the cord around my wait several times. I was largely covered down to mid-calf, but the material was sheer enough that I felt more decorated than dressed. He adjusted everything until he seemed satisfied and tied the vine-like cord in place.

I had gotten caught up in the experience for a minute and forgotten that I had been trying to figure out what my costume was. “So it’s obviously Grecian… right?” I pondered aloud as my gaze fell on the dining table and the dish of pomegranate seeds. I grinned up at Benjamin. “Am I Persephone?” I asked. Delight, clear in my voice.

“So clever,” he nodded and brushed his fingers through my hair. ‘I thought you might like to make a flower crown for yourself while I get changed, so I got you this.” He reached up on a neary shelf and grabbed a thin crown sized hoop wrapped in the same leafy cord as he wrapped around my wait. “You can decorate it with those flowers over there if you want to.”

I slide my arms around Benjamin’s waist and pulled him close as I pressed my cheek to his chest. My throat suddenly felt a little tight but I managed to say, ‘This is all so sweet, thank you Ben.” He kissed the top of my head and it filled me with an incredible sense of peace.

“I’m glad you like it so far Claire. I’ll be in my room if you need me.’ He squeezed me affectionately before going to get changed.

I happily set to wrapping flower stems aroundd the wreath and weaving them through each other until it looked full. Just as I placed it on my head, Ben reentered wrapped in charcoal fabric and golden cord. He had also subtly lined and shadowed his eyes in a way that I found very striking.

“Wow,” I whispered. “If you want to abduct me, I’ll count myself as a very lucky girl,” I joked in reference to The Abduction of Persephone.

Ben rewarded me with a knowing smile and raised a thin stapled booklet with an image of a pomegranate on the front. He gestured to the couch and offered, “Why don’t you get comfortable. I could get you some wine if you would like?”

“I would love a glass of wine,” I agreed. He handed me the booklet but added,

“Wait for me,” as he walked into the kitchen. I sat on one end of the bright green couch and pictured myself sitting on a grassy mound, surrounded by wildflowers. Butterflies flitted in my stomach as I looked down at the humble pages in my hands. I knew there was a chance that Imight not like his writing, but I tried not to dwell on that concern.

Ben returned with two glasses of red wine, set mine on an end table next to me and sat in a wing back chair that faced the couch. The look he gave me over the first sip of wine was predatory and I chased my nerves with a gulp from my own glass.

“You don’t have to read out loud or anything… this time,” He spoke Thoughtfully. “Just don’t hide behind the pages and I’ll watch patiently.” I repositioned myself, to lay on my side against the arm of the couch, before opening the cardstock cover.

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Hades saw Persephone as a symbol of everything that he found beautiful in the world. Beyond her physical beauty, was a deep compassion. Everything she touched was more full of hope and vibrant life for her influence. He took a moment to admire her across the field as someone might a particularly lovely tree and he pushed down the wistful longing in his chest.

When their social obligations aligned, Persephone always seemed to take a little more time than she needed to, chatting with Hades. She would politely inquire about his daily life and showed concern over his mood. She had more than once asked if there was anything she could do to bring some joy to the underworld. Of course all of this was probably goal, Hades told himself. He couldn’t take advantage of her kindness, no matter how tempting that sounded.

It was the peak of spring and Hades was attending a festival held in Persephone’s honor. He sat upon a modest stone, for this was a place where he had little power. His gaze locked on the beautiful woman upon a tangled vine thrown. Thorns framed her flesh, but did not dare to pierce her. She stared back with a sweet smile and beckoned a nearby dancing maiden to her side.

The girl twirled and spun across the field before bowing low before Hades “My lady Persephone wishes to meet with you.” His heart leaves and his mindflitted in confusion. The spring goddess rose from her throne and slipped between some neary trees.

A stunned Hades looked around at the celebrations that hadn’t yet noticed the department of their goddess. After a brief hesitation, he too slipped away to follow Persephone.

She greeted him with a smile that betrayed a hint of worry.

“Hades, I know you to be a kind and generous man.” Her gaze wandered to the middle distance as she continued. “But I also know you are a powerful king who sometimes has to be intimidating and respected by lesser men.” Her head began to dip as if she was not proud of what she would say next.

Hades just listened patiently, curious about where this was going. “I have always heard whispered stories of you. They speak of you as a frightening and cruel figure. Sometimes they say that you are insatiable and monstrous.” Hades grimaced but wasn’t surprised.

“Hades, I don’t believe their stories but I do believe that you are very good at playing the monster when you need to.” His heart swelled that Persephone understands his difficult role so well. He tried to think of some way to voice his appreciation and respect but the goddess wasn’t done speaking her mind yet.

“I’m not proud to add that I can’t stop thinking about the version of you that frightened girls whisper of in the dark.” Her eyes came back to meet him with a sincerity intensity. “I’ve often found myself daydreaming of the Hades that steals away maidens for his own pleasures.”

The idea that the sweet Persephone would dream of such things was a bit of a surprise but it made Hades feel accepted in a strange way. It also means that his own attention had not been unwanted and perverse.

“Would you ask me to play the part of your dream monster, fair goddess? He asked with a gentle tone, devoid of judgment, pain, or anger.

“Only if you find me pleasure enough and only if it would not hurt you to wear the mask for me.” His eyes traced her features and curves with a deep lust that he had long ignored.

He closed the distance between them, slipping his hands around her waist. In one motion he lifted and pressed her against a tree as he kissed her with fervent password.

She eagerly succeeded to his will, but soon Hades remembered the revealers nearby.

“If I stole you away now, you would be quickly missed.” He said and it came out more guttural than Persephone had heard his voice before, sending a shiver through her.

Hades set her gently on her feet and she gave one longing look before heading back to her throne.

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I realized my breath had shallowed a little and my face heated slightly. I looked up to see a warm smile on Ben’s face that made his pale, green eyes sparkle. I abused my eyes shyly and smiled as I returned to reading, eager to see where the story would go.

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Back in the field there was much more music, dancing, and wine. The two gods watched each other at a distance through the swirling crowd.

Hades pondered how much of a monster Persephone really wanted. He didn’t want to hurt her, but it also wouldn’t do to underperform her fantasy. The stories weren’t true, but he had heard enough of them to have a clear sense of his role.

The festival carried on well into the night, with a bonfire to stave off the cold and dark. Gradually people fell into piles of drunken slumber and couples slipped into little tents. Hades watched as Persephone’s maidens set up her luxurious tent. Eventually, she gave him a long look before slipping through its diaphanous curves. She might have wanted him to follow, but after the long day they would both be tired. Besides, it would have been more akin to the other festival lovers’ little trysts than what Persephone seemed to ask for earlier. He would have to leave both of them wanting for now.

Hades padded away into the night until the sounds and lights of the last celebrations were swallowed by forest. A familiar path led him to a little cave. The cave was shallow and a tiny bit of moonlight reached the back wall, where Hades placed his palm and watched as gold veins formed and compromised in the stone. The gold shimmered as it spread and formed an arch surrounding an area that quickly grew as inky as a starless sky. He stepped through into a dark courtyard behind his home.

As he passed crumbling status and columns, the building reacted to his approach. Amethylst and sapphire lights flickered to life in serpentine sconces and doors creaked open to welcome him. The chilly stone floors were softened by the occasional wound wool rug that increased with frequency as he reached his bed chamber.

Hades pushed through the heavy cobalt curtains that lined much of the room and climbed into a large silver framed bed, hoping to dream of the fair Persephone.

Persephone woke to a misty morning, half disappointd to find herself alone, but still hopeful that Hades would act on her request. She wasted little time in walking to a nearby stream to bathe, soon followed by her nymphs who laid out a blanket with fruit and bread near the bank. She listened to them giggle among themselves, likely sharing details of their encounters the previous night.

Persephone gave them some time to gossip before going to join them and getting hastily wrapped in a blanket by a startled and slightly embarrassed looking nymph. The goddess smiled warmly and adjusted the blanket, making her hands free for food. “It’s quite alright ladies, don’t let me ruin your fun,” she assured them, knowing it wouldn’t make a difference. They didn’t talk about vulgar things unless they didn’t think she was in earshot. So, she munched through polite chatter that often fell silent. She dressed when someone offered clean clothes and began wandering home. She knew the maidens would be following and the path was familiar, so her mind drifted most of the walk.

Maybe Hades had decided he wasn’t interested in her or that it would be too risky politically. On the other hand, in the rumors Hades often preyed on maidens who were alone and unaware. If he was willing to ‘play the part of her dream monster’, she would have to be patient until he had an opportunity. Maybe she would even have to help create one.


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