Advice needed…what stories are legal in the UK?


I’m a newbie who has just discovered this site and think its fantastic. I’m particularly enjoying the stories…especially the incest ones (though I am one of those people that enjoy fantasising about it but would never consider it for a second in reality). Some/many of these involve characters who are clearly under 16 years old. And some also involve bestiality which isnt really my thing either but is in some of these stories.

I know these stories are legal in the US due to the Supreme Court decision regarding the first amendment and free speech. See below from Wikipedia…

“First amendment” gives protection to written fiction – although in one case, a man pled guilty and was convicted for writing unpublished stories (these were works of fiction concerning sexually abusing children) that were contained only in his personal and private journal. That conviction was later overturned on appeal.”

However what about the UK? Wikipedia just says

“In the UK purely textual pornographic texts, with no hint of libel, have not been prosecuted since the Inside Linda Lovelace trial collapsed in 1976.”

Which is hardly convincing and does not reference this type of story…and of course Wikipedia is not exactly 100% accurate either. I’m increasingly worried that I could be jeopardising my life/career etc etc by accessing these stories….so my question is…

….does anybody know or can give me accurate information or can tell me where to research what is or is not allowed in erotic stories in the UK?

I appreciate this is a predominantly US website but am clearly anxious not to break this law, and if it is illegal will immediately stop…shame but its not worth it, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



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