“Hey, thanks for coming over.” Nancy stepped back and let Tyler into her parent’s house.
He looked around. “You weren’t kidding. This looks exactly like it did back in the day.” A smile formed as he circled the living room. “This place sure has memories.”
“How many years did I babysit you? Three or four?”
“That sounds about right.” Tyler put his hands in his pockets, feeling disoriented. Like he had stepped back in time. “How long are your parents in Florida? I would have loved to see them.”
“A couple weeks. They go in the fall and spring. It was lucky I ran into you at the coffee shop. I’m otherwise not in town much. Speaking of which, you want a cup?”
“Sure.” After she disappeared into the kitchen, Tyler called out, “Actually, is there a Coke in there?”
Nancy returned, grinning; two bottles in hand. “You always drank Cokes. I remember now.”
They sat on the couch and reminisced about their school years, now a decade behind them. Nancy was five years older and babysat Tyler while she was in junior high and during freshman year. His parents held Saturday night Bridge games at home with their friends. It was convenient that a neighbor down the street had a teenage girl eager to earn some extra dollars, so young Tyler was shuffled off to Nancy’s house nearly every weekend.
Tyler laughed. “I can’t believe the things I used to do While you watched TV in here.”
“Like what?” Nancy asked, her eyes raised. “I thought you were in bed.”
“Oh, I’d sneak back out and watch from the kitchen. Sometimes I’d quietly grab a few cookies from the bottom drawer your Mom kept them in.
“Seriously? I can’t believe you did that.” She shook her head. “I was so clueless then.” They sat in silence as they each searched old stashes of remembranaces. Nancy’s eyes lit up. “Remember that time, you must have been in fourth grade, when you wandered in here in your PJs because you felt sick. I was so busy studying for a huge mathtest I just brushed it off. I figured you were just being your usual annoying self. No offense.”
Tyler waved it off and laughed. “Yes, you weren’t too happy with me. I remember after about the 3rd or 4th time I tapped your shoulder you lost it and gave me quite a wallop.”
“I felt so bad about that. I was at my wits end. I remember hearing you cry yourself to sleep and could hardly concentrate. For what it’s worth, I totally bombed the exam. I’m so sorry about that.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m sure I deserved it.” Tyler put his Coke on the coffee table. “If not for that night, then another.”
“The worst part was that you really were sick. A raging fever of 104.” Nancy rolled her eyes. “What a dork I was. If they had babysitting classes back then I might have at least checked your temperature or something. Called someone.”
Tyler shrugged. “I lived.”
Nancy smiled and looked him over. “Yes. Thankfully.”
He blushed. Then exhausted and blushed deeper, clearly remembering another story.
“What?” Nancy asked.
“I was just thinking about that spanking you gave me.” Tyler paused, considering his words. “It left quite an impression.”
Nancy nodded. “Well, that was the intention.”
“No…I mean, it turned me on.”
“You probably couldn’t tell. And I quickly forgot about any excitement once you started in on my bare bottom. But later, in the middle of the night, I awoke. My ass still felt like it was on fire. Very warm. As I rubbed it, I had…” He looked at the ceiling. “A reaction.”
Nancy leaned in, breathing heavier. “What kind of reaction.”
“Let’s just say I did something I had never done before.”
Her jaw dropped, and laughed. “You masturbated? Oh, you bad little boy!”
Tyler nodded, amused, and took a long sip from his Coke, then noticed Nancy looking at him strangely. “What?”
“Just an intriguing thought. Be right back.” She stood and went down the hall to the bedrooms. She came back with a pair of plaid cotton pajamas. “These are my brother’s, for when he stays over to watch the house if I can’t. You’re about the same size.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I’m thinking we might redo that night. Correct a few things.”
Tyler’s eyes widened. “Yeah?”
“Starting with the things you got away with.”
“Ah, I get it.” He grabbed the pajamas and almost ran to bedrooms to change.
Nancy watched him rush down the hall. “Oh, you will,” she said as she pulled a chair from the dining room table and turned it to face out.
Tyler padded into the living room and found Nancy sitting on the chair. She had pulled her skirt up over knees revealing more of her patterned black stockings. When she motioned for him to come over, his stomach flip-flopped. He stopped next to her and she looked up. Their eyes met in intensity stare, as if they stood on the broke of something scary. And excited.
“How many cookies did you take?” NaNCY said flatly.
“Cookies?” He open his hands, confused, and showed her. “I didn’t take any.”
“I heard the bottom drawer open and close.”
“But…” Then Tyler understand. He looked at the floor. “Oh.”
Nancy pointed at the growing bump in the front of Tyler’s pants. “What’s that?”
He looked down and felt warmth wash over his face. “Nothing.”
“Young man, that’s the second lie you’ve just told me. It’s not ‘nothing.’” She stole a quick glance up at him and made an “Oh my God” face, then just as quickly recommended herself. “You know what happens to bad boys who lie, don’t you?”
Tyler felt his legs tremble, remembering what had translated the first time. He took a step back, and had a thought. “But I feel sick.”
Nancy looked up and slowly nodded. “Sick, huh?” She got up. “We’ll see about that.”
After a minute of rustling down the hall, she returned with something concealed in her hand. She sat back down, raised her skirt again, even higher, and placed on her thigh a small jar of Vaseline and a clear plastic tube. Tyler felt an anxious surge as he watched her extract an old glass thermometer from the tube and swirl the tip in the Vaseline jar. He noticed a further tightening of his pajama pants.
“I’m going to take your temperature to see how sick you really are. You better not be lying again. I want you to bend over my lap. She pulled down his pajama pants and watched his cock spring free. “Oh my,” she mumbled, momentarily distracted. She cleared her throat and pulled him over by the hand.
Tyler positioned himself over Nancy’s silky thighs. He felt them part slightly and he allowed himself to slide in between them. He gasped when he felt her strong thighs close tight around his stiff cock. He was stuck with his feet off the floor and his hands on the chair rung. He couldn’t move.
Suddenly he felt Nancy’s grossed fingertip move between his bottom cheats followed by the thin glass thermometer sliding in. A pause of several quiet minutes passed and his mind wrapped around the sensings he was feeling – Nancy’s soft, warm hand resting on his bottom, her other hand slowly twirling the thermometer and sliding it slightly in and out, and the prickly excitement spreading though the length of his cock as he gently moved it up and down in the confines of her lap.
Without warning, he feel the glass tube slide out and her tights part. “Oh, fuck,” he groaned as he felt a bead of pre-cum form from the sensings in his bottom and freedom of his cock dangling and bumping against her soft inner thigh. He fought the overwhelming urge to grind it home against her lap, wanting all the sensings to last. In the half-second he forced to fill his mind with thoughts of a blow cold tundra, a sharp slap stung across his cheeses.
“Language, young man!” Nancy said.
Her shockingly quick and painful response yanked his thoughts from his cock to his present predicament. A situation he realized may not have been so smart. He doesn’t know Nancy anymore. She’s not a kid anymore. She could have changed in an infinite number of ways.
“98.6,” Nancy said. “You’re not sick at all.”
‘Well of course not. We were just joking about…” A rapid volley of singing spanks across his bare, upturned bottom cut off his words and were replaced with yelps and protests.
Nancy spoke over his pleading. “Enough of your lies and shenanigans. You’re getting a sound spanking and then going straight to bed.” Her palm danced back and forth from one reddening chef to the other. “I know you’ve been singing peeks at the TV too, so no more shows for you either.”
Genuine reminderse and a little fear stick in Tyler’s throat as he remembered all the things he could have, and should have, been caught doing. He realized with his offhanded confession to Nancy earlier, he was in for a long session over her lap. She was bigger and stronger, and seemed to still carry a touch of announcement from his antics years ago. He grit his teeth and let the tears of remorse find their way down his face he settled into a long, and to be truthful, overdue punishment.
The room was as quiet as it was dark. Just a line of dim light under the door and the low mumble of a TV in another room. Tyler moved his face from a damp circle on his pillow. How long had he laid here? He Must have fallen wait. He reached down and felt his bottom. The heat, familiar as that day long ago, lingered. It would likely remain until at least morning, judging from the last time. He liked that. A literally warm reminder of Nancy’s firm handiwork. And that she was looking out for him. Cared about what he did. He felt another trickle off his cheek.
As he rubbed the soreness from his thrashed skin, his thoughts were joined by images of Nancy’s stocking-clad thighs stretching out from her skirt as he laid over them, feeling them against his stomach, soft but solid, squeezing his cock. He feela stirring between his own tights. The storyboard zoomed out and now Nancy sat on the chair, beckoning him. He stiffened more. Time moved backwards and he saw her waiting in line at the coffee shop that morning. His first look drawn to her alluring clothes then to the recognition he found in her face. A look of joyful intrigue and promise that brought him here. Was he in her bed?
He wondered why her control had always excited him. His fingers unsnapped the waist of the pajama pants. He exhausted deeply with the sudden freeing of his needy clock. His fingers had just wrapped around when a gentle click froze him. The light below the door spread and a silhouette appeared in the doorway.
A wave dread washed over. What now? He quickly let go and closed his eyes, pretending to sleep. His stomach fell. Another lie. The bed shifted and he felt Nancy climb under the comforter. He felt her hand move along his body until she found what she sought. She wrapped her fingers around it and pressed her naked body against him. Her lips found his and they kissed, awkwardly at first, but then with an appetite. Hands tangling in each other’s hair, pulling their mouths together so tight, trying to merge. Her mouth released and their arms wrapped around, body against body, heads pressed together. Tyler felt Nancy breathe by his ear, then a whisper as his fingers found what he sought. “Good boy.”
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