Mistress and Her slave (me) have worked a lot with getting rid of the nasty masturbation habit Her slave seems to be having. We have found out that the nasty habit can be handled with a good chatity device for long-term wear. However, a general issue with a device, is that Her slave is unable to wear a chatity device to work.
As a way to handle this issue, Mistress invented what She calls “The Six-to-Six Principle”. This post is to share this principle with all of you and to get your reflections, feedback, and good ideas.
The general setup of the principle
The simple rule of the principle is that Her slave must, as a minimum, keep Her cock securely locked up and protected between 18:00h and 06:00h. The remaining time is handled based on trust.
During weekends the lockup must apply from six in the evening on Fridays, through six in the morning on Mondays.
Whenever Her slave is at the house, Her cock must be locked up and protected at all times. This includes: when Her slave is home from work before six pm, when Her slave is working from home, when Her slave is having a day off, during holidays, etc.
Her slave must always be completely honest with Mistress.
Her slave understands that Her cock is Her property and must not be touched without direct permission.
Her slave also understands that even the slightest breach in the trust Mistress is lovingly placing in Her slave, must be reported back to Her immediately, and will be punished severely.
Rules to follow
If Mistress and Her slave are together at six o’clock (am or pm), Her slave will knee naked before Her to show the locked cage.
If Mistress and Her slave are apart, Her slave must send Her a text message including a photo showing the locked cage protecting Her cock from abuse. This photo must be taken and sent no later than six in the evening, and no earlier than six in the morning respectively.
If Mistress demands it, this photo must contain documentation of time and date.
Failure to send a photo within the correct time will be punished.
A special rule applies when She is on Her period: On the first day of Her period, She will order Her slave to protect Her cock by locking in the cage 24/7. When Her slave expects Her period to be over, Her slave must knee before Her and ask to be unlocked. If Her slave asks Her too early, She will extend the lockup by one week.
Her additions
Since She is the one holding the keys, She may also decide not to unlock Her cock in the morning, thus forcing Her slave to wear the cage to work.
At any time during a lock-up, She may send a text message, asking for a photo of Her locked-up cock. Her slave must answer a message like that within ten minutes. Finding a private spot, taking a photo of Her protected cock, and sending it back to Her. Failure to send the photo within ten minutes is a punishable offense, punishment is increased by each minute passing until the photo has been received by Mistress.
The general punishment may be Mistress whipping or caning Her slave, Mistress whipping or caning Her cock and balls, Mistress adding one or more additional days in chatity, or Mistress postponing the next possible release for Her slave
More severe punishment may be Mistress whipping or caning Her cock black and blue before locking it into full-time, multiple-day chatty (makes the cock itch and tingle, adding to the frustrations and making the chatty almost unbearable for Her slave).
Mistress is calling the shots, so a punishment may be whatever Mistress may see fit.
General rules
Mistress has set up a lot more rules for the way Her slave must serve Her and suffer for Her at the house.
• Her slave must be naked, cuffed, and collared whenever Mistress and Her slave are alone in the house.
• When idle, Her slave will knee naked on the floor in front of Mistress, awaiting Her instructions.
• Her slave must lick Mistress whenever and wherever She may feel like it.
• Her slave will prepare all meals, drinks, and snacks and serve them to Mistress.
• Her slave must not use furniture unless specifically invited to by Mistress.
• Her slave must always reply “Yes, Mistress. Thank You, Mistress” when given instructions.
• Her slave must always thank Mistress for whatever Mistress decisions to grant Her slave. Pleasure as well as Pain.
The list is much longer but does not really relate to the Six-to-Six principle, only to the general relationship between Mistress and Her slave husband.
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