Midnight Bandit(part2)

“Lena” strugled only a little,i told her how i feel about her and her friends being so rude.The name calling,destroying property ,that i knew she was part of,most likely the oragin of the idea.I told her ,those were the actions of a silly child,wasn’t she old enough to act responsibly?Set a better example for the younger girls in her group? “Lena” said,i will be 18 next week,i promise ill do better.I questioned her sincerity, saying i wasn’t convinced at all.Then she said,Fuck you, doing this to me is responsible?I agreed it wasn’t but that she had done the deeds that made me create this situation,she was in no position to argue the point,while i was in control.

Her comet upset me,in a strange way, i felt relieved she wanted to be difficult.It gave me reason to torque her a little more ,as i got a rush of excitment with so much power over her.I know if i let her go now she would harrass me even more.I doubted she would tell anyone unless I hurt her seriously,she was to proud,to egotistical to let her buddies know she could be vulnerable or taken advantage of in any way.

I wet my fingers with my lips then rubbed them over hers,she began to struggle again,spitting at me. That did not please me at all,of all the things i dislike, that is close to number one.I feel a rush of adrenalin that was twinged with lust heating my manhood.My breathing increased,heart racing as my fingers trembled nervously. Again i took the wetness from my lips and rubbed over hers.Lena tried to turn away but didn’t spit, knowing that to anger me was not going to be the way for her to be set free.

She said,what are you going to do,rape me?I said,i hadn’t planned on it,but her reactions left me unsure of how far it would go?”Lena” said,ok ill stop being a ‘Bitch’ just don’t hurt me please?I leaned over giving a little kiss,like the one whenshe was unconcious.Her lips didn’t move,no response,unlike when she was out.I kissed her again slightly stronger,her soft lips began to taste mine as if she was maybe beginning to enjoy the feeling.

When i pulled my lips away after several kisses her lips remained pursued in the form of a kiss until she realized my lips were gone.I could see her chest rise faster wondering if it was fear or arousal causing the excitment in her body.I had to know the answer before i released her.

I lay beside her so she could feel the warmth of my body,putting us one more equal ground,except for the bindings that held her to the bed.I kissed her again,she responded slightly.My hand stroked over her hair touching her ear,then the backs of my fingers traced down her neck to her tank top.Lena didn’t move,she just looked in my eyes.The expression she had wasn’t fear,more as if she waited anxiously for my next move.Lena made an ‘oooo’sound asmy hand slide down over her breast.

She said, please stop?her voice had a much different tone than when she was calling me names,almost a sexual hint to her words.I kissed her again,she was actually responding as if she wanted it to last longer.I let my hand slip up under her top cupping the fullness of her breast,another’oooo’more throaty,more sexual.Rolling her nipples between my fingers i teased them as they either volunteerily or involenterily began to pop up hard into my teasing fingers.I kissed her,a lot of response this time,opening her lips so my tongue could meet hers if i wanted.

My hand slipped down to her belly letting my finger trace the outline of her navel.Then the elastic band at the top of her shorts.Kissing her,her pointy tongue poked at my lips and i gave her my tongue.To my amazing she sucked at my tongue franticly as i joined in her enthusiasam.By then my hand had begun worming it’s way into her shorts.Her shorts were to tight making it difficult to be gentle.I consider stopping at that point ,then i feel her suck in her belly as far as she could.Making it easier for my hand to continue it’s journey,her bubble butt tightened as she raised her mound upward.

Lena sucked at my tongue and lips trying to pull me closer,i let her,a little closer so our lips and tongues could play with more eagerness.My hand cupped her shaft squeezing gently,she told into my mouth relaxing,i wonderd had she had a climax?My fingers slipped over her soft public hair,lower.Her clip was highly errect jutting from the top of her pussy lips,brushing it gently i traced my finger down to find her groov nestled between her full soft labia.As my finger rubbed dipping in slightly,a hot silky flow of her juices creamed out over my fingers.Lena began to move her hips thrusting her slit up and down on my fingers increasing in speed wanting satisfaction.

I knew i had to stop,or, i wouldnt be able to until i had impaliled her on my cock,filling her with my hot man cum.Removing my hand from her shorts, giving her one more hungry kiss,i lifted away.I untied her legs first,then her hands and stepped away in case she became violent,waiting to see what she did.

“Lena”sat up on the bed,her eyes looked into mine trying to read my shames.I didn’t say a word as i stood motionless,Lena asked,don’t you want me?She looked sad as if i had rejected her,abandoned her in her time of desperate need.I looked at her,probably with the look of guilt for having toyed with her emmotins in so many ways.”Lena”repeated again,pleading,why don’t you want me?

I stepped closer looking in her questioning eyes, saying,i want you very much,but not tied and helpless.Lena’s eyes followed mine as they looked down at my error obviously pulsing in my pants.Lena stood up,i said ,you can leave ,i won’t stop you,she asked,can i stay if i want?Yes,i replied,as long as you want,your free to do as you wish.

Lena moved close,her face inches from mine,then she formed a kiss that found my lips as hungry as when she was at my mercy.When our lips seperated Lena reached up unbuttening my shirt,she pulled my hands to hers placing my fingers around the hem and moving them up removing her top,then i toss mine with her on the floor.She pressed her breasts into my chest hard as she locked her lips to mine.My hands dropped to her bubble butt and massed her cheeks pulling her frame into my error.She gyrated it against my hardness franticly trying to fuck it under my clothes,her hips pushing wildly into me.

My mouth went down to her breasts giving them equal licks,nursing her nipples as i nibbled them softly with my teeth.My fingers went under the elastic ban of her shorts pulling them down as she kicked them away.I kissed her mound then slid my tongue over her clip licking at the wetness of her labia beneath.her hands grabbed my pants,unsnapping them,they fell to the floor,i kicked them away.Lena dropped to her knees licking the precum from my cock head,gently sucking a few more drops before she sat back on the bed opening her legs wide.

She grasped my cock in her hand pulling me towards her as she lay back on the bed fully.Lena moved up on the bed guiding my cock closer to the lips of her labia.Her legs open as far as they could go,as my body lowered fitting into hers ,she wrapped her legs around my back locking her ankels together behind me.Her hand pulling hard on my cock towards her love tunnel until the head began to pierce her soft love hole.Her feet pressed hard as her hips drive all the way onto my throbbing cock.My balls pressing the wetness that was running down over her bubble butt.

We began rocking,thrusting hard into each other,past orgasams leaking out around our connection,as more came rapidly.”Lena"screamed loudly,fuck me,cum in me once for every terrible thing i have ever done.We started fucking at 8pm,the last time we orgasamed together was at the stroke of “Midnight”.We lay exhausted clutching each other,then Lena said,i’v done more bad things!!! Ill be back tomarrow when you get home from work,it may take years before we are even and lots more cum from both of us!!! Then after that when i think i may be bad ill just come so we can cum………



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