Bombay Dreams

Hi… Sometimes there are stories, which one would like to keep under covers and yet the sweetest incidents often turn sweeter when memories are told to friends and shared under the blanket of a pseudonym. First I accept you as a friend before sharing this memory with you. This sweet tale is of Sangeeta a pretty young woman who worked in my house in Bombay (now Mumbai). Back then I was just 20 and filled with dreams of love and yet Sangeeta till then had never been a part of my dream. Strange realising the fact that I met her daily, as she washed and cleaned our house.

Sangeta was just 23 and she was married and from what I knew she had two sweet children from her husband. All this I had heard in the passing I had never even looked at Sangeeta till then as I had taken her for granted like so many inanimate things and people we meet in our lives. But soon things were about to change. One day my parents had gone out when Sangeeta arrived. As usual I was sitting on my computer I saw nothing wrong but sensed something was bothering Sangeeta and yet I wasn’t close enough to ask her. So I pushed the thought out of my mind and resumed my work

After some time I was surprised to find that Sangeeta had not come to my room to sweep the floor. I went to see where she was and found her standing lost… Looking out of the window. As I went closer I saw tears in her eyes. As she felt my presence she quickly wiped her tears and went to pick up the broom. I asked her if anything was wrong she refused to comment and yet her tears and her silence told a story. For the moment I realized that Sangeeta wanted her privacy and I let her be and went back to my room. In a few moments she entered the room to sweep the floor. I sensed that she was trying to avoid my eyes. Maybe she was ashamed of having let me see her tears. I passed a general comment to no one in particular… I said, “when sorrow is shared it diminishes… And when we keep sorrow locked within… A sheath of loneliness descends on the one who refuses to share her sorrow with someone who asks.”

Sangeta pretended she hadn’t heard and yet I knew she had. She swept the room and left the room. As I got back to work I felt someone standing in my room I turned to see Sangeeta looking at me. She asked a pertinent question. Why do you want to share my sorrow? She was looking deeply into my eyes as she asked the question I didn’t know what to reply and I just expressed the words as they formed on my lips. “Because I don’t like to see tears…y tears” she looked at me then came and sat on the floor at my feet. She was upset I could see the turmoil within her. She narrowed her tale. Her husband was 7 years older to her and he was a drinkard. He used to beat her and her children. Yesterday she had caught him in a compromise position with another woman in another neighbor’s hut. Unable to bear the humiliation she had asked him for areason and the man had tried to shift the blow to her saying that she wasn’t beautiful.

I could see the tears forming in her eyes as she asked me if she was really not beautiful. And for the first time I looked at Sangeeta and found that she was not just pretty but truly beautiful. Her beauty wasn’t a cultivated beauty of a pageant winner but the true beauty of a woman who worked to feed her two children. A sweet round face, sweet doe like eyes, well-formed lips a small yet rightious nose, petite well shaped breasts and a slim waistline and well-formed and yet not disproportionate hips.

I kept looking at her as she asked the question again “do u think I am beautiful” she was looking at me earnestly for she needed some solace. I told her that her husband was a stupid fool and he was wrong in saying that she was not beautiful. I said she was a rare beauty and it needed someone with taste to appreciate her beauty and maybe her drinkard husband was not competentenough to see her beauty. She smiled and walked away… Yet from that day I sensed that her feelings towards me had changed and I was surprised to find my feelings towards her too were changing.

A month passed by and I never had the chance to speak with her alone and one day the bell rang as I opened the door I was surprised to see Sangeeta standing before me decked in one of her finest saris wearing her ornaments and with a fragment garland of flowers adorning her long hair. It was not her normal time and I asked her to come in. She came in and shut the door. She stood before me. I asked her what was the occasion that had made her visit me in this manner. She smiled sweetly and told me she had been thinking of my words and she had refused to let her drinkard husband touch her for the last month and she wanted to let a man who could appreciate true beauty to experience her worth. I was at a loss of words and she asked me if the words I had said were false and merely as a measure to stop her tears… I said I truly felt she was beautiful. I rarely lie. I stood seeing her beauty I extended my hand and she held it with hers and I walked to my bedroom she followed.

She walked to the curve and drew it shut. Then she walked to the switch and was about to put switch the light off. I asked her “why are u switching off the light I thought u wanted me to see your beauty” she looked at me thoughtfully drew her hand away from the switch and smiled “are u sure u want to see my beauty” I answered with my eyes. She smiled and walked to me and whispered “so u WERE telling the truth when u said I was beautiful” She was close I could feel her breath on my neck as she talked. I opened my arms and she flowed into them I held her tight and her lips searched mine. Never had a woman invoked such a password in me. In a moment she stopped and drew away I looked at her and wondered. She walked to the music system and switched on themusic and was gently swaying to the tunes of the music. As I looked at her… I was captured by her movements. These weren’t the trained movements of an expert but she was no amateur at dancing as well. She danced naturally and freely. And as she swayed she gently undressed. A button unbuttoned a clap unclasped and the dress was on The floor and she stood before me swaying. It would be wrong to say she was nude… She still retained Her brassier and panty when she stopped swaying. I asked her why she stopped. She smiled and said “I can’t go ahead alone without u” and she came and stood close. Her body was gently swaying to the tune and my hands were slowly all around her… Holding… Caressing. My lips Kissed her… Slowly my lips moved towards her breasts kissing her breasts which hid under her brassier she was gently moaning her hands unclasped the brassier and my lips were caressing and kissing her soft sweet breasts kissing and sucking the lovely browsern nipples. I was amazed to see the fairness of her breasts. Her sweet breasts had always been concealed from the sun and weren’t chocolate in colour like the rest of her well toned body. Her nipples hardened and her breasts perked up with the affection I was showing upon them. She was moaning and swinging as my lips continued their journey downwards. I licked the line between her breasts and the gentle cream, which formed by the resting of the breasts. And I kissed her navel… Sucked it… Licked it

I could sense Sangeeta was already out of control. She was moaning and was reciprocating every care with a care of her own. It seemed to me as if this woman was experiencing love for the first time. I was already caring her moist panties with my hand and as my lips began kissing her panty covered pussy she pushed the panties away with an unbelievable force. She must have expected me to stop but I wasn’t in a mood to stop and I keep kissing her moisture and there was a gentle trickle of juices from her vagina. My tongue tried to trace the juices back to the source and suddenly she shuddered in my arms and I felt a flood of sweet juices hit my lips. I drank every drop and Sangeeta had suddenly shuddered to stillness. I looked up to her eyes and saw her looking at me with intensity affect. I got up and kissed her lips and her eyes and asked her why she was looking at me thus.

She said… Never had she experienced such sensings. My hands were caresing her body and the exhausted Sangeeta was fast recovering. She wanted me to enter her. I asked her to wait and back again I went down on her and kissed and licked her vagina gently. With my fingers I spread her nether lips open and licked every inch within gently and teasingly I teased her cliporis, which was prominent now under her rising desire. Sangeeta was once again moaning and I could sense the stirrings of another orgasm building within her. I looked at her.Her eyes were lost in the pleasure of the moment. I stood up and positioned my 7 inches and began gently sliding it over the slit I let the friction build and she held me tight and became me to enter her. I looked at her and the desire in her eyes and with one thrust I entered her. I could hear her gasp with the impact and her semi-closed eyes fluttered open I kissed her as I gently began thrusting within her.

Her lips were locked on mine kissing me with password. I felt a rhythm building. We were both moving thrusting towards a certain goal. I stopped for a moment she focused her eyes and asked why I had stopped. I repeated her own line “I can’t go ahead without u” and I turned and made her sit over me. For a moment she didn’t know what to do but nature took over. She had already been moving towards an orgasm and she knew what would take her there. She began gyrating swing sitting over me. A Moment and she let her hair loose and her hair caressed my chest brushing as she kept gently swinging and gyrating. I was lying down looking at her. I saw the beads of perspiration form on her body and I kept caressing her as she swayed her body I felt a tremor building in her movements I knew her second orgasm wasn’t far away. And I kept caressing her and urging her to her climax. I heard her breathing speeding up and she was swaying hard till she shuddered and collapsed on me. I held her tight and gently calmed her and coated her down. I felt her wetness all around my still hard rod. She disengaged and lifted herself and looked at my hard organ and asked what she would have to do to satisfy me. I caressed her lips with my fingers and asked her if she had liked me kissing and licking her down there. Her hand was on my already hard penis rubbing it and playing with it. I could see the mischief in Her eyes as she took her lips down to envelope my rod. She kissed and licked it I asked her if she had done this before she said she wanted to do anything for me in fact she wanted me to be her first and only love. I turned and began showing my affection on her exhausted pussy. I could see that my kissing and caressing was beginning to have an effect on her and she was once again moaning. She suddenly took me deep into her mouth and began thrusting her lips over my rod. I could feel the sensings building within me but I tried to keep control over myself.

I wanted us to come together and I was sensing her third orgasm building within … She kept pumping her lips over my penis and it was becoming difficult to hold back I kept licking and caressing her and until I sensed her climax start. I let myself go entirely and retired the ecstasy of the moment as I shot wad after wad into her lips. She herself shuddered to her third orgasm we both lay still for a few moments. I realized she hadn’t wasted a single drop of my cum. She licked my rod clean and turned to look at me like a cat who ate her first bowl of cream. I held her tight inmy arms. She said she hadn’t ever known that sex could be so lovely. Forgive me for being a little blunt but I asked her how she could say so after giving birth to 2 children.

What she told me left me a little shocked. She said that her husband came home drunk and climbed upon her and gave a couple of thrusts before ejaculating. She had never felt her own emotions being cared for… Or her physicality being pampered, she had never known her body being taught to love the ecstasy it was capable of. I knew that Sangeeta was hooked to me for life. And strangely I didn’t grudge it. I He knew that this relationship didn’t have any future and we both had accepted this from the first moment. The beauty of an experience grows with acceptance of its initiative. Sangeeta gave me some of the sweetest moments of my life. And she introduced me to password, which I don’t hope to find ever again.

And dear friends by sharing my wonderful moments with Sangeeta with you I have in mindshared her with you. Enjoy this story to the fullest and let these memories of Sangeeta give u the ecstasy that u desire. Open the door of your mind and let Sangeeta walk in… The way she walked into my life. And relish each moment without thinking of the future… Let yourself go and let your body drive u to the Climax which u so desire. Feel her skin on you and feel her lips going u to cum like u have never before.Bye for now my friends. And don’t forget to leave your feedback, as it will inspire me to write another memory of another moment. And remember friends… You get back what you sow… If you show adequate consideration and affection to your partner… You will certainly be rewarded with the most mind-blowing sex… And retention becomes easy when you will yourself to slow down in keeping with your partner’s needs


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