The weather had been torridly humid for a month,managing a few trips to the beach during my insane work schedule.It was close to vacation time making tolerating the climate and work stress tollerable.
I’d been living alone since leaving the x a few years ago,adjusting well to the single life.I had a large house with lots of room for company or guesta when they happen by.It was a logical house to by knowing that i had no intention of living alone for any longer than i had to.
Between being over sexed and undernourished in that area and insanely errotic.I didnt trouble it would be long before i was humppin for a gold medical with some new honey.Mathamaticly speaking (The heat of the meat is equal to the mass of the ass when the angle of the dangle remains the same)
There were a number of unattached ladies at work.Most young and acceptable for compliance.There were few secrets at work,gossip and rumors were so common it was easier to tell it like it is than let some jerk make up a story.
One of the new workers “Anna” was rumored to be getting divorced,word was she caught her man cheating.She had a daughter “Vanna” that had some emmotional problems and was very tall for her age of about 12.Rumor was that Anna had to find a place closer to work and for Vanna to finish school after her break up.
I worked with Anna often,she was a nice polite lady of about 30 but not the typw i was attracted tne morning i found her in the crew room crying,i asked if i could help with anything that was making her feel bad?Anna said she was having a hard time finding a place locally too live,that her and her daughter were living in her van at this point.
I had extra room so against my better judgment i offer to let them stay at my place until they slould find something more practical.Anna said no thanks we will get byok on our own,but obviously by the sound of her voice she wasnt so sure of that.I started to walk away and Anna spoke up,yes thanks Vanna needs more than a van,we will stay for a few days until we find something else if you dont mind?
As much as i wanted to keep my privacy i said sure,come over after work and ill show you and Vanna around.At 6pm they got to my place,Anna said most of their belongings were in the van with a few things stored in a rental unit.I showed them around the house and the guest rooms.Telling them that while they were here to make themselves at home.Anna seemed happy with the idea and i must admit my house was nice,pool in the back,flower garden,all the little things that say “home”.
I started checking them out a little closer to fill in the mental details of my new rooms.Anna was very plain looking,not the most energetic attitude,simply negative,partly because of her marital status i figured.Defenetly not attractive to me as a bedroom partner,Vanna was very cute,about 5’8″ 120lbs making it real hard to think of her as being only 13.She had dark hair,brown eyes,lots of smiles and energy but seemed to be very shy.
First impressions are often not recurate so i let time solve the mysterys of a persons actual personality.With 24 hours Anna&Vanna had settled in making themselves at home.It was nice having the womens touch around the house,bathroom was always in use.A few sight seeing adventures when it was bath time or the lack of night clothes that covered femanin body parts.
Anna didn’t make the grade in the eye candy department for sure.Now on the other hand,Vanna,even at her young age,being a tall girl was filling out well in the beauty areas.She always put on just a long tee for bed,having a habbit of looking strait at me with a smile and stretching her arms over her head.Dam,the tee would tighten over her golf ball size tittysas she stretchhed and twisted.It would lift up exposing her soft belly and the undies that were about 2 sizes to small.
It was obvious she was getting some fluff on her pussy mound,the undies framed her pussy like a nearly transparent covering of contact paper.I don’t know if she was aware of her exhibition or just acting like a kid,but she was sure arousing my egotistical curiosity.
At bed time i’d give Anna a good night hug and she’d go to her room,read and fall asleep(i hate snooring).Vanna would strut around the room showing off her treasures then build up the courage to run over anf give me a quick good night hug and kiss.She always went for the lip kiss,i figured from habbit so i accepted the warm little wet kiss.Vanna then would giggle and run off to bed and i would go to me room for the night.
It went like that for a week,then one evening Tanya came over for a visit.Tanya was 19 and very friendly,any chance she got when noone was watching she would be trying to ticket me or eagerly hugging and kissing,teasing like the devilish little imp she was.I enjoyed the attention.Feeling her sweet body against mine but always only to the point where she would arouse me to the max then say,Got to go,see ya.
This time was different,as tanya did her teasing Vanna was watching intently with a very angry look on her face,hands on her hips like Tanya was invading her territory.Tanya went home,Vanna didn’t say much for a while motion around the house obviously thinking intently about what Tanya and i had been doing.
Her mom went in to read,soon came the(snorring).I stood next to my bedroom door watching the tv in the living room,when Vanna walked slowly over to me.She looked in my eyes very seriously with curiosity that made me feel very uncomfertable.She grabbed me hard in a hug pulling tight to me,placing a questioning kiss on my lips.I kissed back,she didn’t stop,kissing moreaffressivly,the arousal that still lingers from Yanya teasing was pressing against her mound.I tried to pull back but she only held me tighter kissing like she wanted to suck my lips into her mouth.I started to slide her a little tongue then realized how much i was enjoying this adventure.
I tactfully pulled away whispering in Vannas ear so not to to wake her mom.Honey i said,your very sweet and precious but this is a big girl thing that your doing.You better wait a few years until your grown up more. That was not what she wanted to hear,she grabbed me again with more energy,giving me an almost suffocating liploc and said,I am a big girl,your mine,I am going to have you not Tanya..Ill show you!!!(continued)
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