It had been quiet the past few days,May had come by only once for a quicky.I noticed something out of place in the house,some foot prints that looked a bit odd around my flower bed in front of the house.It was apparent some one had been in the house while i was at work.Nothing was missing that i could see ,as i took a quick inventory.In fact just the opposite,i found a pair of green pantys in the wash room.Where could they have come from?They label inside said size 4,i looked closer to see that the crotch was well soaked.Of corse as any good investigator i had to take a sniff.”Yup”it was defeatly a female,most certainly one that had been extremely horney.
I wasn’t sure who they would fit that i knew,there were several that met the specifications.Pacing as i thught of how i could find out,the best idea was to set a trap of sorts to capture the perpitrator in the act of snooping in my stuff.Maybe a little revengewas in order to even up the score seemed like a worthy idea.
I left the lights off except for the night lights i always leave on and took my car to the lot down by the library.In the shadows i walked back to the house so no one would see me.I came in the back door and waited patiently next to the coat rack where i could see out the windows but not easily be seen.About 30 minutes passed and i was getting anxious,wondering if it was worth the trouble to be bored when maybe no one was going to show up anyway.Strange thing was that the excitment of ambushing a possible robber was giving me a fantastic error that i occasionally rubbed simply for the recognition it seemed to need.That of corse made it a little more errect needing a little more rubbing.
Figuring i better think about something else i searched the coat rack to see what was there in case i needed to get a new coat or throw some old thing away.I found my old ski mask,a long military coat that buttoned up the front,some knee boots.I stated laughing when the thaughter of wearing this combination without anything else on came into my mind.”Hang”why not i was alone,i could do it then for kicks see how i looked in the bathroom mirror.Off went my jogers and tee shirt and on went the clothes i’d found including the ski mask.I made a dash to the bath shut the door and turned on the light.”Hot dam” i looked like something strait out of a ‘Steven King Novel’,then to top it off i toss open the long coat to see Mr.errection.Now i don’t call that being insane but there was defeatly some strange aspects to my sense of humor tonight.
Suddenly i was snapped out of my self admission by the sound of feet walkin across my front deck.I could hear the matt being lifted where i hid the key to the front door.It was apparent that who ever my spy was it was some one that had been here before and knew the house fairly well.Staying very quiet i moved back out to the living room
to hide behind the closet door.I stood motionless like a status waiting for my cat burgeler type person.The key went into the lock,turned,the door opened slowly then shut and relocked.
In the almost nonexistant light i saw a shadow move into the center of the room.Then a voice,knight?knight”are you here?i didn’t say a word but now know it was Asia from the sound of her voice.I had wondered why she hadn’t been around after getting to know each other a bit more than we should have when she spent the night a few weeks ago.It was likely that her mom grounded her or she had second thoughts about the errotic night we had spent together.I could see enough of her to tell she was wearing a long sheer green dress that was close ot the same color as the pantys i had found in the wash room.Asia was softly talking to her self so i listened eagerly trying to hear what she was saying.”knight”?I miss you,love you,mom keeps me so busy on her vacation i cant come see you,i wish i could be closer than just coming to your house to feel close to you?Her sad voice touched my heart certainly but it didn’t justify not rapping on the door or invading my privacy without at least leaving a note.
Asia walked into my bed room as i thought over the situation of the moment.maybe considering i was dressed for the occasion or undressed depending on how you look at it.It would be a very good time to teach Asia a lesson in her actions for her sake as well as mine.Maybe if she thught i was a real robber it would frigten her and then i would let her know it was me and explain my actions.At least it seems like a good idea and it fit the mood i was in perfectly.
I softly walked to the bedroom door peaking in,Asia was in my underware draw feeling around at my joke’s it appeared.She had her hand up under the front of her dress rubbing that sweet little pussy asshe made purring noises.It became very obvious that she was comming over in hopes of finding me home to let me help her scratch that little itch she was getting between her legs so often.It was tempting to just tell her i was there,hug her,kiss her,massage her then fuck her brains out.”No” that was to easy,a lesson needed to be learned and with the way i was dressed i should finish the sherade before she new the truth.
Slowly i crept up behind her as she was lost in giving herself an orgasam.I got as close as i dared without allerting her to my presence then wrapped one arm around her middle placing the other firmly over her mouth.She started fighting like a wild cat,scratching, trying to bite,stomping on my feet.(Dam that hurt)I let my mask get in my mouth a little and wet it to muffle the sound of my voice.I pressed her hard into the dresser pushing my stiff finger into the small of her back.
“Stop fighting,i got a gun!!” I said,with a very slurry voice.Asia stopped fighting me as she began to tremble with fight.At that moment i realized how excited it was to be in total control of Asia,how errotic i felt having her in my power and she at least for the moment believed i was some sort of violent criminal.My cock was swelling rapidly with carnal lust,pictures flashed in my mind of the night she had been with me.How beautiful her nearly untouched body had been when i gave her the taste of her first errotic sexual experiences.The feeling of her hard nipples on the first breasts,the silky sweetness of her hot love tunnel as i protected it for the first time.The way i had licked her and sucked her all over and she did me.The blasts of molten cum that i had filled her whomb to overflowing with and how it had dripped from her pussy to run down her legs after we had fucked so many times we lost count.
“Do as i say,don’t fight and i wont harm you”came from my studydering mouth.”Yes" was all she said as i pulled her over to the bed pushing her down on her back.Reaching down to the night stand i opened the draw taking out some silk scarves tha were stored there.I reached in my pocket held my stiff finger out sticking it inherit side.She flinched thinking it was the gun i had prepared to stick in her back earlier.She lay there trembeling as i tied the scarves around her wrists and ankels,then one by one tied the other end to the bed frame so she was unable to do more than thrash if she tried to escape.
For good measure i placed one scarve over her eyes so she couldn’t get a good look at me and figure out who i was to easily.Even with the stuff i was wearing she was sure to find some trait that would ruin my sharade.Now that she was fully restrained it was easier for me to play out my little game.I ran my hands over her breasts lingering on her nipples that were helpfully hardening to my touch.”No please”Asia cryed out,”Quiet"i retorted sticking the stiff finger in her belly faking the gun again.”I will,please don’t hurt me?”Asia begged.I let my fingers slide down pressing her public shaft still hidden beneath her green dress.”Pleas don’t”Asia begged again.”Why not?my slurry voice demanded?Asia replied softly,”Only knight has touched me there”I love him”.”Who is he” i demanded.”My man”she replied,”i am his and he will kill you if he knows you hurt me!!!”
That was a real ego boost,now i knew she really wanted to belong to me and only me.But the game needed to continue at least a little longer.I know i should have felt like a total ass hole for taking advantage of the situation but i must admit i was really getting hot playing this rather perveted little game.I reached over into the night stand getting a pair of scissors the slowly beginning cutting down the side of her dress starting at the top.She trashed around but stopped when i told her if she moved to much the gun may fier and she was much to sweet to have bullet wounds in her beautiful body.Asia was breathing very hard with fear as i cut all the way down the side of her dress.Then slowly sadisticly teasing her and my own senses of lust i pulled the dress away exposing her heaving chest with those lovely tits.Her nipples were full and hard pointing up slightly towards her head.Asia trembled even more as she anticipated what was next.
I pulled the rest of her dress away revealing her public shaft.The dark whips of curly soft hair would rise and fall with each anxious breath she was taking.Temptation was to much,i had to taste those lucious tity’s.I bent over her licking at her nipples,she tried to move away but it was no use.My mouth was on them sucking as hard as i could,nibbeling as my lips pulled hard at her nipples as i sucked.Her breathing changed as If she was holding back the urge to cry but i couldntstop.After i had ravaged her breasts to the point i could see redness from the intensity of my agression my mouth sucking its way down her body destined for that silky cotton candy cunt.
she didn’t fight any longer,she lay still seems to accept her helpless state knowing there was no way to escape my lusting assault.My tongue played over her navel,then slowly down to her mound.The aroma of her pussy filled my senses from the arousal she had caused when she was fondeling my undies and rubbing her little flower.My mouth dove into her crevase sucking hungrily at her pussy lips.My tongue drove in and out of her Then fisciously licked as i sucked her clip deep into my mouth as she held back the urge to scream trembeling uncontrollably.I stopped,moving up to her head, opening the coat i grabbed my swollen cock rubbing the head over her lips coat them with the precum that was dripping from my engaged cock head.I demanded”Lick it”she didn’t move,i stuck the stiff finger in her belly again like a gun”Lick it”her tongue darted out taking the cum off my cock head’s tip.”Open your mouth”she obeyed as i began fucking her lips dripping more cum on her tongue as it tried to hide form my thrusting.”Suck it”i felt her lips tighten around my shake as the beautiful sensing of her soft mouth began milking the cum from deep in my spirit.
Just enough so that she had to swallow the small amount of necker that had seen from my cock,then she began to milk suck me a little more.It wasnt enough for me,i wanted to unload that big full cock deep iside her love tunnel filling her whomb with baby seeds.Climbing on top of her i guided my cock head to her pussy lips that were soaked from oral agreement.She was so tight,so very soft as the head of my cock slipped between her pussy lips.As i thrust stedily deeper feeling her tunnel muscles ripple over my cock she made a crying sound then spoke.”If you cum in me,please end my life”.”Why”i asked totally confused by what she had said.She said”I belong to knight,I love him,he won’t want me anymore!!”Asia began to cry.
The sherade was over,i felt like a total jerk.Laying ther with my cock throbbing inside her,driven there by the demon of lust.What had begun as a fools game had turned me into nothing more than a savage self seeking animal.I got up and sit besde her on the bed hating myself for the stupid thing i had done.I could tell she was in suspance not understanding why i hadn’t finished my shamless assault.She seemed relieved yet confused by the Sudden change in my actions.I took the ski mask off and toss it away not knowing what to do or say.Only that it was time to get honest and do a reality check that could end this game that was the reverse of being fun.
I took the rest of the things off and toss them away sitting naked beside her.She asked?”What are you doing?”in what was closer to my normal voice i said”Ill show you”i could tell she was thinking about the familyer sound of my voice even being slurred by the cottony taste that the ski mask had left in my mouth.I reached down and untied her legst,her hands.She remained still,not sure what was going to happen next.With my back to her i reached around and slid the blindfold from her face.I could hear her gasp as she said”Knight,you son of a bitch” then she hit me so hard i thought my head was going to fall off.
I put my face in my hands saying”I’m so sorry ,i didn’t think it was going to go this far””I had only wanted to let you know ,didn’t like any one snooping around the house”.”Now,you hate me,i deserve to loose your love unless you can find it in your heart to forgive my stupidity.Asia said,”You did a bad thing,but i will always love you and i can forgive you,if you promisethat things like this won’t happen ever again?”I said,”I promise”please forgive me”Asia pulled me back on the bed besid her.She said,you know i’m still under age and if i tell my mom ,your ass is one big sling.I said”yes i am very aware of that”.She said,”As long as i am yours and you are mine and you don’t do stupid things i wont tell her!!”We were in agreement but knowing i owed her for being so understanding i asked her how i could make it up to her?
Well i got an idea!! My mom has a date tonight,so ill call her.Tell her i saw you.You offer to take me shopping for school clothes, stay in your guest room so we can go to the mall and she wont need to come in early or get up early tomarrow for me?I agreed,but at that point i’d of agreed to jump off the nearest bridge for Asia.She called her mom to conferm the plan and she said it would be fine as long as Asia behaved herself and stayed out of trouble.I felt rEeviated that things were working out and the dumb things i did were part of history.I asked Asia if she wanted some food,maybe some Pizza or Italian deliverd?She said Italian,had Pizza last time i stayed over.I agreed and we went to the living room to put in a movie and wait.Asia said do you realize that we arn’t dressed?I said yes,but i was kind of like watching you walk around in the buff.She went to the bedroom and got 2 robe’s for us saying you’l need it for the food when it arives.I agreed,but what should we do for the evening other than watching the movie?
Asia thught a second then said,you started something earlier when i thught you were a monster now why don’t you finish it like a lover and a gentleman?As i was thinking Asia slid her hand in my robe and began to toy with my cock.Asia lay back on the sofa opening her legs to expose her wet pink pussy,as i saired hungrily at it.She said why dont you get down and eat that until theItalian gets here?Then go answer the door with my pussy cream all over your face?I said ‘Yes dear’i wasn’t in any positon to say no even if i had wanted to.When i went to the door for the delivery i tried not to laugh,her pussy juice was dripping off my chin onto the money i handed him.I couldn’t help wonder if he’d smell her sex on the money or my breath.He took the cash and tip but was obviously in shock at the way i looked rushing quickly back to his van.
It didn’t take long to eat,then we were having desert,my mouth on her pussy and hers on my cock filling more of our hungers.Asia spurted her cum over my face at least 4 times as she sucked many drops of precum from my cock.It wasn’t long before we were on the fluffy carpet with my cock being guided to her silky orafice.Her legs wrapping around me,biting my neck as my cock slipped deep inside her whomb and bottomed out.Asia cryed out in pleasure saying.”Fuck me”Fuck melike my true love this time baby”As i drive it in to the hilt her ass bounced of the carpet slamming back into me.Soon her cum was squirting around my shaft as i shot jets of hot cum deep inside Asia’s hungry whomb.
I lifted her up and carried her to the bed letting her get on top of me to ride hrd and fast until we both exploded again.Then she got on all fours arching her back thrusting her ass invitingly towards my throbbing cock.My mare was ready for her calm again as i thrust my cock fully into her,as my balls rested against her soaking wet round i reached around fondeling her clip and rubbing her sweet title’s.She was falling from orgasam to orgasam uncontrollably tightening on my cock.I just seemed to keep cumming and cumming as her pussy milked at my cock.I said”I love you Asia” as she relied “You better”I love you too,knight”.
We must of fucked 20 times that night until we fell asleep locked together with me still inside her sweet pussy.When i woke the next morning i tried to get up to go pee,only to find that i was tied to the bed with silk scarves????Oh Oh!!!……
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