Arianne Voric sat at the breakfast table studying the latest report that had just come through from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There had been some criticism of Ausitania’s policies in the foreign press relating specifically to the Meranka quarry. It had been widely referred to in these articles as a punishment unit. There was some concern as to the effect that this might have on the country’s lucrative tourism industry.
Alex, having served her breakfast was now kneeing on the mat beside her table in the manner that his mistress declined he should since he had signed the slave contract. She now ordered him to take a seat at the table and to read the report. After studying the report for a while he asked the question. “What do you wish me to do mistress?”
Arianne imperiously pointed a finger to the floor indicating that she wished him to retake his position that demonstrated his total subservice.
“What I wish you to do slave is to write a rebuttal piece to beissued to the foreign media to neutralise any potential bad publicity.”
Today was the monthly punishment session at Meranka. This was Arianne’s favourite part of the job. She always looked forward to this first Friday of the month. Alex, dressed in only his leather slave collar and steel cock cage was now on his knees occupied with the task of lacing Arianne’s boots prior to her leaving for work. He carefully wrapped the long laces about the row of steel hooks that extended from instep to knee.
As he tightened each one the supplement black leather moulded itself to her long, shaped legs. He carefully tied each lace at the knee in a neighbor bow before placing his head back down to the floor in the way that he had been trained. Arianne smiled to herself at this supine act of obeisance. He was learning quickly. In her own mind she considered that he would make an excellent slave.
As usually he found this task extremely stimulating and his swelling cock strained against the metal bands of the cage in a vain attempt to gain an erection. He had now gone three weeks without an orgasm and his frustration was growing by the day, his balls full to bursting with the seed that desperately needed release. Arianne loved to tease him about the cage, just another aspect of her total power over him. She would run her long crisis, talon like nails over the head of his trapped member and say. “Make a good job of that response and I may just be persuaded to allow you an orgasm.” She enjoyed the act of teasing him every bit as much as she did praying him.
Punishment day at Meranka would follow its usual pattern. The morning was spent in the office with the camp chief Martina Kokoska working on the administration and sorting out the sheaf of punishment dockets that logged every misdemeanour committed by the prisoners over the previous months. Each docket had a space at the bottom for the issuing guard to make a recommendation as to either leniency or severity. Most punishments were dealt with by way of twelve or twenty four strokes of the standard prison cane. It was an instrument just under a metre in length and the thickness of a man’s finger.
Arianne regards the prison cane as not an especially severe weapon. Nevertheless it was quite capable of inflicting sufficient pain to ensure that discipline was maintained as prisoners did their best to avoid a doctor being issued. The issue of such a form would ensure a trip to the punishment suite where, after being bound to the timber A frame the sentence would be administratored by one of the female guards. Of course the pain was only part of it, there was too the humiliation for the prisoners of being punished by a woman, many of whom took obvious delight in the procedure.
Arianne had almost completed sorting the thirdteen dockets when she came across one issued to prisoner number 82. It was Janacek. She called Martina over and asked her the details.
“Oh yes, quite a nasty incident. After he had abused a guard I ordered him to be put into menacles and chains. He was then taken down and placed an iron punishment cage and he has been in there for three days now without food or water. I would recommend that he receives a much more severe punishment than the one usually handed out.”
Arianne considered this for a moment before saying. “Ok, well I think that it is high time that Mr.Janacek learned that such behavior won’t be tolerated. Have him taken to the punishment suite and secured. We will then teach him a lesson he won’t forget.”
Arianne fetched her own sjambok from the car and laid the heavy dark brown instrument cut from a single piece of thick rhino hide on Martina’s desk. Martina picked it up and admired it, running her fingers along the shaft . Such was the weight and Stiffness of the hide that it was effectively a cross between a solid cane and a whip. “It’s more than a hundred years old.” Arianne explained. “They really are geneuine antiques that wEre used by the Voortrekers of the Transvaal. It was originally a cattle drops whip, but very effective when used on men.”
Martina smiled . “I’m quite sure of that.” She opened a draw in her desk and took out her own personal whip. This was equally old and had originally been the property of a Hungarian cavalry officer. Almost a metre and a half in length this whip too packed a real punch. She flexed it between gloved hands. “Ok, let’s go and give the bastard a real sorting out.” The two women walked side by side, in step. The heels of their black leather boots beat out a tattoo on the path leading to the door of the punishment unit, whips gripped firmly in their leather gloved hands.
The sight that greeted them inside made both women’s blood course a little more quickly. The two guards charged with preparing Janacek had not had the easiest of tasks, but they had discharged their work admirably. The prisoner had initially resisted on being removed from the punishment cagebut this resistance had quickly been quelled when one of the guards had deployed her taser.
She had watched in fascination as the twin wires had snaked towards Janacek, struggling him in the small of the back. He went down immediately, his body twitching heavily as he lost all control of his muscles and thereby all ability to resist. Once subdued he had been dragged to the punishment suite where they quickly locked his ankles into a pair of heavy iron femaleters, connected by a short length of steel chain. This had then been attached to the hook of an overhead hoist. His body was lifted until his head was half a metre above the floor. One of the guards took a coil of rope and roughly bound his arms behind his back. She then cruelly cinched his elbows with more rope and finally his wrists were bound equally tightly.
As Arianne and Martina entered the sight that met them was of his inverted body dangling from the hoist. Their excitement increased at this image, redolent of a sideof meat hanging in an abbatoir. Janacek was ready for their punishment, totally unable to resist whatever the severity of the punishment that they might decide to inflict upon him.
His cock and balls hung loosely down onto his stomach, presenting a very tempting and vulnerable target. A leather head harness comprising several sturdy leather straps formed a cage that encircled his roughly shavled skull. The hard rubber ball gag was Pulled back into his mouth as the guard had tightened it’s retaining strap down to the very last hole she could manage. In this manner Janacek was now almost totally silenced, able to emit only the very slightest muffled groan. It increased only slightly as Arianne now took his scrotum in her leather gloved hand and twisted it very hard.
One of the things that she enjoyed about punishment day was that the atmosphere was so relaxed. Arianne knew that no matter how harshly she chose to treat the prisoners there would be no negative consequences should she perhaps go a bit too far. Anything that occurred within these four walls could quite easily be explained away by any of the numerous industrial accidents that took place inside Meranka. No appeal process took place within the complex and all prisoner punishments were internally ratified. There was no contact with the outside world. The only thing that the two women had to do over the ensuring few hours was to choose which of the prisoners they wished to punish and enjoy themselves.
Martina opened the assault on Janacek. Standing well back from the suspended man, her long leather clad legs set well apart she teased the long tail of the cavalry whip between her gloved fingers before bringing it whistling round through the air to impact with Janacek’s buttocks. A firey red stripe appeared almost immediately, running diagonally from his hip to the Crease where thigh met buttock. It was already darkening when she laid a second stroke beside it, quickly followed by two more. The bound man’s body compromised in the air, a desperate scream strange deep inside him by the tightly buckled gag.
Now it was Arianne’s turn to step forward. Martina admired her slim petite body and her economy of movement as she slashed at Janacek with her sjambok. His body bucked at every impact, yet another scream stable by the gag as more angry red stripes appeared on his body. Her well aimed strokes soon broke the skin, the heavy whip cutting the surface with ease. Now she focused her attack on his genitals, applying several hard strokes directly onto his cock and balls. She watched with satisfaction the effect this had on these particularly vulnerable parts, his testicles obviously darkened as the heavy bruises spread. Soon they had doubled to twice their original size and had taken on a deep purple hue.
A trickle of blood appeared and ran down a tigh as Martina resumed the action with her cavalry whip. Soon Janacek’s body was a mass of cuts and bruises. When Arianne broughtt the punishment to a conclusion with a dozen more hard strokes across his buttocks they looked more like something found on a butcher’s slab than part of a human being. Martina called the two guards. Arianne complimented them on doing such a good job of preparing him, commenting on how effective the gag was in keeping him quiet.
“Take him down.” Said Martina. “And return him to the punishment cell. I will interview him in the morning and see if he can be returned to normal duties, although with extra hard labour as the final part of his punishment.”
EHL as it was known in the guards own parlance was infamous in Meranka. It was even more drastic than it sounded and it involved the prisoner working whilst up under restraint in heavy irons and chained. Typically guards would order such a prisoner to move heavy piles of granite off cuts from one place to another while supervising him. It was a totally pointless task designed only to break recalcitrant men, something that it was very effective at doing,
Martina called in an orderly and handed him the two whips. She ordered him to clean the blood from them and return them to the office. As they sipped their coffee they discussed the prisoner. “I would be very surprised if he gives you any more trouble after today. If he does then he is a complete fool, he knows what he will have come to him.”
Once back home Arianne scanned Through the piece that Alex had written as a rebuttal to the negative foreign news reports. She read aloud. “The Ausitanian authorities have seen fit to treat the violent criminal element in society merely with the disdain that they show their victims. All the inmates at Meranka have committed crimes of serious violence against their female victims and now suffer the consequences that their actions have precipitated.” The piece went on to argue the case logically and cogently for the rights of the government to punish such low lives as they saw fit. Arianne declared herself pleased with his work and placed it in her briefcase.
“I have a little surprise in store for you this evening.” She said. She handed him a pair of black leather shorts. “Put those on and wait for me on the patio.” Arianne disappeared and came down a few minutes later wearing a fabulous pair of black leather jodhpurs with extravagantly flared thighs, a wide three buckled saddle leather belt and a crisp white blouse. Outside she led Alex to a wooden shed. She unlocked the door to reveal a small two wheeled sulky cart of the type used for pony racing.
The little vehicle had a pair of bicycle wheels and an upholstered leather seat. It was clearly of a size deigned to be drawn by a human rather than a pony. The two projecting shafts each had three leather straps attached and Arianne ordered Alex to place his body between them. His arms were soon tightly buckled to the shafts of the cart. She took a leather head harness from a hook on the wall and began to stick it into place aroundd his skull. A steel bit went between his teeth and a set of leather reins were attached. She picked up a long dressage whip and slipped into the seat.
“Ok boy, walk on!”
Alex took up the slack and felt the sulky slowly began to roll as he carefully moved forward. A sharp tug on the reins made it clear that his mistress wanted him to turn right onto the drive that ran down to the road at the front of the house. It was a quiet country lane, quite suitable for such a vehicle and they were soon trotting along at a decent pace. Alex was quite fit and the first few minutes presented few problems. They passed a couple of cottages with people out in the gardens who stopped to watch the strange sight of a leather clad and booted woman driving the trotting man with the occasional encouragement of the whip falling across his bare shoulders.
They came to a small hamlet of perhaps a dozen or so cottages together with a small inn where people sat out at their tables enjoying a drink in the warm evening sun. A spontaneous cheer went up as Arianne turned the sulky into the car park. Alex was grateful for the rest but felt humiliated by the fact that all the customers came over to view this bizarre spectacle. Arianne went inside and returned holding a glass of wine in one hand and a water bowl in the other. She placed the water bowl on the ground before him. She removed the bit from his mouth and unstrapped his arms. He dropped to his knees and lapped up the water like an animal as the customers all stood around drinking and laughing.
After a few minutes he was strapped back into the shafts and accompanied by a chef from all the customers Arianne cracked the whip as she shouted encouragement to Alex as she drove him at full speed back up the lane. His pace slackened after a few hundred metres and she used the whip more now as she attempted to maintain speed. The strokes
fell harder across his shoulders as she drove him at full speed for the last few hundred metres. Eventually they reached the house and turned back into the drive. Alex dropped to his knees, totally exhausted.
He was quickly unstrapped and Arianne placed her boot before him. He knew instinctively what was expected from him as he dropped down to place his lips on the shining black leather of the toe. Arianne said “I am very proud of you slave, that was a great performance. Now as soon as You have your breath back go and take a shower, then report to me in my study.”
She sat imperiously in her chair, a glass of wine in one hand, a black leather riding crop in the other, as he entered. “Bring me that key from my desk.” She said. Arianne took the small steel key from him and unlocked his cock cage. His member quickly swelled inexorably to a full erection, standing out almost horizontally before him as he knelt between her long outstretched booted legs. She pushed his head down between her thighs and he drank in the heavy aroma of leather given off by her newjodhpurs. The sole of her left boot stroked his now rampant cock. She brought the right one up and gripped his shake between both boots, moving her legs in such a manner that Alex soon felt the sensing of an incipient orgasm beginning to rise deep down within him.
The sensing grow with her every movement of her boots until Alex knew that he was no longer capable of holding it back. His low sights Now turned to a cry of ecstasy as he let out a loud squeal and the first shot of thick, white milky jiss spurted out, splashing across the shake of her boot, followed unexpectedly by another gloopy skein that left a streak by the heel. The thick sperm ran slowly down, despoiling the perfection of the glaming black leather.
She glanced down at him before saying. “You seem to have made a mess of your mistress’ boots boy.”
The merest hint of a wistful smile now played briefly across her crime glossed lips before her face hardened once more into an inscrutable stern stare.
“Lick it all off boy… NOW!”
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