Summer was passing quickly,only a few days until vacation after over a year without a break.I felt different the past few months,something in my nature was very different.I was more of a lonely,avoiding human contact except for work.Where i was always the lively,friendly joker.That exceled in all i tried to do.
I hadnt really planned for a vacation,only i knew i wanted to do something new and exciting.Not neccesarily a long trip,more like a thrilling exploration of some extremely different life style.
I spent a lot of time researching drama,mystery,serfing web sites at random searching for something wild but possible to give life that missing adrenal surge that equals a sexual body rush and even better.”Aw”how interesting?The ultimate adrenal rush hand i hand with orgasmic lust?But how could that be created?
Tomarrow vacation started and still i had not organized a plan of action toachieve the adventure that was toying in my mind.After ny last work day i came home cleaned up,get a drink then went to the front deck to brain storm about the vacation days that began tomarrow.I thught so much my head began to ache,figuring i best give it a rest a while i gazed over the flower garden.Filling my senses with the sounds and scents of nature.
Then piercing into my ears that way to familyer sound of my neighbors daughter “Lena” roller blading with her friends past my house.Screaming observations,showing no respect for even the cats that they would try to run down with their skates. This had been going on for months,i knew she was responsible for the damage to my car.The stamped of foot prints that had flattened my flower garden to a pulverised twist of broken beauty.I was Not only extremely pissed off,i wanted revenge,pay back,restitution of some sort.
Soon “Lena’s”friends went home,she skated alone finally stopping her terrible behavior briefly.As she went by my place again i spoke loud enough so she cans hear,Get a life you little bitch!!! I laughed like hell,when my startled words made her loose balance, falling flat on her ass in the Rose bushes.”Lena”let out a scream holding back the tears from the pain ,to protect her oversized Ego.I almost felt pitty for her,imagining how much the feeling of the thorns tareing at her bare legs,scraping deep into that bubble ass.
The thught of feeling sorry for her was brief.Quickly she was on her feet calling me names,thretening me from her safe distance.I tried to make peace at least for the moment,it was vacation,i wanted to enjoy every bit of it if at all possible.”Lena” wanted no part of peacful co existing,every other sentence that spit from her evil mouth contained”Fuck you”.I should have shut up but her verbal slashing was getting to me.Finally i said,”No”Fuck You,Cunt!!”
That lit her ego fier like a blow torch,she stood there hands on hips puffing out her chest,wiggeling her bubble ass saying,”ill,just bet,you want to”Fuck me”you”Needle dinner bug Fucker!!!”.
I had to think about that for a few seconds realising , that maybe, showing her that i was not a’needle dinner’ could prove to be a very exciting process.I could see a little blood from the thorns forming on her upper leg just below her hip at the edge of her shorts.I laughed,pointing saying,”honey” you better go see your mom and dad looks like you just popped your cherry.
“Lena” turned red with anger mixed with embaracment.She looked for words to combat mine,saying,”I only have a mom,she don’t care where i am or what i do,she is working tonight and i can take care of myself fine so”Fuck you”.
That was the last observation i wanted to hear,the thrill of my vaction plan started to form in my mind with exciting evil intent.Now i was a hunter and “Lena” was going to be my target,teaching her not to violate my space,showing her in what ever way it took to make her learn respect in a way she would never forget.
“Lena” was beginning to feel faith as the pain of her fall filled her senses.Minor thorn cuts that for a time would be extremely painful,her sweat mixed with the blood made it look fa worse than it really was as it trickeld form several places on her legs and bubble butt.her eyes rolled back and she fell simply on the walk.
I jumped up quickly looking to see if they were any whitnesses around.No one,the coast was clear,i walked over to “Lena” touching her shoulder.She moved slghtly, moaning in her half consciousness condition, saying something incoherent about her mother ,i couldn’t understand.I reached down and picked her up in my arms carrying her swiftlyinto the house,shutting the door and locking it behind us.
Placing her on my bed,she lay there slowly comming back to reality.I dashed to the bathroom getting the medical kit,then returned,”Lena” was still laying there began to awaken.I took the long ace bandages binding her hands and feet to the bed frame so she couldn’t escape until i had at least talked to her in a situation where i had all the controller.Using the wet wash clothes i had gotten,i tried gently to wash her small wounds.Her eyes came open searching to see what was happening.She moaned a little, then realising she was restrained a look of fear came over her face as she began to struggle.
I said,be still,i wont harm you!!! I only want to mend your hurts and talk to you,then ill let you go.She still struggled but did lessen the energy she used,maybe from tiering or maybe from believing what i said.The struggleling stop,”Lena”began cursing at me demanding tobe set free,threating me with numerous problems she would cause.
I had the iodine in my hand with the cap off,knowing it would hurt while at the same time protect her wounds from infection as well as cleans them.I rubbed a little on the scratches on her legs,she jumped against her bonds thrashing violently.Bitting her lip to hold back the scream to hide her volnerability from me,not wanting to give me the satisfaction of having her helplessly in my controller.She called me another profane name and i took nearly the whole bottle of iodine and rubbed it over her legs.Over her thin shorts,even turning her on her side and rubbing it freely on her bubble butt.
As the antaseptic sank into her clothes working into every cut and scratch “Lena” revealed her weakness to pain failing away again into unconciousness.I sat on the bed looking her over completely taking in the features of her body.She looked to be a socially imature 18 compaspiring her bodyy to her attitude.Her face looked rather Angelic,when she was unconcious.Slightly tanned,with long flowing dark hair.Nearly fully mature breasts,stretching her tank top,not big,but certainly more than a mouth full.
Smooth strong legs that were slender yet perfect from her sneaker tops to the hem of her shorts.Slightly visible was the contours of her public shaft above an exclusive love gap.The roundness of her bubble butt lifting her womanly hips up from the bed like a love crackle.Her lips were rubby red from lip gloss and their natural fullness,so tempting and inviting as she lay helpless beside me unconcious.I thught, why not steal a kiss before she awoke?Leaning down i kissed her gently,tasting the sweetness of her glossy moist lips.
It almost felt like she was kissing back from some automatic response to the feeling i created.”Lena” opened her eyes as i pulled my lips away saying, what are you doing?I said , nothing,fabricating thati was checking her resperation to be sure she was ok.I stroked my hand over her should gently,she tried to pull away from my touch.I said.”Lena”we are going to talk,you will listen,no cursing or fighting me or ill give you another dose of iodine!!.She looked frigtened but more submissive,agreeing to follow orders as loong as i set her free very soon.I agreed,or at least i thought i would let her go when i finished speaking my mind.
She relaxed more listening intently, as i felt the urge to taste her lips again while she was in the hear and now.My hands still still stroking her shoulders as i talked,she didn’t seem to mind the touching as much so i increased the massaging to her arms occasionally caresing her hair………(to be continued)
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