The Refusal

Note: This story contains elements of exhibitionism, non-consent, BDSM, group sex and fetish. Overall, I think the BDSM element is strong. Hopefully I posted this in the correct category.

English is not my first language, so please forgive any (hopefully) minor grammatical errors. Or not; you can always let me know, and I’ll try to do better next time.

All characters are over 18.


According to Wikipedia:

Refusal is lack of agreement to perform a particular course of action

A refusal can be indicated by the word ‘no’


I fucked up! Man, did I ever fuck up!

My master has been very good to me. Sure, he punishes me whenever I mess up, but he is always fair. That’s what I’m afraid of this time. Normally, when I do something wrong – I mess up dinner, or forget to do a chore, or skip something when cleaning the house – he gives me a 1 or a 2 maybe.

Okay, I can see I’m confusing you, so let me start again. See,he has this punishment scale, starting at 1 and going up to… well, it’s open ended really. A 1 could mean I have to go to the market on a windy day wearing a knee length skirt without panties. I get very embarrassed when someone sees my ass, or even just too much of my legs, and so my master takes advantage of that fact. For a 2, I once had to order pizza and open the door for the delivery guy wearing a see-through teddy without anything underneath. I almost died when I opened the door. But of course master knew that I would also be incredibly turned on by it. It’s a combination of making a guy horny by showing my body, and the embarrassment. The more ashamed I am of what I do, the hornier I get.

My worst punishment so far has been a 5. That time, he took me to a motorcycle. He ordered me to strip completely and tied me up on the bed, my arms above my head and my legs spread as far as possible. He put up a video camera to record everything. Then, he used a vibrator on my clip untilI almost came several times. When I started begging him to let me cum, he pushed a different vibrator, a rabbit with those cute little ears that vibrate against your clip, into my wet pussy, turned it on low, and left it there. It kept me nicely turned on, but it wasn’t enough to let me cum.

Not much of a punishment? Well, he wasn’t done yet. This time, he ordered the pizza. When the delivery boy knocked on the door, he turned the rabbit on full power and opened the door. The guy was getting a great look at me. He stared at me through the open door, and my master invited him in to get a better look. I was mortified, and…. god, I still blush when I think about it. I came, right in front of both of them.

I lay there on the bed and let a pizza guy watch me cum!

Sometimes my master make me watch the movie of that evening as a minor punishment, and then he masturbates in front of me, while I, of course, am not allowed to touch myself. Believe me, it’s punishment enough.

So how did I screw up? I mean, I didn’t just forget the salt on the potatoes this time. My master had given me an instruction to wash my car in the driveway. I was wearing only a very short skirt, and I knew I wasn’t going to be allowed to change. The neighbors were out doing yard work, and I would be on display the whole time. The guy on our left was kind of creepy, and I didn’t like the idea of ​​crawling in and out of the car in my skimpy outfit with him watching, or getting my already quite thin t-shirt wet in front of him, and so I simply said ‘no’. Can you believe it? The instant I said it I knew I had gone too far. The look on my master’s face said it all: I was in a lot of trouble!

My master never, ever hits me. No spanking, other than a playful slap on my ass Sometimes. No whipping either. He doesn’t twist my nipples, he doesn’t use clamps, nothing like that. Instead, as I said, he believes in praying me by making me do things that I don’t want to do.

I apologized instantly, but it was too late. My master just turned around and walked away to his study. When he came back an hour later, he only said one word to me: ’14’.

I started to argue. I couldn’t even imagine what a 14 would mean, but I knew it was way more than I was able to endure. I opened my mouth to plead with him, when he said ’15’.

“But master, I…”


Now, I may be a bit stupid, but even I know where this was going, so I shut up. I thought that maybe I could come up with a plan later, something to got my punishment reduced to a 5, or maybe a 6.

Fat chance! That evening, my master took my arm and dragged me into our bedroom, where he had laid out a long coat and a pair of thigh high boots with 5″ heels for me. Nothing else.

So now, I’m sitting here in my car (why didn’t I just clean the damn thing; our neighbor would have looked up my skirt at my barely covered ass, so what?), wearing a long coat and the boots and nothing underneath. My master has not even looked at me since we left the house half an hour ago. I am terrified. I have no idea what he is planning to do, and the fact that it’s getting dark outside, and that we are on a highway in an area I have never been to before, does nothing to calm me down.

After about an hour of driving we pull into a rest area at the side of the highway. It is by now completely dark, and I have no idea where we are, but I can see us passing a number of cars before he pulls into a parking spot at the very end of the ramp.

“Get out!” My heart is beating faster than ever before, and I am about to open my mouth and make one more attempt at changing my master’s mind, but he only looks at me and smiles. “Do you really want to make your punishment even harder?” he asks. I look down at my feet and shake my head and get out of the truck.

“Open your coat!”

With tears in my eyes I follow his command. Several cars are parked between our car and the restrooms about 150 yards away, and he makes me walk that way, slowly, my coat wide open, my hands on my back. As we pass the cars I see heads turning my way and greedy eyes looking at my naked body under the coat. I am ashamed, so very ashamed.

“Why are you pushing your tits out, little one?” Only after he says it I realize it is true. I am pushing out my breasts to show them off, to make sure they look as good as possible. I don’t know why, and when I answer his question that way, he smiles as if he knows something I don’t. Which he probably does.

After we pass the first few cars, master tells me to take the coat off completely. He knows exactly how much my nudity embarrasses me. As I walked naked towards the restrooms, several men get out of their cars and follow us. I think I can feel their hungry eyes on my naked ass and tits, even though they keep their distance for now.

As we get to the restrooms, I move towards the women’s, but master shakes his head and indicate the men’s room instead. I plead with my eyes, but he ignores me, and I am too afraid to say anything.

I enter the men’s room, which is cold and relatively dirty, but empty of people. I am sure that this will change soon. Master leads me to the middle of the room, where he makes me stand, naked, hands on my back. Soon I hear the door open. I am afraid to look, and keep my eyes on the dirty floor. I am grateful for the boots my master has allowed me to wear.

A man walks past me, on the way to one of the urinals. I feel his eyes roaming all over my naked body. “Wow, that’s a nice rack,” I hear him say. The door opens again, more footsteps, more men entering the room, some whistling appreciatedly as the walk towards me and stare at me.

I am naked. I want to sink into the floor. I keep my eyes down, afraid to look at the men, or at my master, but I can sure feel all of them looking at me. To my shock I can see my nipples become even harder. Surely that is just a reaction to the low temperatureure in the restroom.

I hear a high pitched voice. “Oh, look at her, Liz, she’s completely naked.” For a moment I forget my fear and look up, right into the eyes of a young woman. On her right, a tall man, obviously her husband or boyfriend, has his arm possessively around her shoulders. On her left, another woman of about the same age, also in the company of a young man.

“Hey, This is the men’s room, isn’t it? How am I supposed to take a piss, with all these chicks in here?” one of the men behind me loudly exclads. “I’ve got a hard-on the size of a baseball bat, looking at this sluts ass.”

“That’s what she’s here for,” my master responses. “Monica, go and help the gentleman with his problem.”

“You… you want me to…” I stutter.

“Now!” master says, louder, but by no means yelling.

But the man had already acted. Happy to have been offered help, he had moved towards me, and now stood right in front of me, with his hard cock pointing at me. “You gonnasuck it, slut?”

“No,” master replied for me. “Handjobs only, at least for now. Let’s see if she behaves.”

“Fine by me.” The stranger stood and looked at my tits. Carefully I touched his penis, not sure how to proceed. The two women started offering advice in pretty cruel terms.

“Don’t worry, cutie pie, you’re not gonna break it; grab it harder, pull on it,” the man encouraged me.

I took his cock in my fist and started pumping it up and down, slowly at first, then faster as his pre-cum started leaking out of his cock head. I tried to do a good job, afraid that my master would see any hesitation on my part as misbehavior, terrified of what that might mean.

The other men, about ten of them, had built a rough circle around us, shuffling to get a better look at the action. The two women were still standing almost in front of me, just slightly off to the side, watching me masturbate the stranger. The husband or boyfriend of the one woman had his hands on her boobs, while she rubbed the front of his jeans.

Without warning, the man in my hand erupted. His first squirt hit me square on the belly. I tried to redirect the ones after that onto the floor, but a grunt and a look from my master made me change my mind, and I allowed the man to squirt his cum all over my thighs to the loud applause and chefs of the spectators.

“What did she do?” one of the women wanted to know, and master was in the mood to reply. “She refused an order from me. She didn’t want to go out in the clothes I had told her to wear, and she refused me. She didn’t want to be seen in a revealing outfit by the neighbors.”

The woman grinned in my direction. “And now you’re standing here naked in front of all of us, with cum running down your body. Wouldn’t it have been easier just to do what you were told?” she snickered. Bitch!

The guy I had just jerked off had stepped away to one of the urinals to finally go about his business, and now several others hadtook out their dicks and waved them in front of me to cheerful shouts of ‘I need help, too.’ One quick look at master told me what I had to do, and for the first time in my life, I found myself with two cocks in my hands, trying to get them both off as quickly as I could.

“Spread your legs, you slut,” the woman whispered in my ear. “That’ll get them to cum faster, if they can see your sloppy wet cunt.”

I wanted to slap her, to tell her to shut up. Instead, I considered her advice, and I spread my legs, and when the men started to grab my pussy and my ass, I even started moaning, pretending to be turned on. Naturally I was only pretending. Anything to get this over with.

One by one, the men came, shooting their cum in my direction. My hands, as well as my body, were covered by their ejaculations, which actually made my job of jerking the next ones off easier. I was grateful to my master for only making me give them handjobs, and I swore that from now on I would do whatever master told me to do. The prospect of having to service them with my mouth or, god forbid, my cunt, as might well be the case next time, was too horrible to think about.

This was a busy place. A steady stream of men entered the restrooms. Some of them only looked, some just went about their business, but many took out their cocks and got in line for some free relief, and I quickly lost count of how many men I served that night, but finally I was alone with master, and the two women and their guys, who had not taken advantage of the offered services, probably because they were in the company of their women.

“She’s quite the sight,” the woman with the big mouth exclaimed. “You’re going to have to hose her down before you let her into your car.”

“No problem,” master said. “It’s her car, and she can clean it tomorrow. I’m sure she won’t mind.”

“Think she would mind doing something for me?” the woman asked. “I’ve gotten quite horny, watching your little slutjerk off all these guys, and I guess I’m not the only one.” The last part was accompanied by a gesture towards her friend Liz, who by now had the cock of her man out and was eagerly licking over the head of his hard-on.

Master smiled encouragingly, and the woman took a step towards me. “On your knees, slut!”

I looked pleadingly at master, but his eyes remained cold, and he just nodded his head. Quickly I dropped to my knees, which means I had to touch the cum covered floor with my hands to support myself.

The woman stepped in front of me and slowly lifted her short skirt, ordering me to lick her pussy. “Don’t you dare touch me with those slimy hands, you hear? Use your tongue only, bitch, and if you do it well, I might even squirt for you.” She made me pull her panties down, using Only my teeth, before diving in between her legs and giving her cunt a slow, careful lick. I had never in my life licked another woman, and I had even had a problem with the few times wheremaster had made me lick my fingers after I had played with myself.

The woman grabbed my head and pressed my mouth into her dripping wet cunt. I didn’t dare refuse to do what she wanted, for fear of my master seeing any kind of reluctance as a bad performance.

Her pussy juice actually didn’t taste bad, only different, and lucky she was horny enough so that my inexperienced tongue didn’t take too long to push her over the edge. I simply pressed my tongue on her wet slit and licked, hard and fast, all the way from her wet opening to her hard clip, over and over, until her breathing sped up and she started moaning and squirming on my mouth, and suddenly she let out a loud, short scream and pressed herself onto my lips with all her might.

It was a very strange feeling, having another woman come on my mouth, Especially with her guy and the other couple watching, but she didn’t squirt like she had threatened to do, so overall it wasn’t as bad as I had feared.

Mastermade me walk back to the car still naked. The cum on my body had begun to dry, and the night air was cool, and I started shivering before we were halfway to the car. Master even ran ahead and opened the doors, and then turned the car on and started the heat, so that by the time I got to the car, it was beginning to warm up.

Still naked, I sat in the driver’s seat, the engine idling, the heat blowing warm air at me. Master opened his pants, and without being told what to do, I leaned over the center console and took his hard cock into my mouth. I sucked and licked him, making sure to leave my mouth as wet as possible, dribbling saliva all over him, using my lips and my tongue as well as I know how, keeping him deep in my mouth as he erupted, swallowing every bit of his hot cum down my throat.

On the way home, master made me tell him how I felt, standing naked and ashamed in the middle of who knows how many men, yanking on their cocks, jerking them off, letting them cum on mybody, while their hands roamed freely over every part of me they could reach. Having to tell master how much the experience had turned me on, despite the shame and the humiliation I had felt, was probably harder for me than the experience itself.

As my final punishment for the night, I was not allowed to masturbate, but I was tired enough that I didn’t think falling asleep was going to be a problem.

Tomorrow, I have to clean my car. There are cum stains all over my seat, as well as the door and the steering wheel. Master has ordered me to wear my shortest skirt, without panties, and a thin, white bloom. It will be quite a show for the neighbors, but this time I know better than to refuse.

Maybe I could at least wear a tiny thong? Master wouldn’t know, and even if he found out, the punishment for that Couldn’t be too bad, could it?


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