
Now, I have yet to submit any of my personal works to this site but I know this will still happen to me: Almost any story you click on, when you scroll down to the comments section, there will almost always be at least one person who writes something along the lines of “This is disgusting! You must have had a screwed up life or something!” You know what I’m talking about.

Anyways, these people need to learn. For instance, with incest stories someone always write how the author is sick, twisted, demented etc. Why do these people click on stories that have situations that they find disgusting? If they had half… no an eighth of a brain they’d think “Hmm… Description says story have incest, young, and virginity in it. Me no click because those sick and me no likey.” And I know Several of you guys reading this now probably have done the exact same thing.

Be smart. Don’t click on a story, or theme for that matter, ifyou find any of the material offensive. I don’t click on rape or bestiality stories because they make me sick and I sure as hell don’t flame authors who write those stories because it is their own interests. No the only flamencing I do is if the story down right sucks huge, chocolate, salty, balls.

Anyways, just some rant mostly. But what do you guys think, what annoys you about some of the comment posters?

Also, if anything like this has been posted before, sorry, i didn’t feel like searching through thread after tread.


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