Tale Of Two Tittys

Sorry folks nothing like the classic,sorta borrowed the idea,smile it really dosn’t hurt at all.

I had a busy day at work,next to impossible to find good help.Usually it was easier to do it all than to make up for some one else mistakes.I got off the clock at 8pm to see that it was raining again.As i drove home my thoughts were of Vanna and the fishing trip we had taken yesterday.

As i pulled in the drive i could see the living room light on,obviously some one was there tonight to greet me.When i walked in Vanna came running over jumping into my arms giving me the sweetest warm kiss.It felt real good to come home to more than cats and tropical fish.I looked around wondering if her mom was there in case our kissing got out of hand.Vanna said dont worry mom’s not here,she wanted to atay over at her friends longer.I have to call her in a while to see what she is planning to do the next few days.

With that relaxing knowledge, i made it a point to take full advantage of being alone with Vanna.A lot more of those sweet wet kisses while i let my hands roam over every inch of her luscious young body.Vanna broke away saying she had to call her mom at 9 to check in.The conversation was short,fillng her in on the fish not biting yesterday.Giggeling a little as she looked at me, telling her mom,all we did was get the worm wet.

Vanna hung the phone up saying,her mom was staying over again at her friends house.Adding that she thught her mom was doing a bit more than visiting,maybe she had found a nice stiff one.I laughed,telling her i felt a little dirty and had to take a bath before we decided on what we wanted for a late dinner.I asked how her day was?Vanna said fine,she did some chores around the house watched tv.Most of all,she thought about yeterday and how much she was missing me while i was at work.I told her i thought about her too, all day,not upset at all that we didn’t catch any fish.

Vanna said,yup,no fish,but we sure did get the worm wet my pussy still feels soggy.Defenetly not to soggy because she was starting to get that cock hungry look in her eys that i had become very customized to.Vanna had told me ,when she had her last menstrual cycle, so i was pretty sure she was at that ovulation time that would make her feel hyper affectionate.Maybe it was wishful thinking or some scent that my senses detected but i was feeling very errotic also.

We decided to have pasta and salad for dinner for a change of pace.I mentioned desert,Vanna staired at my crotch,i smiled looking at her breasts then down to her love gap and licked my lips.I could see the warm blush flow from her cheeks with a rush all the way down to her bottom making her start to get wet.

We put the pasta on to boil ,then i gave Vanna a kiss and headed to the bath.Usually a bubblebath was nice to relax but tonight i was in a hurry to eat and dress for bed so there was time to relax for a while in front of the tv.Turning the shower on very warm, i stepped in, letting the water warm my body relaxing away the days stress.

As always i left the door slightly open so i could hear what was going on in the house in case some one knocked or the phone rang.Realizing i had forgotten to get some night clothes i yelled to Vanna asking her if she would be so kind as to pick something out for me and put it on the vanity?She said,sure,in a few minutes she came in the bath with my pj’s.

Not hearing her leave i looked into the steamy glass of the shower door.Sure enough Vanna was watching my image from the other side of the glass.I figured a little shower singing was in order,well,if you like the sound of a frog it’s not to bad?Starting with a gurggeling kinda yodel,i broke into a verse of “Close your eyes”spred yourlegs”Ill fertalise your eggs”Doowa”Doowa”.Then i could hear Vanna burst out laughing,then the toilet flush.She yelled into the shower,you made me almost piss my pants,you jerk.

Vanna said,hurry up,i need a shower too and your going to use all the hot water!!! I apologised, saying, maybe you should join me,save some water and be sure the hot dosn’t run out?Good idea,she replied,in a second she had tossed her clothes in the hamper and was slipping in the shower behind me.She pushed me aside getting in front under the shower head.First her beautiful dark hair soaked up the stream then it trickled down over her delicious body.Little rivlets running down her back into the crack of her ass and the sweet honey pot below.In front a stream running off her hair then down over her breasts with little rivlets trickeling off each protruding nipple.

Captivating would be putting it mildly,in only a few days she had become a beautiful complete woman.Undoubtably the most errisistable that had ever crossed my path.Wondering what i would do if she was to vanish from my life as quickly as she had come into it?I erraced that thught,she was here and so was i.For the moment as she had said,we make the best of it, take tomarrow when it gets here.

Taking the soap i began to later her up, like i was massaging the slippery soap,the water rinsed it quickly away.Her body felt so smooth and soft under my hand as the soapy mixture glidded over her body.Over her shoulders,then around to the front lingering as my soapy hands milked at her breasts pulling gently at her nipples.She cooled and lay back into me pushing her chest out pleasure in my errotic attentions.

Vanna took the soap from my hand as she turned facing me.Running her fingers in my chest hair as she soaped me up rubbing in circles down to my belly.She latherd her hands up well then grasped my half hard cock pumping gently with her hot soapy hand.The heat mixed with the thrill of her hand made it quickly swell long and full pointing slightly up as she looked down admiering the magic she had created.

Gracfully she dropped to her knees careful rinsing the soap from my pulsing cock.Gently she pressed her lips over the head toying with her tongue taking all she could into her sweet soft mouth.Her tongue working the sensitive tip,stroking along the under side.Sucking more and more until precum oozed into her hungry mouth.My eyes closed in extacy as she sucked, imagining that my body was a thick milk shake and my cock was the straw.It feel like she wanted to suck every drop until there were only slurpping sounds of air sucking at the empty cup.

Then the hot water ran out and Vanna screamed,we dashed out quickly foregoing the pj’s,slipping into robes that were better to take away the chill of the blast of cold water. When we were warmed up we finished the pasta,made the salad,than sat down to devour our meal.Occasionally Vanna would playfully take the end of the pasta strand from her plate sucking it suggestively into her smiling mouth.I just sat grinning as i licked the sauce from my fork.

While we were cleaning up the table i suggested maybe ,considering we were alone, it would be nice to watch a movie in the bedroom.We could relax and cuddle more comfortable.Vanna agreed that sounded a lot more romantic than the sofa , with the front door locked and the lights down no one would be comming to visit.Vanna put in a movie, we took our robes off slipping beneath the satin sheets.She pushe her back into me sayin,hold me tight,warm me up please.That i was eager to do,soon i could feel the warmth of our bodies generating much more heat.

It didn’t take long for the warmth to flow down to her butt that pressed against my cock.I felt it swelling quickly,so did Vanna,her legs parted enough to allow its length to gently slip between her legs pulsing against her soft hot pussy lips.She humped back slowly making the head glide up and down her slit.The heat was growing stronger as her silky love juices coated my throbbing cock.

Vanna said,baby my pussy’s getting very itchy again,want to ease my itchy? Yes honey,ill kiss it and make it all better i promise.Seconds later she was on top of me,her sweet butt hovering over my face as her tongue played lollypop with my eager cock.

Laying there looking at her delicious pussy was driving me wild.Her labia soft and puffy like the sweetest hot apple pie with silky sauce dripping from the slide in between.Taking her whole puss in my mouth i gently sucked the sweet juices that came in abundance.Her hips rocked as she sucked ,pressing my tongue deep inside her love tunnel.My chin brushed against her clip as i drank up her first orgasam.Her mouth quencing Its thirst as she pulled the sweet man juices from my rapidly filling cockhead.It was more than we could stand,need more of each other in a more powerful deeper way very soon.

I had become addicted to her charms,craving to feel her sweet treasures submitting to my lusting desiers.The delicious feeling of her sweet young body impaled on my cum filled cock.I got out of bed,as i stood there beside the bed Vanna stood up on the bed.Concerned she asked,baby wats wrong?Nothing honey i replied as i reached out picking her up in my arms.She held tightly to my neck wondering what i was going to do.She seemed a little confused , yet eager to learn the meaning of my unusual actions.

I carried her to the closet, went inside and pressed her back against the soft blankets hanging on the wall.Holding her there with her hands still tightly around my neck.I reached down and wrapped her legs around my hips forcing my body firmly into her love gap.Vanna gave no resistance,she wanted my cock in any way she could get it.Eager for a new experimentence with breathless anticipation.I held her legs up high pressing harder to hold her from falling down.Quickly i grasped my pounding cock placing the head at the her wet slit,then slowly let her slide down.

My back arched sharply as i grasped her butt cheats pulling her fully onto my shake.Vanna sqeeled loudly,then fell limp as a massive orgasam swept over her body sending rivers of her hot woman cum flooding over my cock.She must have failed briefly from the overwhelming pleasure,when she began to awaken i drive my cock powerful in and out of her pussy thrusting so hard at times my balls smoked wetly against the blanket behind her bottom.My legs nearly colapsed as jet after jet of hot cum shot up my cock filling her precious whomb.Rivers of our mixture ran down my legs dripping to the floor.I was exhausted,Vanna still on the edge of consciousnesses as i carried her still impaled on my cock back to the bed.I lay back with her on top to rest pulting the satin sheet over us.

Maybe 15 minutes later Vanna began to move,she kissed and sucked at my neck as i lay the half sleep.Just before we both did off for the night Vanna said,it feels so good,like were going to make a baby in there soon……….



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