The Hobbyist

The following is a story from my up and coming book..Hope you enjoy..Also looking for a publisher if anyone can help that would be great. Yeah need an editor too

The more you get…the more you get- The Mile High Club

Someone once told me that the more sex you have the more people will want to have sex with you. I can tell you this is absolutely true and here is the reason why. The human body emits certain scents known as pheromones. Man and woman both have sexual pheromones.

In addition the more sex you have the more you want. Here is what happen to me on one of my many trips out west.

I was traveling to California and had set up a date with one of my regulars. I was really feeling especially horny this day and couldn’t wait to get off the plane and get to my hotel room. I was sitting next to a middle aged gal who looked like she had a nice body. I said hello to her, she said hello to me and I tHought at the very least we might have a conversation to pass the time away. Keep in mind I wasn’t even thinking of putting any moves on her. Of course I thought about it. All men do. Anyway we started chatting and somehow gone on the subject of things we would like to do in our life before we get old and die. We talked about places we wanted to visit, money we wish we had and then the subject turned to relationships. She started telling me that she had been in several really bad relationships and at this point in her life all she wanted was a casual encounter everyone in a while. Then she looks at me and says what about you. I started telling her that I was pretty much the same. That I love having a woman in my life but I don’t like the baggage and it would be nice just to have someone to go out to dinner with, a movie and then some great sex. Well, I waited for her reaction thinking I was going to turn her off. But instead she said yeah wish I could find someone like that myself. I didn’t want to push it then I laid this story on her. “ Well you know the problem with a long term relationship is the sex gets stale and your partner doesn’t want to try new things” I said this in a clinical non flirting way. She responded with “Well like what”? “Do you really want to know” I might feel a little embarrassed telling you? She told me to go ahead. “ Of course most men have fansies about making it with two women, I’ve been there and done that but there is one thing I have never done that I always wanted to do and that is join the mile high club”. She asked me what was the mile high club, so I told her. “Its were you have sex in an airplane” It happens all the time I said and the flight attendants ignore it. After all its not illegal. I waited to see her reaction and she looked down at my crotch and I’m sure she noticed the bulge that was beginning to rise. She took the blanket that was beside her and placed it on my lap. I thought she was just being nice and didn’t wantto see me get a hard on. She smiled and then reached her hand under the blanket and started struggling me. All I could do was smile and then she said. “Well, I’m going to go to restroom, if you would like to join me Ill be waiting for ya.” Holy shit, this wasn’t happening to me..was it. I stepped out of the aisle and let her go to the back of the plane. What I didn’t notice with her sitting next to me was the cute little butt I have ever seen. I sat back down for about a second and then went back to the restroom she was in. I got to the door and one of the flight attendants was sitting in the back. I smiled at her and opened the door and went inside. The minute I locked the door she grabbed me a planted the wettest French kiss I have ever had. I started unbuttoning her jeans and at the same time she undid mine. I yank her panties off and we went to town. Good thing she wasn’t a screamer. We cleaned up and I first went out of the bathroom. The same flight attendant was still there and she gave me a big smile and a wink. I sat back down and waited for her to return. Heck I didn’t even have this gal’s first name. She came back sat down and I said thank you. She leaned over and whispered in my ear “No thank you”. We exchanged telephone numbers and promised to keep in touch and maybe spend a weekend together sometimes.

I couldn’t believe that just happened to me and I didn’t even have to pay for it. That the more you get…the more you get really must work. What happened next you’ll will not believe.

I got off the plane and we parted ways. I got my luggage and headed for my hotel room. I got to the room and unpacked and was feeling like I needed a drink. I went down to the bar and it was empty except for the bartender and a gal sitting at the end of the bar. I sat down a few seat from her and ordered a beer. The bartender started asking me where I was from and if I just got there. I said yeah just got in from Chicago and few hoursago. The gal at the end of the bar looked at me and said..I know you? You do I said. Yeah you were on my flight this evening. “ Well, Hello again I said. The bar was dark and I really couldn’t see her that well so I sat closer. The minute I got a good look at her I noticed she was the flight attendant that turned over at me at the back of the plane. I felt a little embarrassed and then she said “ So, was it a good flight for ya”? I know what she was referring to and I responded with “Yeah, the best flight I ever had.” I bet it was she said winding at me again. Then she leaned in a little closer to me and I could tell she was getting a little tipsy. She started telling me about all the couples that have sex on a plane and then she told me about a time that her and a copy had sex in the cockpit of the plane. I was Really starting to get excited and then she says…so was that your first time? I told her that was one of top fansies. So, What other fansies do you have, she asked. Wellat this point she was wasted and I was getting there myself. I told her I always wanted to make it with a flight attendant. Hey, it was worth a shot and guess what? She said, well, its your lucky day, lets go. She grabbed my hand and we headed for the elevator. We stepped inside the elevator and we were gripping one another just like you see in the movies. I thought we were going to have sex right there in the elevator. We both staged to her room, opened the door and started tearing our clothes off. We had some great sex and she was a screamer..good thing we were in a hotel. I stayed the nite and we pretty much had it every hour on the hour.

This wasn’t happening to me I thought…This the more you get the more you get is really working. And this was just day one of my trip.


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