Hiii frendz… i m sonia 23 f delhi.. a very good looking female, with very fair complexion n exellent figure.. but since last 7 months i m single.. no man in my life.. i mean nothing stable..flairs keep on taking place from tym to tym.. this story is based upon my real life experience that took place on the new year eve. i.e. 31st dec’07 evening..
I stay in delhi with a couple of frendz as i m basically from ludhiana, my parents stay thr..all my frendz except one named shikha went to their respective home towns to celebrate new year with their families. me and shikha were left alone on 31st morning. We had no plans fr the night as all the good night clubs had costly entries and we being students didnt had that much money that tym.. Shikha got a call from one of her boyfrend and she went out with him in the afternoon saying that they were going somewhr out of delhi to celebrate the new year with him and his frendz…
Now i was leftall alone.. So i switched on the pc, logged into the messenger and after some tym, started chatting to a guy who told his name was nikhil.. We were talking fr a while nd then exchanged phone numbers.. Talked on the phone and asked me out fr the evening as even he had no girlfrend to go out.. I wanted to go bt had only one thing in my mind that was stopping me… I had not even seen him before and going out with him so late at night would have been a bit risky…But as i was too lonely and had no other option fr the night.. I agreed.. He came outside my building and gave me a call .I went out and saw a very handsome guy about 6 feet tall… Very fair, though not as fair as me.. but looked like some model for sure..
He said hello to me… And the frst thing was that i looked gorgeous and he was feeling really lucky to go out with me.. Now, as we sat in his car and went off…. We started chatting more about our personal and family background..He was driving as well as looking at me with a lot of love in his eyes.. Kept on complimenting me from time to tym about how good i look, my skin, my hair, my smile and my sense of dressing..
Lemme tell u, i was wearing a skimpy short skirt and a halter neck top with a jacket upto my knees.He looked bowled over by my looks and i was too… He afterwords told me that he was from a business family in noida. and was 25.. I didnt realize how much tym it took to reach the destinations place.. Which was a very happening night club in delhi called ‘ELEVATE’ we went inside and thr i saw his frendz and their girlfrendz were already waiting fr him and me..
He introduced me to all the people as his friend and then we all headed towards the bar, i was actually so mes,erised by him that i did not realize that i kept on having around 5 pegs by the tym we all headed towards the dance floor.. All the couples were busy dancing in the heavy music. so was nikhil and i .. I turned my face to my right and then to my left and could only see people smoothing away to glory.. And as i was already high i started staring in his eyes and in a matter of seends even we were liplocked, oblivious of the people around u..He started biting my neck and licked my earlobes and i started moaning then and thr… All this continued fr some time.. And then we went to the bar again, and we had 2 more pegs..I was almost falling in his arms by that tym, all i could was to say nikhil i really like u … He asked me whether we could go to his place as nobody was thr.. and i was not in a condition to even stand.I said yes..I knew was to follow…But he was good enough fr that.. We went downstairs, went to his car and drove down to his place who was a big bunglow very near to the disc.. we went inside , he parked the car and took me inside in his bedroom.. I somehow walked over to his bed while he switched on the dim side lights… We kept on lying thr fr around 15 mins…We took out his blazzer and i took out mine.. We were just relaxing down on the bed, wen i realized a cold hand on my thighs…I ofcourse knew it was him..He kept on coming closer to mu pussy realizing that i didnt object rather was opening up more so that he could have better access… And then the love making session started whoch included a lot of foreplay and at least 3-4 orgasms fr me… He was exelent in bed.. and i had the most memorable new year night i could imagine..
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