Fishing,Vanna..get's the big one

Off work at four,it was a bums rush to get home,shower,grab a cool drink and a sandwich.I was still smiling as i thought about Vanna spending most of last night in my bedroom.The excitment of the forbidden intamicy,her mom snorring only 25 feet away across the hall.

A second after i walked in the door,Vanna was climbing all over me,hugging,kissing, running her frantic hands in the most personal places.Returning the affection more tactfully,i soothed her craving for recognition with my hands and lips.

Vanna bounced on her toes excitedly,we are going fishing,right?Yes ,of corse i replied,did your mom says it was ok?Yes,Vanna said,she went to her friends house for the night and won’t be back until tomarrow afternoon. That saved my mind greatly,i had worried all day about her mom finding out i’d stole her daughters verginity.

Vannna was tall enough to look legal but it was three yearsor more before that cream pie we made in her pussy last night was going to be safe.We got the fishing tackle from the garage,our food and drinks and hurridly put them in the van.It was only a short drive to the big pool in the ledges of the river were the big trout were feeding.

It was difficult driving,Vanna was constantly adjusting the radio as she wiggled around excitedly anticipating getting the ‘big one’,maybe catching a fish too.She constantly reached over trying to play with my cock as i drive.Twice i nearly drove in the ditch when i stopped her from unhooking my pants.Vanna was being very naughty,teasing me with conversation about wanting my cock in her mouth.I told her to behave,we were almost there,we could resolve her little pussy itch soon enough.

We walked down the path under the railroad bridge to the pool.The railroad had been abandoned years ago so no trains ever passed.It was off on a side road so there was little or no traffic to interrupt the sound of nature.We had rushed so much getting ready to come here,i had little time to notice Vanna,other than the distraction on our drive over.

She had braught her large back pack,the radio in addition to the gear we had put in the van.Vanna was wearing a very pretty hot pink tee,some soft cotton pants that resembled bedroom wear. They fit quite loose looking to be very comfortable along with the oversized tee that hid her rapidly developing breasts.As loose as the tee was when she stretched a little, her ripe nipples were poked out proudly.

She saw me stairing at her treasures,smiled,licked her lips,glanced at the bulge in my pants,then pursued her lips blowing me a kiss.Vanna didn’t need to be suggested,i already had a blazzing error that she was rapidly increasing in size.If she knew that i had thought all day about the feel of my cock buried to the hilt in her tight tender pussy last night.How difficult it had been not to keep her fully impaled on it all night until we awoke.Vanna would realize she had me hooked better than any fish had ever been.

I knew i had to be a little coy,so she didn’t take me for granted or get carried away with flirting when we were in the public eye.Rumors flew around even when there was no basis for them and if we wern’t careful there would be hell to pay,at least for me.It was obvious that the first time we fucked was wrong,it seemed that the millionth time couldnt make the mistake any bigger than the first.So enjoy the ride,suffer the result if it was to come in a negative manor.

We found a nice flat spot on the ledge overlooking the pool,behind us was a high spot much like a table to put our lunch.The fishing gear i sat below us for when we were ready to try our luck.Vanna turned on the radio to some mellow music, a station that would give the weather forecast in case a thunderstorm popped up suddenly and we needed to run for the van.She got in her pack taking out a blanket for us to sit on while we fished or whatever happen to develop between us.

The location was secluded enough that we wouldn’t be seen and if anyone came by we would be aware of it long before they knew we were there.We got set up on the blanket with a couple cold drinks.I bated the poles, cast them out in the deep pool,setting them on holders to wait for the fish to bite.I told Vanna the fish were probably not going to bite until the sun went down a little,closer to their feeding time.She didn’t seem to mind waiting, the music was relaxing, the sun was warm as it was absorbed by the rocks and our blanket.

Vanna brushed her hair out of her face laying back on the blanket with her knees up feeling the warm sun heating her tender young body.She asked me to lay beside her while we waited for the fish to get hungry and relax.I did assuming the same positionas she did with my knees up sucking the warm sunshine into my body.Vanna said,it feels so nice laying her with you.Warm and peaceful,blue sky with soft white clouds drifting slowly by.I agreed most completely,even if the fish never bite its pretty close to heavenly.

Vanna said,you know?Yesterday i feel like a kid,last night makes me feel like a woman.I thught a second then said,we both feel differently today,i sure hope that grows into something better that we don’t regret some day.She said,it feels good now let’s enjoy it,worry abut tomarrow when it comes. Again i agreed,amazing, how a few hours and changes effects how we feel about life.

Vanna sat up taking her tee off so the sun could warm her breasts.I lay there stairing at her lucious peak sized breasts,little cherry nipples pointing up at the sky.I asked Vanna if she was both by my admiering her lovely treasures?She said,not at all,she felt proud that i thought they were niceand it excited her to have me adoring her beauty.Vanna said,it feels nice when you touch them,even better when you do loving things to them with your mouth.

That sounded like an invatation that i had been waiting for.I rolled up on my side towards her and began running the tip of my finger around her nipples,stroking the underside of her sensitive breasts with the backs of my fingers.She just said,it feels so yummy and pressed her chest slightly upward in to my struggling.Leaning over i let my tongue lick every inch of both beautiful breasts followed by sucking gently on each nipple teasing with my tongue.Vanna surprised repeatedly at the pleasure i was giving and recieved as my oral worshiping increased in intensity.

She emmitted a sexy moan saying,honey doing that makes my pussy get so wet,i feel a big itch way up inside my belly that gets bigger and bigger.I didn’t say it but i had something in my pants that was very eager to take care of herbig itch way up inside.My tongue feel hard enough to ticke her navel from the inside or let her discover the feeling of it slipding in the crack of her butt rimming that vergin anal orafice.

Vanna sat up bringing my mind back from fantasy,she said,my turn to play,you can have more of my toy box later baby.I sure do love equality,no doubt i would like her turn as much as mine and maybe more.I lay back down flat to gaze at the deep blue sky feeling the sun warming me to my soul.Vanna posed over me with her lovely little breasts hanging proudly from her chest.She unhooked my pants,i raised my butt so she could pull them down to my knees.She giggled when she said,bad boy,you didn’t wear any undies, but i like it.

Her fingers teased as they explored my throbbing cock making it fill and swell to full staff.She ran her fingers around the head,stroking the sensitive underside until precum overflowed.As her fingers toyed in the sticky flow she said,yum,thats what i want,licking up the first drops savoring the taste.Her lips slipped over the head of my cock slipding it in and out making more cum rise up for her nurse mouth.After a few tastes of sticky cock juice her hunger increased for more allowing half of my cock to slip into her soft warm oral cavity.She judged well,any more would make her choke and she wanted to enjoy the practice.

Her lips clamped tightly around my shake bobbing up and down as she sucked,her soft tongue working its miracles on the botom of the sensitive shaft.Occasionally keeping only the head inside and sucking hard to pull the cum that had risen into her hungry mouth.Then I could feel her tongue contract on my excited cock as she drank it down.

Vanna increased her oral cock worship,sucking faster,harder,deeper craving more of my man juice.I said,carful honey,i’m going to cum,real big soon.She said,please do,i want to feel it squirting in my mouth.I asked, are youure,it will be a lot?She said,oh yes,please,i want all you have then later you can make my pussy nice and full again like last night,please? There was no denying her request,she sucked hard a few more times and i started thrusting my hips into her mouth as she bobbed faster and faster on my burnning tool.I feel my balls vibrate as the hot cum shot from my cock like lightning bolts splattering inside her sweet mouth.

Vanna drank as fast as she could but it was to much for her,when her mouth was full she pulled back as cum shot over her lips and chin dripping all over her sweet young breaths.She was grinning like the cheshire cat as she licked the cum from her face,rubbing my hot sticky man juice over her breasts then all over her belly.Vanna had such a pleased look on her face at her achievement, saying, that was so excited i think i made cum in my pants,i’m so horney,my pussy has such a great big itch,please scratch it for me baby?

Vannaeagerly helped me remove her pants,the crotch was soaked with her pussy lube.I said,nuty girl,no undies either i see,she blushed informing me that she could not stand the tight undies there any more because it made her want my cock in her pussy really bad.I slide my hand over her sticky belly,then down to massage her fuzzy mound.The cent of her new womanhood filled my senses with lustful password.I was going to have her again soon,knowing it would be even more intense than the extacy of the night before.

I slid my fingers over her pussy lips,dipping one in to allow her silk to flow freely spreading it all around her love box as i massed her from love tunnel to clip making her hips hrust wildly into my fingers.Vanna had already climaxed at least three times and was craving more in a hurry.I pressed my finger as far as it would go in her love tunnel finger fucking her stedily.I took her clip between my lips licking,sucking teasing constantly.I moved my hand to insertmy thumb in her love tunnel as her love muscles milked at my bigger thumb more excitedly.She was building fast to a giant orgasm as my free finger now played at her slippery anus,teasing to enter her other still vergin hole. As she thrashed wildly ready to burst her cum,i pushed my thumb deep into her pussy.As she spasamed i drove my finger deep into her anal opening.

Hot woman juice squirted violently into my mouth as her hips bounced against my face,as i pulled back to get a breath more shot over my face dripping down over my chest.I rubbed it around,drinking what i could then rubbed her sweet juices over my bulgging cock.I looked down at Vanna,she seemed to be unconcious,i whisperd,honey you ok?Her eyes opened a slit,i swear i saw stars twinkeling for a second before she spoke.Baby,you made my pussy exploit,my whole body was making cum.We lay there holding tight for a few minutes resting from the pleasure excess.Then Vanna said,baby i want your cock wayup inside to make that itch go away again.Loads and louds of hot sticky cum for my hungry little pussy,make me full to the brim,please?

I got on my knees guiding Vanna onto her’s explaining that i was going to take her doggy style,it would be different and i thught she would like the new sensing even more than last night.She was very eager to experiment with new things,new feelings,hungry for the thrill of my cock rippeling over her love muscles in any way she could get it.
She quickly assumed the position accepting my guidance eagerly,arching her back,lifting her bottom high for my easy access.

Looking down, i was thrilled with the site of her delicious young ass being offers for my every desier.She was wet from top to bottom with silky love juice,a pool had already formed dripping from her desier on the blanket beneath us.Her tiny anus spasaming from the finger i had inserted when she burst her love juices so abundantly.I slipped my finger over her partially open slit,such a soft pink color,glistening with her wet desier.Desperatly i wanted to glide my cock deep inside that tender love hole and exploit like i never had before.

My cock head rubbed over her silk weting itself fully,making it as silky and slippery as her love tunnel was.It pressed gently teasing her anus as she moaned in extacy offering her ass to me with total abandon.A little more teasing and i let i slide down over her soaking pussy to rub her clip,she pushed back into me wanting my cock inside her desperately.I placed the head on her pussy lips,then my hands on her hips.One thrust and my cock slid half way in,so well lubed that her muscles rippled easily over my large cock accepting easily as she craved for all i had to give.

Her bottom convulsed wildly as i held her hips thrusting into her every thrust until my cock was totally impaling her fertile body.Her pussy lips made sucking noises as they licked at my balls almost sucking them inside her hungry love tunnel.Vanna bucked more wildly as her”G”spot rubbed franticly over my cock.Her clip bouncing off my balls with each powerful thrust.We both started to moan louder and louder thrilling even the senses of hearing until it was nearly a scream.Hot body rushes flashed over Vanna flooding my thrusting cock.putting me over the edge as massive jolts of molton man cum burst free,splashing against her deepest orafice.Her pussy hold me tight as my cumm pumped into her filling her more than full.The mixture of our love juice seepng out around love organizations making a pool on the blanket.

I rolled to my side still clutching Vanna tightly around her hips.My cock still impaling her as she gripped it tightly holding it deep within.We lay in the sun as i kissed her neck whispering love words as my cock still throbed inside her whomb empty its last drops of man seed.



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