Finding truth is stranger than fiction can be hard to believe.I was killing time on the pc chatting with some lady friends of lady friends.Some thing i did often after work to save being bored living alone.There were several i chatted almost every night, usually just talking over general topics or the problems life had toss at us that day.Most became friendly after a short time,real easy to do when there is the safety of distance to make us braver or maybe be a litle more open with our feelings ,not looking directly into some ones eyes.
Ill call the lady that was most talkative and earnedly ‘May’ to protect her and her kids.We joked around a lot wich was typical for idle chat that wasn’t going any place important.May was often asking for porn links or pic’s so when i felt like it i sent her a few.She said her ‘old man’ got off on that as well as when she was talkin real nasty with some guy.That didn't turn me on for sure but to each their own as long as it dosn’t do any harm.
We talked often until she began to bore me with only wanting me to help her find more porn for her hubby.When she was on i’d ignore her or make excuses why i couldn’t chat.One night i was sitting at the pc checking out new sites when May popped on.I decided to chat a little until she started asking me to find things to get her old man excited.
She was a bit different in chat this time asking about what i was feeling,how life was going for me for a change.Trying to be funny, i said all i do is work and sleep,i need to get a life.She took me seriously sent some love smiles saying that i needed a woman to make life more interesting.I fgiured what the heck? Why not let it all hang out and see what she says and does.She asked how i was feeling? I said fine,a bit tierd from work but ‘horney’ as always.To that she said really?In honesty,i said,yes it’s not always pleasant to be living alone.She said ill be right back wait!!!
A few minutes later she was back on saying my hubbies here now.i was thinking, great ,the fun that didnt begin is already over.May said my old man wants me to fuck you it will get him real excited.I said,ya right,thing this was a scam of some kind.She said he really does and he will get mad if i dont do what he wants.I thught she was feeding me a line of crap so i played along just for kicks.May asked if she could come over to my place so we could fuck?I said,sure theres no one here but the cats and me.She said ill be over in about 20 minutes ,then she signed off.
I played on the pc for a little while thinking about what she said.I didn’t believe she was really going to show up,but in the back of my mind i wasn’t totally posative she was joking.I shut the pc down and paced around the house thinking about going to bed,it was late and i had to work in the morning.Every time a car went by i looked out the window to see if it pulled in my drive.Then laughed at myself for being so dumb as to actually think she would come over.
Now ill tell you a little about May,she’s 24,blond, very slim,5’9″,110 lbs.She is married to a rather strange dude and has 2 kids a girl and boy.The girls 3 the boy close to 2,she looks real sweet.Not the type to be flonting what appeared to be a nice ass, with the look of a woman that hadn’t had kids ,or been rode hard and put away wet to many times.If she wasn’t married i’d certainly be trying to slip her the willy makin her moan for the bone and scream for the cream.I had a bad experience with a married one when I was a little younger and a whole lot stupider.Not only the guilt of slammin that beautiful honey but ending up paying her way for a few years until she she gave me the same double cross she gave her husband.
Well back to the story*sorry for adlibing,to my almost surprise after about 30 minutes a car pulled in my drive.I didn’t think it was her at first because no one came to the door.I opened the front door leaving the screen door closed and looked out.May’s car was parked in my drive and she was getting out.My heart went in my throat,knees started shaking trying to decide if this was for real or some kind of really weird joke.I sipped some coffee and stood in front of the tv like a status stairing at the boob tube.
I could hear May walk across the stone walk way then up the front steps to my door.I was only a few feet from the open door so she didn’t knock just said,your home can i come in?I went and opened the screen so she could come in then shut the door behind her.May looked at me with those haunting hazel eyes and sais,lock it!!I did then we stood a foot or so apart and talked about her kids and being bored as well as the computer.You got to know, i’m not a very aggressive person,well, until i get to know some one then i open up.
May was dressed in a pair of loose slacks with a thin belly shirt that showed her unusually flat stomach for a woman with 2 kids.Obviously she was taking good care of her looks and her figure.May moved closer to me after we talked a while,as if she was waiting for me to make some kind of a move on her or something.The thought was in my head but I still wasnt sure what her motive for comming was.It didn’t seem possible the she’d drive 20 miles at 11 at night just to get fucked.Especially with her hubby and 2 kids at home.
She got real close and looked me dead in the eye as she said,questioningly,don’t you want me?Choking a little i said, your very pretty,a man would be nut’s if he didn’t want you.She said,well,my old man don’t,he just gets his jollys from me doing things with other men on the computer and now he sent me here.I said,we dont need to do anything just tell him we did.She grabbed my arm saying, but,i want to,he don’t any more.
That was like opening the door to the candy store for a kid with a sweet tooth and dam was she sweet.I put my hands on her shoulders and rubbed them with hopes of comferting her.It did something because she pressed her body very tight to mine.I rubbed from her shoulders up and down her arms softly.Then moved my mouth to her’s giving her a gentle kiss.May unexpectedly pressed harder into me locking her lips on mine hard ,thrusting her tongue inside my mouth to find mine.I joined her affressive kissing with pleasure as we tongue fucked for several minutes.She was just the right high to fit like a glove to my body.We matched to the max for fit wich was immediatly obvious.
My cock was swelling rapidly in line with her public shaft so i pressed it into her letting my hands slide down to her ass cheeses and squeeze themgently.Her ass was small each hand covered them nearly completely.My fingers were low enough so i could feel her love gap sending out waves of heat as i pressed her bottom into my hard cock.Almost spontaniously her hips started to rock into my cock rubbing it hard on her shaft beneath her slacks.I let my hand slide inside her pants and rubbed her tight little ass that was clenching as she thrust her hips at my cock.I had to have a feel of that pussy,my curiosity was killing me to know what was eagerly wanting my cock to fill it up.
My hand stroked over her legs as it moved around to her front inside her slacks.So very soft and smooth they feel like silk pulsing out temendous warmth. My hand slide around to her front,the backs of my fingers expolating her soft furry moon as her body continued to hump into me,but now on my hand instead of my burning cock.As i let my fingers slide down to her pussy,i was shocked when they rubbed over her gigantic clip.Her pussy was soaking wet with arousal as i rubbed her clip with 2 fingers like a small cock.She just kept moaning louder and louder,then ‘Woosh’a hand full of juice squirted out in my hand.More than i thought any woman could possably squirt.
May began to rub my cock saying ,with a squeel,oh God its so big, i’v never feel one like yours before.Then her hand went inside my pants to pump my engaged cock.May started pushing me backwards toward the bedroom wich was only a few feet away.I more than willingly backed into the bed room and up to the bed.Still a bit dumb founded by the whole situation i stood there just looking at May.She took her clothes all off and toos them on the floor looking at me as she did.Off came mine and i toss them with hers and waited.She pushed me rather agreeably back on to the bed jumping on top of me with her knees on either side of my hips.Her long hair fall over my face as she kissed wildly sucking my lips and tongue bouncing franticly on my cock as it laid parallel upon her engorged pussy lips.
She was bouncing and moaning wanting to have my cock in her so bad i thought she would bounce off the bed onto the floor.She reached down grabbing my big shake in desperation to fill her needs.She kept repeating over and over,i love it,it’s so fucking big!!!I was at a loss for what to do but it seemed best just to let her do as she pleased for the time being and take over if i needed to at some point.May started slapping my cock against her dripping cunt franticly,then violently against her huge clip so fast i thought she may rip my cock right off.
It was amazing,her cum was flying all over me and the bed as she whipped my cock against her clip.Squirt after squirt of her juices like she’d never cum before.She started to relax a little after she had released her orgasms ,to many times to count.Then she moved my cock down to her love tunnel slowly letting it slip over her silky smoothness until she bottomed out on my balls.I could feel her cunt lips sucking at my balls as she rode its full length. Her pussy tightened on my cock sucking and milking its entire length making my cum boil within for release.Her small yet firm tits brushed against my chest hair as her lips pulled from mine and she said in a begging voice,Oh cum baby,cum in my pussy,make me feel full with your hot cum.As she slide down my cock i grabbed her ass cheats and pulled her hard upon me driving my cock as deep in her as it could go, feeling my balls vibrate as the cum shot up my cock.Burst after burst of my sweet hot gizz shot into her like lightning bolts as i felt squirts of her cum shooting out all around my cock.
She left me laying the totally spent ,slipping her clothes back on not saying a word.I know that already my cum was oozing out of her twat filling her pantys and spreading all over her cunt.As she left ,she turned and said,ill be on the pc assoon as i get home the old man will be sleeping.Sure enough in a half hour there she was saying ‘hi’ in chat,all she said was thank you knight,will you be on the pc after work tomarrow?I said,yes,knowing the next time she came over, i would defeatly not be as shy….
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