These stories would be far easier to read if the authors paid attention to a few simple writing rules:
1. Learn the difference between “to” (e.g., “I want to fuck”) and “too” (meaning “also”; e.g., “I too wanted to fuck”).
2. Learn the difference between “your” (e.g., your pussy is wet) and “you’re” (contraction for “you are”; e.g., “You’re so hot”).
3. Learn the difference among these three: “their” (e.g., “Their intent was to fuck”), “there” (e.g., “Look at them fucking over there”), and “they’re” (contraction for “they are”; e.g., “They’re fucking!”).
4. Not every word ending in “s” has an apostrophe before it. “It’s” is a contract for “It is” (e.g., “It’s time to fuck.”). “Its" is a possessive form of “it” (e.g., “Its name was Fifi”). Use an apostrophe when you want to show possession: “John’s dick was huge”. Don’t use an apostrophe when you want to show plurality: “Many dicks came on her face all at once”. If a word that normally ends in “s” needs to be made plural, put an apostrophe AFTER it, not before: “The Jones’ dog lapped up her pussy juice eagerly.”
5. Put a fucking paragraph break in there once in a while. Use a whole blank line. Stories that are all one paragraph are impossible to wade through.
6. Proofread your post. If you see a word usage you are not totally sure of, LOOK IT UP and fix it! If you can’t understand it, most likely no one else can either. Bring up another window, Google the word and use the right one. It’s not that hard. Use spell-check, but remember that lots of words can be spelled right but be the totally wrong wordfor the sentence. (e.g., “They’re name’s were Fred and Wilma”; bleaahh, hurts just to write that!)
7. Watch for sentence fragments (no noun or verb) and run-ons (two sentences strung together).
8. Avoid colloquialisms and words that many won’t understand, especially those with different meanings in England and America! (e.g., “pants” vs. “trousers”)
9. Maintain the same tende (past, present or future) throughout unless it is clear that you’re doing a flashback. For example, don’t say “I fucked her over and over. She’s cumming hard! And then she will fuck ten other guys!” instead, say, “I fucked her over and over. She came hard, and wanted to fuck ten other guys after me!”
10. Watch your font size: Too small and it’s hard to read; too large and it wastes space; too non-standard and it distracts the reader. Use a proportional font that’s nottoo ornate, like Arial or Times New Roman.
Hope that helps.
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